#include "EXTERN.h"
#include "perl.h"
#include "XSUB.h"
/* define DBG_SUB to cause a warning on each subroutine entry. */
/*#define DBG_SUB 1 */
/* define DBG_TIMER to cause a warning when the timer is turned on and off. */
/*#define DBG_TIMER 1 */
#define ASSERT(x) assert(x)
#define ASSERT(x)
static CV *
db_get_cv(pTHX_ SV *sv)
CV *cv;
if (SvIOK(sv)) { /* if (PERLDB_SUB_NN) { */
cv = INT2PTR(CV*,SvIVX(sv));
} else {
if (SvPOK(sv)) {
cv = get_cv(SvPVX(sv), TRUE);
} else if (SvROK(sv)) {
cv = (CV*)SvRV(sv);
} else {
croak("DProf: don't know what subroutine to profile");
return cv;
#ifdef DBG_SUB
# define DBG_SUB_NOTIFY(A) dprof_dbg_sub_notify(aTHX_ A)
dprof_dbg_sub_notify(pTHX_ SV *Sub) {
CV *cv = db_get_cv(aTHX_ Sub);
GV *gv = cv ? CvGV(cv) : NULL;
if (cv && gv) {
warn("XS DBsub(%s::%s)\n",
((GvSTASH(gv) && HvNAME(GvSTASH(gv))) ?
HvNAME(GvSTASH(gv)) : "(null)"),
} else {
warn("XS DBsub(unknown) at %x", Sub);
# define DBG_SUB_NOTIFY(A) /* nothing */
#ifdef DBG_TIMER
# define DBG_TIMER_NOTIFY(A) warn(A)
# define DBG_TIMER_NOTIFY(A) /* nothing */
/* HZ == clock ticks per second */
#ifdef VMS
# define HZ ((I32)CLK_TCK)
# define DPROF_HZ HZ
# include <starlet.h> /* prototype for sys$gettim() */
# include <lib$routines.h>
# define Times(ptr) (dprof_times(aTHX_ ptr))
# ifndef HZ
# ifdef CLK_TCK
# define HZ ((I32)CLK_TCK)
# else
# define HZ 60
# endif
# endif
# ifdef OS2 /* times() has significant overhead */
# define Times(ptr) (dprof_times(aTHX_ ptr))
# include <os2.h>
# define toLongLong(arg) (*(long long*)&(arg))
# define DPROF_HZ g_dprof_ticks
# else
# define Times(ptr) (times(ptr))
# define DPROF_HZ HZ
# endif
XS(XS_Devel__DProf_END); /* used by prof_mark() */
/* Everything is built on times(2). See its manpage for a description
* of the timings.
union prof_any {
clock_t tms_utime; /* cpu time spent in user space */
clock_t tms_stime; /* cpu time spent in system */
clock_t realtime; /* elapsed real time, in ticks */
char *name;
U32 id;
opcode ptype;
typedef union prof_any PROFANY;
typedef struct {
U32 dprof_ticks;
char* out_file_name; /* output file (defaults to tmon.out) */
PerlIO* fp; /* pointer to tmon.out file */
Off_t TIMES_LOCATION; /* Where in the file to store the time totals */
int SAVE_STACK; /* How much data to buffer until end of run */
int prof_pid; /* pid of profiled process */
struct tms prof_start;
struct tms prof_end;
clock_t rprof_start; /* elapsed real time ticks */
clock_t rprof_end;
clock_t wprof_u;
clock_t wprof_s;
clock_t wprof_r;
clock_t otms_utime;
clock_t otms_stime;
clock_t orealtime;
PROFANY* profstack;
int profstack_max;
int profstack_ix;
HV* cv_hash; /* cache of CV to identifier mappings */
SV* key_hash; /* key for cv_hash */
U32 total;
U32 lastid;
U32 default_perldb;
UV depth;
#ifdef OS2
ULONG frequ;
long long start_cnt;
# define register
# undef register
} prof_state_t;
prof_state_t g_prof_state;
#define g_dprof_ticks g_prof_state.dprof_ticks
#define g_out_file_name g_prof_state.out_file_name
#define g_fp g_prof_state.fp
#define g_TIMES_LOCATION g_prof_state.TIMES_LOCATION
#define g_SAVE_STACK g_prof_state.SAVE_STACK
#define g_prof_pid g_prof_state.prof_pid
#define g_prof_start g_prof_state.prof_start
