* Copyright (c) 1999, 2000, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this
* particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
* by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
package com.sun.jndi.ldap;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.EventObject;
import javax.naming.*;
import javax.naming.directory.*;
import javax.naming.event.*;
import javax.naming.directory.SearchControls;
import javax.naming.ldap.UnsolicitedNotificationListener;
import javax.naming.ldap.UnsolicitedNotificationEvent;
import javax.naming.ldap.UnsolicitedNotification;
* This is a utility class that can be used by a context that supports
* event notification. You can use an instance of this class as a member field
* of your context and delegate various work to it.
* It is currently structured so that each context should have its own
* EventSupport (instead of static version shared by all contexts
* of a service provider).
* This class supports two types of listeners: those that register for
* NamingEvents, and those for UnsolicitedNotificationEvents (they can be mixed
* into the same listener).
* For NamingEvent listeners, it maintains a hashtable that maps
* registration requests--the key--to
* <em>notifiers</em>--the value. Each registration request consists of:
*<li>The name argument of the registration.
*<li>The filter (default is "(objectclass=*)").
*<li>The search controls (default is null SearchControls).
*<li>The events that the listener is interested in. This is determined by
* finding out which <tt>NamingListener</tt> interface the listener supports.
*A notifier (<tt>NamingEventNotifier</tt>) is a worker thread that is responsible
*for gathering information for generating events requested by its listeners.
*Each notifier maintains its own list of listeners; these listeners have
*all made the same registration request (at different times) and implements
*the same <tt>NamingListener</tt> interfaces.
*For unsolicited listeners, this class maintains a vector, unsolicited.
*When an unsolicited listener is registered, this class adds itself
*to the context's LdapClient. When LdapClient receives an unsolicited
*notification, it notifies this EventSupport to fire an event to the
*the listeners. Special handling in LdapClient is done for the DISCONNECT
*notification. [It results in the EventSupport firing also a
*NamingExceptionEvent to the unsolicited listeners.]
*When a context no longer needs this EventSupport, it should invoke
*cleanup() on it.
*When a registration request is made, this class attempts to find an
*existing notifier that's already working on the request. If one is
*found, the listener is added to the notifier's list. If one is not found,
*a new notifier is created for the listener.
*When a deregistration request is made, this class attemps to find its
*corresponding notifier. If the notifier is found, the listener is removed
*from the notifier's list. If the listener is the last listener on the list,
*the notifier's thread is terminated and removed from this class's hashtable.
*Nothing happens if the notifier is not found.
*<h4>Event Dispatching</h4>
*The notifiers are responsible for gather information for generating events
*requested by their respective listeners. When a notifier gets sufficient
*information to generate an event, it creates invokes the
*appropriate <tt>fireXXXEvent</tt> on this class with the information and list of
*listeners. This causes an event and the list of listeners to be added
*to the <em>event queue</em>.
*This class maintains an event queue and a dispatching thread that dequeues
*events from the queue and dispatches them to the listeners.
*This class is used by the main thread (LdapCtx) to add/remove listeners.
*It is also used asynchronously by NamingEventNotifiers threads and
*the context's Connection thread. It is used by the notifier threads to
*queue events and to update the notifiers list when the notifiers exit.
*It is used by the Connection thread to fire unsolicited notifications.
*Methods that access/update the 'unsolicited' and 'notifiers' lists are
* @author Rosanna Lee
final class EventSupport {
final static private boolean debug = false;
private LdapCtx ctx;
* NamingEventNotifiers; hashed by search arguments;
private Hashtable notifiers = new Hashtable(11);
* List of unsolicited notification listeners.
private Vector unsolicited = null;
* Constructs EventSupport for ctx.
* <em>Do we need to record the name of the target context?
* Or can we assume that EventSupport is called on a resolved
* context? Do we need other add/remove-NamingListener methods?
* package private;
EventSupport(LdapCtx ctx) {
this.ctx = ctx;
* Adds <tt>l</tt> to list of listeners interested in <tt>nm</tt>.
* Make the add/removeNamingListeners synchronized to:
* 1. protect usage of 'unsolicited', which may be read by
* the Connection thread when dispatching unsolicited notification.
