* Copyright (c) 2003, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this
* particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
* by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
package com.sun.java.util.jar.pack;
import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
import java.io.BufferedOutputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
import java.util.SortedMap;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.jar.JarFile;
import java.util.jar.JarOutputStream;
import java.util.jar.Pack200;
import java.util.zip.GZIPInputStream;
import java.util.zip.GZIPOutputStream;
/** Command line interface for Pack200.
class Driver {
private static final ResourceBundle RESOURCE =
public static void main(String[] ava) throws IOException {
List<String> av = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(ava));
boolean doPack = true;
boolean doUnpack = false;
boolean doRepack = false;
boolean doZip = true;
String logFile = null;
String verboseProp = Utils.DEBUG_VERBOSE;
// Non-standard, undocumented "--unpack" switch enables unpack mode.
String arg0 = av.isEmpty() ? "" : av.get(0);
switch (arg0) {
case "--pack":
case "--unpack":
doPack = false;
doUnpack = true;
// Collect engine properties here:
Map<String,String> engProps = new HashMap<>();
engProps.put(verboseProp, System.getProperty(verboseProp));
String optionMap;
String[] propTable;
if (doPack) {
optionMap = PACK200_OPTION_MAP;
} else {
optionMap = UNPACK200_OPTION_MAP;
// Collect argument properties here:
Map<String,String> avProps = new HashMap<>();
try {
for (;;) {
String state = parseCommandOptions(av, optionMap, avProps);
// Translate command line options to Pack200 properties:
for (Iterator<String> opti = avProps.keySet().iterator();
opti.hasNext(); ) {
String opt = opti.next();
String prop = null;
for (int i = 0; i < propTable.length; i += 2) {
if (opt.equals(propTable[1+i])) {
prop = propTable[0+i];
if (prop != null) {
String val = avProps.get(opt);
opti.remove(); // remove opt from avProps
if (!prop.endsWith(".")) {
// Normal string or boolean.
if (!(opt.equals("--verbose")
|| opt.endsWith("="))) {
// Normal boolean; convert to T/F.
boolean flag = (val != null);
if (opt.startsWith("--no-"))
flag = !flag;
val = flag? "true": "false";
engProps.put(prop, val);
} else if (prop.contains(".attribute.")) {
for (String val1 : val.split("\0")) {
String[] val2 = val1.split("=", 2);
engProps.put(prop+val2[0], val2[1]);
} else {
// Collection property: pack.pass.file.cli.NNN
int idx = 1;
for (String val1 : val.split("\0")) {
String prop1;
do {
prop1 = prop+"cli."+(idx++);
} while (engProps.containsKey(prop1));
engProps.put(prop1, val1);
// See if there is any other action to take.
if ("--config-file=".equals(state)) {
String propFile = av.remove(0);
Properties fileProps = new Properties();
try (InputStream propIn = new FileInputStream(propFile)) {
if (engProps.get(verboseProp) != null)
for (Map.Entry<Object,Object> me : fileProps.entrySet()) {
engProps.put((String) me.getKey(), (String) me.getValue());
} else if ("--version".equals(state)) {
System.out.println(MessageFormat.format(RESOURCE.getString(DriverResource.VERSION), Driver.class.getName(), "1.31, 07/05/05"));
} else if ("--help".equals(state)) {
printUsage(doPack, true, System.out);
} else {
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ee) {
System.err.println(MessageFormat.format(RESOURCE.getString(DriverResource.BAD_ARGUMENT), ee));
printUsage(doPack, false, System.err);
// Deal with remaining non-engine properties:
for (String opt : avProps.keySet()) {
String val = avProps.get(opt);
switch (opt) {
case "--repack":
doRepack = true;
case "--no-gzip":
doZip = (val == null);
case "--log-file=":
logFile = val;
throw new InternalError(MessageFormat.format(
opt, avProps.get(opt)));
if (logFile != null && !logFile.equals("")) {
if (logFile.equals("-")) {
} else {
OutputStream log = new FileOutputStream(logFile);
//log = new BufferedOutputStream(out);
System.setErr(new PrintStream(log));
boolean verbose = (engProps.get(verboseProp) != null);
String packfile = "";
if (!av.isEmpty())
packfile = av.remove(0);
String jarfile = "";
if (!av.isEmpty())
jarfile = av.remove(0);
String newfile = ""; // output JAR file if --repack
String bakfile = ""; // temporary backup of input JAR
String tmpfile = ""; // temporary file to be deleted
if (doRepack) {
// The first argument is the target JAR file.