#define g_prof_end g_prof_state.prof_end
#define g_rprof_start g_prof_state.rprof_start
#define g_rprof_end g_prof_state.rprof_end
#define g_wprof_u g_prof_state.wprof_u
#define g_wprof_s g_prof_state.wprof_s
#define g_wprof_r g_prof_state.wprof_r
#define g_otms_utime g_prof_state.otms_utime
#define g_otms_stime g_prof_state.otms_stime
#define g_orealtime g_prof_state.orealtime
#define g_profstack g_prof_state.profstack
#define g_profstack_max g_prof_state.profstack_max
#define g_profstack_ix g_prof_state.profstack_ix
#define g_cv_hash g_prof_state.cv_hash
#define g_key_hash g_prof_state.key_hash
#define g_total g_prof_state.total
#define g_lastid g_prof_state.lastid
#define g_default_perldb g_prof_state.default_perldb
#define g_depth g_prof_state.depth
# define g_THX g_prof_state.aTHX
#ifdef OS2
# define g_frequ g_prof_state.frequ
# define g_start_cnt g_prof_state.start_cnt
dprof_times(pTHX_ struct tms *t)
#ifdef OS2
QWORD cnt;
if (!g_frequ) {
if (CheckOSError(DosTmrQueryFreq(&g_frequ)))
croak("DosTmrQueryFreq: %s", SvPV(perl_get_sv("!",TRUE),n_a));
g_frequ = g_frequ/DPROF_HZ; /* count per tick */
if (CheckOSError(DosTmrQueryTime(&cnt)))
croak("DosTmrQueryTime: %s",
SvPV(perl_get_sv("!",TRUE), n_a));
g_start_cnt = toLongLong(cnt);
if (CheckOSError(DosTmrQueryTime(&cnt)))
croak("DosTmrQueryTime: %s", SvPV(perl_get_sv("!",TRUE), n_a));
t->tms_stime = 0;
return (t->tms_utime = (toLongLong(cnt) - g_start_cnt)/g_frequ);
#else /* !OS2 */
# ifdef VMS
clock_t retval;
/* Get wall time and convert to 10 ms intervals to
* produce the return value dprof expects */
# if defined(__DECC) && defined (__ALPHA)
# include <ints.h>
uint64 vmstime;
vmstime /= 100000;
retval = vmstime & 0x7fffffff;
# else
/* (Older hw or ccs don't have an atomic 64-bit type, so we
* juggle 32-bit ints (and a float) to produce a time_t result
* with minimal loss of information.) */
long int vmstime[2],remainder,divisor = 100000;
_ckvmssts(sys$gettim((unsigned long int *)vmstime));
vmstime[1] &= 0x7fff; /* prevent overflow in EDIV */
_ckvmssts(lib$ediv(&divisor,vmstime,(long int *)&retval,&remainder));
# endif
/* Fill in the struct tms using the CRTL routine . . .*/
times((tbuffer_t *)t);
return (clock_t) retval;
# else /* !VMS && !OS2 */
return times(t);
# endif
static void
prof_dumpa(pTHX_ opcode ptype, U32 id)
if (ptype == OP_LEAVESUB) {
PerlIO_printf(g_fp,"- %"UVxf"\n", (UV)id);
else if(ptype == OP_ENTERSUB) {
PerlIO_printf(g_fp,"+ %"UVxf"\n", (UV)id);
else if(ptype == OP_GOTO) {
PerlIO_printf(g_fp,"* %"UVxf"\n", (UV)id);
else if(ptype == OP_DIE) {
PerlIO_printf(g_fp,"/ %"UVxf"\n", (UV)id);
else {
PerlIO_printf(g_fp,"Profiler unknown prof code %d\n", ptype);
static void
prof_dumps(pTHX_ U32 id, char *pname, char *gname)
PerlIO_printf(g_fp,"& %"UVxf" %s %s\n", (UV)id, pname, gname);
static void
prof_dumpt(pTHX_ long tms_utime, long tms_stime, long realtime)
PerlIO_printf(g_fp,"@ %ld %ld %ld\n", tms_utime, tms_stime, realtime);
static void
prof_dump_until(pTHX_ long ix)
long base = 0;
struct tms t1, t2;
clock_t realtime1, realtime2;
realtime1 = Times(&t1);
while (base < ix) {
opcode ptype = g_profstack[base++].ptype;
if (ptype == OP_TIME) {
long tms_utime = g_profstack[base++].tms_utime;
