* Copyright (c) 2003, 2006, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this
* particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
* by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
#ifndef HEADLESS
#include <jni.h>
#include <jlong.h>
#include "SurfaceData.h"
#include "OGLBlitLoops.h"
#include "OGLRenderQueue.h"
#include "OGLSurfaceData.h"
#include "GraphicsPrimitiveMgr.h"
extern OGLPixelFormat PixelFormats[];
* Inner loop used for copying a source OpenGL "Surface" (window, pbuffer,
* etc.) to a destination OpenGL "Surface". Note that the same surface can
* be used as both the source and destination, as is the case in a copyArea()
* operation. This method is invoked from OGLBlitLoops_IsoBlit() as well as
* OGLBlitLoops_CopyArea().
* The standard glCopyPixels() mechanism is used to copy the source region
* into the destination region. If the regions have different dimensions,
* the source will be scaled into the destination as appropriate (only
* nearest neighbor filtering will be applied for simple scale operations).
static void
OGLBlitSurfaceToSurface(OGLContext *oglc, OGLSDOps *srcOps, OGLSDOps *dstOps,
jint sx1, jint sy1, jint sx2, jint sy2,
jdouble dx1, jdouble dy1, jdouble dx2, jdouble dy2)
GLfloat scalex, scaley;
jint srcw = sx2 - sx1;
jint srch = sy2 - sy1;
scalex = ((GLfloat)(dx2-dx1)) / srcw;
scaley = ((GLfloat)(dy2-dy1)) / srch;
// the following lines account for the fact that glCopyPixels() copies a
// region whose lower-left corner is at (x,y), but the source parameters
// (sx1,sy1) we are given here point to the upper-left corner of the
// source region... so here we play with the sy1 and dy1 parameters so
// that they point to the lower-left corners of the regions...
sx1 = srcOps->xOffset + sx1;
sy1 = srcOps->yOffset + srcOps->height - sy2;
dy1 = dy2;
if (oglc->extraAlpha != 1.0f) {
// see OGLBlitSwToSurface() for more info on the following two lines
j2d_glRasterPos2i(0, 0);
j2d_glBitmap(0, 0, 0, 0, (GLfloat)dx1, (GLfloat)-dy1, NULL);
if (scalex == 1.0f && scaley == 1.0f) {
j2d_glCopyPixels(sx1, sy1, srcw, srch, GL_COLOR);
} else {
j2d_glPixelZoom(scalex, scaley);
j2d_glCopyPixels(sx1, sy1, srcw, srch, GL_COLOR);
j2d_glPixelZoom(1.0f, 1.0f);
if (oglc->extraAlpha != 1.0f) {
* Inner loop used for copying a source OpenGL "Texture" to a destination
* OpenGL "Surface". This method is invoked from OGLBlitLoops_IsoBlit().
* This method will copy, scale, or transform the source texture into the
* destination depending on the transform state, as established in
* and OGLContext_SetTransform(). If the source texture is
* transformed in any way when rendered into the destination, the filtering
* method applied is determined by the hint parameter (can be GL_NEAREST or
static void
OGLBlitTextureToSurface(OGLContext *oglc,
OGLSDOps *srcOps, OGLSDOps *dstOps,
jboolean rtt, jint hint,
jint sx1, jint sy1, jint sx2, jint sy2,
jdouble dx1, jdouble dy1, jdouble dx2, jdouble dy2)
GLdouble tx1, ty1, tx2, ty2;
if (rtt) {
* The source is a render-to-texture surface. These surfaces differ
* from regular texture objects in that the bottom scanline (of
* the actual image content) coincides with the top edge of the
* texture object. Therefore, we need to adjust the sy1/sy2
* coordinates relative to the top scanline of the image content.
