### Subject: Re: Fuller example of Net::NNTP?
### Date: Tue, 4 Feb 1997 10:37:58 -0800
### From: "Paul E. Hoffman" <phoffman@imc.org>
### To: Graham Barr <gbarr@ti.com>
### Thanks for your reply. After looking at the examples, I realized that
### you're not doing what I want, which is to store the messages on the local
### hard disk with the same message number as what was on the remote. So, I
### rolled my own program, although I haven't finished it yet (I have a hook
### for expiring, but haven't done it yet).
### You are welcome to use this in the Net:: distribution if you think it is
### useful.
### This script is included as-is, I give no guarantee that it will
### work on every system
use Net::NNTP;
$BaseDir = '/usr/usenet';
chdir($BaseDir) or die "Could not cd to $BaseDir\n";
# Format of grouplist is:
# groupname<tab>expirationdays
# expirationdays is the number of days to leave the articles around;
# set it to 0 if you want the articles to stay forever
# If the groupname starts with a #, it is skipped
open(GROUPLIST, 'grouplist.txt') or die "Could not open grouplist.txt\n";
while(<GROUPLIST>) {
$Line = $_; chomp($Line);
if($Line eq '') { next }; # Skip blank lines
if(substr($Line, 0, 1) eq '#') { next }; # Skip comments
push(@Groups, $Line)
$NntpPtr = Net::NNTP->new('news.server.com');
foreach $GroupLine (@Groups) {
($GroupName, $GroupExp) = split(/\s/, $GroupLine, 2);
# Process the expiration first (still to be done...)
# See if this is a new group
unless(-e "$BaseDir/$GroupName") {
unless(mkdir("$BaseDir/$GroupName", 0755))
{ die "Could not make $BaseDir/$GroupName\n" }
chdir("$BaseDir/$GroupName") or die "Couldn't chdir to $GroupName\n";
# Find the last article in the directory
@AllInDir = <*>; @RevSortedAllInDir = reverse(sort(@AllInDir));
$LenArr = @RevSortedAllInDir;
if($LenArr > 0) { $NumLastInDir = $RevSortedAllInDir[0] }
else { $NumLastInDir = 0 }
($NumArt, $NumFirst, $NumLast, $XGroupName) =
if($NumLast == $NumLastInDir) { next } # No new articles
if($NumLast < $NumLastInDir)
{ die "In $GroupName, the last number was $NumLast, but the " .
" last number in the directory was $NumLastInDir\n" }
# Figure out which article to start from
if($NumLastInDir == 0) { $GetArtNum = $NumFirst }
else { $GetArtNum = $NumLastInDir + 1 }
# Now read each of the new articles
while(1) { # Loop until "last" is called
$ArtRef = $NntpPtr->article($GetArtNum);
@ArtArr = @$ArtRef; $ArtArrLen = @ArtArr;
if($ArtArrLen > 0 ) { # Skip article numbers that had 0 len
open(OUT, ">$GetArtNum") or
die "Could not create $GroupName/$GetArtNum\n";
print OUT @$ArtRef; close(OUT);
# Check if we're at the end
if($GetArtNum == $NumLast) { last }
$GetArtNum += 1; # Increment the article number to get