// (Note: *.pac is nonstandard, but may be necessary
// if a host OS truncates file extensions.)
if (packfile.toLowerCase().endsWith(".pack") ||
packfile.toLowerCase().endsWith(".pac") ||
packfile.toLowerCase().endsWith(".gz")) {
printUsage(doPack, false, System.err);
newfile = packfile;
// The optional second argument is the source JAR file.
if (jarfile.equals("")) {
// If only one file is given, it is the only JAR.
// It serves as both input and output.
jarfile = newfile;
tmpfile = createTempFile(newfile, ".pack").getPath();
packfile = tmpfile;
doZip = false; // no need to zip the temporary file
if (!av.isEmpty()
// Accept jarfiles ending with .jar or .zip.
// Accept jarfile of "-" (stdout), but only if unpacking.
|| !(jarfile.toLowerCase().endsWith(".jar")
|| jarfile.toLowerCase().endsWith(".zip")
|| (jarfile.equals("-") && !doPack))) {
printUsage(doPack, false, System.err);
if (doRepack)
doPack = doUnpack = true;
else if (doPack)
doUnpack = false;
Pack200.Packer jpack = Pack200.newPacker();
Pack200.Unpacker junpack = Pack200.newUnpacker();
if (doRepack && newfile.equals(jarfile)) {
String zipc = getZipComment(jarfile);
if (verbose && zipc.length() > 0)
System.out.println(MessageFormat.format(RESOURCE.getString(DriverResource.DETECTED_ZIP_COMMENT), zipc));
if (zipc.indexOf(Utils.PACK_ZIP_ARCHIVE_MARKER_COMMENT) >= 0) {
System.out.println(MessageFormat.format(RESOURCE.getString(DriverResource.SKIP_FOR_REPACKED), jarfile));
doPack = false;
doUnpack = false;
doRepack = false;
try {
if (doPack) {
// Mode = Pack.
JarFile in = new JarFile(new File(jarfile));
OutputStream out;
// Packfile must be -, *.gz, *.pack, or *.pac.
if (packfile.equals("-")) {
out = System.out;
// Send warnings, etc., to stderr instead of stdout.
} else if (doZip) {
if (!packfile.endsWith(".gz")) {
System.err.println(MessageFormat.format(RESOURCE.getString(DriverResource.WRITE_PACK_FILE), packfile));
printUsage(doPack, false, System.err);
out = new FileOutputStream(packfile);
out = new BufferedOutputStream(out);
out = new GZIPOutputStream(out);
} else {
if (!packfile.toLowerCase().endsWith(".pack") &&
!packfile.toLowerCase().endsWith(".pac")) {
printUsage(doPack, false, System.err);
out = new FileOutputStream(packfile);
out = new BufferedOutputStream(out);
jpack.pack(in, out);
//in.close(); // p200 closes in but not out
if (doRepack && newfile.equals(jarfile)) {
// If the source and destination are the same,
// we will move the input JAR aside while regenerating it.
// This allows us to restore it if something goes wrong.
File bakf = createTempFile(jarfile, ".bak");
// On Windows target must be deleted see 4017593
boolean okBackup = new File(jarfile).renameTo(bakf);
if (!okBackup) {
throw new Error(MessageFormat.format(RESOURCE.getString(DriverResource.SKIP_FOR_MOVE_FAILED),bakfile));
} else {
// Open jarfile recovery bracket.
bakfile = bakf.getPath();
if (doUnpack) {
// Mode = Unpack.
