* Copyright (c) 2005, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this
* particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
* by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
package javax.swing.plaf.nimbus;
import javax.swing.Painter;
import javax.swing.JComponent;
import javax.swing.UIDefaults;
import javax.swing.UIManager;
import javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource;
import javax.swing.plaf.synth.ColorType;
import static javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthConstants.*;
import javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthContext;
import javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthPainter;
import javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthStyle;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.Insets;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeMap;
* <p>A SynthStyle implementation used by Nimbus. Each Region that has been
* registered with the NimbusLookAndFeel will have an associated NimbusStyle.
* Third party components that are registered with the NimbusLookAndFeel will
* therefore be handed a NimbusStyle from the look and feel from the
* #getStyle(JComponent, Region) method.</p>
* <p>This class properly reads and retrieves values placed in the UIDefaults
* according to the standard Nimbus naming conventions. It will create and
* retrieve painters, fonts, colors, and other data stored there.</p>
* <p>NimbusStyle also supports the ability to override settings on a per
* component basis. NimbusStyle checks the component's client property map for
* "Nimbus.Overrides". If the value associated with this key is an instance of
* UIDefaults, then the values in that defaults table will override the standard
* Nimbus defaults in UIManager, but for that component instance only.</p>
* <p>Optionally, you may specify the client property
* "Nimbus.Overrides.InheritDefaults". If true, this client property indicates
* that the defaults located in UIManager should first be read, and then
* replaced with defaults located in the component client properties. If false,
* then only the defaults located in the component client property map will
* be used. If not specified, it is assumed to be true.</p>
* <p>You must specify "Nimbus.Overrides" for "Nimbus.Overrides.InheritDefaults"
* to have any effect. "Nimbus.Overrides" indicates whether there are any
* overrides, while "Nimbus.Overrides.InheritDefaults" indicates whether those
* overrides should first be initialized with the defaults from UIManager.</p>
* <p>The NimbusStyle is reloaded whenever a property change event is fired
* for a component for "Nimbus.Overrides" or "Nimbus.Overrides.InheritDefaults".
* So for example, setting a new UIDefaults on a component would cause the
* style to be reloaded.</p>
* <p>The values are only read out of UIManager once, and then cached. If
* you need to read the values again (for example, if the UI is being reloaded),
* then discard this NimbusStyle and read a new one from NimbusLookAndFeel
* using NimbusLookAndFeel.getStyle.</p>
* <p>The primary API of interest in this class for 3rd party component authors
* are the three methods which retrieve painters: #getBackgroundPainter,
* #getForegroundPainter, and #getBorderPainter.</p>
* <p>NimbusStyle allows you to specify custom states, or modify the order of
* states. Synth (and thus Nimbus) has the concept of a "state". For example,
* a JButton might be in the "MOUSE_OVER" state, or the "ENABLED" state, or the
* "DISABLED" state. These are all "standard" states which are defined in synth,
* and which apply to all synth Regions.</p>
* <p>Sometimes, however, you need to have a custom state. For example, you
* want JButton to render differently if it's parent is a JToolbar. In Nimbus,
* you specify these custom states by including a special key in UIDefaults.
* The following UIDefaults entries define three states for this button:</p>
* <pre><code>
* JButton.States = Enabled, Disabled, Toolbar
* JButton[Enabled].backgroundPainter = somePainter
* JButton[Disabled].background = BLUE
* JButton[Toolbar].backgroundPainter = someOtherPaint
* </code></pre>
* <p>As you can see, the <code>JButton.States</code> entry lists the states
* that the JButton style will support. You then specify the settings for
* each state. If you do not specify the <code>JButton.States</code> entry,
* then the standard Synth states will be assumed. If you specify the entry
* but the list of states is empty or null, then the standard synth states
* will be assumed.</p>
* @author Richard Bair
* @author Jasper Potts
public final class NimbusStyle extends SynthStyle {
/* Keys and scales for large/small/mini components, based on Apples sizes */
public static final String LARGE_KEY = "large";
public static final String SMALL_KEY = "small";
public static final String MINI_KEY = "mini";
public static final double LARGE_SCALE = 1.15;
public static final double SMALL_SCALE = 0.857;
public static final double MINI_SCALE = 0.714;
* Special constant used for performance reasons during the get() method.
