* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
* @test
* @bug 6862679
* @summary ESC: AD Authentication with user with umlauts fails
public class RFC396xTest {
/** Creates a new instance of NewClass */
// RFC 3961
// A.1
assertStringEquals(hex((byte[])nfold.invoke(null, "012345".getBytes("UTF-8"), 64)), "be072631276b1955");
assertStringEquals(hex((byte[])nfold.invoke(null, "password".getBytes("UTF-8"), 56)), "78a07b6caf85fa");
assertStringEquals(hex((byte[])nfold.invoke(null, "Rough Consensus, and Running Code".getBytes("UTF-8"), 64)), "bb6ed30870b7f0e0");
assertStringEquals(hex((byte[])nfold.invoke(null, "password".getBytes("UTF-8"), 168)), "59e4a8ca7c0385c3c37b3f6d2000247cb6e6bd5b3e");
assertStringEquals(hex((byte[])nfold.invoke(null, "MASSACHVSETTS INSTITVTE OF TECHNOLOGY".getBytes("UTF-8"), 192)), "db3b0d8f0b061e603282b308a50841229ad798fab9540c1b");
assertStringEquals(hex((byte[])nfold.invoke(null, "Q".getBytes("UTF-8"), 168)), "518a54a215a8452a518a54a215a8452a518a54a215");
assertStringEquals(hex((byte[])nfold.invoke(null, "ba".getBytes("UTF-8"), 168)), "fb25d531ae8974499f52fd92ea9857c4ba24cf297e");
assertStringEquals(hex((byte[])nfold.invoke(null, "kerberos".getBytes("UTF-8"), 64)), "6b65726265726f73");
assertStringEquals(hex((byte[])nfold.invoke(null, "kerberos".getBytes("UTF-8"), 128)), "6b65726265726f737b9b5b2b93132b93");
assertStringEquals(hex((byte[])nfold.invoke(null, "kerberos".getBytes("UTF-8"), 168)), "8372c236344e5f1550cd0747e15d62ca7a5a3bcea4");
assertStringEquals(hex((byte[])nfold.invoke(null, "kerberos".getBytes("UTF-8"), 256)), "6b65726265726f737b9b5b2b93132b935c9bdcdad95c9899c4cae4dee6d6cae4");
// A.2
assertStringEquals(hex(Des.string_to_key_bytes("passwordATHENA.MIT.EDUraeburn".toCharArray())), "cbc22fae235298e3");
assertStringEquals(hex(Des.string_to_key_bytes("potatoeWHITEHOUSE.GOVdanny".toCharArray())), "df3d32a74fd92a01");
assertStringEquals(hex(Des.string_to_key_bytes((gclef+"EXAMPLE.COMpianist").toCharArray())), "4ffb26bab0cd9413");
assertStringEquals(hex(Des.string_to_key_bytes("\u00dfATHENA.MIT.EDUJuri\u0161i\u0107".toCharArray())), "62c81a5232b5e69d");
// Next 2 won't pass, since there's no real weak key here
//assertStringEquals(hex(Des.string_to_key_bytes("11119999AAAAAAAA".toCharArray())), "984054d0f1a73e31");
//assertStringEquals(hex(Des.string_to_key_bytes("NNNN6666FFFFAAAA".toCharArray())), "c4bf6b25adf7a4f8");
// A.3
// A.4
assertStringEquals(hex(new Des3DkCrypto().stringToKey("passwordATHENA.MIT.EDUraeburn".toCharArray())), "850bb51358548cd05e86768c313e3bfef7511937dcf72c3e");
assertStringEquals(hex(new Des3DkCrypto().stringToKey("potatoeWHITEHOUSE.GOVdanny".toCharArray())), "dfcd233dd0a43204ea6dc437fb15e061b02979c1f74f377a");
