* Copyright (c) 2003, 2006, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this
* particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
* by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
package sun.awt.X11;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
import java.awt.event.MouseWheelEvent;
import java.awt.event.AdjustmentEvent;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import sun.awt.motif.X11FontMetrics;
import sun.util.logging.PlatformLogger;
// FIXME: implement multi-select
* Class to paint a list of items, possibly with scrollbars
* This class paints all items with the same font
* For now, this class manages the list of items and painting thereof, but not
* posting of Item or ActionEvents
public class ListHelper implements XScrollbarClient {
private static final PlatformLogger log = PlatformLogger.getLogger("sun.awt.X11.ListHelper");
private final int FOCUS_INSET = 1;
private final int BORDER_WIDTH; // Width of border drawn around the list
// of items
private final int ITEM_MARGIN; // Margin between the border of the list
// of items and and item's bg, and between
// items
private final int TEXT_SPACE; // Space between the edge of an item and
// the text
private final int SCROLLBAR_WIDTH; // Width of a scrollbar
private java.util.List items; // List of items
// TODO: maybe this would be better as a simple int[]
private java.util.List selected; // List of selected items
private boolean multiSelect; // Can multiple items be selected
// at once?
private int focusedIndex;
private int maxVisItems; // # items visible without a vsb
private XVerticalScrollbar vsb; // null if unsupported
private boolean vsbVis;
private XHorizontalScrollbar hsb; // null if unsupported
private boolean hsbVis;
private Font font;
private FontMetrics fm;
private XWindow peer; // So far, only needed for painting
// on notifyValue()
private Color[] colors; // Passed in for painting on notifyValue()
// Holds the true if mouse is dragging outside of the area of the list
// The flag is used at the moment of the dragging and releasing mouse
// See 6243382 for more information
boolean mouseDraggedOutVertically = false;
private volatile boolean vsbVisibilityChanged = false;
* Comment
public ListHelper(XWindow peer,
Color[] colors,
int initialSize,
boolean multiSelect,
boolean scrollVert,
boolean scrollHoriz,
Font font,
int maxVisItems,
int SPACE,
this.peer = peer;
this.colors = colors;
this.multiSelect = multiSelect;
items = new ArrayList(initialSize);
selected = new ArrayList(1);
this.maxVisItems = maxVisItems;
if (scrollVert) {
vsb = new XVerticalScrollbar(this);
vsb.setValues(0, 0, 0, 0, 1, maxVisItems - 1);
if (scrollHoriz) {
hsb = new XHorizontalScrollbar(this);
hsb.setValues(0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1);
public Component getEventSource() {
return peer.getEventSource();
/* List management methods */
public void add(String item) {
public void add(String item, int index) {
items.add(index, item);
public void remove(String item) {
// FIXME: need to clean up select list, too?
// Is vsb visible now?
public void remove(int index) {
// FIXME: need to clean up select list, too?
// Is vsb visible now?
public void removeAll() {
public void setMultiSelect(boolean ms) {
multiSelect = ms;
* docs.....definitely docs
* merely keeps internal track of which items are selected for painting
* dealing with target Components happens elsewhere
public void select(int index) {
if (index > getItemCount() - 1) {
index = (isEmpty() ? -1 : 0);
if (multiSelect) {
assert false : "Implement ListHelper.select() for multiselect";
else if (getSelectedIndex() != index) {
/* docs */
public void deselect(int index) {
/* docs */
/* if called for multiselect, return -1 */
public int getSelectedIndex() {
if (!multiSelect) {
Integer val = (Integer)selected.get(0);
return val.intValue();
return -1;
int[] getSelectedIndexes() { assert(false); return null;}
* A getter method for XChoicePeer.
* Returns vsbVisiblityChanged value and sets it to false.
public boolean checkVsbVisibilityChangedAndReset(){
boolean returnVal = vsbVisibilityChanged;
vsbVisibilityChanged = false;
return returnVal;
public boolean isEmpty() {
return items.isEmpty();
public int getItemCount() {
return items.size();
public String getItem(int index) {
return (String) items.get(index);
/* GUI-related methods */
public void setFocusedIndex(int index) {
focusedIndex = index;
public boolean isFocusedIndex(int index) {
return index == focusedIndex;
public void setFont(Font newFont) {
if (newFont != font) {
font = newFont;
fm = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getFontMetrics(font);
// Also cache stuff like fontHeight?