* If get() runs through all of the search locations and determines that
* there is no value, then NULL will be placed into the values map. This way
* on subsequent lookups it will simply extract NULL, see it, and return
* null rather than continuing the lookup procedure.
private static final Object NULL = '\0';
* <p>The Color to return from getColorForState if it would otherwise have
* returned null.</p>
* <p>Returning null from getColorForState is a very bad thing, as it causes
* the AWT peer for the component to install a SystemColor, which is not a
* UIResource. As a result, if <code>null</code> is returned from
* getColorForState, then thereafter the color is not updated for other
* states or on LAF changes or updates. This DEFAULT_COLOR is used to
* ensure that a ColorUIResource is always returned from
* getColorForState.</p>
private static final Color DEFAULT_COLOR = new ColorUIResource(Color.BLACK);
* Simple Comparator for ordering the RuntimeStates according to their
* rank.
private static final Comparator<RuntimeState> STATE_COMPARATOR =
new Comparator<RuntimeState>() {
public int compare(RuntimeState a, RuntimeState b) {
return a.state - b.state;
* The prefix for the component or region that this NimbusStyle
* represents. This prefix is used to lookup state in the UIManager.
* It should be something like Button or Slider.Thumb or "MyButton" or
* ComboBox."ComboBox.arrowButton" or "MyComboBox"."ComboBox.arrowButton"
private String prefix;
* The SynthPainter that will be returned from this NimbusStyle. The
* SynthPainter returned will be a SynthPainterImpl, which will in turn
* delegate back to this NimbusStyle for the proper Painter (not
* SynthPainter) to use for painting the foreground, background, or border.
private SynthPainter painter;
* Data structure containing all of the defaults, insets, states, and other
* values associated with this style. This instance refers to default
* values, and are used when no overrides are discovered in the client
* properties of a component. These values are lazily created on first
* access.
private Values values;
* A temporary CacheKey used to perform lookups. This pattern avoids
* creating useless garbage keys, or concatenating strings, etc.
private CacheKey tmpKey = new CacheKey("", 0);
* Some NimbusStyles are created for a specific component only. In Nimbus,
* this happens whenever the component has as a client property a
* UIDefaults which overrides (or supplements) those defaults found in
* UIManager.
private WeakReference<JComponent> component;
* Create a new NimbusStyle. Only the prefix must be supplied. At the
* appropriate time, installDefaults will be called. At that point, all of
* the state information will be pulled from UIManager and stored locally
* within this style.
* @param prefix Something like Button or Slider.Thumb or
* org.jdesktop.swingx.JXStatusBar or ComboBox."ComboBox.arrowButton"
* @param c an optional reference to a component that this NimbusStyle
* should be associated with. This is only used when the component
* has Nimbus overrides registered in its client properties and
* should be null otherwise.
NimbusStyle(String prefix, JComponent c) {
if (c != null) {
this.component = new WeakReference<JComponent>(c);
this.prefix = prefix;
this.painter = new SynthPainterImpl(this);
* @inheritDoc
* Overridden to cause this style to populate itself with data from
* UIDefaults, if necessary.
@Override public void installDefaults(SynthContext ctx) {
//delegate to the superclass to install defaults such as background,
//foreground, font, and opaque onto the swing component.
* Pulls data out of UIDefaults, if it has not done so already, and sets
* up the internal state.
private void validate() {
// a non-null values object is the flag we use to determine whether
// to reparse from UIManager.
if (values != null) return;
// reconstruct this NimbusStyle based on the entries in the UIManager
// and possibly based on any overrides within the component's
// client properties (assuming such a component exists and contains
// any Nimbus.Overrides)
values = new Values();
Map<String, Object> defaults =
((NimbusLookAndFeel) UIManager.getLookAndFeel()).