InputStream in;
if (packfile.equals("-"))
in = System.in;
in = new FileInputStream(new File(packfile));
BufferedInputStream inBuf = new BufferedInputStream(in);
in = inBuf;
if (Utils.isGZIPMagic(Utils.readMagic(inBuf))) {
in = new GZIPInputStream(in);
String outfile = newfile.equals("")? jarfile: newfile;
OutputStream fileOut;
if (outfile.equals("-"))
fileOut = System.out;
fileOut = new FileOutputStream(outfile);
fileOut = new BufferedOutputStream(fileOut);
try (JarOutputStream out = new JarOutputStream(fileOut)) {
junpack.unpack(in, out);
// p200 closes in but not out
// At this point, we have a good jarfile (or newfile, if -r)
if (!bakfile.equals("")) {
// On success, abort jarfile recovery bracket.
new File(bakfile).delete();
bakfile = "";
} finally {
// Close jarfile recovery bracket.
if (!bakfile.equals("")) {
File jarFile = new File(jarfile);
jarFile.delete(); // Win32 requires this, see above
new File(bakfile).renameTo(jarFile);
// In all cases, delete temporary *.pack.
if (!tmpfile.equals(""))
new File(tmpfile).delete();
static private
File createTempFile(String basefile, String suffix) throws IOException {
File base = new File(basefile);
String prefix = base.getName();
if (prefix.length() < 3) prefix += "tmp";
File where = (base.getParentFile() == null && suffix.equals(".bak"))
? new File(".").getAbsoluteFile()
: base.getParentFile();
Path tmpfile = (where == null)
? Files.createTempFile(prefix, suffix)
: Files.createTempFile(where.toPath(), prefix, suffix);
return tmpfile.toFile();
static private
void printUsage(boolean doPack, boolean full, PrintStream out) {
String prog = doPack ? "pack200" : "unpack200";
String[] packUsage = (String[])RESOURCE.getObject(DriverResource.PACK_HELP);
String[] unpackUsage = (String[])RESOURCE.getObject(DriverResource.UNPACK_HELP);
String[] usage = doPack? packUsage: unpackUsage;
for (int i = 0; i < usage.length; i++) {
if (!full) {
out.println(MessageFormat.format(RESOURCE.getString(DriverResource.MORE_INFO), prog));
static private
String getZipComment(String jarfile) throws IOException {
byte[] tail = new byte[1000];
long filelen = new File(jarfile).length();
if (filelen <= 0) return "";
long skiplen = Math.max(0, filelen - tail.length);
try (InputStream in = new FileInputStream(new File(jarfile))) {
for (int i = tail.length-4; i >= 0; i--) {
if (tail[i+0] == 'P' && tail[i+1] == 'K' &&
tail[i+2] == 5 && tail[i+3] == 6) {
// Skip sig4, disks4, entries4, clen4, coff4, cmt2
i += 4+4+4+4+4+2;
if (i < tail.length)
return new String(tail, i, tail.length-i, "UTF8");
return "";
return "";
private static final String PACK200_OPTION_MAP =
+"--repack $ \n -r +>- @--repack $ \n"
+"--no-gzip $ \n -g +>- @--no-gzip $ \n"
+"--strip-debug $ \n -G +>- @--strip-debug $ \n"
+"--no-keep-file-order $ \n -O +>- @--no-keep-file-order $ \n"
+"--segment-limit= *> = \n -S +> @--segment-limit= = \n"
+"--effort= *> = \n -E +> @--effort= = \n"
+"--deflate-hint= *> = \n -H +> @--deflate-hint= = \n"
+"--modification-time= *> = \n -m +> @--modification-time= = \n"
+"--pass-file= *> &\0 \n -P +> @--pass-file= &\0 \n"
+"--unknown-attribute= *> = \n -U +> @--unknown-attribute= = \n"
+"--class-attribute= *> &\0 \n -C +> @--class-attribute= &\0 \n"
+"--field-attribute= *> &\0 \n -F +> @--field-attribute= &\0 \n"
+"--method-attribute= *> &\0 \n -M +> @--method-attribute= &\0 \n"
+"--code-attribute= *> &\0 \n -D +> @--code-attribute= &\0 \n"
+"--config-file= *> . \n -f +> @--config-file= . \n"
// Negative options as required by CLIP:
+"--no-strip-debug !--strip-debug \n"
+"--gzip !--no-gzip \n"
+"--keep-file-order !--no-keep-file-order \n"
// Non-Standard Options
+"--verbose $ \n -v +>- @--verbose $ \n"
+"--quiet !--verbose \n -q +>- !--verbose \n"
+"--log-file= *> = \n -l +> @--log-file= = \n"
//+"--java-option= *> = \n -J +> @--java-option= = \n"
+"--version . \n -V +> @--version . \n"
+"--help . \n -? +> @--help . \n -h +> @--help . \n"
// Termination:
+"-- . \n" // end option sequence here
+"- +? >- . \n" // report error if -XXX present; else use stdout
// Note: Collection options use "\0" as a delimiter between arguments.
