* Copyright (c) 2000, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this
* particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
* by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
package org.ietf.jgss;
import sun.security.jgss.spi.*;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
* This interface encapsulates the GSS-API security context and provides
* the security services that are available over the context. Security
* contexts are established between peers using locally acquired
* credentials. Multiple contexts may exist simultaneously between a pair
* of peers, using the same or different set of credentials. GSS-API
* functions in a manner independent of the underlying transport protocol
* and depends on its calling application to transport the tokens that are
* generated by the security context between the peers.<p>
* If the caller instantiates the context using the default
* <code>GSSManager</code> instance, then the Kerberos v5 GSS-API mechanism
* is guaranteed to be available for context establishment. This mechanism
* is identified by the Oid "1.2.840.113554.1.2.2" and is defined in RFC
* 1964.<p>
* Before the context establishment phase is initiated, the context
* initiator may request specific characteristics desired of the
* established context. Not all underlying mechanisms support all
* characteristics that a caller might desire. After the context is
* established, the caller can check the actual characteristics and services
* offered by that context by means of various query methods. When using
* the Kerberos v5 GSS-API mechanism offered by the default
* <code>GSSManager</code> instance, all optional services will be
* available locally. They are mutual authentication, credential
* delegation, confidentiality and integrity protection, and per-message
* replay detection and sequencing. Note that in the GSS-API, message integrity
* is a prerequisite for message confidentiality.<p>
* The context establishment occurs in a loop where the
* initiator calls {@link #initSecContext(byte[], int, int) initSecContext}
* and the acceptor calls {@link #acceptSecContext(byte[], int, int)
* acceptSecContext} until the context is established. While in this loop
* the <code>initSecContext</code> and <code>acceptSecContext</code>
* methods produce tokens that the application sends over to the peer. The
* peer passes any such token as input to its <code>acceptSecContext</code>
* or <code>initSecContext</code> as the case may be.<p>
* During the context establishment phase, the {@link
* #isProtReady() isProtReady} method may be called to determine if the
* context can be used for the per-message operations of {@link
* #wrap(byte[], int, int, MessageProp) wrap} and {@link #getMIC(byte[],
* int, int, MessageProp) getMIC}. This allows applications to use
* per-message operations on contexts which aren't yet fully
* established.<p>
* After the context has been established or the <code>isProtReady</code>
* method returns <code>true</code>, the query routines can be invoked to
* determine the actual characteristics and services of the established
* context. The application can also start using the per-message methods
* of {@link #wrap(byte[], int, int, MessageProp) wrap} and
* {@link #getMIC(byte[], int, int, MessageProp) getMIC} to obtain
* cryptographic operations on application supplied data.<p>
* When the context is no longer needed, the application should call
* {@link #dispose() dispose} to release any system resources the context
* may be using.<p>
* A security context typically maintains sequencing and replay detection
* information about the tokens it processes. Therefore, the sequence in
* which any tokens are presented to this context for processing can be
* important. Also note that none of the methods in this interface are
* synchronized. Therefore, it is not advisable to share a
* <code>GSSContext</code> among several threads unless some application
* level synchronization is in place.<p>
* Finally, different mechanism providers might place different security
* restrictions on using GSS-API contexts. These will be documented by the
* mechanism provider. The application will need to ensure that it has the
* appropriate permissions if such checks are made in the mechanism layer.<p>
* The example code presented below demonstrates the usage of the
* <code>GSSContext</code> interface for the initiating peer. Different
* operations on the <code>GSSContext</code> object are presented,
* including: object instantiation, setting of desired flags, context
* establishment, query of actual context flags, per-message operations on
* application data, and finally context deletion.<p>
* <pre>
* // Create a context using default credentials
* // and the implementation specific default mechanism
* GSSManager manager ...
* GSSName targetName ...
* GSSContext context = manager.createContext(targetName, null, null,
* // set desired context options prior to context establishment
* context.requestConf(true);
* context.requestMutualAuth(true);
* context.requestReplayDet(true);
* context.requestSequenceDet(true);
* // establish a context between peers
* byte []inToken = new byte[0];
* // Loop while there still is a token to be processed
* while (!context.isEstablished()) {
* byte[] outToken
* = context.initSecContext(inToken, 0, inToken.length);
* // send the output token if generated
* if (outToken != null)
* sendToken(outToken);
* if (!context.isEstablished()) {
* inToken = readToken();
* }
* // display context information
* System.out.println("Remaining lifetime in seconds = "
* + context.getLifetime());
* System.out.println("Context mechanism = " + context.getMech());
* System.out.println("Initiator = " + context.getSrcName());
* System.out.println("Acceptor = " + context.getTargName());
* if (context.getConfState())
* System.out.println("Confidentiality (i.e., privacy) is available");
* if (context.getIntegState())
* System.out.println("Integrity is available");
* // perform wrap on an application supplied message, appMsg,
* // using QOP = 0, and requesting privacy service
* byte [] appMsg ...
* MessageProp mProp = new MessageProp(0, true);
* byte []tok = context.wrap(appMsg, 0, appMsg.length, mProp);
* sendToken(tok);
* // release the local-end of the context
* context.dispose();
* </pre>
* @author Mayank Upadhyay
* @since 1.4
public interface GSSContext {
* A lifetime constant representing the default context lifetime. This
* value is set to 0.
public static final int DEFAULT_LIFETIME = 0;
* A lifetime constant representing indefinite context lifetime.
* This value must is set to the maximum integer value in Java -
* {@link java.lang.Integer#MAX_VALUE Integer.MAX_VALUE}.
public static final int INDEFINITE_LIFETIME = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
* Called by the context initiator to start the context creation
* phase and process any tokens generated
* by the peer's <code>acceptSecContext</code> method.
