* reserved comment block
* Copyright 1999-2002,2004,2005 The Apache Software Foundation.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.impl.xpath.regex;
import java.text.CharacterIterator;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Stack;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.util.IntStack;
* A regular expression matching engine using Non-deterministic Finite Automaton (NFA).
* This engine does not conform to the POSIX regular expression.
* <hr width="50%">
* <h3>How to use</h3>
* <dl>
* <dt>A. Standard way
* <dd>
* <pre>
* RegularExpression re = new RegularExpression(<var>regex</var>);
* if (re.matches(text)) { ... }
* </pre>
* <dt>B. Capturing groups
* <dd>
* <pre>
* RegularExpression re = new RegularExpression(<var>regex</var>);
* Match match = new Match();
* if (re.matches(text, match)) {
* ... // You can refer captured texts with methods of the <code>Match</code> class.
* }
* </pre>
* </dl>
* <h4>Case-insensitive matching</h4>
* <pre>
* RegularExpression re = new RegularExpression(<var>regex</var>, "i");
* if (re.matches(text) >= 0) { ...}
* </pre>
* <h4>Options</h4>
* <p>You can specify options to <a href="#RegularExpression(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)"><code>RegularExpression(</code><var>regex</var><code>, </code><var>options</var><code>)</code></a>
* or <a href="#setPattern(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)"><code>setPattern(</code><var>regex</var><code>, </code><var>options</var><code>)</code></a>.
* This <var>options</var> parameter consists of the following characters.
* </p>
* <dl>
* <dt><a name="I_OPTION"><code>"i"</code></a>
* <dd>This option indicates case-insensitive matching.
* <dt><a name="M_OPTION"><code>"m"</code></a>
* <dd class="REGEX"><kbd>^</kbd> and <kbd>$</kbd> consider the EOL characters within the text.
* <dt><a name="S_OPTION"><code>"s"</code></a>
* <dd class="REGEX"><kbd>.</kbd> matches any one character.
* <dt><a name="U_OPTION"><code>"u"</code></a>
* <dd class="REGEX">Redefines <Kbd>\d \D \w \W \s \S \b \B \&lt; \></kbd> as becoming to Unicode.
* <dt><a name="W_OPTION"><code>"w"</code></a>
* <dd class="REGEX">By this option, <kbd>\b \B \&lt; \></kbd> are processed with the method of
* 'Unicode Regular Expression Guidelines' Revision 4.
* When "w" and "u" are specified at the same time,
* <kbd>\b \B \&lt; \></kbd> are processed for the "w" option.
* <dt><a name="COMMA_OPTION"><code>","</code></a>
* <dd>The parser treats a comma in a character class as a range separator.
* <kbd class="REGEX">[a,b]</kbd> matches <kbd>a</kbd> or <kbd>,</kbd> or <kbd>b</kbd> without this option.
* <kbd class="REGEX">[a,b]</kbd> matches <kbd>a</kbd> or <kbd>b</kbd> with this option.
* <dt><a name="X_OPTION"><code>"X"</code></a>
* <dd class="REGEX">
* By this option, the engine confoms to <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/WD-xmlschema-2-20000407/#regexs">XML Schema: Regular Expression</a>.
* The <code>match()</code> method does not do subsring matching
* but entire string matching.
* </dl>
* <hr width="50%">
* <h3>Syntax</h3>
* <table border="1" bgcolor="#ddeeff">
* <tr>
* <td>
* <h4>Differences from the Perl 5 regular expression</h4>
* <ul>
* <li>There is 6-digit hexadecimal character representation (<kbd>\u005cv</kbd><var>HHHHHH</var>.)
* <li>Supports subtraction, union, and intersection operations for character classes.
* <li>Not supported: <kbd>\</kbd><var>ooo</var> (Octal character representations),
* <Kbd>\G</kbd>, <kbd>\C</kbd>, <kbd>\l</kbd><var>c</var>,
* <kbd>\u005c u</kbd><var>c</var>, <kbd>\L</kbd>, <kbd>\U</kbd>,
* <kbd>\E</kbd>, <kbd>\Q</kbd>, <kbd>\N{</kbd><var>name</var><kbd>}</kbd>,
* <Kbd>(?{<kbd><var>code</var><kbd>})</kbd>, <Kbd>(??{<kbd><var>code</var><kbd>})</kbd>
* </ul>
* </td>
* </tr>
* </table>
* <P>Meta characters are `<KBD>. * + ? { [ ( ) | \ ^ $</KBD>'.</P>
* <ul>
* <li>Character
* <dl>
* <dt class="REGEX"><kbd>.</kbd> (A period)
* <dd>Matches any one character except the following characters.