// For Java version of unpacker (used for testing only):
private static final String UNPACK200_OPTION_MAP =
+"--deflate-hint= *> = \n -H +> @--deflate-hint= = \n"
+"--verbose $ \n -v +>- @--verbose $ \n"
+"--quiet !--verbose \n -q +>- !--verbose \n"
+"--remove-pack-file $ \n -r +>- @--remove-pack-file $ \n"
+"--log-file= *> = \n -l +> @--log-file= = \n"
+"--config-file= *> . \n -f +> @--config-file= . \n"
// Termination:
+"-- . \n" // end option sequence here
+"- +? >- . \n" // report error if -XXX present; else use stdin
+"--version . \n -V +> @--version . \n"
+"--help . \n -? +> @--help . \n -h +> @--help . \n"
private static final String[] PACK200_PROPERTY_TO_OPTION = {
Pack200.Packer.SEGMENT_LIMIT, "--segment-limit=",
Pack200.Packer.KEEP_FILE_ORDER, "--no-keep-file-order",
Pack200.Packer.EFFORT, "--effort=",
Pack200.Packer.DEFLATE_HINT, "--deflate-hint=",
Pack200.Packer.MODIFICATION_TIME, "--modification-time=",
Pack200.Packer.PASS_FILE_PFX, "--pass-file=",
Pack200.Packer.UNKNOWN_ATTRIBUTE, "--unknown-attribute=",
Pack200.Packer.CLASS_ATTRIBUTE_PFX, "--class-attribute=",
Pack200.Packer.FIELD_ATTRIBUTE_PFX, "--field-attribute=",
Pack200.Packer.METHOD_ATTRIBUTE_PFX, "--method-attribute=",
Pack200.Packer.CODE_ATTRIBUTE_PFX, "--code-attribute=",
//Pack200.Packer.PROGRESS, "--progress=",
Utils.DEBUG_VERBOSE, "--verbose",
Utils.COM_PREFIX+"strip.debug", "--strip-debug",
private static final String[] UNPACK200_PROPERTY_TO_OPTION = {
Pack200.Unpacker.DEFLATE_HINT, "--deflate-hint=",
//Pack200.Unpacker.PROGRESS, "--progress=",
Utils.DEBUG_VERBOSE, "--verbose",
Utils.UNPACK_REMOVE_PACKFILE, "--remove-pack-file",
* Remove a set of command-line options from args,
* storing them in the map in a canonicalized form.
* <p>
* The options string is a newline-separated series of
* option processing specifiers.
private static
String parseCommandOptions(List<String> args,
String options,
Map<String,String> properties) {
//System.out.println(args+" // "+properties);
String resultString = null;
// Convert options string into optLines dictionary.
TreeMap<String,String[]> optmap = new TreeMap<>();
for (String optline : options.split("\n")) {
String[] words = optline.split("\\p{Space}+");
if (words.length == 0) continue loadOptmap;
String opt = words[0];
words[0] = ""; // initial word is not a spec
if (opt.length() == 0 && words.length >= 1) {
opt = words[1]; // initial "word" is empty due to leading ' '
words[1] = "";
if (opt.length() == 0) continue loadOptmap;
String[] prevWords = optmap.put(opt, words);
if (prevWords != null)
throw new RuntimeException(MessageFormat.format(RESOURCE.getString(DriverResource.DUPLICATE_OPTION), optline.trim()));
// State machine for parsing a command line.
ListIterator<String> argp = args.listIterator();
ListIterator<String> pbp = new ArrayList<String>().listIterator();
for (;;) {
// One trip through this loop per argument.
// Multiple trips per option only if several options per argument.
String arg;
if (pbp.hasPrevious()) {
arg = pbp.previous();
} else if (argp.hasNext()) {
arg = argp.next();
} else {
// No more arguments at all.
break doArgs;
for (int optlen = arg.length(); ; optlen--) {
// One time through this loop for each matching arg prefix.