* This method may return an output token which the application will need
* to send to the peer for processing by its <code>acceptSecContext</code>
* method. The application can call {@link #isEstablished()
* isEstablished} to determine if the context establishment phase is
* complete on this side of the context. A return value of
* <code>false</code> from <code>isEstablished</code> indicates that
* more tokens are expected to be supplied to
* <code>initSecContext</code>. Upon completion of the context
* establishment, the available context options may be queried through
* the get methods.<p>
* Note that it is possible that the <code>initSecContext</code> method
* return a token for the peer, and <code>isEstablished</code> return
* <code>true</code> also. This indicates that the token needs to be sent
* to the peer, but the local end of the context is now fully
* established.<p>
* Some mechanism providers might require that the caller be granted
* permission to initiate a security context. A failed permission check
* might cause a {@link java.lang.SecurityException SecurityException}
* to be thrown from this method.<p>
* @return a byte[] containing the token to be sent to the
* peer. <code>null</code> indicates that no token is generated.
* @param inputBuf token generated by the peer. This parameter is ignored
* on the first call since no token has been received from the peer.
* @param offset the offset within the inputBuf where the token begins.
* @param len the length of the token.
* @throws GSSException containing the following
* major error codes:
* {@link GSSException#BAD_MIC GSSException.BAD_MIC},
* {@link GSSException#NO_CRED GSSException.NO_CRED},
* {@link GSSException#BAD_BINDINGS GSSException.BAD_BINDINGS},
* {@link GSSException#OLD_TOKEN GSSException.OLD_TOKEN},
* {@link GSSException#BAD_NAMETYPE GSSException.BAD_NAMETYPE},
* {@link GSSException#BAD_MECH GSSException.BAD_MECH},
* {@link GSSException#FAILURE GSSException.FAILURE}
public byte[] initSecContext(byte inputBuf[], int offset, int len)
throws GSSException;
* Called by the context initiator to start the context creation
* phase and process any tokens generated
* by the peer's <code>acceptSecContext</code> method using
* streams. This method may write an output token to the
* <code>OutpuStream</code>, which the application will
* need to send to the peer for processing by its
* <code>acceptSecContext</code> call. Typically, the application would
* ensure this by calling the {@link java.io.OutputStream#flush() flush}
* method on an <code>OutputStream</code> that encapsulates the
* connection between the two peers. The application can
* determine if a token is written to the OutputStream from the return
* value of this method. A return value of <code>0</code> indicates that
* no token was written. The application can call
* {@link #isEstablished() isEstablished} to determine if the context
* establishment phase is complete on this side of the context. A
* return value of <code>false</code> from <code>isEstablished</code>
* indicates that more tokens are expected to be supplied to
* <code>initSecContext</code>.
* Upon completion of the context establishment, the available context
* options may be queried through the get methods.<p>
* Note that it is possible that the <code>initSecContext</code> method
* return a token for the peer, and <code>isEstablished</code> return
* <code>true</code> also. This indicates that the token needs to be sent
* to the peer, but the local end of the context is now fully
* established.<p>
* The GSS-API authentication tokens contain a definitive start and
* end. This method will attempt to read one of these tokens per
* invocation, and may block on the stream if only part of the token is
* available. In all other respects this method is equivalent to the
* byte array based {@link #initSecContext(byte[], int, int)
* initSecContext}.<p>
* Some mechanism providers might require that the caller be granted
* permission to initiate a security context. A failed permission check
* might cause a {@link java.lang.SecurityException SecurityException}
* to be thrown from this method.<p>
* The following example code demonstrates how this method might be
* used:<p>
* <pre>
* InputStream is ...
* OutputStream os ...
* GSSContext context ...
* // Loop while there is still a token to be processed
* while (!context.isEstablished()) {
* context.initSecContext(is, os);
* // send output token if generated
* os.flush();
* }
* </pre>
* @return the number of bytes written to the OutputStream as part of the
* token to be sent to the peer. A value of 0 indicates that no token
* needs to be sent.
* @param inStream an InputStream that contains the token generated by
* the peer. This parameter is ignored on the first call since no token
* has been or will be received from the peer at that point.
* @param outStream an OutputStream where the output token will be
* written. During the final stage of context establishment, there may be
* no bytes written.
* @throws GSSException containing the following
* major error codes:
* {@link GSSException#BAD_MIC GSSException.BAD_MIC},
* {@link GSSException#NO_CRED GSSException.NO_CRED},
* {@link GSSException#BAD_BINDINGS GSSException.BAD_BINDINGS},
* {@link GSSException#OLD_TOKEN GSSException.OLD_TOKEN},
* {@link GSSException#BAD_NAMETYPE GSSException.BAD_NAMETYPE},
* {@link GSSException#BAD_MECH GSSException.BAD_MECH},
* {@link GSSException#FAILURE GSSException.FAILURE}
public int initSecContext(InputStream inStream,
OutputStream outStream) throws GSSException;
* Called by the context acceptor upon receiving a token from the
* peer. This method may return an output token which the application
* will need to send to the peer for further processing by its
* <code>initSecContext</code> call.<p>
* The application can call {@link #isEstablished() isEstablished} to
* determine if the context establishment phase is complete for this
* peer. A return value of <code>false</code> from
* <code>isEstablished</code> indicates that more tokens are expected to
* be supplied to this method. Upon completion of the context
* establishment, the available context options may be queried through
* the get methods.<p>
* Note that it is possible that <code>acceptSecContext</code> return a
* token for the peer, and <code>isEstablished</code> return
* <code>true</code> also. This indicates that the token needs to be
* sent to the peer, but the local end of the context is now fully
* established.<p>
* Some mechanism providers might require that the caller be granted
* permission to accept a security context. A failed permission check
* might cause a {@link java.lang.SecurityException SecurityException}
* to be thrown from this method.<p>
* The following example code demonstrates how this method might be
* used:<p>
* <pre>
* byte[] inToken;
* byte[] outToken;
* GSSContext context ...