long tms_stime = g_profstack[base++].tms_stime;
long realtime = g_profstack[base++].realtime;
prof_dumpt(aTHX_ tms_utime, tms_stime, realtime);
else if (ptype == OP_GV) {
U32 id = g_profstack[base++].id;
char *pname = g_profstack[base++].name;
char *gname = g_profstack[base++].name;
prof_dumps(aTHX_ id, pname, gname);
else {
U32 id = g_profstack[base++].id;
prof_dumpa(aTHX_ ptype, id);
realtime2 = Times(&t2);
if (realtime2 != realtime1 || t1.tms_utime != t2.tms_utime
|| t1.tms_stime != t2.tms_stime) {
g_wprof_r += realtime2 - realtime1;
g_wprof_u += t2.tms_utime - t1.tms_utime;
g_wprof_s += t2.tms_stime - t1.tms_stime;
PerlIO_printf(g_fp,"+ & Devel::DProf::write\n");
PerlIO_printf(g_fp,"@ %"IVdf" %"IVdf" %"IVdf"\n",
/* The (IV) casts are one possibility:
* the Painfully Correct Way would be to
* have Clock_t_f. */
(IV)(t2.tms_utime - t1.tms_utime),
(IV)(t2.tms_stime - t1.tms_stime),
(IV)(realtime2 - realtime1));
PerlIO_printf(g_fp,"- & Devel::DProf::write\n");
g_otms_utime = t2.tms_utime;
g_otms_stime = t2.tms_stime;
g_orealtime = realtime2;
static void
set_cv_key(pTHX_ CV *cv, char *pname, char *gname)
SvGROW(g_key_hash, sizeof(CV**) + strlen(pname) + strlen(gname) + 3);
sv_setpvn(g_key_hash, (char*)&cv, sizeof(CV**));
sv_catpv(g_key_hash, pname);
sv_catpv(g_key_hash, "::");
sv_catpv(g_key_hash, gname);
static void
prof_mark(pTHX_ opcode ptype)
struct tms t;
clock_t realtime, rdelta, udelta, sdelta;
U32 id;
SV *Sub = GvSV(PL_DBsub); /* name of current sub */
if (g_SAVE_STACK) {
if (g_profstack_ix + 10 > g_profstack_max) {
g_profstack_max = g_profstack_max * 3 / 2;
Renew(g_profstack, g_profstack_max, PROFANY);
realtime = Times(&t);
rdelta = realtime - g_orealtime;
udelta = t.tms_utime - g_otms_utime;
sdelta = t.tms_stime - g_otms_stime;
if (rdelta || udelta || sdelta) {
if (g_SAVE_STACK) {
ASSERT(g_profstack_ix + 4 <= g_profstack_max);
g_profstack[g_profstack_ix++].ptype = OP_TIME;
g_profstack[g_profstack_ix++].tms_utime = udelta;
g_profstack[g_profstack_ix++].tms_stime = sdelta;
g_profstack[g_profstack_ix++].realtime = rdelta;
else { /* Write it to disk now so's not to eat up core */
if (g_prof_pid == (int)getpid()) {
prof_dumpt(aTHX_ udelta, sdelta, rdelta);
g_orealtime = realtime;
g_otms_stime = t.tms_stime;
g_otms_utime = t.tms_utime;
SV **svp;
char *gname, *pname;
CV *cv;
GV *gv;
cv = db_get_cv(aTHX_ Sub);
gv = CvGV(cv);
pname = ((GvSTASH(gv) && HvNAME(GvSTASH(gv)))
: "(null)");
gname = GvNAME(gv);
set_cv_key(aTHX_ cv, pname, gname);
svp = hv_fetch(g_cv_hash, SvPVX(g_key_hash), SvCUR(g_key_hash), TRUE);
if (!SvOK(*svp)) {
sv_setiv(*svp, id = ++g_lastid);
if (CvXSUB(cv) == XS_Devel__DProf_END)
if (g_SAVE_STACK) { /* Store it for later recording -JH */
ASSERT(g_profstack_ix + 4 <= g_profstack_max);
g_profstack[g_profstack_ix++].ptype = OP_GV;
g_profstack[g_profstack_ix++].id = id;
g_profstack[g_profstack_ix++].name = pname;
g_profstack[g_profstack_ix++].name = gname;
else { /* Write it to disk now so's not to eat up core */
/* Only record the parent's info */
if (g_prof_pid == (int)getpid()) {
prof_dumps(aTHX_ id, pname, gname);
PL_perldb = 0; /* Do not debug the kid. */
else {
id = SvIV(*svp);
if (g_SAVE_STACK) { /* Store it for later recording -JH */
