* Copyright (c) 2000, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this
* particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
* by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
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* questions.
package java.util;
import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
import java.io.DataInputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.security.AccessController;
import java.security.PrivilegedAction;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.spi.CurrencyNameProvider;
import java.util.spi.LocaleServiceProvider;
import sun.util.LocaleServiceProviderPool;
import sun.util.logging.PlatformLogger;
import sun.util.resources.LocaleData;
import sun.util.resources.OpenListResourceBundle;
* Represents a currency. Currencies are identified by their ISO 4217 currency
* codes. Visit the <a href="http://www.iso.org/iso/en/prods-services/popstds/currencycodes.html">
* ISO web site</a> for more information, including a table of
* currency codes.
* <p>
* The class is designed so that there's never more than one
* <code>Currency</code> instance for any given currency. Therefore, there's
* no public constructor. You obtain a <code>Currency</code> instance using
* the <code>getInstance</code> methods.
* <p>
* Users can supersede the Java runtime currency data by creating a properties
* file named <code>&lt;JAVA_HOME&gt;/lib/currency.properties</code>. The contents
* of the properties file are key/value pairs of the ISO 3166 country codes
* and the ISO 4217 currency data respectively. The value part consists of
* three ISO 4217 values of a currency, i.e., an alphabetic code, a numeric
* code, and a minor unit. Those three ISO 4217 values are separated by commas.
* The lines which start with '#'s are considered comment lines. For example,
* <p>
* <code>
* #Sample currency properties<br>
* JP=JPZ,999,0
* </code>
* <p>
* will supersede the currency data for Japan.
* @since 1.4
public final class Currency implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -158308464356906721L;
* ISO 4217 currency code for this currency.
* @serial
private final String currencyCode;
* Default fraction digits for this currency.
* Set from currency data tables.
transient private final int defaultFractionDigits;
* ISO 4217 numeric code for this currency.
* Set from currency data tables.
transient private final int numericCode;
// class data: instance map
private static HashMap<String, Currency> instances = new HashMap<String, Currency>(7);
private static HashSet<Currency> available;
// Class data: currency data obtained from currency.data file.
// Purpose:
// - determine valid country codes
// - determine valid currency codes
// - map country codes to currency codes
// - obtain default fraction digits for currency codes
// sc = special case; dfd = default fraction digits
// Simple countries are those where the country code is a prefix of the
// currency code, and there are no known plans to change the currency.
// table formats:
// - mainTable:
// - maps country code to 32-bit int
// - 26*26 entries, corresponding to [A-Z]*[A-Z]
// - \u007F -> not valid country
// - bits 18-31: unused
// - bits 8-17: numeric code (0 to 1023)
// - bit 7: 1 - special case, bits 0-4 indicate which one
// 0 - simple country, bits 0-4 indicate final char of currency code
// - bits 5-6: fraction digits for simple countries, 0 for special cases
// - bits 0-4: final char for currency code for simple country, or ID of special case
// - special case IDs:
// - 0: country has no currency
// - other: index into sc* arrays + 1
// - scCutOverTimes: cut-over time in millis as returned by
// System.currentTimeMillis for special case countries that are changing
// currencies; Long.MAX_VALUE for countries that are not changing currencies
// - scOldCurrencies: old currencies for special case countries
// - scNewCurrencies: new currencies for special case countries that are
// changing currencies; null for others
// - scOldCurrenciesDFD: default fraction digits for old currencies
// - scNewCurrenciesDFD: default fraction digits for new currencies, 0 for
// countries that are not changing currencies
// - otherCurrencies: concatenation of all currency codes that are not the
// main currency of a simple country, separated by "-"
// - otherCurrenciesDFD: decimal format digits for currencies in otherCurrencies, same order
static int formatVersion;
static int dataVersion;
static int[] mainTable;
static long[] scCutOverTimes;
static String[] scOldCurrencies;
static String[] scNewCurrencies;
static int[] scOldCurrenciesDFD;
static int[] scNewCurrenciesDFD;
static int[] scOldCurrenciesNumericCode;
static int[] scNewCurrenciesNumericCode;
static String otherCurrencies;
static int[] otherCurrenciesDFD;
static int[] otherCurrenciesNumericCode;
// handy constants - must match definitions in GenerateCurrencyData
// magic number
private static final int MAGIC_NUMBER = 0x43757244;
// number of characters from A to Z
private static final int A_TO_Z = ('Z' - 'A') + 1;
// entry for invalid country codes
private static final int INVALID_COUNTRY_ENTRY = 0x007F;
// entry for countries without currency
private static final int COUNTRY_WITHOUT_CURRENCY_ENTRY = 0x0080;
// mask for simple case country entries
private static final int SIMPLE_CASE_COUNTRY_MASK = 0x0000;
// mask for simple case country entry final character
private static final int SIMPLE_CASE_COUNTRY_FINAL_CHAR_MASK = 0x001F;
// mask for simple case country entry default currency digits
private static final int SIMPLE_CASE_COUNTRY_DEFAULT_DIGITS_MASK = 0x0060;
// shift count for simple case country entry default currency digits
private static final int SIMPLE_CASE_COUNTRY_DEFAULT_DIGITS_SHIFT = 5;
// mask for special case country entries
private static final int SPECIAL_CASE_COUNTRY_MASK = 0x0080;
// mask for special case country index
private static final int SPECIAL_CASE_COUNTRY_INDEX_MASK = 0x001F;
// delta from entry index component in main table to index into special case tables
private static final int SPECIAL_CASE_COUNTRY_INDEX_DELTA = 1;
// mask for distinguishing simple and special case countries
// mask for the numeric code of the currency
private static final int NUMERIC_CODE_MASK = 0x0003FF00;
// shift count for the numeric code of the currency
private static final int NUMERIC_CODE_SHIFT = 8;
// Currency data format version
private static final int VALID_FORMAT_VERSION = 1;
static {
AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<Object>() {
public Object run() {
String homeDir = System.getProperty("java.home");
try {
String dataFile = homeDir + File.separator +
"lib" + File.separator + "currency.data";
DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(
new BufferedInputStream(
new FileInputStream(dataFile)));
if (dis.readInt() != MAGIC_NUMBER) {
throw new InternalError("Currency data is possibly corrupted");
formatVersion = dis.readInt();
if (formatVersion != VALID_FORMAT_VERSION) {
throw new InternalError("Currency data format is incorrect");
dataVersion = dis.readInt();
mainTable = readIntArray(dis, A_TO_Z * A_TO_Z);
int scCount = dis.readInt();
scCutOverTimes = readLongArray(dis, scCount);
scOldCurrencies = readStringArray(dis, scCount);
scNewCurrencies = readStringArray(dis, scCount);
scOldCurrenciesDFD = readIntArray(dis, scCount);
scNewCurrenciesDFD = readIntArray(dis, scCount);
scOldCurrenciesNumericCode = readIntArray(dis, scCount);
scNewCurrenciesNumericCode = readIntArray(dis, scCount);
int ocCount = dis.readInt();
otherCurrencies = dis.readUTF();
otherCurrenciesDFD = readIntArray(dis, ocCount);
otherCurrenciesNumericCode = readIntArray(dis, ocCount);
} catch (IOException e) {
InternalError ie = new InternalError();
throw ie;
// look for the properties file for overrides
try {
File propFile = new File(homeDir + File.separator +
"lib" + File.separator +
if (propFile.exists()) {
Properties props = new Properties();
try (FileReader fr = new FileReader(propFile)) {
Set<String> keys = props.stringPropertyNames();
Pattern propertiesPattern =
for (String key : keys) {
} catch (IOException e) {
info("currency.properties is ignored because of an IOException", e);
return null;
* Constants for retrieving localized names from the name providers.
private static final int SYMBOL = 0;
private static final int DISPLAYNAME = 1;
* Constructs a <code>Currency</code> instance. The constructor is private
* so that we can insure that there's never more than one instance for a
* given currency.
private Currency(String currencyCode, int defaultFractionDigits, int numericCode) {
this.currencyCode = currencyCode;
this.defaultFractionDigits = defaultFractionDigits;
this.numericCode = numericCode;
* Returns the <code>Currency</code> instance for the given currency code.
* @param currencyCode the ISO 4217 code of the currency
* @return the <code>Currency</code> instance for the given currency code
* @exception NullPointerException if <code>currencyCode</code> is null
* @exception IllegalArgumentException if <code>currencyCode</code> is not
* a supported ISO 4217 code.
public static Currency getInstance(String currencyCode) {
return getInstance(currencyCode, Integer.MIN_VALUE, 0);
private static Currency getInstance(String currencyCode, int defaultFractionDigits,
int numericCode) {
synchronized (instances) {
// Try to look up the currency code in the instances table.
// This does the null pointer check as a side effect.
// Also, if there already is an entry, the currencyCode must be valid.
Currency instance = instances.get(currencyCode);
if (instance != null) {
return instance;
if (defaultFractionDigits == Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
// Currency code not internally generated, need to verify first
// A currency code must have 3 characters and exist in the main table
// or in the list of other currencies.
if (currencyCode.length() != 3) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
char char1 = currencyCode.charAt(0);
char char2 = currencyCode.charAt(1);
int tableEntry = getMainTableEntry(char1, char2);
&& currencyCode.charAt(2) - 'A' == (tableEntry & SIMPLE_CASE_COUNTRY_FINAL_CHAR_MASK)) {
numericCode = (tableEntry & NUMERIC_CODE_MASK) >> NUMERIC_CODE_SHIFT;
} else {
// Check for '-' separately so we don't get false hits in the table.
if (currencyCode.charAt(2) == '-') {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
int index = otherCurrencies.indexOf(currencyCode);
if (index == -1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
defaultFractionDigits = otherCurrenciesDFD[index / 4];
numericCode = otherCurrenciesNumericCode[index / 4];
instance = new Currency(currencyCode, defaultFractionDigits, numericCode);
instances.put(currencyCode, instance);
return instance;
* Returns the <code>Currency</code> instance for the country of the
* given locale. The language and variant components of the locale
* are ignored. The result may vary over time, as countries change their
* currencies. For example, for the original member countries of the
* European Monetary Union, the method returns the old national currencies
* until December 31, 2001, and the Euro from January 1, 2002, local time
* of the respective countries.
* <p>
* The method returns <code>null</code> for territories that don't
* have a currency, such as Antarctica.
* @param locale the locale for whose country a <code>Currency</code>
* instance is needed
* @return the <code>Currency</code> instance for the country of the given
* locale, or null
* @exception NullPointerException if <code>locale</code> or its country
* code is null
* @exception IllegalArgumentException if the country of the given locale
* is not a supported ISO 3166 country code.
public static Currency getInstance(Locale locale) {
String country = locale.getCountry();
if (country == null) {
throw new NullPointerException();
if (country.length() != 2) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
char char1 = country.charAt(0);
char char2 = country.charAt(1);
int tableEntry = getMainTableEntry(char1, char2);
&& tableEntry != INVALID_COUNTRY_ENTRY) {
char finalChar = (char) ((tableEntry & SIMPLE_CASE_COUNTRY_FINAL_CHAR_MASK) + 'A');
int numericCode = (tableEntry & NUMERIC_CODE_MASK) >> NUMERIC_CODE_SHIFT;
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(country);
return getInstance(sb.toString(), defaultFractionDigits, numericCode);
} else {
// special cases
if (tableEntry == INVALID_COUNTRY_ENTRY) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
return null;
} else {
if (scCutOverTimes[index] == Long.MAX_VALUE || System.currentTimeMillis() < scCutOverTimes[index]) {
return getInstance(scOldCurrencies[index], scOldCurrenciesDFD[index],
} else {
return getInstance(scNewCurrencies[index], scNewCurrenciesDFD[index],
* Gets the set of available currencies. The returned set of currencies
* contains all of the available currencies, which may include currencies
* that represent obsolete ISO 4217 codes. The set can be modified
* without affecting the available currencies in the runtime.
* @return the set of available currencies. If there is no currency
* available in the runtime, the returned set is empty.
* @since 1.7
public static Set<Currency> getAvailableCurrencies() {
synchronized(Currency.class) {
if (available == null) {
available = new HashSet<Currency>(256);
// Add simple currencies first
for (char c1 = 'A'; c1 <= 'Z'; c1 ++) {
for (char c2 = 'A'; c2 <= 'Z'; c2 ++) {
int tableEntry = getMainTableEntry(c1, c2);
&& tableEntry != INVALID_COUNTRY_ENTRY) {
char finalChar = (char) ((tableEntry & SIMPLE_CASE_COUNTRY_FINAL_CHAR_MASK) + 'A');
int numericCode = (tableEntry & NUMERIC_CODE_MASK) >> NUMERIC_CODE_SHIFT;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
available.add(getInstance(sb.toString(), defaultFractionDigits, numericCode));
// Now add other currencies
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(otherCurrencies, "-");
while (st.hasMoreElements()) {
Set<Currency> result = (Set<Currency>) available.clone();
return result;
* Gets the ISO 4217 currency code of this currency.
* @return the ISO 4217 currency code of this currency.
public String getCurrencyCode() {
return currencyCode;
* Gets the symbol of this currency for the default locale.
* For example, for the US Dollar, the symbol is "$" if the default
* locale is the US, while for other locales it may be "US$". If no
* symbol can be determined, the ISO 4217 currency code is returned.
* @return the symbol of this currency for the default locale
public String getSymbol() {
return getSymbol(Locale.getDefault(Locale.Category.DISPLAY));
* Gets the symbol of this currency for the specified locale.
* For example, for the US Dollar, the symbol is "$" if the specified
* locale is the US, while for other locales it may be "US$". If no
* symbol can be determined, the ISO 4217 currency code is returned.
* @param locale the locale for which a display name for this currency is
* needed
* @return the symbol of this currency for the specified locale
* @exception NullPointerException if <code>locale</code> is null
public String getSymbol(Locale locale) {
try {
// Check whether a provider can provide an implementation that's closer
// to the requested locale than what the Java runtime itself can provide.
LocaleServiceProviderPool pool =
if (pool.hasProviders()) {
// Assuming that all the country locales include necessary currency
// symbols in the Java runtime's resources, so there is no need to
// examine whether Java runtime's currency resource bundle is missing
// names. Therefore, no resource bundle is provided for calling this
// method.
String symbol = pool.getLocalizedObject(
locale, (OpenListResourceBundle)null,
currencyCode, SYMBOL);
if (symbol != null) {
return symbol;
ResourceBundle bundle = LocaleData.getCurrencyNames(locale);
return bundle.getString(currencyCode);
} catch (MissingResourceException e) {
// use currency code as symbol of last resort
return currencyCode;
* Gets the default number of fraction digits used with this currency.
* For example, the default number of fraction digits for the Euro is 2,
* while for the Japanese Yen it's 0.
* In the case of pseudo-currencies, such as IMF Special Drawing Rights,
* -1 is returned.
* @return the default number of fraction digits used with this currency
public int getDefaultFractionDigits() {
return defaultFractionDigits;
* Returns the ISO 4217 numeric code of this currency.
* @return the ISO 4217 numeric code of this currency
* @since 1.7
public int getNumericCode() {
return numericCode;
* Gets the name that is suitable for displaying this currency for
* the default locale. If there is no suitable display name found
* for the default locale, the ISO 4217 currency code is returned.
* @return the display name of this currency for the default locale
* @since 1.7
public String getDisplayName() {
return getDisplayName(Locale.getDefault(Locale.Category.DISPLAY));
* Gets the name that is suitable for displaying this currency for
* the specified locale. If there is no suitable display name found
* for the specified locale, the ISO 4217 currency code is returned.
* @param locale the locale for which a display name for this currency is
* needed
* @return the display name of this currency for the specified locale
* @exception NullPointerException if <code>locale</code> is null
* @since 1.7
public String getDisplayName(Locale locale) {
try {
OpenListResourceBundle bundle = LocaleData.getCurrencyNames(locale);
String result = null;
String bundleKey = currencyCode.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT);
// Check whether a provider can provide an implementation that's closer
// to the requested locale than what the Java runtime itself can provide.
LocaleServiceProviderPool pool =
if (pool.hasProviders()) {
result = pool.getLocalizedObject(
locale, bundleKey, bundle, currencyCode, DISPLAYNAME);
if (result == null) {
result = bundle.getString(bundleKey);
if (result != null) {
return result;
} catch (MissingResourceException e) {
// fall through
// use currency code as symbol of last resort
return currencyCode;
* Returns the ISO 4217 currency code of this currency.
* @return the ISO 4217 currency code of this currency
public String toString() {
return currencyCode;
* Resolves instances being deserialized to a single instance per currency.
private Object readResolve() {
return getInstance(currencyCode);
* Gets the main table entry for the country whose country code consists
* of char1 and char2.
private static int getMainTableEntry(char char1, char char2) {
if (char1 < 'A' || char1 > 'Z' || char2 < 'A' || char2 > 'Z') {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
return mainTable[(char1 - 'A') * A_TO_Z + (char2 - 'A')];
* Sets the main table entry for the country whose country code consists
* of char1 and char2.
private static void setMainTableEntry(char char1, char char2, int entry) {
if (char1 < 'A' || char1 > 'Z' || char2 < 'A' || char2 > 'Z') {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
mainTable[(char1 - 'A') * A_TO_Z + (char2 - 'A')] = entry;
* Obtains a localized currency names from a CurrencyNameProvider
* implementation.
private static class CurrencyNameGetter
implements LocaleServiceProviderPool.LocalizedObjectGetter<CurrencyNameProvider,
String> {
private static final CurrencyNameGetter INSTANCE = new CurrencyNameGetter();
public String getObject(CurrencyNameProvider currencyNameProvider,
Locale locale,
String key,
Object... params) {
assert params.length == 1;
int type = (Integer)params[0];
switch(type) {
case SYMBOL:
return currencyNameProvider.getSymbol(key, locale);
return currencyNameProvider.getDisplayName(key, locale);
assert false; // shouldn't happen
return null;
private static int[] readIntArray(DataInputStream dis, int count) throws IOException {
int[] ret = new int[count];
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
ret[i] = dis.readInt();
return ret;
private static long[] readLongArray(DataInputStream dis, int count) throws IOException {
long[] ret = new long[count];
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
ret[i] = dis.readLong();
return ret;
private static String[] readStringArray(DataInputStream dis, int count) throws IOException {
String[] ret = new String[count];
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
ret[i] = dis.readUTF();
return ret;
* Replaces currency data found in the currencydata.properties file
* @param pattern regex pattern for the properties
* @param ctry country code
* @param data currency data. This is a comma separated string that
* consists of "three-letter alphabet code", "three-digit numeric code",
* and "one-digit (0,1,2, or 3) default fraction digit".
* For example, "JPZ,392,0".
* @throws
private static void replaceCurrencyData(Pattern pattern, String ctry, String curdata) {
if (ctry.length() != 2) {
// ignore invalid country code
String message = new StringBuilder()
.append("The entry in currency.properties for ")
.append(ctry).append(" is ignored because of the invalid country code.")
info(message, null);
Matcher m = pattern.matcher(curdata);
if (!m.find()) {
// format is not recognized. ignore the data
String message = new StringBuilder()
.append("The entry in currency.properties for ")
.append(" is ignored because the value format is not recognized.")
info(message, null);
String code = m.group(1);
int numeric = Integer.parseInt(m.group(2));
int fraction = Integer.parseInt(m.group(3));
int entry = numeric << NUMERIC_CODE_SHIFT;
int index;
for (index = 0; index < scOldCurrencies.length; index++) {
if (scOldCurrencies[index].equals(code)) {
if (index == scOldCurrencies.length) {
// simple case
(code.charAt(2) - 'A');
} else {
// special case
setMainTableEntry(ctry.charAt(0), ctry.charAt(1), entry);
private static void info(String message, Throwable t) {
PlatformLogger logger = PlatformLogger.getLogger("java.util.Currency");
if (logger.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.INFO)) {
if (t != null) {
logger.info(message, t);
} else {