// inspect the client properties for the key "Nimbus.Overrides". If the
// value is an instance of UIDefaults, then these defaults are used
// in place of, or in addition to, the defaults in UIManager.
if (component != null) {
// We know component.get() is non-null here, as if the component
// were GC'ed, we wouldn't be processing its style.
Object o = component.get().getClientProperty("Nimbus.Overrides");
if (o instanceof UIDefaults) {
Object i = component.get().getClientProperty(
boolean inherit = i instanceof Boolean ? (Boolean)i : true;
UIDefaults d = (UIDefaults)o;
TreeMap<String, Object> map = new TreeMap<String, Object>();
for (Object obj : d.keySet()) {
if (obj instanceof String) {
String key = (String)obj;
if (key.startsWith(prefix)) {
map.put(key, d.get(key));
if (inherit) {
} else {
defaults = map;
//a list of the different types of states used by this style. This
//list may contain only "standard" states (those defined by Synth),
//or it may contain custom states, or it may contain only "standard"
//states but list them in a non-standard order.
List<State> states = new ArrayList<State>();
//a map of state name to code
Map<String,Integer> stateCodes = new HashMap<String,Integer>();
//This is a list of runtime "state" context objects. These contain
//the values associated with each state.
List<RuntimeState> runtimeStates = new ArrayList<RuntimeState>();
//determine whether there are any custom states, or custom state
//order. If so, then read all those custom states and define the
//"values" stateTypes to be a non-null array.
//Otherwise, let the "values" stateTypes be null to indicate that
//there are no custom states or custom state ordering
String statesString = (String)defaults.get(prefix + ".States");
if (statesString != null) {
String s[] = statesString.split(",");
for (int i=0; i<s.length; i++) {
s[i] = s[i].trim();
if (!State.isStandardStateName(s[i])) {
//this is a non-standard state name, so look for the
//custom state associated with it
String stateName = prefix + "." + s[i];
State customState = (State)defaults.get(stateName);
if (customState != null) {
} else {
//if there were any states defined, then set the stateTypes array
//to be non-null. Otherwise, leave it null (meaning, use the
//standard synth states).
if (states.size() > 0) {
values.stateTypes = states.toArray(new State[states.size()]);
//assign codes for each of the state types
int code = 1;
for (State state : states) {
stateCodes.put(state.getName(), code);
code <<= 1;
} else {
//since there were no custom states defined, setup the list of
//standard synth states. Note that the "v.stateTypes" is not
//being set here, indicating that at runtime the state selection
//routines should use standard synth states instead of custom
//states. I do need to popuplate this temp list now though, so that
//the remainder of this method will function as expected.
//assign codes for the states
stateCodes.put("Enabled", ENABLED);
stateCodes.put("MouseOver", MOUSE_OVER);
stateCodes.put("Pressed", PRESSED);
stateCodes.put("Disabled", DISABLED);
stateCodes.put("Focused", FOCUSED);
stateCodes.put("Selected", SELECTED);
stateCodes.put("Default", DEFAULT);
//Now iterate over all the keys in the defaults table
for (String key : defaults.keySet()) {
//The key is something like JButton.Enabled.backgroundPainter,
//or JButton.States, or JButton.background.
//Remove the "JButton." portion of the key
String temp = key.substring(prefix.length());
//if there is a " or : then we skip it because it is a subregion
//of some kind
if (temp.indexOf('"') != -1 || temp.indexOf(':') != -1) continue;
//remove the separator
temp = temp.substring(1);
//At this point, temp may be any of the following:
//parse out the states and the property
String stateString = null;
String property = null;
int bracketIndex = temp.indexOf(']');
if (bracketIndex < 0) {
//there is not a state string, so property = temp
property = temp;
} else {
stateString = temp.substring(0, bracketIndex);
property = temp.substring(bracketIndex + 2);
//now that I have the state (if any) and the property, get the
//value for this property and install it where it belongs
if (stateString == null) {
//there was no state, just a property. Check for the custom
//"contentMargins" property (which is handled specially by
//Synth/Nimbus). Also check for the property being "States",
//in which case it is not a real property and should be ignored.
