* Copyright (c) 2003, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this
* particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
* by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
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* questions.
#ifndef Java2d_Mlib_h_Included
#define Java2d_Mlib_h_Included
#include <mlib_image.h>
#include "mlib_ImageCopy.h"
#include "AnyByte.h"
#include "Any3Byte.h"
#include "Any4Byte.h"
#include "AnyShort.h"
#include "AnyInt.h"
#include "IntArgb.h"
#include "IntArgbBm.h"
#include "IntRgb.h"
#include "ByteGray.h"
#include "ByteIndexed.h"
#include "Index8Gray.h"
#include "Index12Gray.h"
#define ADD_SUFF(x) x##_F
#define ADD_SUFF(x) x
#define MLIB_AnyByte MLIB_BYTE
#define MLIB_Any3Byte MLIB_BYTE
#define MLIB_Any4Byte MLIB_BYTE
#define MLIB_AnyShort MLIB_SHORT
#define MLIB_AnyInt MLIB_INT
#define NCHAN_AnyByte 1
#define NCHAN_Any3Byte 3
#define NCHAN_Any4Byte 4
#define NCHAN_AnyShort 1
#define NCHAN_AnyInt 1
#define BLIT_PARAMS \
void *srcBase, void *dstBase, \
juint width, juint height, \
SurfaceDataRasInfo *pSrcInfo, \
SurfaceDataRasInfo *pDstInfo, \
NativePrimitive *pPrim, \
CompositeInfo *pCompInfo
srcBase, dstBase, width, height, \
pSrcInfo, pDstInfo, pPrim, pCompInfo
#define SCALE_PARAMS \
void *srcBase, void *dstBase, \
juint width, juint height, \
jint sxloc, jint syloc, \
jint sxinc, jint syinc, jint shift, \
SurfaceDataRasInfo * pSrcInfo, \
SurfaceDataRasInfo * pDstInfo, \
NativePrimitive * pPrim, \
CompositeInfo * pCompInfo
srcBase, dstBase, width, height, \
sxloc, syloc, sxinc, syinc, shift, \
pSrcInfo, pDstInfo, pPrim, pCompInfo
#define BCOPY_PARAMS \
void *srcBase, void *dstBase, \
juint width, juint height, \
jint bgpixel, \
SurfaceDataRasInfo * pSrcInfo, \
SurfaceDataRasInfo * pDstInfo, \
NativePrimitive * pPrim, \
CompositeInfo * pCompInfo
srcBase, dstBase, width, height, \
bgpixel, \
pSrcInfo, pDstInfo, pPrim, pCompInfo
void *dstBase, \
void *srcBase, \
jubyte *pMask, \
jint maskOff, \
jint maskScan, \
jint width, \
jint height, \
SurfaceDataRasInfo *pDstInfo, \
SurfaceDataRasInfo *pSrcInfo, \
NativePrimitive *pPrim, \
CompositeInfo *pCompInfo
dstBase, srcBase, pMask, \
maskOff, maskScan, width, height, \
pSrcInfo, pDstInfo, pPrim, pCompInfo
SurfaceDataRasInfo * pRasInfo, \
ImageRef *glyphs, \
jint totalGlyphs, \
jint fgpixel, jint argbcolor, \
jint clipLeft, jint clipTop, \
jint clipRight, jint clipBottom, \
NativePrimitive * pPrim, \
CompositeInfo * pCompInfo
#define MLIB_IMAGE_SET(image, data_type, nchan, w, h, scan, data_ptr) \
image->type = data_type; \
image->channels = nchan; \
image->width = w; \
image->height = h; \
image->stride = scan; \
image->data = (void*)(data_ptr)
#define PTR_ADD(ptr, scan) \
ptr = (void*)((mlib_u8*)(ptr) + (scan))
#define EXTRACT_CONST_1(pixel) \
mlib_s32 pixel##0 = pixel
#define EXTRACT_CONST_3(pixel) \
mlib_s32 pixel##0 = pixel; \
mlib_s32 pixel##1 = pixel >> 8; \
mlib_s32 pixel##2 = pixel >> 16
#define EXTRACT_CONST_4(pixel) \
mlib_s32 pixel##0 = pixel; \
mlib_s32 pixel##1 = pixel >> 8; \
mlib_s32 pixel##2 = pixel >> 16; \
mlib_s32 pixel##3 = pixel >> 24
#define STORE_CONST_1(ptr, pixel) \
ptr[0] = pixel
#define STORE_CONST_3(ptr, pixel) \
ptr[0] = pixel; \
ptr[1] = pixel >> 8; \
ptr[2] = pixel >> 16
#define STORE_CONST_4(ptr, pixel) \
ptr[0] = pixel; \
ptr[1] = pixel >> 8; \
ptr[2] = pixel >> 16; \
ptr[3] = pixel >> 24
#define PROCESS_PIX_1(BODY) \
BODY(i, 0)
#define PROCESS_PIX_3(BODY) \
BODY(3*i, 0); \
BODY(3*i + 1, 1); \
BODY(3*i + 2, 2)
#define PROCESS_PIX_4(BODY) \
BODY(4*i, 0); \