* In texture coordinates, the top-left corner of the image content
* would be at:
* (0.0, (imgHeight/texHeight))
* while the bottom-right corner corresponds to:
* ((imgWidth/texWidth), 0.0)
sy1 = srcOps->height - sy1;
sy2 = srcOps->height - sy2;
if (srcOps->textureTarget == GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB) {
// The GL_ARB_texture_rectangle extension requires that we specify
// texture coordinates in the range [0,srcw] and [0,srch] instead of
// [0,1] as we would normally do in the case of GL_TEXTURE_2D
tx1 = (GLdouble)sx1;
ty1 = (GLdouble)sy1;
tx2 = (GLdouble)sx2;
ty2 = (GLdouble)sy2;
} else {
// Otherwise we need to convert the source bounds into the range [0,1]
tx1 = ((GLdouble)sx1) / srcOps->textureWidth;
ty1 = ((GLdouble)sy1) / srcOps->textureHeight;
tx2 = ((GLdouble)sx2) / srcOps->textureWidth;
ty2 = ((GLdouble)sy2) / srcOps->textureHeight;
// Note that we call CHECK_PREVIOUS_OP(texTarget) in IsoBlit(), which
// will call glEnable(texTarget) as necessary.
j2d_glBindTexture(srcOps->textureTarget, srcOps->textureID);
j2d_glTexCoord2d(tx1, ty1); j2d_glVertex2d(dx1, dy1);
j2d_glTexCoord2d(tx2, ty1); j2d_glVertex2d(dx2, dy1);
j2d_glTexCoord2d(tx2, ty2); j2d_glVertex2d(dx2, dy2);
j2d_glTexCoord2d(tx1, ty2); j2d_glVertex2d(dx1, dy2);
* Inner loop used for copying a source system memory ("Sw") surface to a
* destination OpenGL "Surface". This method is invoked from
* OGLBlitLoops_Blit().
* The standard glDrawPixels() mechanism is used to copy the source region
* into the destination region. If the regions have different
* dimensions, the source will be scaled into the destination
* as appropriate (only nearest neighbor filtering will be applied for simple
* scale operations).
static void
OGLBlitSwToSurface(OGLContext *oglc, SurfaceDataRasInfo *srcInfo,
OGLPixelFormat *pf,
jint sx1, jint sy1, jint sx2, jint sy2,
jdouble dx1, jdouble dy1, jdouble dx2, jdouble dy2)
GLfloat scalex, scaley;
scalex = ((GLfloat)(dx2-dx1)) / (sx2-sx1);
scaley = ((GLfloat)(dy2-dy1)) / (sy2-sy1);
if (oglc->extraAlpha != 1.0f) {
if (!pf->hasAlpha) {
// if the source surface does not have an alpha channel,
// we need to ensure that the alpha values are forced to
// the current extra alpha value (see OGLContext_SetExtraAlpha()
// for more information)
j2d_glPixelTransferf(GL_ALPHA_SCALE, 0.0f);
j2d_glPixelTransferf(GL_ALPHA_BIAS, oglc->extraAlpha);
// This is a rather intriguing (yet totally valid) hack... If we were to
// specify a raster position that is outside the surface bounds, the raster
// position would be invalid and nothing would be rendered. However, we
// can use a widely known trick to move the raster position outside the
// surface bounds while maintaining its status as valid. The following
// call to glBitmap() renders a no-op bitmap, but offsets the current
// raster position from (0,0) to the desired location of (dx1,-dy1)...
j2d_glRasterPos2i(0, 0);
j2d_glBitmap(0, 0, 0, 0, (GLfloat)dx1, (GLfloat)-dy1, NULL);
j2d_glPixelZoom(scalex, -scaley);
// in case pixel stride is not a multiple of scanline stride the copy
// has to be done line by line (see 6207877)
if (srcInfo->scanStride % srcInfo->pixelStride != 0) {
jint width = sx2-sx1;
jint height = sy2-sy1;
GLvoid *pSrc = srcInfo->rasBase;
while (height > 0) {
j2d_glDrawPixels(width, 1, pf->format, pf->type, pSrc);
j2d_glBitmap(0, 0, 0, 0, (GLfloat)0, (GLfloat)-1, NULL);
pSrc = PtrAddBytes(pSrc, srcInfo->scanStride);
} else {
j2d_glDrawPixels(sx2-sx1, sy2-sy1, pf->format, pf->type, srcInfo->rasBase);
j2d_glPixelZoom(1.0, 1.0);
if (oglc->extraAlpha != 1.0f) {
if (!pf->hasAlpha) {
// restore scale/bias to their original values
j2d_glPixelTransferf(GL_ALPHA_SCALE, 1.0f);
j2d_glPixelTransferf(GL_ALPHA_BIAS, 0.0f);
* Inner loop used for copying a source system memory ("Sw") surface or
* OpenGL "Surface" to a destination OpenGL "Surface", using an OpenGL texture
* tile as an intermediate surface. This method is invoked from
* OGLBlitLoops_Blit() for "Sw" surfaces and OGLBlitLoops_IsoBlit() for
* "Surface" surfaces.
