* Copyright (c) 1999, 2006, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this
* particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
* by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
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* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
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* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
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package javax.swing.text;
import java.awt.*;
* A class to perform rendering of the glyphs.
* This can be implemented to be stateless, or
* to hold some information as a cache to
* facilitate faster rendering and model/view
* translation. At a minimum, the GlyphPainter
* allows a View implementation to perform its
* duties independent of a particular version
* of JVM and selection of capabilities (i.e.
* shaping for i18n, etc).
* <p>
* This implementation is intended for operation
* under the JDK1.1 API of the Java Platform.
* Since the JDK is backward compatible with
* JDK1.1 API, this class will also function on
* Java 2. The JDK introduces improved
* API for rendering text however, so the GlyphPainter2
* is recommended for the DK.
* @author Timothy Prinzing
* @see GlyphView
class GlyphPainter1 extends GlyphView.GlyphPainter {
* Determine the span the glyphs given a start location
* (for tab expansion).
public float getSpan(GlyphView v, int p0, int p1,
TabExpander e, float x) {
Segment text = v.getText(p0, p1);
int[] justificationData = getJustificationData(v);
int width = Utilities.getTabbedTextWidth(v, text, metrics, (int) x, e, p0,
return width;
public float getHeight(GlyphView v) {
return metrics.getHeight();
* Fetches the ascent above the baseline for the glyphs
* corresponding to the given range in the model.
public float getAscent(GlyphView v) {
return metrics.getAscent();
* Fetches the descent below the baseline for the glyphs
* corresponding to the given range in the model.
public float getDescent(GlyphView v) {
return metrics.getDescent();
* Paints the glyphs representing the given range.
public void paint(GlyphView v, Graphics g, Shape a, int p0, int p1) {
Segment text;
TabExpander expander = v.getTabExpander();
Rectangle alloc = (a instanceof Rectangle) ? (Rectangle)a : a.getBounds();
// determine the x coordinate to render the glyphs
int x = alloc.x;
int p = v.getStartOffset();
int[] justificationData = getJustificationData(v);
if (p != p0) {
text = v.getText(p, p0);
int width = Utilities.getTabbedTextWidth(v, text, metrics, x, expander, p,
x += width;
// determine the y coordinate to render the glyphs
int y = alloc.y + metrics.getHeight() - metrics.getDescent();
// render the glyphs
text = v.getText(p0, p1);
Utilities.drawTabbedText(v, text, x, y, g, expander,p0,
public Shape modelToView(GlyphView v, int pos, Position.Bias bias,
Shape a) throws BadLocationException {
Rectangle alloc = (a instanceof Rectangle) ? (Rectangle)a : a.getBounds();
int p0 = v.getStartOffset();
int p1 = v.getEndOffset();
TabExpander expander = v.getTabExpander();
Segment text;
if(pos == p1) {
// The caller of this is left to right and borders a right to
// left view, return our end location.
return new Rectangle(alloc.x + alloc.width, alloc.y, 0,
if ((pos >= p0) && (pos <= p1)) {
// determine range to the left of the position
text = v.getText(p0, pos);
int[] justificationData = getJustificationData(v);
int width = Utilities.getTabbedTextWidth(v, text, metrics, alloc.x, expander, p0,
return new Rectangle(alloc.x + width, alloc.y, 0, metrics.getHeight());
throw new BadLocationException("modelToView - can't convert", p1);
* Provides a mapping from the view coordinate space to the logical
* coordinate space of the model.
* @param v the view containing the view coordinates
* @param x the X coordinate
* @param y the Y coordinate
* @param a the allocated region to render into
* @param biasReturn always returns <code>Position.Bias.Forward</code>
* as the zero-th element of this array
* @return the location within the model that best represents the
* given point in the view
* @see View#viewToModel
public int viewToModel(GlyphView v, float x, float y, Shape a,
Position.Bias[] biasReturn) {
Rectangle alloc = (a instanceof Rectangle) ? (Rectangle)a : a.getBounds();
int p0 = v.getStartOffset();
int p1 = v.getEndOffset();
TabExpander expander = v.getTabExpander();
Segment text = v.getText(p0, p1);
int[] justificationData = getJustificationData(v);
int offs = Utilities.getTabbedTextOffset(v, text, metrics,
alloc.x, (int) x, expander, p0,
int retValue = p0 + offs;
if(retValue == p1) {
// No need to return backward bias as GlyphPainter1 is used for
// ltr text only.
biasReturn[0] = Position.Bias.Forward;
return retValue;
* Determines the best location (in the model) to break
* the given view.
* This method attempts to break on a whitespace
* location. If a whitespace location can't be found, the
* nearest character location is returned.
* @param v the view
* @param p0 the location in the model where the
* fragment should start its representation >= 0
* @param pos the graphic location along the axis that the
* broken view would occupy >= 0; this may be useful for
* things like tab calculations
* @param len specifies the distance into the view
* where a potential break is desired >= 0
* @return the model location desired for a break
* @see View#breakView
public int getBoundedPosition(GlyphView v, int p0, float x, float len) {
TabExpander expander = v.getTabExpander();
Segment s = v.getText(p0, v.getEndOffset());
int[] justificationData = getJustificationData(v);
int index = Utilities.getTabbedTextOffset(v, s, metrics, (int)x, (int)(x+len),
expander, p0, false,
int p1 = p0 + index;
return p1;
void sync(GlyphView v) {
Font f = v.getFont();
if ((metrics == null) || (! f.equals(metrics.getFont()))) {
// fetch a new FontMetrics
Container c = v.getContainer();
metrics = (c != null) ? c.getFontMetrics(f) :
* @return justificationData from the ParagraphRow this GlyphView
* is in or {@code null} if no justification is needed
private int[] getJustificationData(GlyphView v) {
View parent = v.getParent();
int [] ret = null;
if (parent instanceof ParagraphView.Row) {
ParagraphView.Row row = ((ParagraphView.Row) parent);
ret = row.justificationData;
return ret;
// --- variables ---------------------------------------------
FontMetrics metrics;