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package sun.text.normalizer;
* <code>Replaceable</code> is an interface representing a
* string of characters that supports the replacement of a range of
* itself with a new string of characters. It is used by APIs that
* change a piece of text while retaining metadata. Metadata is data
* other than the Unicode characters returned by char32At(). One
* example of metadata is style attributes; another is an edit
* history, marking each character with an author and revision number.
* <p>An implicit aspect of the <code>Replaceable</code> API is that
* during a replace operation, new characters take on the metadata of
* the old characters. For example, if the string "the <b>bold</b>
* font" has range (4, 8) replaced with "strong", then it becomes "the
* <b>strong</b> font".
* <p><code>Replaceable</code> specifies ranges using a start
* offset and a limit offset. The range of characters thus specified
* includes the characters at offset start..limit-1. That is, the
* start offset is inclusive, and the limit offset is exclusive.
* <p><code>Replaceable</code> also includes API to access characters
* in the string: <code>length()</code>, <code>charAt()</code>,
* <code>char32At()</code>, and <code>extractBetween()</code>.
* <p>For a subclass to support metadata, typical behavior of
* <code>replace()</code> is the following:
* <ul>
* <li>Set the metadata of the new text to the metadata of the first
* character replaced</li>
* <li>If no characters are replaced, use the metadata of the
* previous character</li>
* <li>If there is no previous character (i.e. start == 0), use the
* following character</li>
* <li>If there is no following character (i.e. the replaceable was
* empty), use default metadata<br>
* <li>If the code point U+FFFF is seen, it should be interpreted as
* a special marker having no metadata<li>
* </li>
* </ul>
* If this is not the behavior, the subclass should document any differences.
* <p>Copyright &copy; IBM Corporation 1999. All rights reserved.
* @author Alan Liu
* @stable ICU 2.0
public interface Replaceable {
* Returns the number of 16-bit code units in the text.
* @return number of 16-bit code units in text
* @stable ICU 2.0
int length();
* Returns the 16-bit code unit at the given offset into the text.
* @param offset an integer between 0 and <code>length()</code>-1
* inclusive
* @return 16-bit code unit of text at given offset
* @stable ICU 2.0
char charAt(int offset);
//// for StringPrep
* Copies characters from this object into the destination
* character array. The first character to be copied is at index
* <code>srcStart</code>; the last character to be copied is at
* index <code>srcLimit-1</code> (thus the total number of
* characters to be copied is <code>srcLimit-srcStart</code>). The
* characters are copied into the subarray of <code>dst</code>
* starting at index <code>dstStart</code> and ending at index
* <code>dstStart + (srcLimit-srcStart) - 1</code>.
* @param srcStart the beginning index to copy, inclusive; <code>0
* <= start <= limit</code>.
* @param srcLimit the ending index to copy, exclusive;
* <code>start <= limit <= length()</code>.
* @param dst the destination array.
* @param dstStart the start offset in the destination array.
* @stable ICU 2.0
void getChars(int srcStart, int srcLimit, char dst[], int dstStart);