//otherwise, assume it is a property and install it on the
//values object
if ("contentMargins".equals(property)) {
values.contentMargins = (Insets)defaults.get(key);
} else if ("States".equals(property)) {
} else {
values.defaults.put(property, defaults.get(key));
} else {
//it is possible that the developer has a malformed UIDefaults
//entry, such that something was specified in the place of
//the State portion of the key but it wasn't a state. In this
//case, skip will be set to true
boolean skip = false;
//this variable keeps track of the int value associated with
//the state. See SynthState for details.
int componentState = 0;
//Multiple states may be specified in the string, such as
String[] stateParts = stateString.split("\\+");
//For each state, we need to find the State object associated
//with it, or skip it if it cannot be found.
for (String s : stateParts) {
if (stateCodes.containsKey(s)) {
componentState |= stateCodes.get(s);
} else {
//Was not a state. Maybe it was a subregion or something
//skip it.
skip = true;
if (skip) continue;
//find the RuntimeState for this State
RuntimeState rs = null;
for (RuntimeState s : runtimeStates) {
if (s.state == componentState) {
rs = s;
//couldn't find the runtime state, so create a new one
if (rs == null) {
rs = new RuntimeState(componentState, stateString);
//check for a couple special properties, such as for the
//painters. If these are found, then set the specially on
//the runtime state. Else, it is just a normal property,
//so put it in the UIDefaults associated with that runtime
if ("backgroundPainter".equals(property)) {
rs.backgroundPainter = getPainter(defaults, key);
} else if ("foregroundPainter".equals(property)) {
rs.foregroundPainter = getPainter(defaults, key);
} else if ("borderPainter".equals(property)) {
rs.borderPainter = getPainter(defaults, key);
} else {
rs.defaults.put(property, defaults.get(key));
//now that I've collected all the runtime states, I'll sort them based
//on their integer "state" (see SynthState for how this works).
Collections.sort(runtimeStates, STATE_COMPARATOR);
//finally, set the array of runtime states on the values object
values.states = runtimeStates.toArray(new RuntimeState[runtimeStates.size()]);
private Painter getPainter(Map<String, Object> defaults, String key) {
Object p = defaults.get(key);
if (p instanceof UIDefaults.LazyValue) {
p = ((UIDefaults.LazyValue)p).createValue(UIManager.getDefaults());
return (p instanceof Painter ? (Painter)p : null);
* @inheritDoc
* Overridden to cause this style to populate itself with data from
* UIDefaults, if necessary.
@Override public Insets getInsets(SynthContext ctx, Insets in) {
if (in == null) {
in = new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0);
Values v = getValues(ctx);
if (v.contentMargins == null) {
in.bottom = in.top = in.left = in.right = 0;
return in;
} else {
in.bottom = v.contentMargins.bottom;
in.top = v.contentMargins.top;
in.left = v.contentMargins.left;
in.right = v.contentMargins.right;
// Account for scale
// The key "JComponent.sizeVariant" is used to match Apple's LAF
String scaleKey = (String)ctx.getComponent().getClientProperty(
if (scaleKey != null){
if (LARGE_KEY.equals(scaleKey)){
in.bottom *= LARGE_SCALE;
in.top *= LARGE_SCALE;
in.left *= LARGE_SCALE;
in.right *= LARGE_SCALE;
} else if (SMALL_KEY.equals(scaleKey)){
in.bottom *= SMALL_SCALE;
in.top *= SMALL_SCALE;
in.left *= SMALL_SCALE;
in.right *= SMALL_SCALE;
} else if (MINI_KEY.equals(scaleKey)){
in.bottom *= MINI_SCALE;
in.top *= MINI_SCALE;
in.left *= MINI_SCALE;
in.right *= MINI_SCALE;
return in;
* @inheritDoc
* <p>Overridden to cause this style to populate itself with data from
* UIDefaults, if necessary.</p>
* <p>In addition, NimbusStyle handles ColorTypes slightly differently from
* Synth.</p>
* <ul>