assertStringEquals(hex(new Des3DkCrypto().stringToKey("pennyEXAMPLE.COMbuckaroo".toCharArray())), "6d2fcdf2d6fbbc3ddcadb5da5710a23489b0d3b69d5d9d4a");
assertStringEquals(hex(new Des3DkCrypto().stringToKey("\u00DFATHENA.MIT.EDUJuri\u0161i\u0107".toCharArray())), "16d5a40e1ce3bacb61b9dce00470324c831973a7b952feb0");
assertStringEquals(hex(new Des3DkCrypto().stringToKey((gclef+"EXAMPLE.COMpianist").toCharArray())), "85763726585dbc1cce6ec43e1f751f07f1c4cbb098f40b19");
// A.5
assertStringEquals(hex(crc32.byte2crc32sum_bytes("MASSACHVSETTS INSTITVTE OF TECHNOLOGY".getBytes("UTF-8"))), "f78041e3");
// RFC 3962
Method pbkdf2 = AesDkCrypto.class.getDeclaredMethod("PBKDF2", char[].class, byte[].class, Integer.TYPE, Integer.TYPE);
Method s2k = AesDkCrypto.class.getDeclaredMethod("stringToKey", char[].class, byte[].class, byte[].class);
assertStringEquals(hex((byte[])pbkdf2.invoke(null, "password".toCharArray(), "ATHENA.MIT.EDUraeburn".getBytes("UTF-8"), 1, 128)), "cd ed b5 28 1b b2 f8 01 56 5a 11 22 b2 56 35 15");
assertStringEquals(hex(a1.stringToKey("password".toCharArray(), "ATHENA.MIT.EDUraeburn", i2b(1))), "42 26 3c 6e 89 f4 fc 28 b8 df 68 ee 09 79 9f 15");
assertStringEquals(hex((byte[])pbkdf2.invoke(null, "password".toCharArray(), "ATHENA.MIT.EDUraeburn".getBytes("UTF-8"), 1, 256)), "cd ed b5 28 1b b2 f8 01 56 5a 11 22 b2 56 35 15 0a d1 f7 a0 4b b9 f3 a3 33 ec c0 e2 e1 f7 08 37");
assertStringEquals(hex((byte[])pbkdf2.invoke(null, "password".toCharArray(), "ATHENA.MIT.EDUraeburn".getBytes("UTF-8"), 2, 128)), "01 db ee 7f 4a 9e 24 3e 98 8b 62 c7 3c da 93 5d");
assertStringEquals(hex(a1.stringToKey("password".toCharArray(), "ATHENA.MIT.EDUraeburn", i2b(2))), "c6 51 bf 29 e2 30 0a c2 7f a4 69 d6 93 bd da 13");
assertStringEquals(hex((byte[])pbkdf2.invoke(null, "password".toCharArray(), "ATHENA.MIT.EDUraeburn".getBytes("UTF-8"), 2, 256)), "01 db ee 7f 4a 9e 24 3e 98 8b 62 c7 3c da 93 5d a0 53 78 b9 32 44 ec 8f 48 a9 9e 61 ad 79 9d 86");
assertStringEquals(hex((byte[])pbkdf2.invoke(null, "password".toCharArray(), "ATHENA.MIT.EDUraeburn".getBytes("UTF-8"), 1200, 128)), "5c 08 eb 61 fd f7 1e 4e 4e c3 cf 6b a1 f5 51 2b");
assertStringEquals(hex(a1.stringToKey("password".toCharArray(), "ATHENA.MIT.EDUraeburn", i2b(1200))), "4c 01 cd 46 d6 32 d0 1e 6d be 23 0a 01 ed 64 2a");
assertStringEquals(hex((byte[])pbkdf2.invoke(null, "password".toCharArray(), "ATHENA.MIT.EDUraeburn".getBytes("UTF-8"), 1200, 256)), "5c 08 eb 61 fd f7 1e 4e 4e c3 cf 6b a1 f5 51 2b a7 e5 2d db c5 e5 14 2f 70 8a 31 e2 e6 2b 1e 13");
assertStringEquals(hex((byte[])pbkdf2.invoke(null, "password".toCharArray(), xeh("1234567878563412"), 5, 128)), "d1 da a7 86 15 f2 87 e6 a1 c8 b1 20 d7 06 2a 49");
assertStringEquals(hex((byte[])s2k.invoke(a1, "password".toCharArray(), xeh("1234567878563412"), i2b(5))), "e9 b2 3d 52 27 37 47 dd 5c 35 cb 55 be 61 9d 8e");