* This method is used to transform the source surface into the destination.
* Pixel rectangles cannot be arbitrarily transformed (without the
* GL_EXT_pixel_transform extension, which is not supported on most modern
* hardware). However, texture mapped quads do respect the GL_MODELVIEW
* transform matrix, so we use textures here to perform the transform
* operation. This method uses a tile-based approach in which a small
* subregion of the source surface is copied into a cached texture tile. The
* texture tile is then mapped into the appropriate location in the
* destination surface.
* REMIND: this only works well using GL_NEAREST for the filtering mode
* (GL_LINEAR causes visible stitching problems between tiles,
* but this can be fixed by making use of texture borders)
static void
OGLBlitToSurfaceViaTexture(OGLContext *oglc, SurfaceDataRasInfo *srcInfo,
OGLPixelFormat *pf, OGLSDOps *srcOps,
jboolean swsurface, jint hint,
jint sx1, jint sy1, jint sx2, jint sy2,
jdouble dx1, jdouble dy1, jdouble dx2, jdouble dy2)
GLdouble tx1, ty1, tx2, ty2;
GLdouble dx, dy, dw, dh, cdw, cdh;
jint tw, th;
jint sx, sy, sw, sh;
jboolean adjustAlpha = (pf != NULL && !pf->hasAlpha);
jboolean slowPath;
if (oglc->blitTextureID == 0) {
if (!OGLContext_InitBlitTileTexture(oglc)) {
"OGLBlitToSurfaceViaTexture: could not init blit tile");
tx1 = 0.0f;
ty1 = 0.0f;
cdw = (dx2-dx1) / (((GLdouble)(sx2-sx1)) / OGLC_BLIT_TILE_SIZE);
cdh = (dy2-dy1) / (((GLdouble)(sy2-sy1)) / OGLC_BLIT_TILE_SIZE);
j2d_glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, oglc->blitTextureID);
j2d_glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, glhint);
j2d_glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, glhint);
if (adjustAlpha) {
// if the source surface does not have an alpha channel,
// we need to ensure that the alpha values are forced to 1.0f
j2d_glPixelTransferf(GL_ALPHA_SCALE, 0.0f);
j2d_glPixelTransferf(GL_ALPHA_BIAS, 1.0f);
// in case pixel stride is not a multiple of scanline stride the copy
// has to be done line by line (see 6207877)
slowPath = srcInfo->scanStride % srcInfo->pixelStride != 0;
for (sy = sy1, dy = dy1; sy < sy2; sy += th, dy += cdh) {
sh = ((sy + th) > sy2) ? (sy2 - sy) : th;
dh = ((dy + cdh) > dy2) ? (dy2 - dy) : cdh;
for (sx = sx1, dx = dx1; sx < sx2; sx += tw, dx += cdw) {
sw = ((sx + tw) > sx2) ? (sx2 - sx) : tw;
dw = ((dx + cdw) > dx2) ? (dx2 - dx) : cdw;
tx2 = ((GLdouble)sw) / tw;
ty2 = ((GLdouble)sh) / th;
if (swsurface) {
if (slowPath) {
jint tmph = sh;
GLvoid *pSrc = PtrCoord(srcInfo->rasBase,
sx, srcInfo->pixelStride,
sy, srcInfo->scanStride);
while (tmph > 0) {
j2d_glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0,
0, sh - tmph, sw, 1,
pf->format, pf->type,
pSrc = PtrAddBytes(pSrc, srcInfo->scanStride);
} else {
j2d_glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_SKIP_PIXELS, sx);
j2d_glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_SKIP_ROWS, sy);
j2d_glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0,
0, 0, sw, sh,
pf->format, pf->type,
// the texture image is "right side up", so we align the
// upper-left texture corner with the upper-left quad corner