* // Loop while there is still a token to be processed
* while (!context.isEstablished()) {
* inToken = readToken();
* outToken = context.acceptSecContext(inToken, 0,
* inToken.length);
* // send output token if generated
* if (outToken != null)
* sendToken(outToken);
* }
* </pre>
* @return a byte[] containing the token to be sent to the
* peer. <code>null</code> indicates that no token is generated.
* @param inToken token generated by the peer.
* @param offset the offset within the inToken where the token begins.
* @param len the length of the token.
* @throws GSSException containing the following
* major error codes:
* {@link GSSException#BAD_MIC GSSException.BAD_MIC},
* {@link GSSException#NO_CRED GSSException.NO_CRED},
* {@link GSSException#BAD_BINDINGS GSSException.BAD_BINDINGS},
* {@link GSSException#OLD_TOKEN GSSException.OLD_TOKEN},
* {@link GSSException#BAD_MECH GSSException.BAD_MECH},
* {@link GSSException#FAILURE GSSException.FAILURE}
public byte[] acceptSecContext(byte inToken[], int offset, int len)
throws GSSException;
* Called by the context acceptor to process a token from the peer using
* streams. It may write an output token to the
* <code>OutputStream</code>, which the application
* will need to send to the peer for processing by its
* <code>initSecContext</code> method. Typically, the application would
* ensure this by calling the {@link java.io.OutputStream#flush() flush}
* method on an <code>OutputStream</code> that encapsulates the
* connection between the two peers. The application can call
* {@link #isEstablished() isEstablished} to determine if the context
* establishment phase is complete on this side of the context. A
* return value of <code>false</code> from <code>isEstablished</code>
* indicates that more tokens are expected to be supplied to
* <code>acceptSecContext</code>.
* Upon completion of the context establishment, the available context
* options may be queried through the get methods.<p>
* Note that it is possible that <code>acceptSecContext</code> return a
* token for the peer, and <code>isEstablished</code> return
* <code>true</code> also. This indicates that the token needs to be
* sent to the peer, but the local end of the context is now fully
* established.<p>
* The GSS-API authentication tokens contain a definitive start and
* end. This method will attempt to read one of these tokens per
* invocation, and may block on the stream if only part of the token is
* available. In all other respects this method is equivalent to the byte
* array based {@link #acceptSecContext(byte[], int, int)
* acceptSecContext}.<p>
* Some mechanism providers might require that the caller be granted
* permission to accept a security context. A failed permission check
* might cause a {@link java.lang.SecurityException SecurityException}
* to be thrown from this method.<p>
* The following example code demonstrates how this method might be
* used:<p>
* <pre>
* InputStream is ...
* OutputStream os ...
* GSSContext context ...
* // Loop while there is still a token to be processed
* while (!context.isEstablished()) {
* context.acceptSecContext(is, os);
* // send output token if generated
* os.flush();
* }
* </pre>
* @param inStream an InputStream that contains the token generated by
* the peer.
* @param outStream an OutputStream where the output token will be
* written. During the final stage of context establishment, there may be
* no bytes written.
* @throws GSSException containing the following
* major error codes:
* {@link GSSException#BAD_MIC GSSException.BAD_MIC},
* {@link GSSException#NO_CRED GSSException.NO_CRED},
* {@link GSSException#BAD_BINDINGS GSSException.BAD_BINDINGS},
* {@link GSSException#OLD_TOKEN GSSException.OLD_TOKEN},
* {@link GSSException#BAD_MECH GSSException.BAD_MECH},
* {@link GSSException#FAILURE GSSException.FAILURE}
/* Missing return value in RFC. int should have been returned.
* -----------------------------------------------------------
* The application can determine if a token is written to the
* OutputStream from the return value of this method. A return value of
* <code>0</code> indicates that no token was written.
* @return <strong>the number of bytes written to the
* OutputStream as part of the token to be sent to the peer. A value of
* 0 indicates that no token needs to be
* sent.</strong>
public void acceptSecContext(InputStream inStream,
OutputStream outStream) throws GSSException;
* Used during context establishment to determine the state of the
* context.
* @return <code>true</code> if this is a fully established context on
* the caller's side and no more tokens are needed from the peer.
public boolean isEstablished();
* Releases any system resources and cryptographic information stored in
* the context object and invalidates the context.
* @throws GSSException containing the following
* major error codes:
* {@link GSSException#FAILURE GSSException.FAILURE}
public void dispose() throws GSSException;
* Used to determine limits on the size of the message
* that can be passed to <code>wrap</code>. Returns the maximum
* message size that, if presented to the <code>wrap</code> method with
* the same <code>confReq</code> and <code>qop</code> parameters, will
* result in an output token containing no more
* than <code>maxTokenSize</code> bytes.<p>
* This call is intended for use by applications that communicate over
* protocols that impose a maximum message size. It enables the
* application to fragment messages prior to applying protection.<p>
* GSS-API implementations are recommended but not required to detect
* invalid QOP values when <code>getWrapSizeLimit</code> is called.
* This routine guarantees only a maximum message size, not the
* availability of specific QOP values for message protection.<p>
* @param qop the level of protection wrap will be asked to provide.
* @param confReq <code>true</code> if wrap will be asked to provide
* privacy, <code>false</code> otherwise.
* @param maxTokenSize the desired maximum size of the token emitted by
* wrap.