String opt;
// Match some prefix of the argument to a key in optmap.
for (;;) {
opt = arg.substring(0, optlen);
if (optmap.containsKey(opt)) break findOpt;
if (optlen == 0) break tryOpt;
// Decide on a smaller prefix to search for.
SortedMap<String,String[]> pfxmap = optmap.headMap(opt);
// pfxmap.lastKey is no shorter than any prefix in optmap.
int len = pfxmap.isEmpty() ? 0 : pfxmap.lastKey().length();
optlen = Math.min(len, optlen - 1);
opt = arg.substring(0, optlen);
// (Note: We could cut opt down to its common prefix with
// pfxmap.lastKey, but that wouldn't save many cycles.)
opt = opt.intern();
assert(opt.length() == optlen);
String val = arg.substring(optlen); // arg == opt+val
// Execute the option processing specs for this opt.
// If no actions are taken, then look for a shorter prefix.
boolean didAction = false;
boolean isError = false;
int pbpMark = pbp.nextIndex(); // in case of backtracking
String[] specs = optmap.get(opt);
for (String spec : specs) {
if (spec.length() == 0) continue eachSpec;
if (spec.startsWith("#")) break eachSpec;
int sidx = 0;
char specop = spec.charAt(sidx++);
// Deal with '+'/'*' prefixes (spec conditions).
boolean ok;
switch (specop) {
case '+':
// + means we want an non-empty val suffix.
ok = (val.length() != 0);
specop = spec.charAt(sidx++);
case '*':
// * means we accept empty or non-empty
ok = true;
specop = spec.charAt(sidx++);
// No condition prefix means we require an exact
// match, as indicated by an empty val suffix.
ok = (val.length() == 0);
if (!ok) continue eachSpec;
String specarg = spec.substring(sidx);
switch (specop) {
case '.': // terminate the option sequence
resultString = (specarg.length() != 0)? specarg.intern(): opt;
break doArgs;
case '?': // abort the option sequence
resultString = (specarg.length() != 0)? specarg.intern(): arg;
isError = true;
break eachSpec;
case '@': // change the effective opt name
opt = specarg.intern();
case '>': // shift remaining arg val to next arg
pbp.add(specarg + val); // push a new argument
val = "";
case '!': // negation option
String negopt = (specarg.length() != 0)? specarg.intern(): opt;
properties.put(negopt, null); // leave placeholder
didAction = true;
case '$': // normal "boolean" option
String boolval;
if (specarg.length() != 0) {
// If there is a given spec token, store it.
boolval = specarg;
} else {
String old = properties.get(opt);
if (old == null || old.length() == 0) {
boolval = "1";
} else {
// Increment any previous value as a numeral.
boolval = ""+(1+Integer.parseInt(old));
properties.put(opt, boolval);
didAction = true;
case '=': // "string" option
case '&': // "collection" option
// Read an option.
boolean append = (specop == '&');
String strval;
if (pbp.hasPrevious()) {
strval = pbp.previous();
} else if (argp.hasNext()) {
strval = argp.next();
} else {
resultString = arg + " ?";
isError = true;
break eachSpec;
if (append) {
String old = properties.get(opt);
if (old != null) {
// Append new val to old with embedded delim.
String delim = specarg;
if (delim.length() == 0) delim = " ";
strval = old + specarg + strval;
properties.put(opt, strval);
didAction = true;
throw new RuntimeException(MessageFormat.format(RESOURCE.getString(DriverResource.BAD_SPEC),opt, spec));
// Done processing specs.
if (didAction && !isError) {
continue doArgs;
// The specs should have done something, but did not.
while (pbp.nextIndex() > pbpMark) {
// Remove anything pushed during these specs.
if (isError) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(resultString);
if (optlen == 0) {
// We cannot try a shorter matching option.
break tryOpt;
// If we come here, there was no matching option.
// So, push back the argument, and return to caller.
break doArgs;
// Report number of arguments consumed.
args.subList(0, argp.nextIndex()).clear();
// Report any unconsumed partial argument.
while (pbp.hasPrevious()) {
args.add(0, pbp.previous());
//System.out.println(args+" // "+properties+" -> "+resultString);
return resultString;