* <li>ColorType.BACKGROUND will equate to the color stored in UIDefaults
* named "background".</li>
* <li>ColorType.TEXT_BACKGROUND will equate to the color stored in
* UIDefaults named "textBackground".</li>
* <li>ColorType.FOREGROUND will equate to the color stored in UIDefaults
* named "textForeground".</li>
* <li>ColorType.TEXT_FOREGROUND will equate to the color stored in
* UIDefaults named "textForeground".</li>
* </ul>
@Override protected Color getColorForState(SynthContext ctx, ColorType type) {
String key = null;
if (type == ColorType.BACKGROUND) {
key = "background";
} else if (type == ColorType.FOREGROUND) {
key = "textForeground";
} else if (type == ColorType.TEXT_BACKGROUND) {
key = "textBackground";
} else if (type == ColorType.TEXT_FOREGROUND) {
key = "textForeground";
} else if (type == ColorType.FOCUS) {
key = "focus";
} else if (type != null) {
key = type.toString();
} else {
Color c = (Color) get(ctx, key);
//if all else fails, return a default color (which is a ColorUIResource)
if (c == null) c = DEFAULT_COLOR;
return c;
* @inheritDoc
* Overridden to cause this style to populate itself with data from
* UIDefaults, if necessary. If a value named "font" is not found in
* UIDefaults, then the "defaultFont" font in UIDefaults will be returned
* instead.
@Override protected Font getFontForState(SynthContext ctx) {
Font f = (Font)get(ctx, "font");
if (f == null) f = UIManager.getFont("defaultFont");
// Account for scale
// The key "JComponent.sizeVariant" is used to match Apple's LAF
String scaleKey = (String)ctx.getComponent().getClientProperty(
if (scaleKey != null){
if (LARGE_KEY.equals(scaleKey)){
f = f.deriveFont(Math.round(f.getSize2D()*LARGE_SCALE));
} else if (SMALL_KEY.equals(scaleKey)){
f = f.deriveFont(Math.round(f.getSize2D()*SMALL_SCALE));
} else if (MINI_KEY.equals(scaleKey)){
f = f.deriveFont(Math.round(f.getSize2D()*MINI_SCALE));
return f;
* @inheritDoc
* Returns the SynthPainter for this style, which ends up delegating to
* the Painters installed in this style.
@Override public SynthPainter getPainter(SynthContext ctx) {
return painter;
* @inheritDoc
* Overridden to cause this style to populate itself with data from
* UIDefaults, if necessary. If opacity is not specified in UI defaults,
* then it defaults to being non-opaque.
@Override public boolean isOpaque(SynthContext ctx) {
// Force Table CellRenderers to be opaque
if ("Table.cellRenderer".equals(ctx.getComponent().getName())) {
return true;
Boolean opaque = (Boolean)get(ctx, "opaque");
return opaque == null ? false : opaque;
* @inheritDoc
* <p>Overridden to cause this style to populate itself with data from
* UIDefaults, if necessary.</p>
* <p>Properties in UIDefaults may be specified in a chained manner. For
* example:
* <pre>
* background
* Button.opacity
* Button.Enabled.foreground
* Button.Enabled+Selected.background
* </pre></p>
* <p>In this example, suppose you were in the Enabled+Selected state and
* searched for "foreground". In this case, we first check for
* Button.Enabled+Selected.foreground, but no such color exists. We then
* fall back to the next valid state, in this case,
* Button.Enabled.foreground, and have a match. So we return it.</p>
* <p>Again, if we were in the state Enabled and looked for "background", we
* wouldn't find it in Button.Enabled, or in Button, but would at the top
* level in UIManager. So we return that value.</p>
* <p>One special note: the "key" passed to this method could be of the form
* "background" or "Button.background" where "Button" equals the prefix
* passed to the NimbusStyle constructor. In either case, it looks for
* "background".</p>
* @param ctx
* @param key must not be null
@Override public Object get(SynthContext ctx, Object key) {
Values v = getValues(ctx);
// strip off the prefix, if there is one.