j2d_glTexCoord2d(tx1, ty1); j2d_glVertex2d(dx, dy);
j2d_glTexCoord2d(tx2, ty1); j2d_glVertex2d(dx + dw, dy);
j2d_glTexCoord2d(tx2, ty2); j2d_glVertex2d(dx + dw, dy + dh);
j2d_glTexCoord2d(tx1, ty2); j2d_glVertex2d(dx, dy + dh);
} else {
// this accounts for lower-left origin of the source region
jint newsx = srcOps->xOffset + sx;
jint newsy = srcOps->yOffset + srcOps->height - (sy + sh);
j2d_glCopyTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0,
0, 0, newsx, newsy, sw, sh);
// the texture image is "upside down" after the last step, so
// we align the bottom-left texture corner with the upper-left
// quad corner (and vice versa) to effectively flip the
// texture image
j2d_glTexCoord2d(tx1, ty2); j2d_glVertex2d(dx, dy);
j2d_glTexCoord2d(tx2, ty2); j2d_glVertex2d(dx + dw, dy);
j2d_glTexCoord2d(tx2, ty1); j2d_glVertex2d(dx + dw, dy + dh);
j2d_glTexCoord2d(tx1, ty1); j2d_glVertex2d(dx, dy + dh);
if (adjustAlpha) {
// restore scale/bias to their original values
j2d_glPixelTransferf(GL_ALPHA_SCALE, 1.0f);
j2d_glPixelTransferf(GL_ALPHA_BIAS, 0.0f);
* Inner loop used for copying a source system memory ("Sw") surface to a
* destination OpenGL "Texture". This method is invoked from
* OGLBlitLoops_Blit().
* The source surface is effectively loaded into the OpenGL texture object,
* which must have already been initialized by OGLSD_initTexture(). Note
* that this method is only capable of copying the source surface into the
* destination surface (i.e. no scaling or general transform is allowed).
* This restriction should not be an issue as this method is only used
* currently to cache a static system memory image into an OpenGL texture in
* a hidden-acceleration situation.
static void
OGLBlitSwToTexture(SurfaceDataRasInfo *srcInfo, OGLPixelFormat *pf,
OGLSDOps *dstOps,
jint dx1, jint dy1, jint dx2, jint dy2)
jboolean adjustAlpha = (pf != NULL && !pf->hasAlpha);
j2d_glBindTexture(dstOps->textureTarget, dstOps->textureID);
if (adjustAlpha) {
// if the source surface does not have an alpha channel,
// we need to ensure that the alpha values are forced to 1.0f
j2d_glPixelTransferf(GL_ALPHA_SCALE, 0.0f);
j2d_glPixelTransferf(GL_ALPHA_BIAS, 1.0f);
// in case pixel stride is not a multiple of scanline stride the copy
// has to be done line by line (see 6207877)
if (srcInfo->scanStride % srcInfo->pixelStride != 0) {
jint width = dx2 - dx1;
jint height = dy2 - dy1;
GLvoid *pSrc = srcInfo->rasBase;
while (height > 0) {
j2d_glTexSubImage2D(dstOps->textureTarget, 0,
dx1, dy2 - height, width, 1,
pf->format, pf->type, pSrc);
pSrc = PtrAddBytes(pSrc, srcInfo->scanStride);
} else {
j2d_glTexSubImage2D(dstOps->textureTarget, 0,
dx1, dy1, dx2-dx1, dy2-dy1,
pf->format, pf->type, srcInfo->rasBase);
if (adjustAlpha) {
// restore scale/bias to their original values
j2d_glPixelTransferf(GL_ALPHA_SCALE, 1.0f);
j2d_glPixelTransferf(GL_ALPHA_BIAS, 0.0f);
* General blit method for copying a native OpenGL surface (of type "Surface"
* or "Texture") to another OpenGL "Surface". If texture is JNI_TRUE, this
* method will invoke the Texture->Surface inner loop; otherwise, one of the
* Surface->Surface inner loops will be invoked, depending on the transform
* state.