* Returns width of the text of the longest item
public int getMaxItemWidth() {
int m = 0;
int end = getItemCount();
for(int i = 0 ; i < end ; i++) {
int l = fm.stringWidth(getItem(i));
m = Math.max(m, l);
return m;
* Height of an item (this doesn't include ITEM_MARGIN)
int getItemHeight() {
return fm.getHeight() + (2*TEXT_SPACE);
public int y2index(int y) {
if (log.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINE)) {
log.fine("y=" + y +", firstIdx=" + firstDisplayedIndex() +", itemHeight=" + getItemHeight()
+ ",item_margin=" + ITEM_MARGIN);
// See 6243382 for more information
int newIdx = firstDisplayedIndex() + ((y - 2*ITEM_MARGIN) / (getItemHeight() + 2*ITEM_MARGIN));
return newIdx;
/* write these
int index2y(int);
public int numItemsDisplayed() {}
public int firstDisplayedIndex() {
if (vsbVis) {
return vsb.getValue();
return 0;
public int lastDisplayedIndex() {
// FIXME: need to account for horiz scroll bar
if (hsbVis) {
assert false : "Implement for horiz scroll bar";
return vsbVis ? vsb.getValue() + maxVisItems - 1: getItemCount() - 1;
* If the given index is not visible in the List, scroll so that it is.
public void makeVisible(int index) {
if (vsbVis) {
if (index < firstDisplayedIndex()) {
else if (index > lastDisplayedIndex()) {
vsb.setValue(index - maxVisItems + 1);
// FIXME: multi-select needs separate focused index
public void up() {
int curIdx = getSelectedIndex();
int numItems = getItemCount();
int newIdx;
assert curIdx >= 0;
if (curIdx == 0) {
newIdx = numItems - 1;
else {
newIdx = --curIdx;
// focus(newIdx);
public void down() {
int newIdx = (getSelectedIndex() + 1) % getItemCount();
public void pageUp() {
// FIXME: for multi-select, move the focused item, not the selected item
if (vsbVis && firstDisplayedIndex() > 0) {
if (multiSelect) {
assert false : "Implement pageUp() for multiSelect";
else {
int selectionOffset = getSelectedIndex() - firstDisplayedIndex();
// the vsb does bounds checking
int newIdx = firstDisplayedIndex() - vsb.getBlockIncrement();
select(firstDisplayedIndex() + selectionOffset);
public void pageDown() {
if (vsbVis && lastDisplayedIndex() < getItemCount() - 1) {
if (multiSelect) {
assert false : "Implement pageDown() for multiSelect";
else {
int selectionOffset = getSelectedIndex() - firstDisplayedIndex();
// the vsb does bounds checking
int newIdx = lastDisplayedIndex();
select(firstDisplayedIndex() + selectionOffset);
public void home() {}
public void end() {}
public boolean isVSBVisible() { return vsbVis; }
public boolean isHSBVisible() { return hsbVis; }
public XVerticalScrollbar getVSB() { return vsb; }
public XHorizontalScrollbar getHSB() { return hsb; }
public boolean isInVertSB(Rectangle bounds, int x, int y) {
if (vsbVis) {
assert vsb != null : "Vert scrollbar is visible, yet is null?";
int sbHeight = hsbVis ? bounds.height - SCROLLBAR_WIDTH : bounds.height;
return (x <= bounds.width) &&
(x >= bounds.width - SCROLLBAR_WIDTH) &&
(y >= 0) &&
(y <= sbHeight);
return false;
public boolean isInHorizSB(Rectangle bounds, int x, int y) {
if (hsbVis) {
assert hsb != null : "Horiz scrollbar is visible, yet is null?";
int sbWidth = vsbVis ? bounds.width - SCROLLBAR_WIDTH : bounds.width;
return (x <= sbWidth) &&
(x >= 0) &&
(y >= bounds.height - SCROLLBAR_WIDTH) &&
(y <= bounds.height);
return false;
public void handleVSBEvent(MouseEvent e, Rectangle bounds, int x, int y) {
int sbHeight = hsbVis ? bounds.height - SCROLLBAR_WIDTH : bounds.height;
x - (bounds.width - SCROLLBAR_WIDTH),
* Called when items are added/removed.
