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* published by the Free Software Foundation.
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/* @test
* @bug 7130915
* @summary Tests file path with nfc/nfd forms on MacOSX
* @library ../
* @build MacPathTest
* @run shell MacPathTest.sh
import java.nio.file.*;
import java.nio.file.attribute.*;
import java.text.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.regex.*;
public class MacPathTest {
public static void main(String args[]) throws Throwable {
String osname = System.getProperty("os.name");
if (!osname.contains("OS X") && !osname.contains("Darwin"))
System.out.printf("sun.jnu.encoding=%s, file.encoding=%s%n",
// English
test("TestDir_apple", // test dir
"dir_macosx", // dir
"file_macosx"); // file
// Japanese composite character
// latin-1 supplementory
// Korean syblla
private static boolean equal(Object x, Object y) {
return x == null ? y == null : x.equals(y);
private static boolean match(Path target, Path src) {
String fname = target.toString();
System.out.printf(" --> Trying [%s], length=%d...", fname, fname.length());
if (target.equals(src)) {
System.out.println(" MATCHED!");
return true;
} else {
System.out.println(" NOT MATCHED!");
return false;
private static void test(String testdir, String dname, String fname_nfc)
throws Throwable
String fname = null;
String dname_nfd = Normalizer.normalize(dname, Normalizer.Form.NFD);
String fname_nfd = Normalizer.normalize(fname_nfc, Normalizer.Form.NFD);
Path bpath = Paths.get(testdir);
Path dpath = Paths.get(testdir, dname);
Path dpath_nfd = Paths.get(testdir, dname_nfd);
Path fpath_nfc = Paths.get(testdir, fname_nfc);
Path fpath_nfd = Paths.get(testdir, fname_nfd);
if (Files.exists(bpath))
fname = dpath.toString();
System.out.printf(":Directory [%s][len=%d] created%n", fname, fname.length());
if (!Files.isDirectory(dpath) || !Files.isDirectory(dpath_nfd)) {
throw new RuntimeException("Files.isDirectory(...) failed");
// write out with nfd, read in with nfc + case
Files.write(fpath_nfd, new byte[] { 'n', 'f', 'd'});
System.out.println(" read in with nfc (from nfd):" + new String(Files.readAllBytes(fpath_nfc)));
// check attrs with nfc + case
Set<PosixFilePermission> pfp = Files.getPosixFilePermissions(fpath_nfd);
if (!equal(pfp, Files.getPosixFilePermissions(fpath_nfc)) ) {
throw new RuntimeException("Files.getPosixfilePermission(...) failed");
// write out with nfc, read in with nfd + case
Files.write(fpath_nfc, new byte[] { 'n', 'f', 'c'});
System.out.println(" read in with nfd (from nfc):" + new String(Files.readAllBytes(fpath_nfd)));
// check attrs with nfc + case
pfp = Files.getPosixFilePermissions(fpath_nfc);
if (!equal(pfp, Files.getPosixFilePermissions(fpath_nfd))) {
throw new RuntimeException("Files.getPosixfilePermission(...) failed");
boolean found_dir = false;
boolean found_file_nfc = false;
boolean found_file_nfd = false;
try (DirectoryStream<Path> stream = Files.newDirectoryStream(bpath)) {
for (Path path: stream) {
fname = path.toString();
System.out.printf("Found : [%s], length=%d%n", fname, fname.length());
found_dir |= match(dpath, path);
found_file_nfc |= match(fpath_nfc, path);
found_file_nfd |= match(fpath_nfd, path);
if (!found_dir || !found_file_nfc || !found_file_nfd) {
throw new RuntimeException("File.equal() failed");
// glob
String glob = "*" + fname_nfd.substring(2); // remove leading "FI" from "FILE..."
System.out.println("glob=" + glob);
boolean globmatched = false;
try (DirectoryStream<Path> stream = Files.newDirectoryStream(bpath, glob)) {
for (Path path: stream) {
fname = path.toString();
System.out.printf("PathMatch : [%s], length=%d%n", fname, fname.length());
globmatched |= match(fpath_nfc, path);
if (!globmatched) {
//throw new RuntimeException("path matcher failed");
// it appears we have a regex.anon_eq bug in hangul syllable handling
System.out.printf("pathmatcher failed, glob=[%s]%n", glob);
System.out.printf(" -> fname_nfd.matches(fname_nfc)=%b%n",
Pattern.compile(fname_nfd, Pattern.CANON_EQ)
System.out.printf(" -> fname_nfc.matches(fname_nfd)=%b%n",
Pattern.compile(fname_nfc, Pattern.CANON_EQ)