* REMIND: we can trick these blit methods into doing XOR simply by passing
* in the (pixel ^ xorpixel) as the pixel value and preceding the
* blit with a fillrect...
OGLBlitLoops_IsoBlit(JNIEnv *env,
OGLContext *oglc, jlong pSrcOps, jlong pDstOps,
jboolean xform, jint hint,
jboolean texture, jboolean rtt,
jint sx1, jint sy1, jint sx2, jint sy2,
jdouble dx1, jdouble dy1, jdouble dx2, jdouble dy2)
OGLSDOps *srcOps = (OGLSDOps *)jlong_to_ptr(pSrcOps);
OGLSDOps *dstOps = (OGLSDOps *)jlong_to_ptr(pDstOps);
SurfaceDataRasInfo srcInfo;
jint sw = sx2 - sx1;
jint sh = sy2 - sy1;
jdouble dw = dx2 - dx1;
jdouble dh = dy2 - dy1;
J2dTraceLn(J2D_TRACE_INFO, "OGLBlitLoops_IsoBlit");
if (sw <= 0 || sh <= 0 || dw <= 0 || dh <= 0) {
"OGLBlitLoops_IsoBlit: invalid dimensions");
srcInfo.bounds.x1 = sx1;
srcInfo.bounds.y1 = sy1;
srcInfo.bounds.x2 = sx2;
srcInfo.bounds.y2 = sy2;
0, 0, srcOps->width, srcOps->height);
if (srcInfo.bounds.x2 > srcInfo.bounds.x1 &&
srcInfo.bounds.y2 > srcInfo.bounds.y1)
if (srcInfo.bounds.x1 != sx1) {
dx1 += (srcInfo.bounds.x1 - sx1) * (dw / sw);
sx1 = srcInfo.bounds.x1;
if (srcInfo.bounds.y1 != sy1) {
dy1 += (srcInfo.bounds.y1 - sy1) * (dh / sh);
sy1 = srcInfo.bounds.y1;
if (srcInfo.bounds.x2 != sx2) {
dx2 += (srcInfo.bounds.x2 - sx2) * (dw / sw);
sx2 = srcInfo.bounds.x2;
if (srcInfo.bounds.y2 != sy2) {
dy2 += (srcInfo.bounds.y2 - sy2) * (dh / sh);
sy2 = srcInfo.bounds.y2;
J2dTraceLn2(J2D_TRACE_VERBOSE, " texture=%d hint=%d", texture, hint);
J2dTraceLn4(J2D_TRACE_VERBOSE, " sx1=%d sy1=%d sx2=%d sy2=%d",
sx1, sy1, sx2, sy2);
J2dTraceLn4(J2D_TRACE_VERBOSE, " dx1=%f dy1=%f dx2=%f dy2=%f",
dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2);
if (texture) {
GLint glhint = (hint == OGLSD_XFORM_BILINEAR) ? GL_LINEAR :
OGLBlitTextureToSurface(oglc, srcOps, dstOps, rtt, glhint,
sx1, sy1, sx2, sy2,
dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2);
} else {
jboolean viaTexture;
if (xform) {
// we must use the via-texture codepath when there is a xform
viaTexture = JNI_TRUE;
} else {
// look at the vendor to see which codepath is faster
// (this has been empirically determined; see 5020009)
switch (OGLC_GET_VENDOR(oglc)) {
// the via-texture codepath tends to be faster when
// there is either a simple scale OR an extra alpha
viaTexture =
(sx2-sx1) != (jint)(dx2-dx1) ||
(sy2-sy1) != (jint)(dy2-dy1) ||
oglc->extraAlpha != 1.0f;
// the via-texture codepath tends to be faster only when
// there is an extra alpha involved (scaling or not)
viaTexture = (oglc->extraAlpha != 1.0f);
// just use the glCopyPixels() codepath
viaTexture = JNI_FALSE;
if (viaTexture) {
OGLBlitToSurfaceViaTexture(oglc, &srcInfo, NULL, srcOps,
JNI_FALSE, hint,
sx1, sy1, sx2, sy2,
dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2);
} else {
OGLBlitSurfaceToSurface(oglc, srcOps, dstOps,
sx1, sy1, sx2, sy2,
dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2);
* General blit method for copying a system memory ("Sw") surface to a native
* OpenGL surface (of type "Surface" or "Texture"). If texture is JNI_TRUE,
* this method will invoke the Sw->Texture inner loop; otherwise, one of the
* Sw->Surface inner loops will be invoked, depending on the transform state.