ASSERT(g_profstack_ix + 2 <= g_profstack_max);
g_profstack[g_profstack_ix++].ptype = ptype;
g_profstack[g_profstack_ix++].id = id;
/* Only record the parent's info */
if (g_SAVE_STACK < g_profstack_ix) {
if (g_prof_pid == (int)getpid())
prof_dump_until(aTHX_ g_profstack_ix);
PL_perldb = 0; /* Do not debug the kid. */
g_profstack_ix = 0;
else { /* Write it to disk now so's not to eat up core */
/* Only record the parent's info */
if (g_prof_pid == (int)getpid()) {
prof_dumpa(aTHX_ ptype, id);
PL_perldb = 0; /* Do not debug the kid. */
#ifdef PL_NEEDED
# define defstash PL_defstash
/* Counts overhead of prof_mark and extra XS call. */
static void
test_time(pTHX_ clock_t *r, clock_t *u, clock_t *s)
CV *cv = perl_get_cv("Devel::DProf::NONESUCH_noxs", FALSE);
int i, j, k = 0;
HV *oldstash = PL_curstash;
struct tms t1, t2;
clock_t realtime1 = 0, realtime2 = 0;
U32 ototal = g_total;
U32 ostack = g_SAVE_STACK;
U32 operldb = PL_perldb;
g_SAVE_STACK = 1000000;
realtime1 = Times(&t1);
while (k < 2) {
i = 0;
/* Disable debugging of perl_call_sv on second pass: */
PL_curstash = (k == 0 ? PL_defstash : PL_debstash);
PL_perldb = g_default_perldb;
while (++i <= 100) {
j = 0;
g_profstack_ix = 0; /* Do not let the stack grow */
while (++j <= 100) {
/* prof_mark(aTHX_ OP_ENTERSUB); */
perl_call_sv((SV*)cv, G_SCALAR);
/* prof_mark(aTHX_ OP_LEAVESUB); */
PL_curstash = oldstash;
if (k == 0) { /* Put time with debugging */
realtime2 = Times(&t2);
*r = realtime2 - realtime1;
*u = t2.tms_utime - t1.tms_utime;
*s = t2.tms_stime - t1.tms_stime;
else { /* Subtract time without debug */
realtime1 = Times(&t1);
*r -= realtime1 - realtime2;
*u -= t1.tms_utime - t2.tms_utime;
*s -= t1.tms_stime - t2.tms_stime;
g_total = ototal;
g_SAVE_STACK = ostack;
PL_perldb = operldb;
static void
clock_t r, u, s;
/* g_fp is opened in the BOOT section */
PerlIO_printf(g_fp, "#fOrTyTwO\n");
PerlIO_printf(g_fp, "$hz=%"IVdf";\n", (IV)DPROF_HZ);
PerlIO_printf(g_fp, "$XS_VERSION='DProf %s';\n", XS_VERSION);
PerlIO_printf(g_fp, "# All values are given in HZ\n");
test_time(aTHX_ &r, &u, &s);
"$over_utime=%"IVdf"; $over_stime=%"IVdf"; $over_rtime=%"IVdf";\n",
/* The (IV) casts are one possibility:
* the Painfully Correct Way would be to
* have Clock_t_f. */
(IV)u, (IV)s, (IV)r);
PerlIO_printf(g_fp, "$over_tests=10000;\n");
g_TIMES_LOCATION = PerlIO_tell(g_fp);
/* Pad with whitespace. */
/* This should be enough even for very large numbers. */
PerlIO_printf(g_fp, "%*s\n", 240 , "");
PerlIO_printf(g_fp, "\n");
PerlIO_printf(g_fp, "PART2\n");
static void
/* g_fp is opened in the BOOT section */
/* Now that we know the runtimes, fill them in at the recorded
location -JH */
if (g_SAVE_STACK) {
prof_dump_until(aTHX_ g_profstack_ix);
PerlIO_seek(g_fp, g_TIMES_LOCATION, SEEK_SET);
/* Write into reserved 240 bytes: */
"$rrun_utime=%"IVdf"; $rrun_stime=%"IVdf"; $rrun_rtime=%"IVdf";",
/* The (IV) casts are one possibility:
* the Painfully Correct Way would be to
* have Clock_t_f. */
PerlIO_printf(g_fp, "\n$total_marks=%"IVdf, (IV)g_total);
#define NONESUCH()
static void
check_depth(pTHX_ void *foo)
U32 need_depth = PTR2UV(foo);
if (need_depth != g_depth) {
if (need_depth > g_depth) {