BODY(4*i + 1, 1); \
BODY(4*i + 2, 2); \
BODY(4*i + 3, 3)
#define LOOP_DST(TYPE, NCHAN, dstBase, dstScan, BODY) \
{ \
TYPE##DataType *dst_ptr = (void*)(dstBase); \
mlib_s32 i, j; \
j = 0; \
do { \
i = 0; \
do { \
i++; \
} while (i < width); \
PTR_ADD(dst_ptr, dstScan); \
j++; \
} while (j < height); \
#define LOOP_DST_SRC(TYPE, NCHAN, dstBase, dstScan, \
srcBase, srcScan, BODY) \
{ \
TYPE##DataType *dst_ptr = (void*)(dstBase); \
TYPE##DataType *src_ptr = (void*)(srcBase); \
mlib_s32 i, j; \
for (j = 0; j < height; j++) { \
for (i = 0; i < width; i++) { \
} \
PTR_ADD(dst_ptr, dstScan); \
PTR_ADD(src_ptr, srcScan); \
} \
#define LOAD_2F32(ptr, ind0, ind1) \
vis_freg_pair(((mlib_f32*)(ptr))[ind0], ((mlib_f32*)(ptr))[ind1])
#define LOAD_NEXT_U8(dd, ptr) \
dd = vis_faligndata(vis_ld_u8(ptr), dd)
#define LOAD_NEXT_U16(dd, ptr) \
dd = vis_faligndata(vis_ld_u16(ptr), dd)
jboolean checkSameLut(jint * SrcReadLut,
jint * DstReadLut,
SurfaceDataRasInfo * pSrcInfo,
SurfaceDataRasInfo * pDstInfo);
void ADD_SUFF(AnyByteIsomorphicCopy)(BLIT_PARAMS);
void ADD_SUFF(AnyByteIsomorphicScaleCopy)(SCALE_PARAMS);
void ADD_SUFF(AnyByteSetRect)(SurfaceDataRasInfo * pRasInfo,
jint lox, jint loy, jint hix,
jint hiy, jint pixel,
NativePrimitive * pPrim,
CompositeInfo * pCompInfo);
void ADD_SUFF(Any4ByteSetRect)(SurfaceDataRasInfo * pRasInfo,
jint lox, jint loy, jint hix,
jint hiy, jint pixel,
NativePrimitive * pPrim,
CompositeInfo * pCompInfo);
void ADD_SUFF(Any3ByteSetRect)(SurfaceDataRasInfo * pRasInfo,
jint lox, jint loy, jint hix,
jint hiy, jint pixel,
NativePrimitive * pPrim,
CompositeInfo * pCompInfo);
void ADD_SUFF(AnyIntSetRect)(SurfaceDataRasInfo * pRasInfo,
jint lox, jint loy, jint hix,
jint hiy, jint pixel,
NativePrimitive * pPrim,
CompositeInfo * pCompInfo);
void AnyByteSetRect(SurfaceDataRasInfo * pRasInfo,
jint lox, jint loy, jint hix,
jint hiy, jint pixel,
NativePrimitive * pPrim,
CompositeInfo * pCompInfo);
void AnyIntSetRect(SurfaceDataRasInfo * pRasInfo,
jint lox, jint loy, jint hix,
jint hiy, jint pixel,
NativePrimitive * pPrim,
CompositeInfo * pCompInfo);
void ADD_SUFF(IntArgbToByteGrayConvert)(BLIT_PARAMS);
void ADD_SUFF(ByteGrayToIntArgbConvert)(BLIT_PARAMS);
void ADD_SUFF(FourByteAbgrToIntArgbConvert)(BLIT_PARAMS);
void ADD_SUFF(IntArgbToFourByteAbgrConvert)(BLIT_PARAMS);
void ADD_SUFF(ThreeByteBgrToIntArgbConvert)(BLIT_PARAMS);
void ADD_SUFF(TreeByteBgrToIntArgbConvert)(BLIT_PARAMS);
void ADD_SUFF(IntArgbPreToIntArgbConvert)(BLIT_PARAMS);
void ADD_SUFF(FourByteAbgrToIntArgbScaleConvert)(SCALE_PARAMS);
void ADD_SUFF(ByteGrayToIntArgbPreConvert)(BLIT_PARAMS);
void ADD_SUFF(IntArgbToIntArgbPreConvert)(BLIT_PARAMS);
void ADD_SUFF(IntRgbToIntArgbPreConvert)(BLIT_PARAMS);
void ADD_SUFF(ThreeByteBgrToIntArgbPreConvert)(BLIT_PARAMS);
void ADD_SUFF(ByteGrayToIntArgbPreScaleConvert)(SCALE_PARAMS);
void ADD_SUFF(IntArgbToIntArgbPreScaleConvert)(SCALE_PARAMS);
void ADD_SUFF(IntRgbToIntArgbPreScaleConvert)(SCALE_PARAMS);
void ADD_SUFF(ThreeByteBgrToIntArgbPreScaleConvert)(SCALE_PARAMS);
void ADD_SUFF(ByteIndexedToFourByteAbgrConvert)(BLIT_PARAMS);
void ADD_SUFF(ByteIndexedBmToFourByteAbgrXparOver)(BLIT_PARAMS);
void ADD_SUFF(ByteIndexedBmToFourByteAbgrScaleXparOver)(SCALE_PARAMS);
void ADD_SUFF(ByteIndexedToFourByteAbgrScaleConvert)(SCALE_PARAMS);
void ADD_SUFF(IntArgbToThreeByteBgrConvert)(BLIT_PARAMS);
void ADD_SUFF(IntArgbToUshortGrayConvert)(BLIT_PARAMS);
void ADD_SUFF(ByteIndexedBmToFourByteAbgrXparBgCopy)(BCOPY_PARAMS);
void IntArgbToThreeByteBgrConvert(BLIT_PARAMS);
#endif /* Java2d_Mlib_h_Included */