* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this
* particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
* by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
* The Perf class provides the ability to attach to an instrumentation
* buffer maintained by a Java virtual machine. The instrumentation
* buffer may be for the Java virtual machine running the methods of
* this class or it may be for another Java virtual machine on the
* same system.
* <p>
* In addition, this class provides methods to create instrumentation
* objects in the instrumentation buffer for the Java virtual machine
* that is running these methods. It also contains methods for acquiring
* the value of a platform specific high resolution clock for time
* stamp and interval measurement purposes.
* @author Brian Doherty
* @since 1.4.2
* @see #getPerf
* @see sun.misc.Perf$GetPerfAction
* @see java.nio.ByteBuffer
public final class Perf {
* The GetPerfAction class is a convenience class for acquiring access
* to the singleton Perf instance using the
* <code>AccessController.doPrivileged()</code> method.
* <p>
* An instance of this class can be used as the argument to
* <code>AccessController.doPrivileged(PrivilegedAction)</code>.
* <p> Here is a suggested idiom for use of this class:
* <blockquote><pre>
* class MyTrustedClass {
* private static final Perf perf =
* AccessController.doPrivileged(new Perf.GetPerfAction<Perf>());
* ...
* }
* </pre></blockquote>
* <p>
* In the presence of a security manager, the <code>MyTrustedClass</code>
* class in the above example will need to be granted the
* <em>"sun.misc.Perf.getPerf"</em> <code>RuntimePermission</code>
* permission in order to successfully acquire the singleton Perf instance.
* <p>
* Please note that the <em>"sun.misc.Perf.getPerf"</em> permission
* is not a JDK specified permission.
* @see java.security.AccessController#doPrivileged(PrivilegedAction)
* @see java.lang.RuntimePermission
* Run the <code>Perf.getPerf()</code> method in a privileged context.
* @see #getPerf
return getPerf();
* Return a reference to the singleton Perf instance.
* <p>
* The getPerf() method returns the singleton instance of the Perf
* class. The returned object provides the caller with the capability
* for accessing the instrumentation buffer for this or another local
* Java virtual machine.
* <p>
* If a security manager is installed, its <code>checkPermission</code>
* method is called with a <code>RuntimePermission</code> with a target
* of <em>"sun.misc.Perf.getPerf"</em>. A security exception will result
* if the caller has not been granted this permission.
* <p>
* Access to the returned <code>Perf</code> object should be protected
* by its caller and not passed on to untrusted code. This object can
* be used to attach to the instrumentation buffer provided by this Java
* virtual machine or for those of other Java virtual machines running
* on the same system. The instrumentation buffer may contain senstitive
* information. API's built on top of this interface may want to provide
* finer grained access control to the contents of individual
* instrumentation objects contained within the buffer.
* <p>
* Please note that the <em>"sun.misc.Perf.getPerf"</em> permission
* is not a JDK specified permission.
* @return A reference to the singleton Perf instance.
* @throws AccessControlException if a security manager exists and
* its <code>checkPermission</code> method doesn't allow
* access to the <em>"sun.misc.Perf.getPerf"</em> target.
* @see java.lang.RuntimePermission
* @see #attach
return instance;
* Attach to the instrumentation buffer for the specified Java virtual
* machine.
* <p>
* This method will attach to the instrumentation buffer for the
* specified virtual machine. It returns a <code>ByteBuffer</code> object
* that is initialized to access the instrumentation buffer for the
* indicated Java virtual machine. The <code>lvmid</code> parameter is
* a integer value that uniquely identifies the target local Java virtual
* machine. It is typically, but not necessarily, the process id of
* the target Java virtual machine.
* <p>
* If the <code>lvmid</code> identifies a Java virtual machine different
* from the one running this method, then the coherency characteristics
* of the buffer are implementation dependent. Implementations that do
* not support named, coherent, shared memory may return a
* <code>ByteBuffer</code> object that contains only a snap shot of the
* data in the instrumentation buffer. Implementations that support named,
* coherent, shared memory, may return a <code>ByteBuffer</code> object
* that will be changing dynamically over time as the target Java virtual
* machine updates its mapping of this buffer.
* <p>
* If the <code>lvmid</code> is 0 or equal to the actual <code>lvmid</code>
* for the Java virtual machine running this method, then the returned
* <code>ByteBuffer</code> object will always be coherent and dynamically
* changing.
* <p>
* The attach mode specifies the access permissions requested for the
* instrumentation buffer of the target virtual machine. The permitted
* access permissions are:
* <p>
* <bl>
* <li>"r" - Read only access. This Java virtual machine has only
* read access to the instrumentation buffer for the target Java
* virtual machine.