OGLBlitLoops_Blit(JNIEnv *env,
OGLContext *oglc, jlong pSrcOps, jlong pDstOps,
jboolean xform, jint hint,
jint srctype, jboolean texture,
jint sx1, jint sy1, jint sx2, jint sy2,
jdouble dx1, jdouble dy1, jdouble dx2, jdouble dy2)
SurfaceDataOps *srcOps = (SurfaceDataOps *)jlong_to_ptr(pSrcOps);
OGLSDOps *dstOps = (OGLSDOps *)jlong_to_ptr(pDstOps);
SurfaceDataRasInfo srcInfo;
OGLPixelFormat pf = PixelFormats[srctype];
jint sw = sx2 - sx1;
jint sh = sy2 - sy1;
jdouble dw = dx2 - dx1;
jdouble dh = dy2 - dy1;
J2dTraceLn(J2D_TRACE_INFO, "OGLBlitLoops_Blit");
if (sw <= 0 || sh <= 0 || dw <= 0 || dh <= 0 || srctype < 0) {
"OGLBlitLoops_Blit: invalid dimensions or srctype");
srcInfo.bounds.x1 = sx1;
srcInfo.bounds.y1 = sy1;
srcInfo.bounds.x2 = sx2;
srcInfo.bounds.y2 = sy2;
if (srcOps->Lock(env, srcOps, &srcInfo, SD_LOCK_READ) != SD_SUCCESS) {
"OGLBlitLoops_Blit: could not acquire lock");
if (srcInfo.bounds.x2 > srcInfo.bounds.x1 &&
srcInfo.bounds.y2 > srcInfo.bounds.y1)
srcOps->GetRasInfo(env, srcOps, &srcInfo);
if (srcInfo.rasBase) {
if (srcInfo.bounds.x1 != sx1) {
dx1 += (srcInfo.bounds.x1 - sx1) * (dw / sw);
sx1 = srcInfo.bounds.x1;
if (srcInfo.bounds.y1 != sy1) {
dy1 += (srcInfo.bounds.y1 - sy1) * (dh / sh);
sy1 = srcInfo.bounds.y1;
if (srcInfo.bounds.x2 != sx2) {
dx2 += (srcInfo.bounds.x2 - sx2) * (dw / sw);
sx2 = srcInfo.bounds.x2;
if (srcInfo.bounds.y2 != sy2) {
dy2 += (srcInfo.bounds.y2 - sy2) * (dh / sh);
sy2 = srcInfo.bounds.y2;
J2dTraceLn3(J2D_TRACE_VERBOSE, " texture=%d srctype=%d hint=%d",
texture, srctype, hint);
J2dTraceLn4(J2D_TRACE_VERBOSE, " sx1=%d sy1=%d sx2=%d sy2=%d",
sx1, sy1, sx2, sy2);
J2dTraceLn4(J2D_TRACE_VERBOSE, " dx1=%f dy1=%f dx2=%f dy2=%f",
dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2);
j2d_glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_SKIP_PIXELS, sx1);
j2d_glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_SKIP_ROWS, sy1);
srcInfo.scanStride / srcInfo.pixelStride);
j2d_glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, pf.alignment);
if (texture) {
// These coordinates will always be integers since we
// only ever do a straight copy from sw to texture.
