* reserved comment block
* Copyright 2001-2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.impl.xs.identity;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.xs.XSIDCDefinition;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.xs.StringList;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.xs.XSNamespaceItem;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.xs.XSObjectList;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.xs.XSConstants;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.impl.xs.util.StringListImpl;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.impl.xs.util.XSObjectListImpl;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.impl.xs.XSAnnotationImpl;
* Base class of Schema identity constraint.
* @xerces.internal
* @author Andy Clark, IBM
public abstract class IdentityConstraint implements XSIDCDefinition {
// Data
/** type */
protected short type;
/** target namespace */
protected String fNamespace;
/** Identity constraint name. */
protected String fIdentityConstraintName;
/** name of owning element */
protected String fElementName;
/** Selector. */
protected Selector fSelector;
/** Field count. */
protected int fFieldCount;
/** Fields. */
protected Field[] fFields;
// optional annotations
protected XSAnnotationImpl [] fAnnotations = null;
// number of annotations in this identity constraint
protected int fNumAnnotations;
// Constructors
/** Default constructor. */
protected IdentityConstraint(String namespace, String identityConstraintName, String elemName) {
fNamespace = namespace;
fIdentityConstraintName = identityConstraintName;
fElementName = elemName;
} // <init>(String,String)
// Public methods
/** Returns the identity constraint name. */
public String getIdentityConstraintName() {
return fIdentityConstraintName;
} // getIdentityConstraintName():String
/** Sets the selector. */
public void setSelector(Selector selector) {
fSelector = selector;
} // setSelector(Selector)
/** Returns the selector. */
public Selector getSelector() {
return fSelector;
} // getSelector():Selector
/** Adds a field. */
public void addField(Field field) {
if (fFields == null)
fFields = new Field[4];
else if (fFieldCount == fFields.length)
fFields = resize(fFields, fFieldCount*2);
fFields[fFieldCount++] = field;
} // addField(Field)
/** Returns the field count. */
public int getFieldCount() {
return fFieldCount;
} // getFieldCount():int
/** Returns the field at the specified index. */
public Field getFieldAt(int index) {
return fFields[index];
} // getFieldAt(int):Field
// get the name of the owning element
public String getElementName () {
return fElementName;
} // getElementName(): String
// Object methods
/** Returns a string representation of this object. */
public String toString() {
String s = super.toString();
int index1 = s.lastIndexOf('$');
if (index1 != -1) {
return s.substring(index1 + 1);
int index2 = s.lastIndexOf('.');
if (index2 != -1) {
return s.substring(index2 + 1);
return s;
} // toString():String
// equals: returns true if and only if the String
// representations of all members of both objects (except for
// the elenemtName field) are equal.
public boolean equals(IdentityConstraint id) {
boolean areEqual = fIdentityConstraintName.equals(id.fIdentityConstraintName);
if(!areEqual) return false;
areEqual = fSelector.toString().equals(id.fSelector.toString());
if(!areEqual) return false;
areEqual = (fFieldCount == id.fFieldCount);
if(!areEqual) return false;
for(int i=0; i<fFieldCount; i++)
if(!fFields[i].toString().equals(id.fFields[i].toString())) return false;
return true;
} // equals
static final Field[] resize(Field[] oldArray, int newSize) {
Field[] newArray = new Field[newSize];
System.arraycopy(oldArray, 0, newArray, 0, oldArray.length);
return newArray;
* Get the type of the object, i.e ELEMENT_DECLARATION.
public short getType() {
* The <code>name</code> of this <code>XSObject</code> depending on the
* <code>XSObject</code> type.
public String getName() {
return fIdentityConstraintName;
* The namespace URI of this node, or <code>null</code> if it is
* unspecified. defines how a namespace URI is attached to schema
* components.
public String getNamespace() {
return fNamespace;
* {identity-constraint category} One of key, keyref or unique.
public short getCategory() {
return type;
* {selector} A restricted XPath ([XPath]) expression
public String getSelectorStr() {
return (fSelector != null) ? fSelector.toString() : null;
* {fields} A non-empty list of restricted XPath ([XPath]) expressions.
public StringList getFieldStrs() {
String[] strs = new String[fFieldCount];
for (int i = 0; i < fFieldCount; i++)
strs[i] = fFields[i].toString();
return new StringListImpl(strs, fFieldCount);
* {referenced key} Required if {identity-constraint category} is keyref,
* forbidden otherwise. An identity-constraint definition with
* {identity-constraint category} equal to key or unique.
public XSIDCDefinition getRefKey() {
return null;
* Optional. Annotation.
public XSObjectList getAnnotations() {
return new XSObjectListImpl(fAnnotations, fNumAnnotations);
* @see com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.xs.XSObject#getNamespaceItem()
public XSNamespaceItem getNamespaceItem() {
// REVISIT: implement
return null;
public void addAnnotation(XSAnnotationImpl annotation) {
if(annotation == null)
if(fAnnotations == null) {
fAnnotations = new XSAnnotationImpl[2];
} else if(fNumAnnotations == fAnnotations.length) {
XSAnnotationImpl[] newArray = new XSAnnotationImpl[fNumAnnotations << 1];
System.arraycopy(fAnnotations, 0, newArray, 0, fNumAnnotations);
fAnnotations = newArray;
fAnnotations[fNumAnnotations++] = annotation;
} // class IdentityConstraint