* Update whether the scrollbar is visible or not, scrollbar values
void updateScrollbars() {
boolean oldVsbVis = vsbVis;
vsbVis = vsb != null && items.size() > maxVisItems;
if (vsbVis) {
vsb.setValues(vsb.getValue(), getNumItemsDisplayed(),
vsb.getMinimum(), items.size());
// 6405689. If Vert Scrollbar gets disappeared from the dropdown menu we should repaint whole dropdown even if
// no actual resize gets invoked. This is needed because some painting artifacts remained between dropdown items
// but draw3DRect doesn't clear the area inside. Instead it just paints lines as borders.
vsbVisibilityChanged = (vsbVis != oldVsbVis);
// FIXME: check if added item makes a hsb necessary (if supported, that of course)
public int getNumItemsDisplayed() {
return items.size() > maxVisItems ? maxVisItems : items.size();
public void repaintScrollbarRequest(XScrollbar sb) {
Graphics g = peer.getGraphics();
Rectangle bounds = peer.getBounds();
if ((sb == vsb) && vsbVis) {
paintVSB(g, XComponentPeer.getSystemColors(), bounds);
else if ((sb == hsb) && hsbVis) {
paintHSB(g, XComponentPeer.getSystemColors(), bounds);
public void notifyValue(XScrollbar obj, int type, int v, boolean isAdjusting) {
if (obj == vsb) {
int oldScrollValue = vsb.getValue();
boolean needRepaint = (oldScrollValue != vsb.getValue());
// See 6243382 for more information
if (mouseDraggedOutVertically){
int oldItemValue = getSelectedIndex();
int newItemValue = getSelectedIndex() + v - oldScrollValue;
needRepaint = needRepaint || (getSelectedIndex() != oldItemValue);
// FIXME: how are we going to paint!?
Graphics g = peer.getGraphics();
Rectangle bounds = peer.getBounds();
int first = v;
int last = Math.min(getItemCount() - 1,
v + maxVisItems);
if (needRepaint) {
paintItems(g, colors, bounds, first, last);
else if ((XHorizontalScrollbar)obj == hsb) {
// FIXME: how are we going to paint!?
public void updateColors(Color[] newColors) {
colors = newColors;
public void paintItems(Graphics g,
Color[] colors,
Rectangle bounds,
Font font,
int first,
int last,
XVerticalScrollbar vsb,
XHorizontalScrollbar hsb) {
public void paintItems(Graphics g,
Color[] colors,
Rectangle bounds) {
// paint border
// paint items
// paint scrollbars
// paint focus?
public void paintAllItems(Graphics g,
Color[] colors,
Rectangle bounds) {
paintItems(g, colors, bounds,
firstDisplayedIndex(), lastDisplayedIndex());
public void paintItems(Graphics g,
Color[] colors,
Rectangle bounds,
int first,
int last) {
int width = bounds.width - 2*ITEM_MARGIN - 2*BORDER_WIDTH - (vsbVis ? SCROLLBAR_WIDTH : 0);
int height = getItemHeight();
for (int i = first; i <= last ; i++) {
paintItem(g, colors, getItem(i),
x, y, width, height,
y += height + 2*ITEM_MARGIN;
if (vsbVis) {
paintVSB(g, XComponentPeer.getSystemColors(), bounds);
if (hsbVis) {
paintHSB(g, XComponentPeer.getSystemColors(), bounds);
// FIXME: if none of the items were focused, paint focus around the
// entire list. This is how java.awt.List should work.