// Thus these casts are "safe" - no loss of precision.
OGLBlitSwToTexture(&srcInfo, &pf, dstOps,
(jint)dx1, (jint)dy1, (jint)dx2, (jint)dy2);
} else {
jboolean viaTexture;
if (xform) {
// we must use the via-texture codepath when there
// is a xform
viaTexture = JNI_TRUE;
} else {
// look at the vendor to see which codepath is faster
// (this has been empirically determined; see 5020009)
switch (OGLC_GET_VENDOR(oglc)) {
// the via-texture codepath tends to be faster when
// there is either a simple scale OR an extra alpha
viaTexture =
(sx2-sx1) != (jint)(dx2-dx1) ||
(sy2-sy1) != (jint)(dy2-dy1) ||
oglc->extraAlpha != 1.0f;
// just use the glDrawPixels() codepath
viaTexture = JNI_FALSE;
if (viaTexture) {
OGLBlitToSurfaceViaTexture(oglc, &srcInfo, &pf, NULL,
JNI_TRUE, hint,
sx1, sy1, sx2, sy2,
dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2);
} else {
OGLBlitSwToSurface(oglc, &srcInfo, &pf,
sx1, sy1, sx2, sy2,
dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2);
j2d_glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_SKIP_PIXELS, 0);
j2d_glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_SKIP_ROWS, 0);
j2d_glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, 0);
j2d_glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 4);
SurfaceData_InvokeRelease(env, srcOps, &srcInfo);
SurfaceData_InvokeUnlock(env, srcOps, &srcInfo);
* Specialized blit method for copying a native OpenGL "Surface" (pbuffer,
* window, etc.) to a system memory ("Sw") surface.
OGLBlitLoops_SurfaceToSwBlit(JNIEnv *env, OGLContext *oglc,
jlong pSrcOps, jlong pDstOps, jint dsttype,
jint srcx, jint srcy, jint dstx, jint dsty,
jint width, jint height)
OGLSDOps *srcOps = (OGLSDOps *)jlong_to_ptr(pSrcOps);
SurfaceDataOps *dstOps = (SurfaceDataOps *)jlong_to_ptr(pDstOps);
SurfaceDataRasInfo srcInfo, dstInfo;
OGLPixelFormat pf = PixelFormats[dsttype];
J2dTraceLn(J2D_TRACE_INFO, "OGLBlitLoops_SurfaceToSwBlit");
if (width <= 0 || height <= 0) {
"OGLBlitLoops_SurfaceToSwBlit: dimensions are non-positive");
srcInfo.bounds.x1 = srcx;
srcInfo.bounds.y1 = srcy;
srcInfo.bounds.x2 = srcx + width;
srcInfo.bounds.y2 = srcy + height;
dstInfo.bounds.x1 = dstx;
dstInfo.bounds.y1 = dsty;
dstInfo.bounds.x2 = dstx + width;
dstInfo.bounds.y2 = dsty + height;
if (dstOps->Lock(env, dstOps, &dstInfo, SD_LOCK_WRITE) != SD_SUCCESS) {
"OGLBlitLoops_SurfaceToSwBlit: could not acquire dst lock");
0, 0, srcOps->width, srcOps->height);
SurfaceData_IntersectBlitBounds(&dstInfo.bounds, &srcInfo.bounds,
srcx - dstx, srcy - dsty);
if (srcInfo.bounds.x2 > srcInfo.bounds.x1 &&
srcInfo.bounds.y2 > srcInfo.bounds.y1)
dstOps->GetRasInfo(env, dstOps, &dstInfo);
if (dstInfo.rasBase) {
void *pDst = dstInfo.rasBase;
srcx = srcInfo.bounds.x1;
srcy = srcInfo.bounds.y1;
dstx = dstInfo.bounds.x1;
dsty = dstInfo.bounds.y1;
width = srcInfo.bounds.x2 - srcInfo.bounds.x1;
height = srcInfo.bounds.y2 - srcInfo.bounds.y1;
j2d_glPixelStorei(GL_PACK_SKIP_PIXELS, dstx);
dstInfo.scanStride / dstInfo.pixelStride);
j2d_glPixelStorei(GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT, pf.alignment);
#ifdef MACOSX
if (srcOps->isOpaque) {
// For some reason Apple's OpenGL implementation will
// read back zero values from the alpha channel of an
// opaque surface when using glReadPixels(), so here we
// force the resulting pixels to be fully opaque.