* @return the maximum size of the input token for the given output
* token size
* @throws GSSException containing the following
* major error codes:
* {@link GSSException#BAD_QOP GSSException.BAD_QOP},
* {@link GSSException#FAILURE GSSException.FAILURE}
public int getWrapSizeLimit(int qop, boolean confReq,
int maxTokenSize) throws GSSException;
* Applies per-message security services over the established security
* context. The method will return a token with the
* application supplied data and a cryptographic MIC over it.
* The data may be encrypted if confidentiality (privacy) was
* requested.<p>
* The MessageProp object is instantiated by the application and used
* to specify a QOP value which selects cryptographic algorithms, and a
* privacy service to optionally encrypt the message. The underlying
* mechanism that is used in the call may not be able to provide the
* privacy service. It sets the actual privacy service that it does
* provide in this MessageProp object which the caller should then
* query upon return. If the mechanism is not able to provide the
* requested QOP, it throws a GSSException with the BAD_QOP code.<p>
* Since some application-level protocols may wish to use tokens
* emitted by wrap to provide "secure framing", implementations should
* support the wrapping of zero-length messages.<p>
* The application will be responsible for sending the token to the
* peer.
* @param inBuf application data to be protected.
* @param offset the offset within the inBuf where the data begins.
* @param len the length of the data
* @param msgProp instance of MessageProp that is used by the
* application to set the desired QOP and privacy state. Set the
* desired QOP to 0 to request the default QOP. Upon return from this
* method, this object will contain the the actual privacy state that
* was applied to the message by the underlying mechanism.
* @return a byte[] containing the token to be sent to the peer.
* @throws GSSException containing the following major error codes:
* {@link GSSException#BAD_QOP GSSException.BAD_QOP},
* {@link GSSException#FAILURE GSSException.FAILURE}
public byte[] wrap(byte inBuf[], int offset, int len,
MessageProp msgProp) throws GSSException;
* Applies per-message security services over the established security
* context using streams. The method will return a
* token with the application supplied data and a cryptographic MIC over it.
* The data may be encrypted if confidentiality
* (privacy) was requested. This method is equivalent to the byte array
* based {@link #wrap(byte[], int, int, MessageProp) wrap} method.<p>
* The application will be responsible for sending the token to the
* peer. Typically, the application would
* ensure this by calling the {@link java.io.OutputStream#flush() flush}
* method on an <code>OutputStream</code> that encapsulates the
* connection between the two peers.<p>
* The MessageProp object is instantiated by the application and used
* to specify a QOP value which selects cryptographic algorithms, and a
* privacy service to optionally encrypt the message. The underlying
* mechanism that is used in the call may not be able to provide the
* privacy service. It sets the actual privacy service that it does
* provide in this MessageProp object which the caller should then
* query upon return. If the mechanism is not able to provide the
* requested QOP, it throws a GSSException with the BAD_QOP code.<p>
* Since some application-level protocols may wish to use tokens
* emitted by wrap to provide "secure framing", implementations should
* support the wrapping of zero-length messages.<p>
* @param inStream an InputStream containing the application data to be
* protected. All of the data that is available in
* inStream is used.
* @param outStream an OutputStream to write the protected message
* to.
* @param msgProp instance of MessageProp that is used by the
* application to set the desired QOP and privacy state. Set the
* desired QOP to 0 to request the default QOP. Upon return from this
* method, this object will contain the the actual privacy state that
* was applied to the message by the underlying mechanism.
* @throws GSSException containing the following
* major error codes:
* {@link GSSException#BAD_QOP GSSException.BAD_QOP},
* {@link GSSException#FAILURE GSSException.FAILURE}
public void wrap(InputStream inStream, OutputStream outStream,
MessageProp msgProp) throws GSSException;
* Used to process tokens generated by the <code>wrap</code> method on
* the other side of the context. The method will return the message
* supplied by the peer application to its wrap call, while at the same
* time verifying the embedded MIC for that message.<p>
* The MessageProp object is instantiated by the application and is
* used by the underlying mechanism to return information to the caller
* such as the QOP, whether confidentiality was applied to the message,
* and other supplementary message state information.<p>
* Since some application-level protocols may wish to use tokens
* emitted by wrap to provide "secure framing", implementations should
* support the wrapping and unwrapping of zero-length messages.<p>
* @param inBuf a byte array containing the wrap token received from
* peer.
* @param offset the offset where the token begins.
* @param len the length of the token
* @param msgProp upon return from the method, this object will contain
* the applied QOP, the privacy state of the message, and supplementary
* information stating if the token was a duplicate, old, out of
* sequence or arriving after a gap.
* @return a byte[] containing the message unwrapped from the input
* token.
* @throws GSSException containing the following
* major error codes:
* {@link GSSException#BAD_MIC GSSException.BAD_MIC},
* {@link GSSException#FAILURE GSSException.FAILURE}
public byte [] unwrap(byte[] inBuf, int offset, int len,
MessageProp msgProp) throws GSSException;
* Uses streams to process tokens generated by the <code>wrap</code>
* method on the other side of the context. The method will return the
* message supplied by the peer application to its wrap call, while at
* the same time verifying the embedded MIC for that message.<p>
* The MessageProp object is instantiated by the application and is
* used by the underlying mechanism to return information to the caller
* such as the QOP, whether confidentiality was applied to the message,
* and other supplementary message state information.<p>
* Since some application-level protocols may wish to use tokens
* emitted by wrap to provide "secure framing", implementations should
* support the wrapping and unwrapping of zero-length messages.<p>
* The format of the input token that this method
* reads is defined in the specification for the underlying mechanism that
* will be used. This method will attempt to read one of these tokens per
* invocation. If the mechanism token contains a definitive start and
* end this method may block on the <code>InputStream</code> if only
* part of the token is available. If the start and end of the token
* are not definitive then the method will attempt to treat all
* available bytes as part of the token.<p>
* Other than the possible blocking behavior described above, this
* method is equivalent to the byte array based {@link #unwrap(byte[],
* int, int, MessageProp) unwrap} method.<p>
* @param inStream an InputStream that contains the wrap token generated
* by the peer.
