use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More tests => 41;
use CGI ();
use Config;
my $loaded = 1;
$| = 1;
######################### End of black magic.
# Set up a CGI environment
$ENV{QUERY_STRING} = 'game=chess&game=checkers&weather=dull';
$ENV{PATH_INFO} = '/somewhere/else';
$ENV{PATH_TRANSLATED} = '/usr/local/somewhere/else';
$ENV{SCRIPT_NAME} = '/cgi-bin/foo.cgi';
$ENV{SERVER_NAME} = 'the.good.ship.lollypop.com';
$ENV{HTTP_LOVE} = 'true';
my $q = new CGI;
ok $q,"CGI::new()";
is $q->request_method => 'GET',"CGI::request_method()";
is $q->query_string => 'game=chess;game=checkers;weather=dull',"CGI::query_string()";
is $q->param(), 2,"CGI::param()";
is join(' ',sort $q->param()), 'game weather',"CGI::param()";
is $q->param('game'), 'chess',"CGI::param()";
is $q->param('weather'), 'dull',"CGI::param()";
is join(' ',$q->param('game')), 'chess checkers',"CGI::param()";
ok $q->param(-name=>'foo',-value=>'bar'),'CGI::param() put';
is $q->param(-name=>'foo'), 'bar','CGI::param() get';
is $q->query_string, 'game=chess;game=checkers;weather=dull;foo=bar',"CGI::query_string() redux";
is $q->http('love'), 'true',"CGI::http()";
is $q->script_name, '/cgi-bin/foo.cgi',"CGI::script_name()";
is $q->url, 'http://the.good.ship.lollypop.com:8080/cgi-bin/foo.cgi',"CGI::url()";
is $q->self_url,
is $q->url(-absolute=>1), '/cgi-bin/foo.cgi','CGI::url(-absolute=>1)';
is $q->url(-relative=>1), 'foo.cgi','CGI::url(-relative=>1)';
is $q->url(-relative=>1,-path=>1), 'foo.cgi/somewhere/else','CGI::url(-relative=>1,-path=>1)';
is $q->url(-relative=>1,-path=>1,-query=>1),
ok !$q->param('foo'),'CGI::delete()';
ok $q=new CGI,"CGI::new() redux";
is join(' ',$q->keywords), 'mary had a little lamb','CGI::keywords';
is join(' ',$q->param('keywords')), 'mary had a little lamb','CGI::keywords';
ok $q=new CGI('foo=bar&foo=baz'),"CGI::new() redux";
is $q->param('foo'), 'bar','CGI::param() redux';
ok $q=new CGI({'foo'=>'bar','bar'=>'froz'}),"CGI::new() redux 2";
is $q->param('bar'), 'froz',"CGI::param() redux 2";
# test tied interface
my $p = $q->Vars;
is $p->{bar}, 'froz',"tied interface fetch";
$p->{bar} = join("\0",qw(foo bar baz));
is join(' ',$q->param('bar')), 'foo bar baz','tied interface store';
ok exists $p->{bar};
# test posting
my $test_string = 'game=soccer&game=baseball&weather=nice';
local $ENV{CONTENT_LENGTH}=length($test_string);
local $ENV{QUERY_STRING}='big_balls=basketball&small_balls=golf';
local *STDIN;
open STDIN, '<', \$test_string;
ok $q=new CGI,"CGI::new() from POST";
is $q->param('weather'), 'nice',"CGI::param() from POST";
is $q->url_param('big_balls'), 'basketball',"CGI::url_param()";
# test url_param
local $ENV{QUERY_STRING} = 'game=chess&game=checkers&weather=dull';
my $q = CGI->new;
# params present, param and url_param should return true
ok $q->param, 'param() is true if parameters';
ok $q->url_param, 'url_param() is true if parameters';
$q = CGI->new;
ok !$q->param, 'param() is false if no parameters';
ok !$q->url_param, 'url_param() is false if no parameters';
$ENV{QUERY_STRING} = 'tiger dragon';
$q = CGI->new;
is_deeply [$q->$_] => [ 'keywords' ], "$_ with QS='$ENV{QUERY_STRING}'"
for qw/ param url_param /;
is_deeply [ sort $q->$_( 'keywords' ) ], [ qw/ dragon tiger / ],
"$_ keywords" for qw/ param url_param /;