j2d_glPixelTransferf(GL_ALPHA_BIAS, 1.0);
J2dTraceLn4(J2D_TRACE_VERBOSE, " sx=%d sy=%d w=%d h=%d",
srcx, srcy, width, height);
J2dTraceLn2(J2D_TRACE_VERBOSE, " dx=%d dy=%d",
dstx, dsty);
// this accounts for lower-left origin of the source region
srcx = srcOps->xOffset + srcx;
srcy = srcOps->yOffset + srcOps->height - (srcy + 1);
// we must read one scanline at a time because there is no way
// to read starting at the top-left corner of the source region
while (height > 0) {
j2d_glPixelStorei(GL_PACK_SKIP_ROWS, dsty);
j2d_glReadPixels(srcx, srcy, width, 1,
pf.format, pf.type, pDst);
#ifdef MACOSX
if (srcOps->isOpaque) {
j2d_glPixelTransferf(GL_ALPHA_BIAS, 0.0);
j2d_glPixelStorei(GL_PACK_SKIP_PIXELS, 0);
j2d_glPixelStorei(GL_PACK_SKIP_ROWS, 0);
j2d_glPixelStorei(GL_PACK_ROW_LENGTH, 0);
j2d_glPixelStorei(GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT, 4);
SurfaceData_InvokeRelease(env, dstOps, &dstInfo);
SurfaceData_InvokeUnlock(env, dstOps, &dstInfo);
OGLBlitLoops_CopyArea(JNIEnv *env,
OGLContext *oglc, OGLSDOps *dstOps,
jint x, jint y, jint width, jint height,
jint dx, jint dy)
SurfaceDataBounds srcBounds, dstBounds;
J2dTraceLn(J2D_TRACE_INFO, "OGLBlitLoops_CopyArea");
J2dTraceLn4(J2D_TRACE_VERBOSE, " x=%d y=%d w=%d h=%d",
x, y, width, height);
J2dTraceLn2(J2D_TRACE_VERBOSE, " dx=%d dy=%d",
dx, dy);
srcBounds.x1 = x;
srcBounds.y1 = y;
srcBounds.x2 = srcBounds.x1 + width;
srcBounds.y2 = srcBounds.y1 + height;
dstBounds.x1 = x + dx;
dstBounds.y1 = y + dy;
dstBounds.x2 = dstBounds.x1 + width;
dstBounds.y2 = dstBounds.y1 + height;
// 6430601: manually clip src/dst parameters to work around
// some bugs in Sun's and Apple's OpenGL implementations
// (it's a good idea to restrict the source parameters anyway, since
// passing out of range parameters to glCopyPixels() will result in
// an OpenGL error)
0, 0, dstOps->width, dstOps->height);
0, 0, dstOps->width, dstOps->height);
SurfaceData_IntersectBlitBounds(&dstBounds, &srcBounds, -dx, -dy);
if (dstBounds.x1 < dstBounds.x2 && dstBounds.y1 < dstBounds.y2) {
#ifdef MACOSX
if (dstOps->isOpaque) {
// For some reason Apple's OpenGL implementation will fail
// to render glCopyPixels() when the src/dst rectangles are
// overlapping and glColorMask() has disabled writes to the
// alpha channel. The workaround is to temporarily re-enable
// the alpha channel during the glCopyPixels() operation.
j2d_glColorMask(GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE);
OGLBlitSurfaceToSurface(oglc, dstOps, dstOps,
srcBounds.x1, srcBounds.y1,
srcBounds.x2, srcBounds.y2,
dstBounds.x1, dstBounds.y1,
dstBounds.x2, dstBounds.y2);
#ifdef MACOSX
if (dstOps->isOpaque) {
#endif /* !HEADLESS */