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* ===========================================================================
package sun.security.krb5.internal.ccache;
import sun.security.krb5.*;
import sun.security.krb5.internal.*;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.lang.reflect.*;
* CredentialsCache stores credentials(tickets, session keys, etc) in a
* semi-permanent store
* for later use by different program.
* @author Yanni Zhang
* @author Ram Marti
public class FileCredentialsCache extends CredentialsCache
implements FileCCacheConstants {
public int version;
public Tag tag; // optional
public PrincipalName primaryPrincipal;
public Realm primaryRealm;
private Vector<Credentials> credentialsList;
private static String dir;
private static boolean DEBUG = Krb5.DEBUG;
public static synchronized FileCredentialsCache acquireInstance(
PrincipalName principal, String cache) {
try {
FileCredentialsCache fcc = new FileCredentialsCache();
if (cache == null) {
cacheName = fcc.getDefaultCacheName();
} else {
cacheName = fcc.checkValidation(cache);
if ((cacheName == null) || !(new File(cacheName)).exists()) {
// invalid cache name or the file doesn't exist
return null;
if (principal != null) {
fcc.primaryPrincipal = principal;
fcc.primaryRealm = principal.getRealm();
return fcc;
} catch (IOException e) {
// we don't handle it now, instead we return a null at the end.
if (DEBUG) {
} catch (KrbException e) {
// we don't handle it now, instead we return a null at the end.
if (DEBUG) {
return null;
public static FileCredentialsCache acquireInstance() {
return acquireInstance(null, null);
static synchronized FileCredentialsCache New(PrincipalName principal,
String name) {
try {
FileCredentialsCache fcc = new FileCredentialsCache();
cacheName = fcc.checkValidation(name);
if (cacheName == null) {
// invalid cache name or the file doesn't exist
return null;
fcc.init(principal, cacheName);
return fcc;
catch (IOException e) {
catch (KrbException e) {
return null;
static synchronized FileCredentialsCache New(PrincipalName principal) {
try {
FileCredentialsCache fcc = new FileCredentialsCache();
cacheName = fcc.getDefaultCacheName();
fcc.init(principal, cacheName);
return fcc;
catch (IOException e) {
if (DEBUG) {
} catch (KrbException e) {
if (DEBUG) {
return null;
private FileCredentialsCache() {
boolean exists(String cache) {
File file = new File(cache);
if (file.exists()) {
return true;
} else return false;
synchronized void init(PrincipalName principal, String name)
throws IOException, KrbException {
primaryPrincipal = principal;
primaryRealm = principal.getRealm();
CCacheOutputStream cos =
new CCacheOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(name));
version = KRB5_FCC_FVNO_3;
cos.writeHeader(primaryPrincipal, version);
synchronized void load(String name) throws IOException, KrbException {
PrincipalName p;
CCacheInputStream cis =
new CCacheInputStream(new FileInputStream(name));
version = cis.readVersion();
if (version == KRB5_FCC_FVNO_4) {
tag = cis.readTag();
} else {
tag = null;
if (version == KRB5_FCC_FVNO_1 || version == KRB5_FCC_FVNO_2) {
p = cis.readPrincipal(version);
if (primaryPrincipal != null) {
if (!(primaryPrincipal.match(p))) {
throw new IOException("Primary principals don't match.");
} else
primaryPrincipal = p;
primaryRealm = primaryPrincipal.getRealm();
credentialsList = new Vector<Credentials> ();
while (cis.available() > 0) {
Credentials cred = cis.readCred(version);
if (cred != null) {
* Updates the credentials list. If the specified credentials for the
* service is new, add it to the list. If there is an entry in the list,
* replace the old credentials with the new one.
* @param c the credentials.
public synchronized void update(Credentials c) {
if (credentialsList != null) {
if (credentialsList.isEmpty()) {
} else {
Credentials tmp = null;
boolean matched = false;
for (int i = 0; i < credentialsList.size(); i++) {
tmp = credentialsList.elementAt(i);
if (match(c.sname.getNameStrings(),
tmp.sname.getNameStrings()) &&
tmp.sname.getRealmString()))) {
matched = true;
if (c.endtime.getTime() >= tmp.endtime.getTime()) {
if (DEBUG) {
System.out.println(" >>> FileCredentialsCache "
+ "Ticket matched, overwrite "
+ "the old one.");
if (matched == false) {
if (DEBUG) {
System.out.println(" >>> FileCredentialsCache Ticket "
+ "not exactly matched, "
+ "add new one into cache.");
public synchronized PrincipalName getPrimaryPrincipal() {
return primaryPrincipal;
* Saves the credentials cache file to the disk.
public synchronized void save() throws IOException, Asn1Exception {
CCacheOutputStream cos
= new CCacheOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(cacheName));
cos.writeHeader(primaryPrincipal, version);
Credentials[] tmp = null;
if ((tmp = getCredsList()) != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < tmp.length; i++) {
boolean match(String[] s1, String[] s2) {
if (s1.length != s2.length) {
return false;
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < s1.length; i++) {
if (!(s1[i].equalsIgnoreCase(s2[i]))) {
return false;
return true;
* Returns the list of credentials entries in the cache file.
public synchronized Credentials[] getCredsList() {
if ((credentialsList == null) || (credentialsList.isEmpty())) {
return null;
} else {
Credentials[] tmp = new Credentials[credentialsList.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < credentialsList.size(); i++) {
tmp[i] = credentialsList.elementAt(i);
return tmp;
public Credentials getCreds(LoginOptions options,
PrincipalName sname, Realm srealm) {
if (options == null) {
return getCreds(sname, srealm);
} else {
Credentials[] list = getCredsList();
if (list == null) {
return null;
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
if (sname.match(list[i].sname) &&
(srealm.toString().equals(list[i].srealm.toString()))) {
if (list[i].flags.match(options)) {
return list[i];
return null;
* Gets a credentials for a specified service.