* 2. ensure that NamingEventNotifier thread's access to 'notifiers'
* is safe
synchronized void addNamingListener(String nm, int scope,
NamingListener l) throws NamingException {
if (l instanceof ObjectChangeListener ||
l instanceof NamespaceChangeListener) {
NotifierArgs args = new NotifierArgs(nm, scope, l);
NamingEventNotifier notifier =
(NamingEventNotifier) notifiers.get(args);
if (notifier == null) {
notifier = new NamingEventNotifier(this, ctx, args, l);
notifiers.put(args, notifier);
} else {
if (l instanceof UnsolicitedNotificationListener) {
// Add listener to this's list of unsolicited notifiers
if (unsolicited == null) {
unsolicited = new Vector(3);
* Adds <tt>l</tt> to list of listeners interested in <tt>nm</tt>
* and filter.
synchronized void addNamingListener(String nm, String filter,
SearchControls ctls, NamingListener l) throws NamingException {
if (l instanceof ObjectChangeListener ||
l instanceof NamespaceChangeListener) {
NotifierArgs args = new NotifierArgs(nm, filter, ctls, l);
NamingEventNotifier notifier =
(NamingEventNotifier) notifiers.get(args);
if (notifier == null) {
notifier = new NamingEventNotifier(this, ctx, args, l);
notifiers.put(args, notifier);
} else {
if (l instanceof UnsolicitedNotificationListener) {
// Add listener to this's list of unsolicited notifiers
if (unsolicited == null) {
unsolicited = new Vector(3);
* Removes <tt>l</tt> from all notifiers in this context.
synchronized void removeNamingListener(NamingListener l) {
Enumeration allnotifiers = notifiers.elements();
NamingEventNotifier notifier;
if (debug) System.err.println("EventSupport removing listener");
// Go through list of notifiers, remove 'l' from each.
// If 'l' is notifier's only listener, remove notifier too.
while (allnotifiers.hasMoreElements()) {
notifier = (NamingEventNotifier)allnotifiers.nextElement();
if (notifier != null) {
if (debug)
System.err.println("EventSupport removing listener from notifier");
if (!notifier.hasNamingListeners()) {
if (debug)
System.err.println("EventSupport stopping notifier");
// Remove from list of unsolicited notifier
if (debug) System.err.println("EventSupport removing unsolicited: " +
if (unsolicited != null) {
synchronized boolean hasUnsolicited() {
return (unsolicited != null && unsolicited.size() > 0);
* package private;
* Called by NamingEventNotifier to remove itself when it encounters
* a NamingException.
synchronized void removeDeadNotifier(NotifierArgs info) {
if (debug) {
System.err.println("EventSupport.removeDeadNotifier: " + info.name);
* Fire an event to unsolicited listeners.
* package private;
* Called by LdapCtx when its clnt receives an unsolicited notification.
synchronized void fireUnsolicited(Object obj) {
if (debug) {
System.err.println("EventSupport.fireUnsolicited: " + obj + " "
+ unsolicited);
if (unsolicited == null || unsolicited.size() == 0) {
// This shouldn't really happen, but might in case
// there is a timing problem that removes a listener
// before a fired event event reaches here.
if (obj instanceof UnsolicitedNotification) {
// Fire UnsolicitedNotification to unsolicited listeners
UnsolicitedNotificationEvent evt =
new UnsolicitedNotificationEvent(ctx, (UnsolicitedNotification)obj);
queueEvent(evt, unsolicited);
} else if (obj instanceof NamingException) {
// Fire NamingExceptionEvent to unsolicited listeners.
NamingExceptionEvent evt =
new NamingExceptionEvent(ctx, (NamingException)obj);
queueEvent(evt, unsolicited);
// When an exception occurs, the unsolicited listeners
// are automatically deregistered.
// When LdapClient.processUnsolicited() fires a NamingException,
// it will update its listener list so we don't have to.
// Likewise for LdapCtx.
unsolicited = null;
* Stops notifier threads that are collecting event data and
* stops the event queue from dispatching events.
* Package private; used by LdapCtx.
synchronized void cleanup() {
if (debug) System.err.println("EventSupport clean up");
if (notifiers != null) {
for (Enumeration ns = notifiers.elements(); ns.hasMoreElements(); ) {
((NamingEventNotifier) ns.nextElement()).stop();
notifiers = null;
if (eventQueue != null) {
eventQueue = null;
// %%% Should we fire NamingExceptionEvents to unsolicited listeners?
* The queue of events to be delivered.
private EventQueue eventQueue;
* Add the event and vector of listeners to the queue to be delivered.
* An event dispatcher thread dequeues events from the queue and dispatches
* them to the registered listeners.
* Package private; used by NamingEventNotifier to fire events
synchronized void queueEvent(EventObject event, Vector vector) {
if (eventQueue == null)
eventQueue = new EventQueue();
* Copy the vector in order to freeze the state of the set
* of EventListeners the event should be delivered to prior
* to delivery. This ensures that any changes made to the
* Vector from a target listener's method during the delivery
* of this event will not take effect until after the event is
* delivered.
Vector v = (Vector)vector.clone();
eventQueue.enqueue(event, v);
// No finalize() needed because EventSupport is always owned by
// an LdapCtx. LdapCtx's finalize() and close() always call cleanup() so
// there is no need for EventSupport to have a finalize().