#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# $Id: text-options.t,v 1.2 2002/08/04 03:38:24 eagle Exp $
# text-options.t -- Additional tests for Pod::Text options.
# Copyright 2002 by Russ Allbery <rra@stanford.edu>
# This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the same terms as Perl itself.
chdir 't' if -d 't';
if ($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
@INC = '../lib';
} else {
unshift (@INC, '../blib/lib');
unshift (@INC, '../blib/lib');
$| = 1;
print "1..3\n";
print "not ok 1\n" unless $loaded;
use Pod::Text;
$loaded = 1;
print "ok 1\n";
my $n = 2;
while (<DATA>) {
my %options;
next until $_ eq "###\n";
while (<DATA>) {
last if $_ eq "###\n";
my ($option, $value) = split;
$options{$option} = $value;
open (TMP, '> tmp.pod') or die "Cannot create tmp.pod: $!\n";
while (<DATA>) {
last if $_ eq "###\n";
print TMP $_;
close TMP;
my $parser = Pod::Text->new (%options) or die "Cannot create parser\n";
$parser->parse_from_file ('tmp.pod', 'out.tmp');
open (TMP, 'out.tmp') or die "Cannot open out.tmp: $!\n";
my $output;
local $/;
$output = <TMP>;
close TMP;
unlink ('tmp.pod', 'out.tmp');
my $expected = '';
while (<DATA>) {
last if $_ eq "###\n";
$expected .= $_;
if ($output eq $expected) {
print "ok $n\n";
} else {
print "not ok $n\n";
print "Expected\n========\n$expected\nOutput\n======\n$output\n";
# Below the marker are bits of POD and corresponding expected text output.
# This is used to test specific features or problems with Pod::Text. The
# input and output are separated by lines containing only ###.
alt 1
=head1 SAMPLE
=over 4
=item F
=item Bar
=item B
=item Longer
==== SAMPLE ====
: F Paragraph.
: Bar
: B Paragraph.
: Longer
margin 4
=head1 SAMPLE
This is some body text that is long enough to be a paragraph that wraps,
thereby testing margins with wrapped paragraphs.
This is some verbatim text.
=over 6
=item Test
This is a test of an indented paragraph.
This is another indented paragraph.
This is some body text that is long enough to be a paragraph that
wraps, thereby testing margins with wrapped paragraphs.
This is some verbatim text.
Test This is a test of an indented paragraph.
This is another indented paragraph.