* @param outStream an OutputStream to write the application message
* to.
* @param msgProp upon return from the method, this object will contain
* the applied QOP, the privacy state of the message, and supplementary
* information stating if the token was a duplicate, old, out of
* sequence or arriving after a gap.
* @throws GSSException containing the following
* major error codes:
* {@link GSSException#BAD_MIC GSSException.BAD_MIC},
* {@link GSSException#FAILURE GSSException.FAILURE}
public void unwrap(InputStream inStream, OutputStream outStream,
MessageProp msgProp) throws GSSException;
* Returns a token containing a cryptographic Message Integrity Code
* (MIC) for the supplied message, for transfer to the peer
* application. Unlike wrap, which encapsulates the user message in the
* returned token, only the message MIC is returned in the output
* token.<p>
* Note that privacy can only be applied through the wrap call.<p>
* Since some application-level protocols may wish to use tokens emitted
* by getMIC to provide "secure framing", implementations should support
* derivation of MICs from zero-length messages.
* @param inMsg the message to generate the MIC over.
* @param offset offset within the inMsg where the message begins.
* @param len the length of the message
* @param msgProp an instance of <code>MessageProp</code> that is used
* by the application to set the desired QOP. Set the desired QOP to
* <code>0</code> in <code>msgProp</code> to request the default
* QOP. Alternatively pass in <code>null</code> for <code>msgProp</code>
* to request the default QOP.
* @return a byte[] containing the token to be sent to the peer.
* @throws GSSException containing the following
* major error codes:
* {@link GSSException#BAD_QOP GSSException.BAD_QOP},
* {@link GSSException#FAILURE GSSException.FAILURE}
public byte[] getMIC(byte []inMsg, int offset, int len,
MessageProp msgProp) throws GSSException;
* Uses streams to produce a token containing a cryptographic MIC for
* the supplied message, for transfer to the peer application.
* Unlike wrap, which encapsulates the user message in the returned
* token, only the message MIC is produced in the output token. This
* method is equivalent to the byte array based {@link #getMIC(byte[],
* int, int, MessageProp) getMIC} method.
* Note that privacy can only be applied through the wrap call.<p>
* Since some application-level protocols may wish to use tokens emitted
* by getMIC to provide "secure framing", implementations should support
* derivation of MICs from zero-length messages.
* @param inStream an InputStream containing the message to generate the
* MIC over. All of the data that is available in
* inStream is used.
* @param outStream an OutputStream to write the output token to.
* @param msgProp an instance of <code>MessageProp</code> that is used
* by the application to set the desired QOP. Set the desired QOP to
* <code>0</code> in <code>msgProp</code> to request the default
* QOP. Alternatively pass in <code>null</code> for <code>msgProp</code>
* to request the default QOP.
* @throws GSSException containing the following
* major error codes:
* {@link GSSException#BAD_QOP GSSException.BAD_QOP},
* {@link GSSException#FAILURE GSSException.FAILURE}
public void getMIC(InputStream inStream, OutputStream outStream,
MessageProp msgProp) throws GSSException;
* Verifies the cryptographic MIC, contained in the token parameter,
* over the supplied message.<p>
* The MessageProp object is instantiated by the application and is used
* by the underlying mechanism to return information to the caller such
* as the QOP indicating the strength of protection that was applied to
* the message and other supplementary message state information.<p>
* Since some application-level protocols may wish to use tokens emitted
* by getMIC to provide "secure framing", implementations should support
* the calculation and verification of MICs over zero-length messages.
* @param inToken the token generated by peer's getMIC method.
* @param tokOffset the offset within the inToken where the token
* begins.
* @param tokLen the length of the token.
* @param inMsg the application message to verify the cryptographic MIC
* over.
* @param msgOffset the offset in inMsg where the message begins.
* @param msgLen the length of the message.
* @param msgProp upon return from the method, this object will contain
* the applied QOP and supplementary information stating if the token
* was a duplicate, old, out of sequence or arriving after a gap.
* @throws GSSException containing the following
* major error codes:
* {@link GSSException#BAD_MIC GSSException.BAD_MIC}
* {@link GSSException#FAILURE GSSException.FAILURE}
public void verifyMIC(byte[] inToken, int tokOffset, int tokLen,
byte[] inMsg, int msgOffset, int msgLen,
MessageProp msgProp) throws GSSException;
* Uses streams to verify the cryptographic MIC, contained in the token
* parameter, over the supplied message. This method is equivalent to
* the byte array based {@link #verifyMIC(byte[], int, int, byte[], int,
* int, MessageProp) verifyMIC} method.
* The MessageProp object is instantiated by the application and is used
* by the underlying mechanism to return information to the caller such
* as the QOP indicating the strength of protection that was applied to
* the message and other supplementary message state information.<p>
* Since some application-level protocols may wish to use tokens emitted
* by getMIC to provide "secure framing", implementations should support
* the calculation and verification of MICs over zero-length messages.<p>
* The format of the input token that this method
* reads is defined in the specification for the underlying mechanism that
* will be used. This method will attempt to read one of these tokens per
* invocation. If the mechanism token contains a definitive start and
* end this method may block on the <code>InputStream</code> if only
* part of the token is available. If the start and end of the token
* are not definitive then the method will attempt to treat all
* available bytes as part of the token.<p>
* Other than the possible blocking behavior described above, this
* method is equivalent to the byte array based {@link #verifyMIC(byte[],
* int, int, byte[], int, int, MessageProp) verifyMIC} method.<p>
* @param tokStream an InputStream containing the token generated by the
* peer's getMIC method.