* @param sname service principal name.
* @param srealm the realm that the service belongs to.
public Credentials getCreds(PrincipalName sname, Realm srealm) {
Credentials[] list = getCredsList();
if (list == null) {
return null;
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
if (sname.match(list[i].sname) &&
(srealm.toString().equals(list[i].srealm.toString()))) {
return list[i];
return null;
public Credentials getDefaultCreds() {
Credentials[] list = getCredsList();
if (list == null) {
return null;
} else {
for (int i = list.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (list[i].sname.toString().startsWith("krbtgt")) {
String[] nameStrings = list[i].sname.getNameStrings();
// find the TGT for the current realm krbtgt/realm@realm
if (nameStrings[1].equals(list[i].srealm.toString())) {
return list[i];
return null;
* Returns path name of the credentials cache file.
* The path name is searched in the following order:
* 1. KRB5CCNAME (bare file name without FILE:)
* 2. /tmp/krb5cc_<uid> on unix systems
* 3. <user.home>/krb5cc_<user.name>
* 4. <user.home>/krb5cc (if can't get <user.name>)
public static String getDefaultCacheName() {
String stdCacheNameComponent = "krb5cc";
String name;
// The env var can start with TYPE:, we only support FILE: here.
// http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E19082-01/819-2252/6n4i8rtr3/index.html
name = java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(
new java.security.PrivilegedAction<String>() {
public String run() {
String cache = System.getenv("KRB5CCNAME");
if (cache != null &&
(cache.length() >= 5) &&
cache.regionMatches(true, 0, "FILE:", 0, 5)) {
cache = cache.substring(5);
return cache;
if (name != null) {
if (DEBUG) {
System.out.println(">>>KinitOptions cache name is " + name);
return name;
// get cache name from system.property
String osname =
new sun.security.action.GetPropertyAction("os.name"));
* For Unix platforms we use the default cache name to be
* /tmp/krbcc_uid ; for all other platforms we use
* {user_home}/krb5_cc{user_name}
* Please note that for Windows 2K we will use LSA to get
* the TGT from the the default cache even before we come here;
* however when we create cache we will create a cache under
* {user_home}/krb5_cc{user_name} for non-Unix platforms including
* Windows 2K.
if (osname != null) {
String cmd = null;
String uidStr = null;
long uid = 0;
if (osname.startsWith("SunOS") ||
(osname.startsWith("Linux"))) {
try {
Class<?> c = Class.forName
Constructor<?> constructor = c.getConstructor();
Object obj = constructor.newInstance();
Method method = c.getMethod("getUid");
uid = ((Long)method.invoke(obj)).longValue();
name = File.separator + "tmp" +
File.separator + stdCacheNameComponent + "_" + uid;
if (DEBUG) {
System.out.println(">>>KinitOptions cache name is " +
return name;
} catch (Exception e) {
if (DEBUG) {
System.out.println("Exception in obtaining uid " +
"for Unix platforms " +
"Using user's home directory");
// we did not get the uid;
String user_name =
new sun.security.action.GetPropertyAction("user.name"));
String user_home =
new sun.security.action.GetPropertyAction("user.home"));
if (user_home == null) {
user_home =
new sun.security.action.GetPropertyAction("user.dir"));
if (user_name != null) {
name = user_home + File.separator +
stdCacheNameComponent + "_" + user_name;
} else {
name = user_home + File.separator + stdCacheNameComponent;
if (DEBUG) {
System.out.println(">>>KinitOptions cache name is " + name);
return name;
public static String checkValidation(String name) {
String fullname = null;
if (name == null) {
return null;
try {
// get full path name
fullname = (new File(name)).getCanonicalPath();
File fCheck = new File(fullname);
if (!(fCheck.exists())) {
// get absolute directory
File temp = new File(fCheck.getParent());
// test if the directory exists
if (!(temp.isDirectory()))
fullname = null;
temp = null;
fCheck = null;
} catch (IOException e) {
fullname = null; // invalid name
return fullname;
private static String exec(String c) {
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(c);
Vector<String> v = new Vector<>();
while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
final String[] command = new String[v.size()];
try {
Process p =
(new java.security.PrivilegedAction<Process> () {
public Process run() {
try {
return (Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command));
} catch (java.io.IOException e) {
if (DEBUG) {
return null;
if (p == null) {
// exception occured in execing the command
return null;
BufferedReader commandResult =
new BufferedReader
(new InputStreamReader(p.getInputStream(), "8859_1"));
String s1 = null;
if ((command.length == 1) &&
(command[0].equals("/usr/bin/env"))) {
while ((s1 = commandResult.readLine()) != null) {
if (s1.length() >= 11) {
if ((s1.substring(0, 11)).equalsIgnoreCase
("KRB5CCNAME=")) {
s1 = s1.substring(11);
} else s1 = commandResult.readLine();
return s1;
} catch (Exception e) {
if (DEBUG) {
return null;