* Copyright (c) 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
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* questions.
* @test
* @bug 6383095
* @summary CRL revoked certificate failures masked by OCSP failures
* Note that the certificate validity is from Mar 16 14:55:35 2009 GMT to
* Dec 1 14:55:35 2028 GMT, please update it with newer certificate if
* expires.
* @author Xuelei Fan
* Certificates used in the test.
* end entity certificate:
* Data:
* Version: 3 (0x2)
* Serial Number: 25 (0x19)
* Signature Algorithm: md5WithRSAEncryption
* Issuer: C=US, ST=Some-State, L=Some-City, O=Some-Org
* Validity
* Not Before: Mar 16 14:55:35 2009 GMT
* Not After : Dec 1 14:55:35 2028 GMT
* Subject: C=US, ST=Some-State, L=Some-City, O=Some-Org, OU=SSL-Client,
* CN=localhost
* Subject Public Key Info:
* Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
* RSA Public Key: (1024 bit)
* Modulus (1024 bit):
* 00:bb:f0:40:36:ac:26:54:4e:f4:a3:5a:00:2f:69:
* 21:6f:b9:7a:3a:93:ec:a2:f6:e1:8e:c7:63:d8:2f:
* 12:30:99:2e:b0:f2:8f:f8:27:2d:24:78:28:84:f7:
* 01:bf:8d:44:79:dd:3b:d2:55:f3:ce:3c:b2:5b:21:
* 7d:ef:fd:33:4a:b1:a3:ff:c6:c8:9b:b9:0f:7c:41:
* 35:97:f9:db:3a:05:60:05:15:af:59:17:92:a3:10:
* ad:16:1c:e4:07:53:af:a8:76:a2:56:2a:92:d3:f9:
* 28:e0:78:cf:5e:1f:48:ab:5c:19:dd:e1:67:43:ba:
* 75:8d:f5:82:ac:43:92:44:1b
* Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
* X509v3 extensions:
* X509v3 Basic Constraints:
* X509v3 Key Usage:
* Digital Signature, Non Repudiation, Key Encipherment
* X509v3 Subject Key Identifier:
* CD:BB:C8:85:AA:91:BD:FD:1D:BE:CD:67:7C:FF:B3:E9:4C:A8:22:E6
* X509v3 Authority Key Identifier:
* keyid:FA:B9:51:BF:4C:E7:D9:86:98:33:F9:E7:CB:1E:F1:33:49:F7:A8:14
* Signature Algorithm: md5WithRSAEncryption
* trusted certificate authority:
* Data:
* Version: 3 (0x2)
* Serial Number: 0 (0x0)
* Signature Algorithm: md5WithRSAEncryption
* Issuer: C=US, ST=Some-State, L=Some-City, O=Some-Org
* Validity
* Not Before: Dec 8 02:43:36 2008 GMT
* Not After : Aug 25 02:43:36 2028 GMT
* Subject: C=US, ST=Some-State, L=Some-City, O=Some-Org
* Subject Public Key Info:
* Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
* RSA Public Key: (1024 bit)
* Modulus (1024 bit):
* 00:cb:c4:38:20:07:be:88:a7:93:b0:a1:43:51:2d:
* d7:8e:85:af:54:dd:ad:a2:7b:23:5b:cf:99:13:53:
* 99:45:7d:ee:6d:ba:2d:bf:e3:ad:6e:3d:9f:1a:f9:
* 03:97:e0:17:55:ae:11:26:57:de:01:29:8e:05:3f:
* 21:f7:e7:36:e8:2e:37:d7:48:ac:53:d6:60:0e:c7:
* 50:6d:f6:c5:85:f7:8b:a6:c5:91:35:72:3c:94:ee:
* f1:17:f0:71:e3:ec:1b:ce:ca:4e:40:42:b0:6d:ee:
* 6a:0e:d6:e5:ad:3c:0f:c9:ba:82:4f:78:f8:89:97:
* 89:2a:95:12:4c:d8:09:2a:e9
* Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
* X509v3 extensions:
* X509v3 Subject Key Identifier:
* FA:B9:51:BF:4C:E7:D9:86:98:33:F9:E7:CB:1E:F1:33:49:F7:A8:14
* X509v3 Authority Key Identifier:
* keyid:FA:B9:51:BF:4C:E7:D9:86:98:33:F9:E7:CB:1E:F1:33:49:F7:A8:14
* DirName:/C=US/ST=Some-State/L=Some-City/O=Some-Org
* X509v3 Basic Constraints:
* Signature Algorithm: md5WithRSAEncryption
* CRL:
* Certificate Revocation List (CRL):
* Version 2 (0x1)
* Signature Algorithm: md5WithRSAEncryption
* Issuer: /C=US/ST=Some-State/L=Some-City/O=Some-Org
* Last Update: Mar 16 16:27:14 2009 GMT
* Next Update: May 15 16:27:14 2028 GMT
* CRL extensions:
* X509v3 CRL Number:
* 2
* Revoked Certificates:
* Serial Number: 19
* Revocation Date: Mar 16 16:22:08 2009 GMT
* CRL entry extensions:
* X509v3 CRL Reason Code:
* Superseded
* Signature Algorithm: md5WithRSAEncryption
import java.io.*;
import java.net.SocketException;
import java.util.*;
import java.security.Security;
import java.security.cert.*;
import java.security.InvalidAlgorithmParameterException;
import java.security.cert.CertPathValidatorException.BasicReason;
public class FailoverToCRL {
static String trusedCertStr =
"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n" +