* write access to the instrumentation buffer for the target Java virtual
* machine. This mode is currently not supported and is reserved for
* future enhancements.
* </bl>
* @param lvmid an integer that uniquely identifies the
* target local Java virtual machine.
* @param mode a string indicating the attach mode.
* @return ByteBuffer a direct allocated byte buffer
* @throws IllegalArgumentException The lvmid or mode was invalid.
* @throws IOException An I/O error occurred while trying to acquire
* the instrumentation buffer.
* @throws OutOfMemoryError The instrumentation buffer could not be mapped
* into the virtual machine's address space.
* @see java.nio.ByteBuffer
throws IllegalArgumentException, IOException
else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("unknown mode");
* Attach to the instrumentation buffer for the specified Java virtual
* machine owned by the given user.
* <p>
* This method behaves just as the <code>attach(int lvmid, String mode)
* </code> method, except that it only searches for Java virtual machines
* owned by the specified user.
* @param user A <code>String</code> object containing the
* name of the user that owns the target Java
* virtual machine.
* @param lvmid an integer that uniquely identifies the
* target local Java virtual machine.
* @param mode a string indicating the attach mode.
* @return ByteBuffer a direct allocated byte buffer
* @throws IllegalArgumentException The lvmid or mode was invalid.
* @throws IOException An I/O error occurred while trying to acquire
* the instrumentation buffer.
* @throws OutOfMemoryError The instrumentation buffer could not be mapped
* into the virtual machine's address space.
* @see java.nio.ByteBuffer
throws IllegalArgumentException, IOException
else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("unknown mode");
* Call the implementation specific attach method.
* <p>
* This method calls into the Java virtual machine to perform the platform
* specific attach method. Buffers returned from this method are
* internally managed as <code>PhantomRefereces</code> to provide for
* guaranteed, secure release of the native resources.
* @param user A <code>String</code> object containing the
* name of the user that owns the target Java
* virtual machine.
* @param lvmid an integer that uniquely identifies the
* target local Java virtual machine.
* @param mode a string indicating the attach mode.
* @return ByteBuffer a direct allocated byte buffer
* @throws IllegalArgumentException The lvmid or mode was invalid.
* @throws IOException An I/O error occurred while trying to acquire
* the instrumentation buffer.
* @throws OutOfMemoryError The instrumentation buffer could not be mapped
* into the virtual machine's address space.
throws IllegalArgumentException, IOException
if (lvmid == 0) {
// The native instrumentation buffer for this Java virtual
// machine is never unmapped.
return b;
else {
// This is an instrumentation buffer for another Java virtual
// machine with native resources that need to be managed. We
// create a duplicate of the native ByteBuffer and manage it
// with a Cleaner object (PhantomReference). When the duplicate
// becomes only phantomly reachable, the native resources will
// be released.
public void run() {
try {
// avoid crashing the reference handler thread,
// but provide for some diagnosability
return dup;
* Native method to perform the implementation specific attach mechanism.
* <p>
* The implementation of this method may return distinct or identical
* <code>ByteBuffer</code> objects for two distinct calls requesting
* attachment to the same Java virtual machine.
* <p>
* For the Sun HotSpot JVM, two distinct calls to attach to the same
* target Java virtual machine will result in two distinct ByteBuffer
* objects returned by this method. This may change in a future release.
* @param user A <code>String</code> object containing the
* name of the user that owns the target Java
* virtual machine.
* @param lvmid an integer that uniquely identifies the
* target local Java virtual machine.
* @param mode a string indicating the attach mode.
* @return ByteBuffer a direct allocated byte buffer
* @throws IllegalArgumentException The lvmid or mode was invalid.
* @throws IOException An I/O error occurred while trying to acquire
* the instrumentation buffer.
* @throws OutOfMemoryError The instrumentation buffer could not be mapped
* into the virtual machine's address space.
throws IllegalArgumentException, IOException;
* Native method to perform the implementation specific detach mechanism.
* <p>
* If this method is passed a <code>ByteBuffer</code> object that is
* not created by the <code>attach</code> method, then the results of
* this method are undefined, with unpredictable and potentially damaging
* effects to the Java virtual machine. To prevent accidental or malicious
* use of this method, all native ByteBuffer created by the <code>
* attach</code> method are managed internally as PhantomReferences
* and resources are freed by the system.
* <p>
* If this method is passed a <code>ByteBuffer</code> object created
* by the <code>attach</code> method with a lvmid for the Java virtual
* machine running this method (lvmid=0, for example), then the detach
* request is silently ignored.
* @param ByteBuffer A direct allocated byte buffer created by the
* <code>attach</code> method.
