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* published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this
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package com.sun.xml.internal.ws.wsdl.parser;
import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.api.addressing.AddressingVersion;
import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.api.model.wsdl.*;
import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.api.wsdl.parser.WSDLParserExtension;
import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.api.wsdl.parser.WSDLParserExtensionContext;
import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.model.wsdl.*;
import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.streaming.XMLStreamReaderUtil;
import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.resources.AddressingMessages;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
import javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException;
import javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamReader;
import javax.xml.ws.WebServiceException;
import javax.xml.ws.soap.AddressingFeature;
import java.util.Map;
* W3C WS-Addressing Runtime WSDL parser extension
* @author Arun Gupta
public class W3CAddressingWSDLParserExtension extends WSDLParserExtension {
public boolean bindingElements(WSDLBoundPortType binding, XMLStreamReader reader) {
return addressibleElement(reader, binding);
public boolean portElements(WSDLPort port, XMLStreamReader reader) {
return addressibleElement(reader, port);
private boolean addressibleElement(XMLStreamReader reader, WSDLFeaturedObject binding) {
QName ua = reader.getName();
if (ua.equals(AddressingVersion.W3C.wsdlExtensionTag)) {
String required = reader.getAttributeValue(WSDLConstants.NS_WSDL, "required");
binding.addFeature(new AddressingFeature(true, Boolean.parseBoolean(required)));
return true; // UsingAddressing is consumed
return false;
public boolean bindingOperationElements(WSDLBoundOperation operation, XMLStreamReader reader) {
WSDLBoundOperationImpl impl = (WSDLBoundOperationImpl)operation;
QName anon = reader.getName();
if (anon.equals(AddressingVersion.W3C.wsdlAnonymousTag)) {
try {
String value = reader.getElementText();
if (value == null || value.trim().equals("")) {
throw new WebServiceException("Null values not permitted in wsaw:Anonymous.");
// TODO: throw exception only if wsdl:required=true
// TODO: is this the right exception ?
} else if (value.equals("optional")) {
} else if (value.equals("required")) {
} else if (value.equals("prohibited")) {
} else {
throw new WebServiceException("wsaw:Anonymous value \"" + value + "\" not understood.");
// TODO: throw exception only if wsdl:required=true
// TODO: is this the right exception ?
} catch (XMLStreamException e) {
throw new WebServiceException(e); // TODO: is this the correct behavior ?
return true; // consumed the element
return false;
public void portTypeOperationInputAttributes(WSDLInput input, XMLStreamReader reader) {
String action = ParserUtil.getAttribute(reader, getWsdlActionTag());
if (action != null) {
public void portTypeOperationOutputAttributes(WSDLOutput output, XMLStreamReader reader) {
String action = ParserUtil.getAttribute(reader, getWsdlActionTag());
if (action != null) {
public void portTypeOperationFaultAttributes(WSDLFault fault, XMLStreamReader reader) {
String action = ParserUtil.getAttribute(reader, getWsdlActionTag());
if (action != null) {
((WSDLFaultImpl) fault).setAction(action);
((WSDLFaultImpl) fault).setDefaultAction(false);
* Process wsdl:portType operation after the entire WSDL model has been populated.
* The task list includes: <p>
* <ul>
* <li>Patch the value of UsingAddressing in wsdl:port and wsdl:binding</li>
* <li>Populate actions for the messages that do not have an explicit wsaw:Action</li>
* <li>Patch the default value of wsaw:Anonymous=optional if none is specified</li>
* </ul>
* @param context
public void finished(WSDLParserExtensionContext context) {
WSDLModel model = context.getWSDLModel();
for (WSDLService service : model.getServices().values()) {
for (WSDLPort wp : service.getPorts()) {
WSDLPortImpl port = (WSDLPortImpl)wp;
WSDLBoundPortTypeImpl binding = port.getBinding();
// populate actions for the messages that do not have an explicit wsaw:Action
// patch the default value of wsaw:Anonymous=optional if none is specified
protected String getNamespaceURI() {
return AddressingVersion.W3C.wsdlNsUri;
protected QName getWsdlActionTag() {
return AddressingVersion.W3C.wsdlActionTag;
* Populate all the Actions
* @param binding soapbinding:operation
private void populateActions(WSDLBoundPortTypeImpl binding) {
WSDLPortTypeImpl porttype = binding.getPortType();
for (WSDLOperationImpl o : porttype.getOperations()) {
// TODO: this may be performance intensive. Alternatively default action
// TODO: can be calculated when the operation is actually invoked.
WSDLBoundOperationImpl wboi = binding.get(o.getName());
if (wboi == null) {
//If this operation is unbound set the action to default
String soapAction = wboi.getSOAPAction();
if (o.getInput().getAction() == null || o.getInput().getAction().equals("")) {
// explicit wsaw:Action is not specified
if (soapAction != null && !soapAction.equals("")) {
// if soapAction is non-empty, use that
} else {
// otherwise generate default Action
// skip output and fault processing for one-way methods
if (o.getOutput() == null)
if (o.getOutput().getAction() == null || o.getOutput().getAction().equals("")) {
if (o.getFaults() == null || !o.getFaults().iterator().hasNext())
for (WSDLFault f : o.getFaults()) {
if (f.getAction() == null || f.getAction().equals("")) {
((WSDLFaultImpl)f).setAction(defaultFaultAction(f.getName(), o));
* Patch the default value of wsaw:Anonymous=optional if none is specified
* @param binding WSDLBoundPortTypeImpl
protected void patchAnonymousDefault(WSDLBoundPortTypeImpl binding) {
for (WSDLBoundOperationImpl wbo : binding.getBindingOperations()) {
if (wbo.getAnonymous() == null)
private String defaultInputAction(WSDLOperation o) {
return buildAction(o.getInput().getName(), o, false);
private String defaultOutputAction(WSDLOperation o) {
return buildAction(o.getOutput().getName(), o, false);
private String defaultFaultAction(String name, WSDLOperation o) {
return buildAction(name, o, true);
protected static final String buildAction(String name, WSDLOperation o, boolean isFault) {
String tns = o.getName().getNamespaceURI();
String delim = SLASH_DELIMITER;
// TODO: is this the correct way to find the separator ?
if (!tns.startsWith("http"))
if (tns.endsWith(delim))
tns = tns.substring(0, tns.length()-1);
if (o.getPortTypeName() == null)
throw new WebServiceException("\"" + o.getName() + "\" operation's owning portType name is null.");
return tns +
delim +
o.getPortTypeName().getLocalPart() +
delim +
(isFault ? o.getName().getLocalPart() + delim + "Fault" + delim : "") +
protected static final String COLON_DELIMITER = ":";
protected static final String SLASH_DELIMITER = "/";