assertStringEquals(hex((byte[])pbkdf2.invoke(null, "password".toCharArray(), xeh("1234567878563412"), 5, 256)), "d1 da a7 86 15 f2 87 e6 a1 c8 b1 20 d7 06 2a 49 3f 98 d2 03 e6 be 49 a6 ad f4 fa 57 4b 6e 64 ee");
assertStringEquals(hex((byte[])pbkdf2.invoke(null, "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX".toCharArray(), "pass phrase equals block size".getBytes("UTF-8"), 1200, 128)), "13 9c 30 c0 96 6b c3 2b a5 5f db f2 12 53 0a c9");
assertStringEquals(hex(a1.stringToKey("XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX".toCharArray(), "pass phrase equals block size", i2b(1200))), "59 d1 bb 78 9a 82 8b 1a a5 4e f9 c2 88 3f 69 ed");
assertStringEquals(hex((byte[])pbkdf2.invoke(null, "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX".toCharArray(), "pass phrase equals block size".getBytes("UTF-8"), 1200, 256)), "13 9c 30 c0 96 6b c3 2b a5 5f db f2 12 53 0a c9 c5 ec 59 f1 a4 52 f5 cc 9a d9 40 fe a0 59 8e d1");
assertStringEquals(hex((byte[])pbkdf2.invoke(null, "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX".toCharArray(), "pass phrase exceeds block size".getBytes("UTF-8"), 1200, 128)), "9c ca d6 d4 68 77 0c d5 1b 10 e6 a6 87 21 be 61");
assertStringEquals(hex(a1.stringToKey("XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX".toCharArray(), "pass phrase exceeds block size", i2b(1200))), "cb 80 05 dc 5f 90 17 9a 7f 02 10 4c 00 18 75 1d");
assertStringEquals(hex((byte[])pbkdf2.invoke(null, "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX".toCharArray(), "pass phrase exceeds block size".getBytes("UTF-8"), 1200, 256)), "9c ca d6 d4 68 77 0c d5 1b 10 e6 a6 87 21 be 61 1a 8b 4d 28 26 01 db 3b 36 be 92 46 91 5e c8 2a");
assertStringEquals(hex((byte[])pbkdf2.invoke(null, gclef.toCharArray(), "EXAMPLE.COMpianist".getBytes("UTF-8"), 50, 128)), "6b 9c f2 6d 45 45 5a 43 a5 b8 bb 27 6a 40 3b 39");
assertStringEquals(hex(a1.stringToKey(gclef.toCharArray(), "EXAMPLE.COMpianist", i2b(50))), "f1 49 c1 f2 e1 54 a7 34 52 d4 3e 7f e6 2a 56 e5");
assertStringEquals(hex((byte[])pbkdf2.invoke(null, gclef.toCharArray(), "EXAMPLE.COMpianist".getBytes("UTF-8"), 50, 256)), "6b 9c f2 6d 45 45 5a 43 a5 b8 bb 27 6a 40 3b 39 e7 fe 37 a0 c4 1e 02 c2 81 ff 30 69 e1 e9 4f 52");
assertStringEquals(hex(a2.stringToKey("password".toCharArray(), "ATHENA.MIT.EDUraeburn", i2b(1))), "fe 69 7b 52 bc 0d 3c e1 44 32 ba 03 6a 92 e6 5b bb 52 28 09 90 a2 fa 27 88 39 98 d7 2a f3 01 61");
assertStringEquals(hex(a2.stringToKey("password".toCharArray(), "ATHENA.MIT.EDUraeburn", i2b(2))), "a2 e1 6d 16 b3 60 69 c1 35 d5 e9 d2 e2 5f 89 61 02 68 56 18 b9 59 14 b4 67 c6 76 22 22 58 24 ff");
