#!./perl -wT
use Test::More tests => 12;
use_ok( 'CGI::Push' );
ok( my $q = CGI::Push->new(), 'create a new CGI::Push object' );
# test the simple_counter() method
like( join('', $q->simple_counter(10)) , '/updated.+?10.+?times./', 'counter' );
# test do_sleep, except we don't want to bog down the tests
# there's also a potential timing-related failure lurking here
# change this variable at your own risk
my $sleep_in_tests = 0;
skip( 'do_sleep() test may take a while', 1 ) unless $sleep_in_tests;
my $time = time;
is(time - $time, 2, 'slept for a while' );
# test push_delay()
ok( ! defined $q->push_delay(), 'no initial delay' );
is( $q->push_delay(.5), .5, 'set a delay' );
my $out = tie *STDOUT, 'TieOut';
# next_page() to be called twice, last_page() once, no delay
my %vars = (
-next_page => sub { return if $_[1] > 2; 'next page' },
-last_page => sub { 'last page' },
-delay => 0,
# this seems to appear on every page
like( $$out, '/WARNING: YOUR BROWSER/', 'unsupported browser warning' );
# these should appear correctly
is( ($$out =~ s/next page//g), 2, 'next_page callback called appropriately' );
is( ($$out =~ s/last page//g), 1, 'last_page callback called appropriately' );
# send a fake content type (header capitalization varies in CGI, CGI::Push)
$$out = '';
$q->do_push(%vars, -type => 'fake' );
like( $$out, '/Content-[Tt]ype: fake/', 'set custom Content-type' );
# use our own counter, as $COUNTER in CGI::Push is now off
my $i;
$$out = '';
# no delay, custom headers from callback, only call callback once
-delay => 0,
-type => 'dynamic',
-next_page => sub {
return if $i++;
return $_[0]->header('text/plain'), 'arduk';
# header capitalization again, our word should appear only once
like( $$out, '/ype: text\/plain/', 'set custom Content-type in next_page()' );
is( $$out =~ s/arduk//g, 1, 'found text from next_page()' );
package TieOut;
bless( \(my $text), $_[0] );
sub PRINT {
my $self = shift;
$$self .= join( $/, @_ );