String fullKey = key.toString();
String partialKey = fullKey.substring(fullKey.indexOf(".") + 1);
Object obj = null;
int xstate = getExtendedState(ctx, v);
// check the cache
tmpKey.init(partialKey, xstate);
obj = v.cache.get(tmpKey);
boolean wasInCache = obj != null;
if (!wasInCache){
// Search exact matching states and then lesser matching states
RuntimeState s = null;
int[] lastIndex = new int[] {-1};
while (obj == null &&
(s = getNextState(v.states, lastIndex, xstate)) != null) {
obj = s.defaults.get(partialKey);
// Search Region Defaults
if (obj == null && v.defaults != null) {
obj = v.defaults.get(partialKey);
// return found object
// Search UIManager Defaults
if (obj == null) obj = UIManager.get(fullKey);
// Search Synth Defaults for InputMaps
if (obj == null && partialKey.equals("focusInputMap")) {
obj = super.get(ctx, fullKey);
// if all we got was a null, store this fact for later use
v.cache.put(new CacheKey(partialKey, xstate),
obj == null ? NULL : obj);
// return found object
return obj == NULL ? null : obj;
* Gets the appropriate background Painter, if there is one, for the state
* specified in the given SynthContext. This method does appropriate
* fallback searching, as described in #get.
* @param ctx The SynthContext. Must not be null.
* @return The background painter associated for the given state, or null if
* none could be found.
public Painter getBackgroundPainter(SynthContext ctx) {
Values v = getValues(ctx);
int xstate = getExtendedState(ctx, v);
Painter p = null;
// check the cache
tmpKey.init("backgroundPainter$$instance", xstate);
p = (Painter)v.cache.get(tmpKey);
if (p != null) return p;
// not in cache, so lookup and store in cache
RuntimeState s = null;
int[] lastIndex = new int[] {-1};
while ((s = getNextState(v.states, lastIndex, xstate)) != null) {
if (s.backgroundPainter != null) {
p = s.backgroundPainter;
if (p == null) p = (Painter)get(ctx, "backgroundPainter");
if (p != null) {
v.cache.put(new CacheKey("backgroundPainter$$instance", xstate), p);
return p;
* Gets the appropriate foreground Painter, if there is one, for the state
* specified in the given SynthContext. This method does appropriate
* fallback searching, as described in #get.
* @param ctx The SynthContext. Must not be null.
* @return The foreground painter associated for the given state, or null if
* none could be found.
public Painter getForegroundPainter(SynthContext ctx) {
Values v = getValues(ctx);
int xstate = getExtendedState(ctx, v);
Painter p = null;
// check the cache
tmpKey.init("foregroundPainter$$instance", xstate);
p = (Painter)v.cache.get(tmpKey);
if (p != null) return p;
// not in cache, so lookup and store in cache
RuntimeState s = null;
int[] lastIndex = new int[] {-1};
while ((s = getNextState(v.states, lastIndex, xstate)) != null) {
if (s.foregroundPainter != null) {
p = s.foregroundPainter;
if (p == null) p = (Painter)get(ctx, "foregroundPainter");
if (p != null) {
v.cache.put(new CacheKey("foregroundPainter$$instance", xstate), p);
return p;
* Gets the appropriate border Painter, if there is one, for the state
* specified in the given SynthContext. This method does appropriate
* fallback searching, as described in #get.
* @param ctx The SynthContext. Must not be null.
* @return The border painter associated for the given state, or null if
* none could be found.
public Painter getBorderPainter(SynthContext ctx) {
Values v = getValues(ctx);
int xstate = getExtendedState(ctx, v);
Painter p = null;
// check the cache
tmpKey.init("borderPainter$$instance", xstate);
p = (Painter)v.cache.get(tmpKey);
if (p != null) return p;
// not in cache, so lookup and store in cache
RuntimeState s = null;
int[] lastIndex = new int[] {-1};
while ((s = getNextState(v.states, lastIndex, xstate)) != null) {
if (s.borderPainter != null) {
p = s.borderPainter;
if (p == null) p = (Painter)get(ctx, "borderPainter");
if (p != null) {
v.cache.put(new CacheKey("borderPainter$$instance", xstate), p);
return p;
* Utility method which returns the proper Values based on the given
* SynthContext. Ensures that parsing of the values has occurred, or
* reoccurs as necessary.
