* Copyright (c) 1999, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this
* particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
* by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
package com.sun.tools.javac.code;
import java.util.Collections;
import com.sun.tools.javac.util.*;
import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Symbol.*;
import javax.lang.model.type.*;
import static com.sun.tools.javac.code.Flags.*;
import static com.sun.tools.javac.code.Kinds.*;
import static com.sun.tools.javac.code.BoundKind.*;
import static com.sun.tools.javac.code.TypeTags.*;
/** This class represents Java types. The class itself defines the behavior of
* the following types:
* <pre>
* type `void' (tag: VOID),
* the bottom type (tag: BOT),
* the missing type (tag: NONE).
* </pre>
* <p>The behavior of the following types is defined in subclasses, which are
* all static inner classes of this class:
* <pre>
* class types (tag: CLASS, class: ClassType),
* array types (tag: ARRAY, class: ArrayType),
* method types (tag: METHOD, class: MethodType),
* package types (tag: PACKAGE, class: PackageType),
* type variables (tag: TYPEVAR, class: TypeVar),
* type arguments (tag: WILDCARD, class: WildcardType),
* polymorphic types (tag: FORALL, class: ForAll),
* the error type (tag: ERROR, class: ErrorType).
* </pre>
* <p><b>This is NOT part of any supported API.
* If you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own risk.
* This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change or
* deletion without notice.</b>
* @see TypeTags
public class Type implements PrimitiveType {
/** Constant type: no type at all. */
public static final JCNoType noType = new JCNoType(NONE);
/** If this switch is turned on, the names of type variables
* and anonymous classes are printed with hashcodes appended.
public static boolean moreInfo = false;
/** The tag of this type.
* @see TypeTags
public int tag;
/** The defining class / interface / package / type variable
public TypeSymbol tsym;
* The constant value of this type, null if this type does not
* have a constant value attribute. Only primitive types and
* strings (ClassType) can have a constant value attribute.
* @return the constant value attribute of this type
public Object constValue() {
return null;
* Get the representation of this type used for modelling purposes.
* By default, this is itself. For ErrorType, a different value
* may be provided,
public Type getModelType() {
return this;
public static List<Type> getModelTypes(List<Type> ts) {
ListBuffer<Type> lb = new ListBuffer<Type>();
for (Type t: ts)
return lb.toList();
public <R,S> R accept(Type.Visitor<R,S> v, S s) { return v.visitType(this, s); }
/** Define a type given its tag and type symbol
public Type(int tag, TypeSymbol tsym) {
this.tag = tag;
this.tsym = tsym;
/** An abstract class for mappings from types to types
public static abstract class Mapping {
private String name;
public Mapping(String name) {
this.name = name;
public abstract Type apply(Type t);
public String toString() {
return name;
/** map a type function over all immediate descendants of this type
public Type map(Mapping f) {
return this;
/** map a type function over a list of types
public static List<Type> map(List<Type> ts, Mapping f) {
if (ts.nonEmpty()) {
List<Type> tail1 = map(ts.tail, f);
Type t = f.apply(ts.head);
if (tail1 != ts.tail || t != ts.head)
return tail1.prepend(t);
return ts;
/** Define a constant type, of the same kind as this type
* and with given constant value
public Type constType(Object constValue) {
final Object value = constValue;
Assert.check(tag <= BOOLEAN);
return new Type(tag, tsym) {
public Object constValue() {
return value;
public Type baseType() {
return tsym.type;
* If this is a constant type, return its underlying type.
* Otherwise, return the type itself.
public Type baseType() {
return this;
/** Return the base types of a list of types.
public static List<Type> baseTypes(List<Type> ts) {
if (ts.nonEmpty()) {
Type t = ts.head.baseType();
List<Type> baseTypes = baseTypes(ts.tail);
if (t != ts.head || baseTypes != ts.tail)
return baseTypes.prepend(t);
return ts;
/** The Java source which this type represents.
public String toString() {
String s = (tsym == null || tsym.name == null)
? "<none>"
: tsym.name.toString();
if (moreInfo && tag == TYPEVAR) s = s + hashCode();
return s;
* The Java source which this type list represents. A List is
* represented as a comma-spearated listing of the elements in
* that list.