warn("garbled call depth when profiling");
else {
IV marks = g_depth - need_depth;
/* warn("Check_depth: got %d, expected %d\n", g_depth, need_depth); */
while (marks--) {
prof_mark(aTHX_ OP_DIE);
g_depth = need_depth;
#define for_real
#ifdef for_real
SV *Sub = GvSV(PL_DBsub); /* name of current sub */
/* profile only the interpreter that loaded us */
if (g_THX != aTHX) {
perl_call_sv((SV*)db_get_cv(aTHX_ Sub), GIMME_V | G_NODEBUG);
HV *oldstash = PL_curstash;
I32 old_scopestack_ix = PL_scopestack_ix;
I32 old_cxstack_ix = cxstack_ix;
SAVEDESTRUCTOR_X(check_depth, INT2PTR(void*,g_depth));
prof_mark(aTHX_ OP_ENTERSUB);
perl_call_sv((SV*)db_get_cv(aTHX_ Sub), GIMME_V | G_NODEBUG);
PL_curstash = oldstash;
/* Make sure we are on the same context and scope as before the call
* to the sub. If the called sub was exited via a goto, next or
* last then this will try to croak(), however perl may still crash
* with a segfault. */
if (PL_scopestack_ix != old_scopestack_ix || cxstack_ix != old_cxstack_ix)
croak("panic: Devel::DProf inconsistent subroutine return");
prof_mark(aTHX_ OP_LEAVESUB);
if (g_THX == aTHX)
prof_mark(aTHX_ OP_GOTO);
#endif /* for_real */
#ifdef testing
HV *oldstash = PL_curstash;
SV *Sub = GvSV(PL_DBsub); /* name of current sub */
/* SP -= items; added by xsubpp */
sv_setiv(PL_DBsingle, 0); /* disable DB single-stepping */
prof_mark(aTHX_ OP_ENTERSUB);
PL_curstash = PL_debstash; /* To disable debugging of perl_call_sv */
perl_call_sv(Sub, GIMME_V);
PL_curstash = oldstash;
prof_mark(aTHX_ OP_LEAVESUB);
/* PUTBACK; added by xsubpp */
#endif /* testing */
MODULE = Devel::DProf PACKAGE = Devel::DProf
if (PL_DBsub) {
/* maybe the process forked--we want only
* the parent's profile.
if (
g_THX == aTHX &&
g_prof_pid == (int)getpid())
g_rprof_end = Times(&g_prof_end);
DBG_TIMER_NOTIFY("Profiler timer is off.\n");
g_SAVE_STACK = 1<<14;
g_profstack_max = 128;
g_THX = aTHX;
/* Before we go anywhere make sure we were invoked
* properly, else we'll dump core.
if (!PL_DBsub)
croak("DProf: run perl with -d to use DProf.\n");
/* When we hook up the XS DB::sub we'll be redefining
* the DB::sub from the PM file. Turn off warnings
* while we do this.
bool warn_tmp = PL_dowarn;
PL_dowarn = 0;
newXS("DB::sub", XS_DB_sub, file);
newXS("DB::goto", XS_DB_goto, file);
PL_dowarn = warn_tmp;
sv_setiv(PL_DBsingle, 0); /* disable DB single-stepping */
char *buffer = getenv("PERL_DPROF_BUFFER");
if (buffer) {
g_SAVE_STACK = atoi(buffer);
buffer = getenv("PERL_DPROF_TICKS");
if (buffer) {
g_dprof_ticks = atoi(buffer); /* Used under OS/2 only */
else {
g_dprof_ticks = HZ;
buffer = getenv("PERL_DPROF_OUT_FILE_NAME");
g_out_file_name = savepv(buffer ? buffer : "tmon.out");
if ((g_fp = PerlIO_open(g_out_file_name, "w")) == NULL)
croak("DProf: unable to write '%s', errno = %d\n",
g_out_file_name, errno);
g_default_perldb = PERLDBf_NONAME | PERLDBf_SUB | PERLDBf_GOTO;
g_cv_hash = newHV();
g_key_hash = newSV(256);
g_prof_pid = (int)getpid();
New(0, g_profstack, g_profstack_max, PROFANY);
DBG_TIMER_NOTIFY("Profiler timer is on.\n");
g_orealtime = g_rprof_start = Times(&g_prof_start);
g_otms_utime = g_prof_start.tms_utime;
g_otms_stime = g_prof_start.tms_stime;
PL_perldb = g_default_perldb;