* @param msgStream an InputStream containing the application message to
* verify the cryptographic MIC over. All of the data
* that is available in msgStream is used.
* @param msgProp upon return from the method, this object will contain
* the applied QOP and supplementary information stating if the token
* was a duplicate, old, out of sequence or arriving after a gap.
* @throws GSSException containing the following
* major error codes:
* {@link GSSException#BAD_MIC GSSException.BAD_MIC}
* {@link GSSException#FAILURE GSSException.FAILURE}
public void verifyMIC(InputStream tokStream, InputStream msgStream,
MessageProp msgProp) throws GSSException;
* Exports this context so that another process may
* import it.. Provided to support the sharing of work between
* multiple processes. This routine will typically be used by the
* context-acceptor, in an application where a single process receives
* incoming connection requests and accepts security contexts over
* them, then passes the established context to one or more other
* processes for message exchange.<p>
* This method deactivates the security context and creates an
* interprocess token which, when passed to {@link
* GSSManager#createContext(byte[]) GSSManager.createContext} in
* another process, will re-activate the context in the second process.
* Only a single instantiation of a given context may be active at any
* one time; a subsequent attempt by a context exporter to access the
* exported security context will fail.<p>
* The implementation may constrain the set of processes by which the
* interprocess token may be imported, either as a function of local
* security policy, or as a result of implementation decisions. For
* example, some implementations may constrain contexts to be passed
* only between processes that run under the same account, or which are
* part of the same process group.<p>
* The interprocess token may contain security-sensitive information
* (for example cryptographic keys). While mechanisms are encouraged
* to either avoid placing such sensitive information within
* interprocess tokens, or to encrypt the token before returning it to
* the application, in a typical GSS-API implementation this may not be
* possible. Thus the application must take care to protect the
* interprocess token, and ensure that any process to which the token
* is transferred is trustworthy. <p>
* Implementations are not required to support the inter-process
* transfer of security contexts. Calling the {@link #isTransferable()
* isTransferable} method will indicate if the context object is
* transferable.<p>
* Calling this method on a context that
* is not exportable will result in this exception being thrown with
* the error code {@link GSSException#UNAVAILABLE
* @return a byte[] containing the exported context
* @see GSSManager#createContext(byte[])
* @throws GSSException containing the following
* major error codes:
* {@link GSSException#UNAVAILABLE GSSException.UNAVAILABLE},
* {@link GSSException#NO_CONTEXT GSSException.NO_CONTEXT},
* {@link GSSException#FAILURE GSSException.FAILURE}
public byte [] export() throws GSSException;
* Requests that mutual authentication be done during
* context establishment. This request can only be made on the context
* initiator's side and it has to be done prior to the first call to
* <code>initSecContext</code>.<p>
* Not all mechanisms support mutual authentication and some mechanisms
* might require mutual authentication even if the application
* doesn't. Therefore, the application should check to see if the
* request was honored with the {@link #getMutualAuthState()
* getMutualAuthState} method.<p>
* @param state a boolean value indicating whether mutual
* authentication should be used or not.
* @see #getMutualAuthState()
* @throws GSSException containing the following
* major error codes:
* {@link GSSException#FAILURE GSSException.FAILURE}
public void requestMutualAuth(boolean state) throws GSSException;
* Requests that replay detection be enabled for the
* per-message security services after context establishment. This
* request can only be made on the context initiator's side and it has
* to be done prior to the first call to
* <code>initSecContext</code>. During context establishment replay
* detection is not an option and is a function of the underlying
* mechanism's capabilities.<p>
* Not all mechanisms support replay detection and some mechanisms
* might require replay detection even if the application
* doesn't. Therefore, the application should check to see if the
* request was honored with the {@link #getReplayDetState()
* getReplayDetState} method. If replay detection is enabled then the
* {@link MessageProp#isDuplicateToken() MessageProp.isDuplicateToken} and {@link
* MessageProp#isOldToken() MessageProp.isOldToken} methods will return
* valid results for the <code>MessageProp</code> object that is passed
* in to the <code>unwrap</code> method or the <code>verifyMIC</code>
* method.<p>
* @param state a boolean value indicating whether replay detection
* should be enabled over the established context or not.
* @see #getReplayDetState()
* @throws GSSException containing the following
* major error codes:
* {@link GSSException#FAILURE GSSException.FAILURE}
public void requestReplayDet(boolean state) throws GSSException;
* Requests that sequence checking be enabled for the
* per-message security services after context establishment. This
* request can only be made on the context initiator's side and it has
* to be done prior to the first call to
* <code>initSecContext</code>. During context establishment sequence
* checking is not an option and is a function of the underlying
* mechanism's capabilities.<p>
* Not all mechanisms support sequence checking and some mechanisms
* might require sequence checking even if the application
* doesn't. Therefore, the application should check to see if the
* request was honored with the {@link #getSequenceDetState()
* getSequenceDetState} method. If sequence checking is enabled then the
* {@link MessageProp#isDuplicateToken() MessageProp.isDuplicateToken},
* {@link MessageProp#isOldToken() MessageProp.isOldToken},
* {@link MessageProp#isUnseqToken() MessageProp.isUnseqToken}, and
* {@link MessageProp#isGapToken() MessageProp.isGapToken} methods will return
* valid results for the <code>MessageProp</code> object that is passed
* in to the <code>unwrap</code> method or the <code>verifyMIC</code>
* method.<p>
* @param state a boolean value indicating whether sequence checking
* should be enabled over the established context or not.