public static String toString(List<Type> ts) {
if (ts.isEmpty()) {
return "";
} else {
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
for (List<Type> l = ts.tail; l.nonEmpty(); l = l.tail)
return buf.toString();
* The constant value of this type, converted to String
public String stringValue() {
Object cv = Assert.checkNonNull(constValue());
if (tag == BOOLEAN)
return ((Integer) cv).intValue() == 0 ? "false" : "true";
else if (tag == CHAR)
return String.valueOf((char) ((Integer) cv).intValue());
return cv.toString();
* This method is analogous to isSameType, but weaker, since we
* never complete classes. Where isSameType would complete a
* class, equals assumes that the two types are different.
public boolean equals(Object t) {
return super.equals(t);
public int hashCode() {
return super.hashCode();
/** Is this a constant type whose value is false?
public boolean isFalse() {
tag == BOOLEAN &&
constValue() != null &&
((Integer)constValue()).intValue() == 0;
/** Is this a constant type whose value is true?
public boolean isTrue() {
tag == BOOLEAN &&
constValue() != null &&
((Integer)constValue()).intValue() != 0;
public String argtypes(boolean varargs) {
List<Type> args = getParameterTypes();
if (!varargs) return args.toString();
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
while (args.tail.nonEmpty()) {
args = args.tail;
if (args.head.tag == ARRAY) {
} else {
return buf.toString();
/** Access methods.
public List<Type> getTypeArguments() { return List.nil(); }
public Type getEnclosingType() { return null; }
public List<Type> getParameterTypes() { return List.nil(); }
public Type getReturnType() { return null; }
public List<Type> getThrownTypes() { return List.nil(); }
public Type getUpperBound() { return null; }
public Type getLowerBound() { return null; }
/** Navigation methods, these will work for classes, type variables,
* foralls, but will return null for arrays and methods.
/** Return all parameters of this type and all its outer types in order
* outer (first) to inner (last).
public List<Type> allparams() { return List.nil(); }
/** Does this type contain "error" elements?
public boolean isErroneous() {
return false;
public static boolean isErroneous(List<Type> ts) {
for (List<Type> l = ts; l.nonEmpty(); l = l.tail)
if (l.head.isErroneous()) return true;
return false;
/** Is this type parameterized?
* A class type is parameterized if it has some parameters.
* An array type is parameterized if its element type is parameterized.
* All other types are not parameterized.
public boolean isParameterized() {
return false;
/** Is this type a raw type?
* A class type is a raw type if it misses some of its parameters.
* An array type is a raw type if its element type is raw.
* All other types are not raw.
* Type validation will ensure that the only raw types
* in a program are types that miss all their type variables.
public boolean isRaw() {
return false;
public boolean isCompound() {
return tsym.completer == null
// Compound types can't have a completer. Calling
// flags() will complete the symbol causing the
// compiler to load classes unnecessarily. This led
// to regression 6180021.
&& (tsym.flags() & COMPOUND) != 0;
public boolean isInterface() {
return (tsym.flags() & INTERFACE) != 0;
public boolean isFinal() {
return (tsym.flags() & FINAL) != 0;
public boolean isPrimitive() {
return tag < VOID;
* Does this type contain occurrences of type t?
public boolean contains(Type t) {
return t == this;
public static boolean contains(List<Type> ts, Type t) {
for (List<Type> l = ts;
l.tail != null /*inlined: l.nonEmpty()*/;
l = l.tail)
if (l.head.contains(t)) return true;
return false;
/** Does this type contain an occurrence of some type in 'ts'?
public boolean containsAny(List<Type> ts) {
for (Type t : ts)
if (this.contains(t)) return true;
return false;
public static boolean containsAny(List<Type> ts1, List<Type> ts2) {
for (Type t : ts1)
if (t.containsAny(ts2)) return true;
return false;
public static List<Type> filter(List<Type> ts, Filter<Type> tf) {
ListBuffer<Type> buf = ListBuffer.lb();
for (Type t : ts) {
if (tf.accepts(t)) {
return buf.toList();
public boolean isSuperBound() { return false; }
public boolean isExtendsBound() { return false; }
public boolean isUnbound() { return false; }
public Type withTypeVar(Type t) { return this; }
/** The underlying method type of this type.
public MethodType asMethodType() { throw new AssertionError(); }
/** Complete loading all classes in this type.
