# Copyright (c) 1998, 2005, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
# published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this
# particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
# by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
# This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
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# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
# version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
# accompanied this code).
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# questions.
# "rmid", inetd", and "wait" should not be translated.
rmid.syntax.exec.invalid=rmid\uAC00 \uBD80\uC801\uD569\uD55C \uC0C1\uD0DC\uC758 inetd\uC5D0\uC11C \uC2DC\uC791\uB418\uC5C8\uC2B5\uB2C8\uB2E4. \uC0C1\uD0DC\uB294 wait\uC5EC\uC57C \uD569\uB2C8\uB2E4.
# "rmid" and "inetd" should not be translated.
rmid.syntax.port.badarg=rmid\uAC00 inetd\uC5D0\uC11C \uC2DC\uC791\uB41C \uACBD\uC6B0 \uD3EC\uD2B8\uB97C \uC9C0\uC815\uD560 \uC218 \uC5C6\uC2B5\uB2C8\uB2E4.
# "port" here refers to a TCP port for the server to listen on.
rmid.syntax.port.badnumber=\uD3EC\uD2B8\uB294 \uC22B\uC790\uAC00 \uC544\uB2D9\uB2C8\uB2E4.
# "-port" should not be translated, because it's part of command syntax.
rmid.syntax.port.missing=-port \uC635\uC158\uC744 \uC0AC\uC6A9\uD558\uB824\uBA74 \uC778\uC218\uAC00 \uD544\uC694\uD569\uB2C8\uB2E4.
# "-log" should not be translated, because it's part of command syntax.
rmid.syntax.log.missing=-log \uC635\uC158\uC744 \uC0AC\uC6A9\uD558\uB824\uBA74 \uC778\uC218\uAC00 \uD544\uC694\uD569\uB2C8\uB2E4.
# "-log" should not be translated, because it's part of command syntax.
rmid.syntax.log.required=-log \uC635\uC158\uC774 \uD544\uC694\uD569\uB2C8\uB2E4.
# {0} = the (string) illegal argument in question
rmid.syntax.illegal.option=\uC798\uBABB\uB41C \uC635\uC158: {0}
# {0} = the (string) reason text that came with a thrown exception
# "Activation.main" should not be translated, because it's a codepoint
rmid.unexpected.exception=Activation.main: \uC608\uC678 \uC0AC\uD56D \uBC1C\uC0DD: {0}
# "java.home" should not be translated, because it's a property name
# "ActivatorImpl" should not be translated, because it's a codepoint
rmid.unfound.java.home.property=ActivatorImpl: java.home\uC744 \uCC3E\uC744 \uC218 \uC5C6\uC2B5\uB2C8\uB2E4.
# "rmid" should not be translated
rmid.inherited.channel.info=\uC0C1\uC18D\uB41C \uCC44\uB110\uC744 \uC0AC\uC6A9\uD558\uC5EC rmid \uC2DC\uC791
# "Activation.main" should not be translated, because it's a codepoint
rmid.exec.policy.invalid=Activation.main: \uC2E4\uD589 \uC815\uCC45 \uD074\uB798\uC2A4\uAC00 \uBD80\uC801\uD569\uD569\uB2C8\uB2E4.
# "rmid" should not be translated
rmid.exec.policy.exception=rmid: \uC2E4\uD589 \uC815\uCC45\uC744 \uAC00\uC838\uC624\uB824\uB294 \uC2DC\uB3C4\uB85C \uBC1C\uC0DD\uD55C \uC608\uC678 \uC0AC\uD56D:
# "rmid" should not be translated
rmid.exec.command=rmid: debugExec: "{0}" \uC2E4\uD589 \uC911
# "rmid" should not be translated
rmid.group.inactive=rmid: \uD65C\uC131\uD654 \uADF8\uB8F9 \uBE44\uD65C\uC131: {0}