* @see #getSequenceDetState()
* @throws GSSException containing the following
* major error codes:
* {@link GSSException#FAILURE GSSException.FAILURE}
public void requestSequenceDet(boolean state) throws GSSException;
* Requests that the initiator's credentials be
* delegated to the acceptor during context establishment. This
* request can only be made on the context initiator's side and it has
* to be done prior to the first call to
* <code>initSecContext</code>.
* Not all mechanisms support credential delegation. Therefore, an
* application that desires delegation should check to see if the
* request was honored with the {@link #getCredDelegState()
* getCredDelegState} method. If the application indicates that
* delegation must not be used, then the mechanism will honor the
* request and delegation will not occur. This is an exception
* to the general rule that a mechanism may enable a service even if it
* is not requested.<p>
* @param state a boolean value indicating whether the credentials
* should be delegated or not.
* @see #getCredDelegState()
* @throws GSSException containing the following
* major error codes:
* {@link GSSException#FAILURE GSSException.FAILURE}
public void requestCredDeleg(boolean state) throws GSSException;
* Requests that the initiator's identity not be
* disclosed to the acceptor. This request can only be made on the
* context initiator's side and it has to be done prior to the first
* call to <code>initSecContext</code>.
* Not all mechanisms support anonymity for the initiator. Therefore, the
* application should check to see if the request was honored with the
* {@link #getAnonymityState() getAnonymityState} method.<p>
* @param state a boolean value indicating if the initiator should
* be authenticated to the acceptor as an anonymous principal.
* @see #getAnonymityState
* @throws GSSException containing the following
* major error codes:
* {@link GSSException#FAILURE GSSException.FAILURE}
public void requestAnonymity(boolean state) throws GSSException;
* Requests that data confidentiality be enabled
* for the <code>wrap</code> method. This request can only be made on
* the context initiator's side and it has to be done prior to the
* first call to <code>initSecContext</code>.
* Not all mechanisms support confidentiality and other mechanisms
* might enable it even if the application doesn't request
* it. The application may check to see if the request was honored with
* the {@link #getConfState() getConfState} method. If confidentiality
* is enabled, only then will the mechanism honor a request for privacy
* in the {@link MessageProp#MessageProp(int, boolean) MessageProp}
* object that is passed in to the <code>wrap</code> method.<p>
* Enabling confidentiality will also automatically enable
* integrity.<p>
* @param state a boolean value indicating whether confidentiality
* should be enabled or not.
* @see #getConfState()
* @see #getIntegState()
* @see #requestInteg(boolean)
* @see MessageProp
* @throws GSSException containing the following
* major error codes:
* {@link GSSException#FAILURE GSSException.FAILURE}
public void requestConf(boolean state) throws GSSException;
* Requests that data integrity be enabled
* for the <code>wrap</code> and <code>getMIC</code>methods. This
* request can only be made on the context initiator's side and it has
* to be done prior to the first call to <code>initSecContext</code>.
* Not all mechanisms support integrity and other mechanisms
* might enable it even if the application doesn't request
* it. The application may check to see if the request was honored with
* the {@link #getIntegState() getIntegState} method.<p>
* Disabling integrity will also automatically disable
* confidentiality.<p>
* @param state a boolean value indicating whether integrity
* should be enabled or not.
* @see #getIntegState()
* @throws GSSException containing the following
* major error codes:
* {@link GSSException#FAILURE GSSException.FAILURE}
public void requestInteg(boolean state) throws GSSException;
* Requests a lifetime in seconds for the
* context. This method can only be called on the context initiator's
* side and it has to be done prior to the first call to
* <code>initSecContext</code>.<p>
* The actual lifetime of the context will depend on the capabilites of
* the underlying mechanism and the application should call the {@link
* #getLifetime() getLifetime} method to determine this.<p>
* @param lifetime the desired context lifetime in seconds. Use
* <code>INDEFINITE_LIFETIME</code> to request an indefinite lifetime
* and <code>DEFAULT_LIFETIME</code> to request a default lifetime.
* @see #getLifetime()
* @throws GSSException containing the following
* major error codes:
* {@link GSSException#FAILURE GSSException.FAILURE}
public void requestLifetime(int lifetime) throws GSSException;
* Sets the channel bindings to be used during context
* establishment. This method can be called on both
* the context initiator's and the context acceptor's side, but it must
* be called before context establishment begins. This means that an
* initiator must call it before the first call to
* <code>initSecContext</code> and the acceptor must call it before the
* first call to <code>acceptSecContext</code>.
* @param cb the channel bindings to use.
* @throws GSSException containing the following
* major error codes:
* {@link GSSException#FAILURE GSSException.FAILURE}
public void setChannelBinding(ChannelBinding cb) throws GSSException;
* Determines if credential delegation is enabled on
* this context. It can be called by both the context initiator and the
* context acceptor. For a definitive answer this method must be
* called only after context establishment is complete. Note that if an
* initiator requests that delegation not be allowed the {@link
* #requestCredDeleg(boolean) requestCredDeleg} method will honor that
* request and this method will return <code>false</code> on the
* initiator's side from that point onwards. <p>
* @return true if delegation is enabled, false otherwise.
* @see #requestCredDeleg(boolean)
public boolean getCredDelegState();
* Determines if mutual authentication is enabled on
* this context. It can be called by both the context initiator and the
* context acceptor. For a definitive answer this method must be
* called only after context establishment is complete. An initiator
* that requests mutual authentication can call this method after
* context completion and dispose the context if its request was not
* honored.<p>
* @return true if mutual authentication is enabled, false otherwise.