public void complete() {}
public TypeSymbol asElement() {
return tsym;
public TypeKind getKind() {
switch (tag) {
case BYTE: return TypeKind.BYTE;
case CHAR: return TypeKind.CHAR;
case SHORT: return TypeKind.SHORT;
case INT: return TypeKind.INT;
case LONG: return TypeKind.LONG;
case FLOAT: return TypeKind.FLOAT;
case DOUBLE: return TypeKind.DOUBLE;
case BOOLEAN: return TypeKind.BOOLEAN;
case VOID: return TypeKind.VOID;
case BOT: return TypeKind.NULL;
case NONE: return TypeKind.NONE;
default: return TypeKind.OTHER;
public <R, P> R accept(TypeVisitor<R, P> v, P p) {
if (isPrimitive())
return v.visitPrimitive(this, p);
throw new AssertionError();
public static class WildcardType extends Type
implements javax.lang.model.type.WildcardType {
public Type type;
public BoundKind kind;
public TypeVar bound;
public <R,S> R accept(Type.Visitor<R,S> v, S s) {
return v.visitWildcardType(this, s);
public WildcardType(Type type, BoundKind kind, TypeSymbol tsym) {
super(WILDCARD, tsym);
this.type = Assert.checkNonNull(type);
this.kind = kind;
public WildcardType(WildcardType t, TypeVar bound) {
this(t.type, t.kind, t.tsym, bound);
public WildcardType(Type type, BoundKind kind, TypeSymbol tsym, TypeVar bound) {
this(type, kind, tsym);
this.bound = bound;
public boolean contains(Type t) {
return kind != UNBOUND && type.contains(t);
public boolean isSuperBound() {
return kind == SUPER ||
kind == UNBOUND;
public boolean isExtendsBound() {
return kind == EXTENDS ||
kind == UNBOUND;
public boolean isUnbound() {
return kind == UNBOUND;
public Type withTypeVar(Type t) {
if (bound == t)
return this;
bound = (TypeVar)t;
return this;
boolean isPrintingBound = false;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();
if (kind != UNBOUND)
if (moreInfo && bound != null && !isPrintingBound)
try {
isPrintingBound = true;
} finally {
isPrintingBound = false;
return s.toString();
public Type map(Mapping f) {
//- System.err.println(" (" + this + ").map(" + f + ")");//DEBUG
Type t = type;
if (t != null)
t = f.apply(t);
if (t == type)
return this;
return new WildcardType(t, kind, tsym, bound);
public Type getExtendsBound() {
if (kind == EXTENDS)
return type;
return null;
public Type getSuperBound() {
if (kind == SUPER)
return type;
return null;
public TypeKind getKind() {
return TypeKind.WILDCARD;
public <R, P> R accept(TypeVisitor<R, P> v, P p) {
return v.visitWildcard(this, p);
public static class ClassType extends Type implements DeclaredType {
/** The enclosing type of this type. If this is the type of an inner
* class, outer_field refers to the type of its enclosing
* instance class, in all other cases it referes to noType.
private Type outer_field;
/** The type parameters of this type (to be set once class is loaded).
public List<Type> typarams_field;
/** A cache variable for the type parameters of this type,
* appended to all parameters of its enclosing class.
* @see #allparams
public List<Type> allparams_field;
/** The supertype of this class (to be set once class is loaded).
public Type supertype_field;
/** The interfaces of this class (to be set once class is loaded).
public List<Type> interfaces_field;
/** All the interfaces of this class, including missing ones.
public List<Type> all_interfaces_field;
public ClassType(Type outer, List<Type> typarams, TypeSymbol tsym) {
super(CLASS, tsym);
this.outer_field = outer;
this.typarams_field = typarams;
this.allparams_field = null;
this.supertype_field = null;
this.interfaces_field = null;
// this can happen during error recovery
outer.isParameterized() ?
typarams.length() == tsym.type.typarams().length() :
outer.isRaw() ?
typarams.length() == 0 :
public <R,S> R accept(Type.Visitor<R,S> v, S s) {
return v.visitClassType(this, s);
public Type constType(Object constValue) {
final Object value = constValue;
return new ClassType(getEnclosingType(), typarams_field, tsym) {
public Object constValue() {
return value;
public Type baseType() {
return tsym.type;
/** The Java source which this type represents.
public String toString() {
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
if (getEnclosingType().tag == CLASS && tsym.owner.kind == TYP) {
buf.append(className(tsym, false));
} else {
buf.append(className(tsym, true));
if (getTypeArguments().nonEmpty()) {
return buf.toString();
private String className(Symbol sym, boolean longform) {
if (sym.name.isEmpty() && (sym.flags() & COMPOUND) != 0) {
StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(supertype_field.toString());
for (List<Type> is=interfaces_field; is.nonEmpty(); is = is.tail) {
return s.toString();
} else if (sym.name.isEmpty()) {
String s;
ClassType norm = (ClassType) tsym.type;
if (norm == null) {
s = Log.getLocalizedString("anonymous.class", (Object)null);
} else if (norm.interfaces_field != null && norm.interfaces_field.nonEmpty()) {
s = Log.getLocalizedString("anonymous.class",
} else {
s = Log.getLocalizedString("anonymous.class",
if (moreInfo)
s += String.valueOf(sym.hashCode());
return s;
} else if (longform) {
return sym.getQualifiedName().toString();
} else {
return sym.name.toString();
public List<Type> getTypeArguments() {
if (typarams_field == null) {
if (typarams_field == null)
typarams_field = List.nil();
return typarams_field;
public boolean hasErasedSupertypes() {
return isRaw();
public Type getEnclosingType() {
return outer_field;
public void setEnclosingType(Type outer) {
outer_field = outer;
public List<Type> allparams() {
if (allparams_field == null) {
allparams_field = getTypeArguments().prependList(getEnclosingType().allparams());
return allparams_field;
public boolean isErroneous() {
getEnclosingType().isErroneous() ||
isErroneous(getTypeArguments()) ||
this != tsym.type && tsym.type.isErroneous();
public boolean isParameterized() {
return allparams().tail != null;
// optimization, was: allparams().nonEmpty();
/** A cache for the rank. */
int rank_field = -1;
/** A class type is raw if it misses some
* of its type parameter sections.
* After validation, this is equivalent to:
* allparams.isEmpty() && tsym.type.allparams.nonEmpty();
public boolean isRaw() {
this != tsym.type && // necessary, but not sufficient condition
tsym.type.allparams().nonEmpty() &&
public Type map(Mapping f) {
Type outer = getEnclosingType();
Type outer1 = f.apply(outer);
List<Type> typarams = getTypeArguments();
List<Type> typarams1 = map(typarams, f);
if (outer1 == outer && typarams1 == typarams) return this;
else return new ClassType(outer1, typarams1, tsym);
public boolean contains(Type elem) {
elem == this
|| (isParameterized()
&& (getEnclosingType().contains(elem) || contains(getTypeArguments(), elem)))
|| (isCompound()
&& (supertype_field.contains(elem) || contains(interfaces_field, elem)));
public void complete() {
if (tsym.completer != null) tsym.complete();
public TypeKind getKind() {
return TypeKind.DECLARED;
public <R, P> R accept(TypeVisitor<R, P> v, P p) {
return v.visitDeclared(this, p);
public static class ErasedClassType extends ClassType {
public ErasedClassType(Type outer, TypeSymbol tsym) {
super(outer, List.<Type>nil(), tsym);
public boolean hasErasedSupertypes() {
return true;
// a clone of a ClassType that knows about the alternatives of a union type.
public static class UnionClassType extends ClassType implements UnionType {
final List<? extends Type> alternatives_field;
public UnionClassType(ClassType ct, List<? extends Type> alternatives) {
super(ct.outer_field, ct.typarams_field, ct.tsym);
allparams_field = ct.allparams_field;
supertype_field = ct.supertype_field;
interfaces_field = ct.interfaces_field;
all_interfaces_field = ct.interfaces_field;
alternatives_field = alternatives;
public Type getLub() {
return tsym.type;
public java.util.List<? extends TypeMirror> getAlternatives() {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(alternatives_field);
public TypeKind getKind() {
return TypeKind.UNION;
public <R, P> R accept(TypeVisitor<R, P> v, P p) {
return v.visitUnion(this, p);
public static class ArrayType extends Type
implements javax.lang.model.type.ArrayType {
public Type elemtype;
public ArrayType(Type elemtype, TypeSymbol arrayClass) {
super(ARRAY, arrayClass);
this.elemtype = elemtype;
public <R,S> R accept(Type.Visitor<R,S> v, S s) {
return v.visitArrayType(this, s);
public String toString() {
return elemtype + "[]";
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
this == obj ||
(obj instanceof ArrayType &&
public int hashCode() {
return (ARRAY << 5) + elemtype.hashCode();
public boolean isVarargs() {
return false;
public List<Type> allparams() { return elemtype.allparams(); }
public boolean isErroneous() {
return elemtype.isErroneous();
public boolean isParameterized() {
return elemtype.isParameterized();
public boolean isRaw() {
return elemtype.isRaw();
public ArrayType makeVarargs() {
return new ArrayType(elemtype, tsym) {
public boolean isVarargs() {
return true;
public Type map(Mapping f) {
Type elemtype1 = f.apply(elemtype);
if (elemtype1 == elemtype) return this;
else return new ArrayType(elemtype1, tsym);
public boolean contains(Type elem) {
return elem == this || elemtype.contains(elem);
public void complete() {
public Type getComponentType() {
return elemtype;
public TypeKind getKind() {
return TypeKind.ARRAY;
public <R, P> R accept(TypeVisitor<R, P> v, P p) {
return v.visitArray(this, p);
public static class MethodType extends Type implements ExecutableType {
public List<Type> argtypes;
public Type restype;
public List<Type> thrown;
public MethodType(List<Type> argtypes,
Type restype,
List<Type> thrown,
TypeSymbol methodClass) {
super(METHOD, methodClass);
this.argtypes = argtypes;
this.restype = restype;
this.thrown = thrown;
public <R,S> R accept(Type.Visitor<R,S> v, S s) {
return v.visitMethodType(this, s);
/** The Java source which this type represents.
* XXX 06/09/99 iris This isn't correct Java syntax, but it probably
* should be.
public String toString() {
return "(" + argtypes + ")" + restype;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj)
return true;
if (!(obj instanceof MethodType))
return false;
MethodType m = (MethodType)obj;
List<Type> args1 = argtypes;
List<Type> args2 = m.argtypes;
while (!args1.isEmpty() && !args2.isEmpty()) {
if (!args1.head.equals(args2.head))
return false;
args1 = args1.tail;
args2 = args2.tail;
if (!args1.isEmpty() || !args2.isEmpty())
return false;
return restype.equals(m.restype);
public int hashCode() {
int h = METHOD;
for (List<Type> thisargs = this.argtypes;
thisargs.tail != null; /*inlined: thisargs.nonEmpty()*/
thisargs = thisargs.tail)
h = (h << 5) + thisargs.head.hashCode();
return (h << 5) + this.restype.hashCode();
public List<Type> getParameterTypes() { return argtypes; }
public Type getReturnType() { return restype; }
public List<Type> getThrownTypes() { return thrown; }
public boolean isErroneous() {
isErroneous(argtypes) ||
restype != null && restype.isErroneous();
public Type map(Mapping f) {
List<Type> argtypes1 = map(argtypes, f);
Type restype1 = f.apply(restype);
List<Type> thrown1 = map(thrown, f);
if (argtypes1 == argtypes &&
restype1 == restype &&
thrown1 == thrown) return this;
else return new MethodType(argtypes1, restype1, thrown1, tsym);
public boolean contains(Type elem) {
return elem == this || contains(argtypes, elem) || restype.contains(elem);
public MethodType asMethodType() { return this; }
public void complete() {
for (List<Type> l = argtypes; l.nonEmpty(); l = l.tail)
for (List<Type> l = thrown; l.nonEmpty(); l = l.tail)
public List<TypeVar> getTypeVariables() {
return List.nil();
public TypeSymbol asElement() {
return null;
public TypeKind getKind() {
return TypeKind.EXECUTABLE;
public <R, P> R accept(TypeVisitor<R, P> v, P p) {
return v.visitExecutable(this, p);
public static class PackageType extends Type implements NoType {
PackageType(TypeSymbol tsym) {
super(PACKAGE, tsym);
public <R,S> R accept(Type.Visitor<R,S> v, S s) {
return v.visitPackageType(this, s);
public String toString() {
return tsym.getQualifiedName().toString();
public TypeKind getKind() {
return TypeKind.PACKAGE;
public <R, P> R accept(TypeVisitor<R, P> v, P p) {
return v.visitNoType(this, p);
public static class TypeVar extends Type implements TypeVariable {
/** The upper bound of this type variable; set from outside.
* Must be nonempty once it is set.
* For a bound, `bound' is the bound type itself.
* Multiple bounds are expressed as a single class type which has the
* individual bounds as superclass, respectively interfaces.
* The class type then has as `tsym' a compiler generated class `c',
* which has a flag COMPOUND and whose owner is the type variable
* itself. Furthermore, the erasure_field of the class
* points to the first class or interface bound.
public Type bound = null;
/** The lower bound of this type variable.