* @param ctx The SynthContext
* @return a non-null values reference
private Values getValues(SynthContext ctx) {
return values;
* Simple utility method that searchs the given array of Strings for the
* given string. This method is only called from getExtendedState if
* the developer has specified a specific state for the component to be
* in (ie, has "wedged" the component in that state) by specifying
* they client property "Nimbus.State".
* @param names a non-null array of strings
* @param name the name to look for in the array
* @return true or false based on whether the given name is in the array
private boolean contains(String[] names, String name) {
assert name != null;
for (int i=0; i<names.length; i++) {
if (name.equals(names[i])) {
return true;
return false;
* <p>Gets the extended state for a given synth context. Nimbus supports the
* ability to define custom states. The algorithm used for choosing what
* style information to use for a given state requires a single integer
* bit string where each bit in the integer represents a different state
* that the component is in. This method uses the componentState as
* reported in the SynthContext, in addition to custom states, to determine
* what this extended state is.</p>
* <p>In addition, this method checks the component in the given context
* for a client property called "Nimbus.State". If one exists, then it will
* decompose the String associated with that property to determine what
* state to return. In this way, the developer can force a component to be
* in a specific state, regardless of what the "real" state of the component
* is.</p>
* <p>The string associated with "Nimbus.State" would be of the form:
* <pre>Enabled+CustomState+MouseOver</pre></p>
* @param ctx
* @param v
* @return
private int getExtendedState(SynthContext ctx, Values v) {
JComponent c = ctx.getComponent();
int xstate = 0;
int mask = 1;
//check for the Nimbus.State client property
//Performance NOTE: getClientProperty ends up inside a synchronized
//block, so there is some potential for performance issues here, however
//I'm not certain that there is one on a modern VM.
Object property = c.getClientProperty("Nimbus.State");
if (property != null) {
String stateNames = property.toString();
String[] states = stateNames.split("\\+");
if (v.stateTypes == null){
// standard states only
for (String stateStr : states) {
State.StandardState s = State.getStandardState(stateStr);
if (s != null) xstate |= s.getState();
} else {
// custom states
for (State s : v.stateTypes) {
if (contains(states, s.getName())) {
xstate |= mask;
mask <<= 1;
} else {
//if there are no custom states defined, then simply return the
//state that Synth reported
if (v.stateTypes == null) return ctx.getComponentState();
//there are custom states on this values, so I'll have to iterate
//over them all and return a custom extended state
int state = ctx.getComponentState();
for (State s : v.stateTypes) {
if (s.isInState(c, state)) {
xstate |= mask;
mask <<= 1;
return xstate;
* <p>Gets the RuntimeState that most closely matches the state in the given
* context, but is less specific than the given "lastState". Essentially,
* this allows you to search for the next best state.</p>
* <p>For example, if you had the following three states:
* <pre>
* Enabled
* Enabled+Pressed
* Disabled
* </pre>
* And you wanted to find the state that best represented
* ENABLED+PRESSED+FOCUSED and <code>lastState</code> was null (or an
* empty array, or an array with a single int with index == -1), then
* Enabled+Pressed would be returned. If you then call this method again but
* pass the index of Enabled+Pressed as the "lastState", then
* Enabled would be returned. If you call this method a third time and pass
* the index of Enabled in as the <code>lastState</code>, then null would be
* returned.</p>
* <p>The actual code path for determining the proper state is the same as
* in Synth.</p>
* @param ctx
* @param lastState a 1 element array, allowing me to do pass-by-reference.
* @return
private RuntimeState getNextState(RuntimeState[] states,
int[] lastState,
int xstate) {
// Use the StateInfo with the most bits that matches that of state.
// If there are none, then fallback to
// the StateInfo with a state of 0, indicating it'll match anything.
