#!./perl -w
# Fixes RT 12909
use lib qw(t/lib);
use Test::More tests => 7;
use CGI;
my $cgi = CGI->new();
# http() without arguments should not cause warnings
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { die @_ };
ok eval { $cgi->http(); 1 }, "http() without arguments doesn't warn";
ok eval { $cgi->https(); 1 }, "https() without arguments doesn't warn";
# Capitalization and the use of hyphens versus underscores are not significant.
local $ENV{'HTTP_HOST'} = 'foo';
is $cgi->http('Host'), 'foo', 'http("Host") returns $ENV{HTTP_HOST}';
is $cgi->http('http-host'), 'foo', 'http("http-host") returns $ENV{HTTP_HOST}';
# Called with no arguments returns the list of HTTP environment variables
local $ENV{'HTTPS_FOO'} = 'bar';
my @http = $cgi->http();
is scalar( grep /^HTTPS/, @http), 0, "http() doesn't return HTTPS variables";
# https()
# The same as http(), but operates on the HTTPS environment variables present when the SSL protocol is in
# effect. Can be used to determine whether SSL is turned on.
my @expect = grep /^HTTPS/, keys %ENV;
push @expect, 'HTTPS' if not exists $ENV{HTTPS};
push @expect, 'HTTPS_KEYSIZE' if not exists $ENV{HTTPS_KEYSIZE};
local $ENV{'HTTPS'} = 'ON';
local $ENV{'HTTPS_KEYSIZE'} = 512;
is $cgi->https(), 'ON', 'scalar context to check SSL is on';
ok eq_set( [$cgi->https()], \@expect), 'list context returns https keys';