#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# $Id: parselink.t,v 1.1 2001/11/23 10:09:06 eagle Exp $
# parselink.t -- Tests for Pod::ParseLink.
# Copyright 2001 by Russ Allbery <rra@stanford.edu>
# This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the same terms as Perl itself.
# The format of each entry in this array is the L<> text followed by the
# five-element parse returned by parselink. When adding a new test, also
# increment the test count in the BEGIN block below. We don't use any of the
# fancy test modules intentionally for backward compatibility to older
# versions of Perl.
@TESTS = (
[ 'foo',
undef, 'foo', 'foo', undef, 'pod' ],
[ 'foo|bar',
'foo', 'foo', 'bar', undef, 'pod' ],
[ 'foo/bar',
undef, '"bar" in foo', 'foo', 'bar', 'pod' ],
[ 'foo/"baz boo"',
undef, '"baz boo" in foo', 'foo', 'baz boo', 'pod' ],
[ '/bar',
undef, '"bar"', undef, 'bar', 'pod' ],
[ '/"baz boo"',
undef, '"baz boo"', undef, 'baz boo', 'pod' ],
[ '/baz boo',
undef, '"baz boo"', undef, 'baz boo', 'pod' ],
[ 'foo bar/baz boo',
undef, '"baz boo" in foo bar', 'foo bar', 'baz boo', 'pod' ],
[ 'foo bar / baz boo',
undef, '"baz boo" in foo bar', 'foo bar', 'baz boo', 'pod' ],
[ "foo\nbar\nbaz\n/\nboo",
undef, '"boo" in foo bar baz', 'foo bar baz', 'boo', 'pod' ],
[ 'anchor|name/section',
'anchor', 'anchor', 'name', 'section', 'pod' ],
[ '"boo var baz"',
undef, '"boo var baz"', undef, 'boo var baz', 'pod' ],
[ 'bar baz',
undef, '"bar baz"', undef, 'bar baz', 'pod' ],
[ '"boo bar baz / baz boo"',
undef, '"boo bar baz / baz boo"', undef, 'boo bar baz / baz boo',
'pod' ],
[ 'fooZ<>bar',
undef, 'fooZ<>bar', 'fooZ<>bar', undef, 'pod' ],
[ 'Testing I<italics>|foo/bar',
'Testing I<italics>', 'Testing I<italics>', 'foo', 'bar', 'pod' ],
[ 'foo/I<Italic> text',
undef, '"I<Italic> text" in foo', 'foo', 'I<Italic> text', 'pod' ],
[ 'fooE<verbar>barZ<>/Section C<with> I<B<other> markup',
undef, '"Section C<with> I<B<other> markup" in fooE<verbar>barZ<>',
'fooE<verbar>barZ<>', 'Section C<with> I<B<other> markup', 'pod' ],
[ 'Nested L<http://www.perl.org/>|fooE<sol>bar',
'Nested L<http://www.perl.org/>', 'Nested L<http://www.perl.org/>',
'fooE<sol>bar', undef, 'pod' ],
[ 'ls(1)',
undef, 'ls(1)', 'ls(1)', undef, 'man' ],
[ ' perlfunc(1)/open ',
undef, '"open" in perlfunc(1)', 'perlfunc(1)', 'open', 'man' ],
[ 'some manual page|perl(1)',
'some manual page', 'some manual page', 'perl(1)', undef, 'man' ],
[ 'http://www.perl.org/',
undef, 'http://www.perl.org/', 'http://www.perl.org/', undef, 'url' ],
[ 'news:yld72axzc8.fsf@windlord.stanford.edu',
undef, 'news:yld72axzc8.fsf@windlord.stanford.edu',
'news:yld72axzc8.fsf@windlord.stanford.edu', undef, 'url' ]
chdir 't' if -d 't';
unshift (@INC, '../blib/lib');
$| = 1;
print "1..25\n";
print "not ok 1\n" unless $loaded;
use Pod::ParseLink;
$loaded = 1;
print "ok 1\n";
# Used for reporting test failures.
my @names = qw(text inferred name section type);
my $n = 2;
for (@TESTS) {
my @expected = @$_;
my $link = shift @expected;
my @results = parselink ($link);
my $okay = 1;
for (0..4) {
# Make sure to check undef explicitly; we don't want undef to match
# the empty string because they're semantically different.
unless ((!defined ($results[$_]) && !defined ($expected[$_]))
|| (defined ($results[$_]) && defined ($expected[$_])
&& $results[$_] eq $expected[$_])) {
print "not ok $n\n" if $okay;
print "# Incorrect $names[$_]:\n";
print "# expected: $expected[$_]\n";
print "# seen: $results[$_]\n";
$okay = 0;
print "ok $n\n" if $okay;