assertStringEquals(hex(a2.stringToKey("password".toCharArray(), "ATHENA.MIT.EDUraeburn", i2b(1200))), "55 a6 ac 74 0a d1 7b 48 46 94 10 51 e1 e8 b0 a7 54 8d 93 b0 ab 30 a8 bc 3f f1 62 80 38 2b 8c 2a");
assertStringEquals(hex((byte[])s2k.invoke(a2, "password".toCharArray(), xeh("1234567878563412"), i2b(5))), "97 a4 e7 86 be 20 d8 1a 38 2d 5e bc 96 d5 90 9c ab cd ad c8 7c a4 8f 57 45 04 15 9f 16 c3 6e 31");
assertStringEquals(hex(a2.stringToKey("XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX".toCharArray(), "pass phrase equals block size", i2b(1200))), "89 ad ee 36 08 db 8b c7 1f 1b fb fe 45 94 86 b0 56 18 b7 0c ba e2 20 92 53 4e 56 c5 53 ba 4b 34");
assertStringEquals(hex(a2.stringToKey("XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX".toCharArray(), "pass phrase exceeds block size", i2b(1200))), "d7 8c 5c 9c b8 72 a8 c9 da d4 69 7f 0b b5 b2 d2 14 96 c8 2b eb 2c ae da 21 12 fc ee a0 57 40 1b");
assertStringEquals(hex(a2.stringToKey(gclef.toCharArray(), "EXAMPLE.COMpianist", i2b(50))), "4b 6d 98 39 f8 44 06 df 1f 09 cc 16 6d b4 b8 3c 57 18 48 b7 84 a3 d6 bd c3 46 58 9a 3e 39 3f 9e");
new IvParameterSpec(
xeh("49 20 77 6f 75 6c 64 20 6c 69 6b 65 20 74 68 65 20"))),
"c6 35 35 68 f2 bf 8c b4 d8 a5 80 36 2d a7 ff 7f 97");
xeh("49 20 77 6f 75 6c 64 20 6c 69 6b 65 20 74 68 65 20 47 65 6e 65 72 61 6c 20 47 61 75 27 73 20"))),
"fc 00 78 3e 0e fd b2 c1 d4 45 d4 c8 ef f7 ed 22 97 68 72 68 d6 ec cc c0 c0 7b 25 e2 5e cf e5");
xeh("49 20 77 6f 75 6c 64 20 6c 69 6b 65 20 74 68 65 20 47 65 6e 65 72 61 6c 20 47 61 75 27 73 20 43"))),
"39 31 25 23 a7 86 62 d5 be 7f cb cc 98 eb f5 a8 97 68 72 68 d6 ec cc c0 c0 7b 25 e2 5e cf e5 84");
xeh("49 20 77 6f 75 6c 64 20 6c 69 6b 65 20 74 68 65 20 47 65 6e 65 72 61 6c 20 47 61 75 27 73 20 43 68 69 63 6b 65 6e 2c 20 70 6c 65 61 73 65 2c"))),
"97 68 72 68 d6 ec cc c0 c0 7b 25 e2 5e cf e5 84 b3 ff fd 94 0c 16 a1 8c 1b 55 49 d2 f8 38 02 9e 39 31 25 23 a7 86 62 d5 be 7f cb cc 98 eb f5");
xeh("49 20 77 6f 75 6c 64 20 6c 69 6b 65 20 74 68 65 20 47 65 6e 65 72 61 6c 20 47 61 75 27 73 20 43 68 69 63 6b 65 6e 2c 20 70 6c 65 61 73 65 2c 20"))),
"97 68 72 68 d6 ec cc c0 c0 7b 25 e2 5e cf e5 84 9d ad 8b bb 96 c4 cd c0 3b c1 03 e1 a1 94 bb d8 39 31 25 23 a7 86 62 d5 be 7f cb cc 98 eb f5 a8");
xeh("49 20 77 6f 75 6c 64 20 6c 69 6b 65 20 74 68 65 20 47 65 6e 65 72 61 6c 20 47 61 75 27 73 20 43 68 69 63 6b 65 6e 2c 20 70 6c 65 61 73 65 2c 20 61 6e 64 20 77 6f 6e 74 6f 6e 20 73 6f 75 70 2e"))),
"97 68 72 68 d6 ec cc c0 c0 7b 25 e2 5e cf e5 84 39 31 25 23 a7 86 62 d5 be 7f cb cc 98 eb f5 a8 48 07 ef e8 36 ee 89 a5 26 73 0d bc 2f 7b c8 40 9d ad 8b bb 96 c4 cd c0 3b c1 03 e1 a1 94 bb d8");
static byte[] i2b(int i) {
byte[] b = new byte[4];
return b;
for(byte b: bs) {
char c = (char)((b+256)%256);
if (c / 16 < 10)
if (c % 16 < 10)
for (int i=0; i<len; i++) {
return out;
if (!a.equals(b)) {