* TypeVars don't normally have a lower bound, so it is normally set
* to syms.botType.
* Subtypes, such as CapturedType, may provide a different value.
public Type lower;
public TypeVar(Name name, Symbol owner, Type lower) {
super(TYPEVAR, null);
tsym = new TypeSymbol(0, name, this, owner);
this.lower = lower;
public TypeVar(TypeSymbol tsym, Type bound, Type lower) {
super(TYPEVAR, tsym);
this.bound = bound;
this.lower = lower;
public <R,S> R accept(Type.Visitor<R,S> v, S s) {
return v.visitTypeVar(this, s);
public Type getUpperBound() { return bound; }
int rank_field = -1;
public Type getLowerBound() {
return lower;
public TypeKind getKind() {
return TypeKind.TYPEVAR;
public boolean isCaptured() {
return false;
public <R, P> R accept(TypeVisitor<R, P> v, P p) {
return v.visitTypeVariable(this, p);
/** A captured type variable comes from wildcards which can have
* both upper and lower bound. CapturedType extends TypeVar with
* a lower bound.
public static class CapturedType extends TypeVar {
public WildcardType wildcard;
public CapturedType(Name name,
Symbol owner,
Type upper,
Type lower,
WildcardType wildcard) {
super(name, owner, lower);
this.lower = Assert.checkNonNull(lower);
this.bound = upper;
this.wildcard = wildcard;
public <R,S> R accept(Type.Visitor<R,S> v, S s) {
return v.visitCapturedType(this, s);
public boolean isCaptured() {
return true;
public String toString() {
return "capture#"
+ (hashCode() & 0xFFFFFFFFL) % Printer.PRIME
+ " of "
+ wildcard;
public static abstract class DelegatedType extends Type {
public Type qtype;
public DelegatedType(int tag, Type qtype) {
super(tag, qtype.tsym);
this.qtype = qtype;
public String toString() { return qtype.toString(); }
public List<Type> getTypeArguments() { return qtype.getTypeArguments(); }
public Type getEnclosingType() { return qtype.getEnclosingType(); }
public List<Type> getParameterTypes() { return qtype.getParameterTypes(); }
public Type getReturnType() { return qtype.getReturnType(); }
public List<Type> getThrownTypes() { return qtype.getThrownTypes(); }
public List<Type> allparams() { return qtype.allparams(); }
public Type getUpperBound() { return qtype.getUpperBound(); }
public boolean isErroneous() { return qtype.isErroneous(); }
public static class ForAll extends DelegatedType implements ExecutableType {
public List<Type> tvars;
public ForAll(List<Type> tvars, Type qtype) {
super(FORALL, qtype);
this.tvars = tvars;
public <R,S> R accept(Type.Visitor<R,S> v, S s) {
return v.visitForAll(this, s);
public String toString() {
return "<" + tvars + ">" + qtype;
public List<Type> getTypeArguments() { return tvars; }
public boolean isErroneous() {
return qtype.isErroneous();
* Replaces this ForAll's typevars with a set of concrete Java types
* and returns the instantiated generic type. Subclasses should override
* in order to check that the list of types is a valid instantiation
* of the ForAll's typevars.
* @param actuals list of actual types
* @param types types instance
* @return qtype where all occurrences of tvars are replaced
* by types in actuals
public Type inst(List<Type> actuals, Types types) {
return types.subst(qtype, tvars, actuals);
* Kind of type-constraint derived during type inference
public enum ConstraintKind {
* upper bound constraint (a type variable must be instantiated
* with a type T, where T is a subtype of all the types specified by
* its EXTENDS constraints).
* lower bound constraint (a type variable must be instantiated
* with a type T, where T is a supertype of all the types specified by
* its SUPER constraints).
* equality constraint (a type variable must be instantiated to the type
* specified by its EQUAL constraint.
* Get the type-constraints of a given kind for a given type-variable of
* this ForAll type. Subclasses should override in order to return more
* accurate sets of constraints.