* comment about what is painted (i.e. the focus rect
public void paintItem(Graphics g,
Color[] colors,
String string,
int x, int y, int width, int height,
boolean selected,
boolean focused) {
//System.out.println("LP.pI(): x="+x+" y="+y+" w="+width+" h="+height);
// FIXME: items shouldn't draw into the scrollbar
if (selected) {
else {
g.fillRect(x, y, width, height);
if (focused) {
g.drawRect(x + FOCUS_INSET,
width - 2*FOCUS_INSET,
height - 2*FOCUS_INSET);
if (selected) {
else {
//Rectangle clip = g.getClipBounds();
//g.clipRect(x, y, width, height);
//g.drawString(string, x + TEXT_SPACE, y + TEXT_SPACE + ITEM_MARGIN);
int fontAscent = fm.getAscent();
int fontDescent = fm.getDescent();
g.drawString(string, x + TEXT_SPACE, y + (height + fm.getMaxAscent() - fm.getMaxDescent())/2);
//g.clipRect(clip.x, clip.y, clip.width, clip.height);
boolean isItemSelected(int index) {
Iterator itr = selected.iterator();
while (itr.hasNext()) {
Integer val = (Integer)itr.next();
if (val.intValue() == index) {
return true;
return false;
public void paintVSB(Graphics g, Color colors[], Rectangle bounds) {
int height = bounds.height - 2*BORDER_WIDTH - (hsbVis ? (SCROLLBAR_WIDTH-2) : 0);
Graphics ng = g.create();
try {
ng.translate(bounds.width - BORDER_WIDTH - SCROLLBAR_WIDTH,
// Update scrollbar's size
vsb.setSize(SCROLLBAR_WIDTH, bounds.height);
vsb.paint(ng, colors, true);
} finally {
public void paintHSB(Graphics g, Color colors[], Rectangle bounds) {
* Helper method for Components with integrated scrollbars.
* Pass in the vertical and horizontal scroll bar (or null for none/hidden)
* and the MouseWheelEvent, and the appropriate scrollbar will be scrolled
* correctly.
* Returns whether or not scrolling actually took place. This will indicate
* whether or not repainting is required.
static boolean doWheelScroll(XVerticalScrollbar vsb,
XHorizontalScrollbar hsb,
MouseWheelEvent e) {
XScrollbar scroll = null;
int wheelRotation;
// Determine which, if any, sb to scroll
if (vsb != null) {
scroll = vsb;
else if (hsb != null) {
scroll = hsb;
else { // Neither scrollbar is showing
return false;
wheelRotation = e.getWheelRotation();
// Check if scroll is necessary
if ((wheelRotation < 0 && scroll.getValue() > scroll.getMinimum()) ||
(wheelRotation > 0 && scroll.getValue() < scroll.getMaximum()) ||
wheelRotation != 0) {
int type = e.getScrollType();
int incr;
if (type == MouseWheelEvent.WHEEL_BLOCK_SCROLL) {
incr = wheelRotation * scroll.getBlockIncrement();
else { // type is WHEEL_UNIT_SCROLL
incr = e.getUnitsToScroll() * scroll.getUnitIncrement();
scroll.setValue(scroll.getValue() + incr);
return true;
return false;
* Helper method for XChoicePeer with integrated vertical scrollbar.
* Start or stop vertical scrolling when mouse dragged in / out the area of the list if it's required
* Restoring Motif behavior
* See 6243382 for more information
void trackMouseDraggedScroll(int mouseX, int mouseY, int listWidth, int listHeight){
if (!mouseDraggedOutVertically){
if (vsb.beforeThumb(mouseX, mouseY)) {
} else {
if(!mouseDraggedOutVertically && (mouseY < 0 || mouseY >= listHeight)){
mouseDraggedOutVertically = true;
if (mouseDraggedOutVertically && mouseY >= 0 && mouseY < listHeight && mouseX >= 0 && mouseX < listWidth){
mouseDraggedOutVertically = false;
* Helper method for XChoicePeer with integrated vertical scrollbar.
* Stop vertical scrolling when mouse released in / out the area of the list if it's required
* Restoring Motif behavior
* see 6243382 for more information
void trackMouseReleasedScroll(){
if (mouseDraggedOutVertically){
mouseDraggedOutVertically = false;