#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# test 'fallback' for overload cos/sin/atan2/exp
use Test;
use strict;
$| = 1;
# to locate the testing files
my $location = $0; $location =~ s/fallback.t//i;
# testing with the core distribution
@INC = qw(../t/lib);
unshift @INC, qw(../lib); # to locate the modules
if (-d 't')
chdir 't';
require File::Spec;
unshift @INC, File::Spec->catdir(File::Spec->updir, $location);
unshift @INC, $location;
print "# INC = @INC\n";
plan tests => 8;
# The tests below test that cos(BigInt) = cos(Scalar) which is DWIM, but not
# exactly right, ideally cos(BigInt) should truncate to int() and cos(BigFLoat)
# should calculate the result to X digits accuracy. For now, this is better
# than die()ing...
use Math::BigInt;
use Math::BigFloat;
my $bi = Math::BigInt->new(1);
ok (cos($bi), cos(1));
ok (sin($bi), sin(1));
ok (exp($bi), exp(1));
ok (atan2($bi,$bi), atan2(1,1));
my $bf = Math::BigInt->new(1);
ok (cos($bf), cos(1));
ok (sin($bf), sin(1));
ok (exp($bf), exp(1));
ok (atan2($bf,$bf), atan2(1,1));