* @param tv the type-variable for which the constraint is to be retrieved
* @param ck the constraint kind to be retrieved
* @return the list of types specified by the selected constraint
public List<Type> getConstraints(TypeVar tv, ConstraintKind ck) {
return List.nil();
public Type map(Mapping f) {
return f.apply(qtype);
public boolean contains(Type elem) {
return qtype.contains(elem);
public MethodType asMethodType() {
return qtype.asMethodType();
public void complete() {
for (List<Type> l = tvars; l.nonEmpty(); l = l.tail) {
public List<TypeVar> getTypeVariables() {
return List.convert(TypeVar.class, getTypeArguments());
public TypeKind getKind() {
return TypeKind.EXECUTABLE;
public <R, P> R accept(TypeVisitor<R, P> v, P p) {
return v.visitExecutable(this, p);
/** A class for instantiatable variables, for use during type
* inference.
public static class UndetVar extends DelegatedType {
public List<Type> lobounds = List.nil();
public List<Type> hibounds = List.nil();
public Type inst = null;
public <R,S> R accept(Type.Visitor<R,S> v, S s) {
return v.visitUndetVar(this, s);
public UndetVar(Type origin) {
super(UNDETVAR, origin);
public String toString() {
if (inst != null) return inst.toString();
else return qtype + "?";
public Type baseType() {
if (inst != null) return inst.baseType();
else return this;
/** Represents VOID or NONE.
static class JCNoType extends Type implements NoType {
public JCNoType(int tag) {
super(tag, null);
public TypeKind getKind() {
switch (tag) {
case VOID: return TypeKind.VOID;
case NONE: return TypeKind.NONE;
throw new AssertionError("Unexpected tag: " + tag);
public <R, P> R accept(TypeVisitor<R, P> v, P p) {
return v.visitNoType(this, p);
static class BottomType extends Type implements NullType {
public BottomType() {
super(TypeTags.BOT, null);
public TypeKind getKind() {
return TypeKind.NULL;
public <R, P> R accept(TypeVisitor<R, P> v, P p) {
return v.visitNull(this, p);
public Type constType(Object value) {
return this;
public String stringValue() {
return "null";
public static class ErrorType extends ClassType
implements javax.lang.model.type.ErrorType {
private Type originalType = null;
public ErrorType(Type originalType, TypeSymbol tsym) {
super(noType, List.<Type>nil(), null);
tag = ERROR;
this.tsym = tsym;
this.originalType = (originalType == null ? noType : originalType);
public ErrorType(ClassSymbol c, Type originalType) {
this(originalType, c);
c.type = this;
c.kind = ERR;
c.members_field = new Scope.ErrorScope(c);
public ErrorType(Name name, TypeSymbol container, Type originalType) {
this(new ClassSymbol(PUBLIC|STATIC|ACYCLIC, name, null, container), originalType);
public <R,S> R accept(Type.Visitor<R,S> v, S s) {
return v.visitErrorType(this, s);
public Type constType(Object constValue) { return this; }
public Type getEnclosingType() { return this; }
public Type getReturnType() { return this; }
public Type asSub(Symbol sym) { return this; }
public Type map(Mapping f) { return this; }
public boolean isGenType(Type t) { return true; }
public boolean isErroneous() { return true; }
public boolean isCompound() { return false; }
public boolean isInterface() { return false; }
public List<Type> allparams() { return List.nil(); }
public List<Type> getTypeArguments() { return List.nil(); }
public TypeKind getKind() {
return TypeKind.ERROR;
public Type getOriginalType() {
return originalType;
public <R, P> R accept(TypeVisitor<R, P> v, P p) {
return v.visitError(this, p);
* A visitor for types. A visitor is used to implement operations
* (or relations) on types. Most common operations on types are
* binary relations and this interface is designed for binary
* relations, that is, operations on the form
* Type&nbsp;&times;&nbsp;S&nbsp;&rarr;&nbsp;R.
* <!-- In plain text: Type x S -> R -->
* @param <R> the return type of the operation implemented by this
* visitor; use Void if no return type is needed.
* @param <S> the type of the second argument (the first being the
* type itself) of the operation implemented by this visitor; use
* Void if a second argument is not needed.
public interface Visitor<R,S> {
R visitClassType(ClassType t, S s);
R visitWildcardType(WildcardType t, S s);
R visitArrayType(ArrayType t, S s);
R visitMethodType(MethodType t, S s);
R visitPackageType(PackageType t, S s);
R visitTypeVar(TypeVar t, S s);
R visitCapturedType(CapturedType t, S s);
R visitForAll(ForAll t, S s);
R visitUndetVar(UndetVar t, S s);
R visitErrorType(ErrorType t, S s);
R visitType(Type t, S s);