# Copyright (c) 1995-2000, Raphael Manfredi
# You may redistribute only under the same terms as Perl 5, as specified
# in the README file that comes with the distribution.
sub BEGIN {
chdir('t') if -d 't';
@INC = ('.', '../lib', '../ext/Storable/t');
} else {
unshift @INC, 't';
require Config; import Config;
if ($ENV{PERL_CORE} and $Config{'extensions'} !~ /\bStorable\b/) {
print "1..0 # Skip: Storable was not built\n";
exit 0;
require 'st-dump.pl';
sub ok;
use Storable qw(freeze thaw);
print "1..16\n";
use overload
'""' => sub { $_[0][0] };
package main;
$a = bless [77], OVERLOADED;
$b = thaw freeze $a;
ok 1, ref $b eq 'OVERLOADED';
ok 2, "$b" eq "77";
$c = thaw freeze \$a;
ok 3, ref $c eq 'REF';
ok 4, ref $$c eq 'OVERLOADED';
ok 5, "$$c" eq "77";
$d = thaw freeze [$a, $a];
ok 6, "$d->[0]" eq "77";
ok 7, "$d->[1]" eq "78";
package REF_TO_OVER;
sub make {
my $self = bless {}, shift;
my ($over) = @_;
$self->{over} = $over;
return $self;
package OVER;
use overload
'+' => \&plus,
'""' => sub { ref $_[0] };
sub plus {
return 314;
sub make {
my $self = bless {}, shift;
my $ref = REF_TO_OVER->make($self);
$self->{ref} = $ref;
return $self;
package main;
$a = OVER->make();
$b = thaw freeze $a;
ok 8, ref $b eq 'OVER';
ok 9, $a + $a == 314;
ok 10, ref $b->{ref} eq 'REF_TO_OVER';
ok 11, "$b->{ref}->{over}" eq "$b";
ok 12, $b + $b == 314;
# nfreeze data generated by make_overload.pl
my $f = unpack 'u', q{7!084$0Q(05-?3U9%4DQ/040*!'-N;W<`};
# see note at the end of do_retrieve in Storable.xs about why this test has to
# use a reference to an overloaded reference, rather than just a reference.
my $t = eval {thaw $f};
print "# $@" if $@;
ok 13, $@ eq "";
ok 14, ref ($t) eq 'REF';
ok 15, ref ($$t) eq 'HAS_OVERLOAD';
ok 16, $$$t eq 'snow';