# "Activation.main", "sun.rmi.activation.execPolicy", "ExecPermission" and
# "ExecOptionPermission" should not be translated, since they refer to
# class/permission names.
rmid.exec.perms.inadequate=Activation.main: \uACBD\uACE0: sun.rmi.activation.execPolicy \uC2DC\uC2A4\uD15C \uC18D\uC131\uC774\n\uC9C0\uC815\uB418\uC9C0 \uC54A\uC558\uC73C\uBA70 ExecPermissions/ExecOptionPermissions\uAC00 \uBD80\uC5EC\uB418\uC9C0\n\uC54A\uC558\uC2B5\uB2C8\uB2E4. \uD65C\uC131\uD654\uB97C \uACC4\uC18D \uC2DC\uB3C4\uD558\uBA74 ExecPermission/ExecOptionPermission\n\uAD8C\uD55C \uAC80\uC0AC \uC2E4\uD328\uB85C \uC778\uD574 \uC2E4\uD328\uD560 \uC218 \uC788\uC2B5\uB2C8\uB2E4.\nrmid \uBCF4\uC548 \uAD6C\uC131 \uBC29\uBC95\uC5D0 \uB300\uD55C \uC124\uBA85\uC11C\uB294 \uB2E4\uC74C \uC6F9 \uC0AC\uC774\uD2B8\uB97C \uCC38\uC870\uD558\uC2ED\uC2DC\uC624.\n\nhttp://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4/docs/tooldocs/solaris/rmid.html\nhttp://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4/docs/tooldocs/win32/rmid.html\n
# "rmid", "-port", "-log", "-stop", "-C" and "-J" should not be translated,
# because they are syntax
rmid.usage=\uC0AC\uC6A9\uBC95: {0} <options> \n\n\uC5EC\uAE30\uC11C <options>\uB294 \uB2E4\uC74C\uACFC \uAC19\uC2B5\uB2C8\uB2E4.\n -port <port> rmid\uAC00 \uC0AC\uC6A9\uD560 \uD3EC\uD2B8\uB97C \uC9C0\uC815\uD569\uB2C8\uB2E4.\n -log <directory> rmid\uAC00 \uB85C\uADF8\uB97C \uAE30\uB85D\uD560 \uB514\uB809\uD1A0\uB9AC\uB97C \uC9C0\uC815\uD569\uB2C8\uB2E4.\n -stop \uC9C0\uC815\uB41C \uD3EC\uD2B8\uC5D0 \uB300\uD574 rmid\uC758 \uD604\uC7AC \uD638\uCD9C\uC744 \uC815\uC9C0\uD569\uB2C8\uB2E4.\n -C<runtime flag> \uAC01\uAC01\uC758 \uD558\uC704 \uD504\uB85C\uC138\uC2A4(\uD65C\uC131\uD654 \uADF8\uB8F9)\uC5D0 \uC778\uC218\uB97C \uC804\uB2EC\uD569\uB2C8\uB2E4.\n -J<runtime flag> Java \uC778\uD130\uD504\uB9AC\uD130\uC5D0 \uC778\uC218\uB97C \uC804\uB2EC\uD569\uB2C8\uB2E4.\n
# This means "The currently running activation daemon has been shut down,
# and is about to exit".
rmid.daemon.shutdown=\uD65C\uC131 \uB370\uBAAC \uC885\uB8CC
# "rmid" should not be translated
rmid.restart.group.warning=\nrmid: (\uACBD\uACE0) \uADF8\uB8F9 \uC7AC\uC2DC\uC791\uC73C\uB85C \uC778\uD574 \uBC1C\uC0DD\uD55C \uC624\uB958:
# "rmid" should not be translated
rmid.restart.service.warning=\nrmid: (\uACBD\uACE0) \uC11C\uBE44\uC2A4 \uC7AC\uC2DC\uC791\uC73C\uB85C \uC778\uD574 \uBC1C\uC0DD\uD55C \uC624\uB958:
# "rmid" should not be translated
rmid.log.update.warning=\nrmid: (\uACBD\uACE0) \uB85C\uADF8 \uAC31\uC2E0\uC73C\uB85C \uC778\uD574 \uBC1C\uC0DD\uD55C \uC624\uB958:
# "rmid" should not be translated
rmid.log.snapshot.warning=\nrmid: (\uC2EC\uAC01) \uB85C\uADF8 \uC2A4\uB0C5\uC0F7\uC73C\uB85C \uC778\uD574 \uBC1C\uC0DD\uD55C \uC624\uB958:
# "rmid" should not be translated
rmid.log.recover.warning=\nrmid: (\uACBD\uACE0) {0}: \uBCF5\uAD6C\uD558\uB294 \uB3D9\uC548 \uB808\uCF54\uB4DC \uAE30\uB85D\uC744 \uAC74\uB108 \uB6F0\uB294 \uC911: