* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this
* particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
* by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
* The splash screen can be displayed at application startup, before the
* Java Virtual Machine (JVM) starts. The splash screen is displayed as an
* undecorated window containing an image. You can use GIF, JPEG, or PNG files
* for the image. Animation is supported for the GIF format, while transparency
* is supported both for GIF and PNG. The window is positioned at the center
* of the screen. The position on multi-monitor systems is not specified. It is
* platform and implementation dependent. The splash screen window is closed
* also closed manually using the Java API, see below).
* <P>
* If your application is packaged in a jar file, you can use the
* "SplashScreen-Image" option in a manifest file to show a splash screen.
* Place the image in the jar archive and specify the path in the option.
* The path should not have a leading slash.
* <BR>
* For example, in the <code>manifest.mf</code> file:
* <PRE>
* Manifest-Version: 1.0
* Main-Class: Test
* SplashScreen-Image: filename.gif
* </PRE>
* <P>
* If the Java implementation provides the command-line interface and you run
* your application by using the command line or a shortcut, use the Java
* application launcher option to show a splash screen. The Oracle reference
* implementation allows you to specify the splash screen image location with
* the {@code -splash:} option.
* <BR>
* For example:
* <PRE>
* java -splash:filename.gif Test
* </PRE>
* The command line interface has higher precedence over the manifest
* setting.
* <p>
* The splash screen will be displayed as faithfully as possible to present the
* whole splash screen image given the limitations of the target platform and
* display.
* <p>
* It is implied that the specified image is presented on the screen "as is",
* i.e. preserving the exact color values as specified in the image file. Under
* certain circumstances, though, the presented image may differ, e.g. when
* applying color dithering to present a 32 bits per pixel (bpp) image on a 16
* or 8 bpp screen. The native platform display configuration may also affect
* the colors of the displayed image (e.g. color profiles, etc.)
* <p>
* The {@code SplashScreen} class provides the API for controlling the splash
* screen. This class may be used to close the splash screen, change the splash
* in the splash screen. It cannot be used to create the splash screen. You
* should use the options provided by the Java implementation for that.
* <p>
* This class cannot be instantiated. Only a single instance of this class
* can exist, and it may be obtained by using the {@link #getSplashScreen()}
* static method. In case the splash screen has not been created at
* application startup via the command line or manifest file option,
* the <code>getSplashScreen</code> method returns <code>null</code>.
* @author Oleg Semenov
* @since 1.6
public final class SplashScreen {
* Returns the {@code SplashScreen} object used for
* Java startup splash screen control on systems that support display.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the splash screen feature is not
* supported by the current toolkit
* @throws HeadlessException if {@code GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()}
* returns true
* @return the {@link SplashScreen} instance, or <code>null</code> if there is
* none or it has already been closed
synchronized (SplashScreen.class) {
if (GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()) {
throw new HeadlessException();
// SplashScreen class is now a singleton
long ptr = _getInstance();
return theInstance;
* Changes the splash screen image. The new image is loaded from the
* specified URL; GIF, JPEG and PNG image formats are supported.
* The method returns after the image has finished loading and the window
* has been updated.
* The splash screen window is resized according to the size of
* the image and is centered on the screen.
* @param imageURL the non-<code>null</code> URL for the new
* splash screen image
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code imageURL} is <code>null</code>
* @throws IOException if there was an error while loading the image
* @throws IllegalStateException if the splash screen has already been
* closed
public void setImageURL(URL imageURL) throws NullPointerException, IOException, IllegalStateException {
int off = 0;
while(true) {
// check for available data
if (available <= 0) {
// no data available... well, let's try reading one byte
// we'll see what happens then
available = 1;
// check for enough room in buffer, realloc if needed
// the buffer always grows in size 2x minimum
// now read the data
if (result < 0) {
synchronized(SplashScreen.class) {
throw new IOException("Bad image format or i/o error when loading image");
private void checkVisible() {
if (!isVisible()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("no splash screen available");
* Returns the current splash screen image.
* @return URL for the current splash screen image file
* @throws IllegalStateException if the splash screen has already been closed
synchronized (SplashScreen.class) {
try {
} else {
return imageURL;
* Returns the bounds of the splash screen window as a {@link Rectangle}.
* This may be useful if, for example, you want to replace the splash
* screen with your window at the same location.
* <p>
* You cannot control the size or position of the splash screen.
* The splash screen size is adjusted automatically when the image changes.
* <p>
* The image may contain transparent areas, and thus the reported bounds may
* be larger than the visible splash screen image on the screen.
* @return a {@code Rectangle} containing the splash screen bounds
* @throws IllegalStateException if the splash screen has already been closed
synchronized (SplashScreen.class) {
return _getBounds(splashPtr);
* Returns the size of the splash screen window as a {@link Dimension}.
* This may be useful if, for example,
* you want to draw on the splash screen overlay surface.
* <p>
* You cannot control the size or position of the splash screen.
* The splash screen size is adjusted automatically when the image changes.
* <p>
* The image may contain transparent areas, and thus the reported size may
* be larger than the visible splash screen image on the screen.
* @return a {@link Dimension} object indicating the splash screen size
* @throws IllegalStateException if the splash screen has already been closed
* Creates a graphics context (as a {@link Graphics2D} object) for the splash
* screen overlay image, which allows you to draw over the splash screen.
* Note that you do not draw on the main image but on the image that is
* displayed over the main image using alpha blending. Also note that drawing
* on the overlay image does not necessarily update the contents of splash
* screen window. You should call {@code update()} on the
* <code>SplashScreen</code> when you want the splash screen to be
* updated immediately.
* <p>
* The pixel (0, 0) in the coordinate space of the graphics context
* corresponds to the origin of the splash screen native window bounds (see
* {@link #getBounds()}).
* @return graphics context for the splash screen overlay surface
* @throws IllegalStateException if the splash screen has already been closed
synchronized (SplashScreen.class) {
return image.createGraphics();
* Updates the splash window with current contents of the overlay image.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the overlay image does not exist;
* for example, if {@code createGraphics} has never been called,
* or if the splash screen has already been closed
synchronized (SplashScreen.class) {
throw new IllegalStateException("no overlay image available");
if (!(buf instanceof DataBufferInt)) {
throw new AssertionError("Overlay image DataBuffer is of invalid type == "+buf.getClass().getName());
if (numBanks!=1) {
throw new AssertionError("Overlay image has invalid sample model == "+image.getSampleModel().getClass().getName());
// Note that we steal the data array here, but just for reading
// so we do not need to mark the DataBuffer dirty...
synchronized(SplashScreen.class) {
* Hides the splash screen, closes the window, and releases all associated
* resources.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the splash screen has already been closed
synchronized (SplashScreen.class) {
static void markClosed() {
synchronized (SplashScreen.class) {
wasClosed = true;
theInstance = null;
* Determines whether the splash screen is visible. The splash screen may
* be hidden using {@link #close()}, it is also hidden automatically when
* <p>
* Note that the native platform may delay presenting the splash screen
* native window on the screen. The return value of {@code true} for this
* method only guarantees that the conditions to hide the splash screen
* window have not occurred yet.
* @return true if the splash screen is visible (has not been closed yet),
* false otherwise
public boolean isVisible() {
synchronized (SplashScreen.class) {
private static boolean wasClosed = false;
* The instance reference for the singleton.
* (<code>null</code> if no instance exists yet.)
* @see #getSplashScreen
* @see #close
private native static void _update(long splashPtr, int[] data, int x, int y, int width, int height, int scanlineStride);
private native static long _getInstance();