// Consider if we have 3 StateInfos a, b and c with states:
// Input Return Value
// ----- ------------
if (states != null && states.length > 0) {
int bestCount = 0;
int bestIndex = -1;
int wildIndex = -1;
//if xstate is 0, then search for the runtime state with component
//state of 0. That is, find the exact match and return it.
if (xstate == 0) {
for (int counter = states.length - 1; counter >= 0; counter--) {
if (states[counter].state == 0) {
lastState[0] = counter;
return states[counter];
//an exact match couldn't be found, so there was no match.
lastState[0] = -1;
return null;
//xstate is some value != 0
//determine from which index to start looking. If lastState[0] is -1
//then we know to start from the end of the state array. Otherwise,
//we start at the lastIndex - 1.
int lastStateIndex = lastState == null || lastState[0] == -1 ?
states.length : lastState[0];
for (int counter = lastStateIndex - 1; counter >= 0; counter--) {
int oState = states[counter].state;
if (oState == 0) {
if (wildIndex == -1) {
wildIndex = counter;
} else if ((xstate & oState) == oState) {
// This is key, we need to make sure all bits of the
// StateInfo match, otherwise a StateInfo with
// SELECTED | ENABLED would match ENABLED, which we
// don't want.
// This comes from BigInteger.bitCnt
int bitCount = oState;
bitCount -= (0xaaaaaaaa & bitCount) >>> 1;
bitCount = (bitCount & 0x33333333) + ((bitCount >>> 2) &
bitCount = bitCount + (bitCount >>> 4) & 0x0f0f0f0f;
bitCount += bitCount >>> 8;
bitCount += bitCount >>> 16;
bitCount = bitCount & 0xff;
if (bitCount > bestCount) {
bestIndex = counter;
bestCount = bitCount;
if (bestIndex != -1) {
lastState[0] = bestIndex;
return states[bestIndex];
if (wildIndex != -1) {
lastState[0] = wildIndex;
return states[wildIndex];
lastState[0] = -1;
return null;
* Contains values such as the UIDefaults and painters asssociated with
* a state. Whereas <code>State</code> represents a distinct state that a
* component can be in (such as Enabled), this class represents the colors,
* fonts, painters, etc associated with some state for this
* style.
private final class RuntimeState implements Cloneable {
int state;
Painter backgroundPainter;
Painter foregroundPainter;
Painter borderPainter;
String stateName;
UIDefaults defaults = new UIDefaults(10, .7f);
private RuntimeState(int state, String stateName) {
this.state = state;
this.stateName = stateName;
public String toString() {
return stateName;
public RuntimeState clone() {
RuntimeState clone = new RuntimeState(state, stateName);
clone.backgroundPainter = backgroundPainter;
clone.foregroundPainter = foregroundPainter;
clone.borderPainter = borderPainter;
return clone;
* Essentially a struct of data for a style. A default instance of this
* class is used by NimbusStyle. Additional instances exist for each
* component that has overrides.
private static final class Values {
* The list of State types. A State represents a type of state, such
* as Enabled, Default, WindowFocused, etc. These can be custom states.
State[] stateTypes = null;
* The list of actual runtime state representations. These can represent things such
* as Enabled + Focused. Thus, they differ from States in that they contain
* several states together, and have associated properties, data, etc.
RuntimeState[] states = null;
* The content margins for this region.
Insets contentMargins;
* Defaults on the region/component level.
UIDefaults defaults = new UIDefaults(10, .7f);
* Simple cache. After a value has been looked up, it is stored
* in this cache for later retrieval. The key is a concatenation of
* the property being looked up, two dollar signs, and the extended
* state. So for example:
* foo.bar$$2353
Map<CacheKey,Object> cache = new HashMap<CacheKey,Object>();
* This implementation presupposes that key is never null and that
* the two keys being checked for equality are never null
private static final class CacheKey {
private String key;
private int xstate;
CacheKey(Object key, int xstate) {
init(key, xstate);
void init(Object key, int xstate) {
this.key = key.toString();
this.xstate = xstate;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
final CacheKey other = (CacheKey) obj;
if (obj == null) return false;
if (this.xstate != other.xstate) return false;
if (!this.key.equals(other.key)) return false;
return true;
public int hashCode() {
int hash = 3;
hash = 29 * hash + this.key.hashCode();
hash = 29 * hash + this.xstate;
return hash;