* @see #requestMutualAuth(boolean)
public boolean getMutualAuthState();
* Determines if replay detection is enabled for the
* per-message security services from this context. It can be called by
* both the context initiator and the context acceptor. For a
* definitive answer this method must be called only after context
* establishment is complete. An initiator that requests replay
* detection can call this method after context completion and
* dispose the context if its request was not honored.<p>
* @return true if replay detection is enabled, false otherwise.
* @see #requestReplayDet(boolean)
public boolean getReplayDetState();
* Determines if sequence checking is enabled for the
* per-message security services from this context. It can be called by
* both the context initiator and the context acceptor. For a
* definitive answer this method must be called only after context
* establishment is complete. An initiator that requests sequence
* checking can call this method after context completion and
* dispose the context if its request was not honored.<p>
* @return true if sequence checking is enabled, false otherwise.
* @see #requestSequenceDet(boolean)
public boolean getSequenceDetState();
* Determines if the context initiator is
* anonymously authenticated to the context acceptor. It can be called by
* both the context initiator and the context acceptor, and at any
* time. <strong>On the initiator side, a call to this method determines
* if the identity of the initiator has been disclosed in any of the
* context establishment tokens that might have been generated thus far
* by <code>initSecContext</code>. An initiator that absolutely must be
* authenticated anonymously should call this method after each call to
* <code>initSecContext</code> to determine if the generated token
* should be sent to the peer or the context aborted.</strong> On the
* acceptor side, a call to this method determines if any of the tokens
* processed by <code>acceptSecContext</code> thus far have divulged
* the identity of the initiator.<p>
* @return true if the context initiator is still anonymous, false
* otherwise.
* @see #requestAnonymity(boolean)
public boolean getAnonymityState();
* Determines if the context is transferable to other processes
* through the use of the {@link #export() export} method. This call
* is only valid on fully established contexts.
* @return true if this context can be exported, false otherwise.
* @throws GSSException containing the following
* major error codes:
* {@link GSSException#FAILURE GSSException.FAILURE}
public boolean isTransferable() throws GSSException;
* Determines if the context is ready for per message operations to be
* used over it. Some mechanisms may allow the usage of the
* per-message operations before the context is fully established.
* @return true if methods like <code>wrap</code>, <code>unwrap</code>,
* <code>getMIC</code>, and <code>verifyMIC</code> can be used with
* this context at the current stage of context establishment, false
* otherwise.
public boolean isProtReady();
* Determines if data confidentiality is available
* over the context. This method can be called by both the context
* initiator and the context acceptor, but only after one of {@link
* #isProtReady() isProtReady} or {@link #isEstablished()
* isEstablished} return <code>true</code>. If this method returns
* <code>true</code>, so will {@link #getIntegState()
* getIntegState}<p>
* @return true if confidentiality services are available, false
* otherwise.
* @see #requestConf(boolean)
public boolean getConfState();
* Determines if data integrity is available
* over the context. This method can be called by both the context
* initiator and the context acceptor, but only after one of {@link
* #isProtReady() isProtReady} or {@link #isEstablished()
* isEstablished} return <code>true</code>. This method will always
* return <code>true</code> if {@link #getConfState() getConfState}
* returns true.<p>
* @return true if integrity services are available, false otherwise.
* @see #requestInteg(boolean)
public boolean getIntegState();
* Determines what the remaining lifetime for this
* context is. It can be called by both the context initiator and the
* context acceptor, but for a definitive answer it should be called
* only after {@link #isEstablished() isEstablished} returns
* true.<p>
* @return the remaining lifetime in seconds
* @see #requestLifetime(int)
public int getLifetime();
* Returns the name of the context initiator. This call is valid only
* after one of {@link #isProtReady() isProtReady} or {@link
* #isEstablished() isEstablished} return <code>true</code>.
* @return a GSSName that is an MN containing the name of the context
* initiator.
* @see GSSName
* @throws GSSException containing the following
* major error codes:
* {@link GSSException#FAILURE GSSException.FAILURE}
public GSSName getSrcName() throws GSSException;
* Returns the name of the context acceptor. This call is valid only
* after one of {@link #isProtReady() isProtReady} or {@link
* #isEstablished() isEstablished} return <code>true</code>.
* @return a GSSName that is an MN containing the name of the context
* acceptor.
* @throws GSSException containing the following
* major error codes:
* {@link GSSException#FAILURE GSSException.FAILURE}
public GSSName getTargName() throws GSSException;
* Determines what mechanism is being used for this
* context. This method may be called before the context is fully
* established, but the mechanism returned may change on successive
* calls in the negotiated mechanism case.
* @return the Oid of the mechanism being used
* @throws GSSException containing the following
* major error codes:
* {@link GSSException#FAILURE GSSException.FAILURE}
public Oid getMech() throws GSSException;
* Obtains the credentials delegated by the context
* initiator to the context acceptor. It should be called only on the
* context acceptor's side, and once the context is fully
* established. The caller can use the method {@link
* #getCredDelegState() getCredDelegState} to determine if there are
* any delegated credentials.
* @return a GSSCredential containing the initiator's delegated
* credentials, or <code>null</code> is no credentials
* were delegated.
* @throws GSSException containing the following
* major error codes:
* {@link GSSException#FAILURE GSSException.FAILURE}
public GSSCredential getDelegCred() throws GSSException;
* Determines if this is the context initiator. This
* can be called on both the context initiator's and context acceptor's
* side.
* @return true if this is the context initiator, false if it is the
* context acceptor.
* @throws GSSException containing the following
* major error codes:
* {@link GSSException#FAILURE GSSException.FAILURE}
public boolean isInitiator() throws GSSException;