"EwhTb21lLU9yZzAeFw0wODEyMDgwMjQzMzZaFw0yODA4MjUwMjQzMzZaMEkxCzAJ\n" +
"gQDLxDggB76Ip5OwoUNRLdeOha9U3a2ieyNbz5kTU5lFfe5tui2/461uPZ8a+QOX\n" +
"4BdVrhEmV94BKY4FPyH35zboLjfXSKxT1mAOx1Bt9sWF94umxZE1cjyU7vEX8HHj\n" +
"7BvOyk5AQrBt7moO1uWtPA/JuoJPePiJl4kqlRJM2Akq6QIDAQABo4GjMIGgMB0G\n" +
"A1UdDgQWBBT6uVG/TOfZhpgz+efLHvEzSfeoFDBxBgNVHSMEajBogBT6uVG/TOfZ\n" +
"DAYDVR0TBAUwAwEB/zANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQQFAAOBgQBcIm534U123Hz+rtyYO5uA\n" +
"ofd81G6FnTfEAV8Kw9fGyyEbQZclBv34A9JsFKeMvU4OFIaixD7nLZ/NZ+IWbhmZ\n" +
"LovmJXyCkOufea73pNiZ+f/4/ScZaIlM/PRycQSqbFNd4j9Wott+08qxHPLpsf3P\n" +
"6Mvf0r1PNTY2hwTJLJmKtg==\n" +
"-----END CERTIFICATE-----";
static String targetCertStr =
"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n" +
"JlRO9KNaAC9pIW+5ejqT7KL24Y7HY9gvEjCZLrDyj/gnLSR4KIT3Ab+NRHndO9JV\n" +
"8848slshfe/9M0qxo//GyJu5D3xBNZf52zoFYAUVr1kXkqMQrRYc5AdTr6h2olYq\n" +
"ktP5KOB4z14fSKtcGd3hZ0O6dY31gqxDkkQbAgMBAAGjWjBYMAkGA1UdEwQCMAAw\n" +
"CwYDVR0PBAQDAgXgMB0GA1UdDgQWBBTNu8iFqpG9/R2+zWd8/7PpTKgi5jAfBgNV\n" +
"p7JjCDOrMBNun46xs4Gz7Y4ygM5VHaFP0oO7369twvRSu0pCuIdZd5OIMPFeRqQw\n" +
"PA68ZdhYVR0pG5W7isV+jB+Dfge/IOgOA85sZ/6FlP3PBRW+YMQKKdRr5So3ook9\n" +
"PimQ7rbxRAofPECv20IUKFBbOUkU+gFcn+WbTKYxBw==\n" +
"-----END CERTIFICATE-----";
static String crlStr =
"-----BEGIN X509 CRL-----\n" +
"AQEEBQADgYEAMixJI9vBwYpOGosn46+T/MTEtlm2S5pIVT/xPDrHkCPfw8l4Zrgp\n" +
"dGPuUkglWdrGdxY9MNRUj2YFNfdZi6zZ7JF6XbkDHYOAKYgPDJRjS/0VcBntn5RJ\n" +
"sQfZsBqc9fFSP8gknRRn3LT41kr9xNRxTT1t3YYjv7J3zkMYyInqeUA=\n" +
"-----END X509 CRL-----";
private static CertPath generateCertificatePath()
throws CertificateException {
// generate certificate from cert strings
CertificateFactory cf = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509");
ByteArrayInputStream is =
new ByteArrayInputStream(targetCertStr.getBytes());
Certificate targetCert = cf.generateCertificate(is);
// generate certification path
List<Certificate> list = Arrays.asList(new Certificate[] {targetCert});
return cf.generateCertPath(list);
private static Set<TrustAnchor> generateTrustAnchors()
throws CertificateException {
// generate certificate from cert string
CertificateFactory cf = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509");
ByteArrayInputStream is =
new ByteArrayInputStream(trusedCertStr.getBytes());
Certificate trusedCert = cf.generateCertificate(is);
// generate a trust anchor
TrustAnchor anchor = new TrustAnchor((X509Certificate)trusedCert, null);
return Collections.singleton(anchor);
private static CertStore generateCertificateStore() throws Exception {
// generate CRL from CRL string
CertificateFactory cf = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509");
ByteArrayInputStream is =
new ByteArrayInputStream(crlStr.getBytes());
// generate a cert store
Collection<? extends CRL> crls = cf.generateCRLs(is);
return CertStore.getInstance("Collection",
new CollectionCertStoreParameters(crls));
public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
CertPath path = generateCertificatePath();
Set<TrustAnchor> anchors = generateTrustAnchors();
CertStore crls = generateCertificateStore();
PKIXParameters params = new PKIXParameters(anchors);
// add the CRL store
// Activate certificate revocation checking
// Activate OCSP
Security.setProperty("ocsp.enable", "true");
System.setProperty("com.sun.security.enableCRLDP", "true");
// Ensure that the ocsp.responderURL property is not set.
if (Security.getProperty("ocsp.responderURL") != null) {
throw new
Exception("The ocsp.responderURL property must not be set");
CertPathValidator validator = CertPathValidator.getInstance("PKIX");
try {
validator.validate(path, params);
} catch (CertPathValidatorException cpve) {
if (cpve.getReason() != BasicReason.REVOKED) {
throw new Exception(
"unexpect exception, should be a REVOKED CPVE", cpve);