public class ExtendedKeyCodes {
* ATTN: These are the readonly hashes with load factor == 1;
* adding a value, please set the inital capacity to exact number of items
* or higher.
// Keycodes declared in with corresponding Unicode values.
// Keycodes derived from Unicode values. Here should be collected codes
// for characters appearing on the primary layer of at least one
// known keyboard layout. For instance, sterling sign is on the primary layer
// of the Mac Italian layout.
final public static int getExtendedKeyCodeForChar( int c ) {
if (regularKeyCodesMap.containsKey( c )) {
return regularKeyCodesMap.get( c );
uc += 0x01000000;
lc += 0x01000000;
return uc;
return lc;
return KeyEvent.VK_UNDEFINED;
static {