* @see java.nio.ByteBuffer
* @see #attach
* Create a <code>long</code> scalar entry in the instrumentation buffer
* with the given variability characteristic, units, and initial value.
* <p>
* Access to the instrument is provided through the returned <code>
* ByteBuffer</code> object. Typically, this object should be wrapped
* with <code>LongBuffer</code> view object.
* @param variability the variability characteristic for this entry.
* @param units the units for this entry.
* @param name the name of this entry.
* @param value the initial value for this entry.
* @return ByteBuffer a direct allocated ByteBuffer object that
* allows write access to a native memory location
* containing a <code>long</code> value.
* see sun.misc.perf.Variability
* see sun.misc.perf.Units
* @see java.nio.ByteBuffer
* Create a <code>String</code> entry in the instrumentation buffer with
* the given variability characteristic, units, and initial value.
* <p>
* The maximum length of the <code>String</code> stored in this string
* instrument is given in by <code>maxLength</code> parameter. Updates
* to this instrument with <code>String</code> values with lengths greater
* than <code>maxLength</code> will be truncated to <code>maxLength</code>.
* The truncated value will be terminated by a null character.
* <p>
* The underlying implementation may further limit the length of the
* value, but will continue to preserve the null terminator.
* <p>
* Access to the instrument is provided through the returned <code>
* ByteBuffer</code> object.
* @param variability the variability characteristic for this entry.
* @param units the units for this entry.
* @param name the name of this entry.
* @param value the initial value for this entry.
* @param maxLength the maximum string length for this string
* instrument.
* @return ByteBuffer a direct allocated ByteBuffer that allows
* write access to a native memory location
* containing a <code>long</code> value.
* see sun.misc.perf.Variability
* see sun.misc.perf.Units
* @see java.nio.ByteBuffer
* Create a <code>String</code> entry in the instrumentation buffer with
* the given variability characteristic, units, and initial value.
* <p>
* The maximum length of the <code>String</code> stored in this string
* instrument is implied by the length of the <code>value</code> parameter.
* Subsequent updates to the value of this instrument will be truncated
* to this implied maximum length. The truncated value will be terminated
* by a null character.
* <p>
* The underlying implementation may further limit the length of the
* initial or subsequent value, but will continue to preserve the null
* terminator.
* <p>
* Access to the instrument is provided through the returned <code>
* ByteBuffer</code> object.
* @param variability the variability characteristic for this entry.
* @param units the units for this entry.
* @param name the name of this entry.
* @param value the initial value for this entry.
* @return ByteBuffer a direct allocated ByteBuffer that allows
* write access to a native memory location
* containing a <code>long</code> value.
* see sun.misc.perf.Variability
* see sun.misc.perf.Units
* @see java.nio.ByteBuffer
* Create a <code>byte</code> vector entry in the instrumentation buffer
* with the given variability characteristic, units, and initial value.
* <p>
* The <code>maxLength</code> parameter limits the size of the byte
* array instrument such that the initial or subsequent updates beyond
* this length are silently ignored. No special handling of truncated
* updates is provided.
* <p>
* The underlying implementation may further limit the length of the
* length of the initial or subsequent value.
* <p>
* Access to the instrument is provided through the returned <code>
* ByteBuffer</code> object.
* @param variability the variability characteristic for this entry.
* @param units the units for this entry.
* @param name the name of this entry.
* @param value the initial value for this entry.
* @param maxLength the maximum length of this byte array.
* @return ByteBuffer a direct allocated byte buffer that allows
* write access to a native memory location
* containing a <code>long</code> value.
* see sun.misc.perf.Variability
* see sun.misc.perf.Units
* @see java.nio.ByteBuffer
int maxLength);
* convert string to an array of UTF-8 bytes
try {
catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
// ignore, UTF-8 encoding is always known
return bytes;
* Return the value of the High Resolution Counter.
* The High Resolution Counter returns the number of ticks since
* since the start of the Java virtual machine. The resolution of
* the counter is machine dependent and can be determined from the
* value return by the {@link #highResFrequency} method.
* @return the number of ticks of machine dependent resolution since
* the start of the Java virtual machine.
* @see #highResFrequency
* @see java.lang.System#currentTimeMillis()
public native long highResCounter();
* Returns the frequency of the High Resolution Counter, in ticks per
* second.
* This value can be used to convert the value of the High Resolution
* Counter, as returned from a call to the {@link #highResCounter} method,
* into the number of seconds since the start of the Java virtual machine.
* @return the frequency of the High Resolution Counter.
* @see #highResCounter
public native long highResFrequency();
private static native void registerNatives();
static {