* <dd>This expression matches one code point in Unicode. It can match a pair of surrogates.
* <dd>When <a href="#S_OPTION">the "s" option</a> is specified,
* it matches any character including the above four characters.
* <dt class="REGEX"><Kbd>\e \f \n \r \t</kbd>
* <dd>Matches ESCAPE (U+001B), FORM FEED (U+000C), LINE FEED (U+000A),
* <dt class="REGEX"><kbd>\c</kbd><var>C</var>
* <dd>Matches a control character.
* The <var>C</var> must be one of '<kbd>@</kbd>', '<kbd>A</kbd>'-'<kbd>Z</kbd>',
* '<kbd>[</kbd>', '<kbd>\u005c</kbd>', '<kbd>]</kbd>', '<kbd>^</kbd>', '<kbd>_</kbd>'.
* It matches a control character of which the character code is less than
* the character code of the <var>C</var> by 0x0040.
* <dd class="REGEX">For example, a <kbd>\cJ</kbd> matches a LINE FEED (U+000A),
* and a <kbd>\c[</kbd> matches an ESCAPE (U+001B).
* <dt class="REGEX">a non-meta character
* <dd>Matches the character.
* <dt class="REGEX"><KBD>\</KBD> + a meta character
* <dd>Matches the meta character.
* <dt class="REGEX"><kbd>\u005cx</kbd><var>HH</var> <kbd>\u005cx{</kbd><var>HHHH</var><kbd>}</kbd>
* <dd>Matches a character of which code point is <var>HH</var> (Hexadecimal) in Unicode.
* You can write just 2 digits for <kbd>\u005cx</kbd><var>HH</var>, and
* variable length digits for <kbd>\u005cx{</kbd><var>HHHH</var><kbd>}</kbd>.
* <!--
* <dt class="REGEX"><kbd>\u005c u</kbd><var>HHHH</var>
* <dd>Matches a character of which code point is <var>HHHH</var> (Hexadecimal) in Unicode.
* -->
* <dt class="REGEX"><kbd>\u005cv</kbd><var>HHHHHH</var>
* <dd>Matches a character of which code point is <var>HHHHHH</var> (Hexadecimal) in Unicode.
* <dt class="REGEX"><kbd>\g</kbd>
* <dd>Matches a grapheme.
* <dd class="REGEX">It is equivalent to <kbd>(?[\p{ASSIGNED}]-[\p{M}\p{C}])?(?:\p{M}|[\x{094D}\x{09CD}\x{0A4D}\x{0ACD}\x{0B3D}\x{0BCD}\x{0C4D}\x{0CCD}\x{0D4D}\x{0E3A}\x{0F84}]\p{L}|[\x{1160}-\x{11A7}]|[\x{11A8}-\x{11FF}]|[\x{FF9E}\x{FF9F}])*</kbd>
* <dt class="REGEX"><kbd>\X</kbd>
* <dd class="REGEX">Matches a combining character sequence.
* It is equivalent to <kbd>(?:\PM\pM*)</kbd>
* </dl>
* </li>
* <li>Character class
* <dl>
+ * <dt class="REGEX"><kbd>[</kbd><var>R<sub>1</sub></var><var>R<sub>2</sub></var><var>...</var><var>R<sub>n</sub></var><kbd>]</kbd> (without <a href="#COMMA_OPTION">"," option</a>)
+ * <dt class="REGEX"><kbd>[</kbd><var>R<sub>1</sub></var><kbd>,</kbd><var>R<sub>2</sub></var><kbd>,</kbd><var>...</var><kbd>,</kbd><var>R<sub>n</sub></var><kbd>]</kbd> (with <a href="#COMMA_OPTION">"," option</a>)
* <dd>Positive character class. It matches a character in ranges.
* <dd><var>R<sub>n</sub></var>:
* <ul>
* <li class="REGEX">A character (including <Kbd>\e \f \n \r \t</kbd> <kbd>\u005cx</kbd><var>HH</var> <kbd>\u005cx{</kbd><var>HHHH</var><kbd>}</kbd> <!--kbd>\u005c u</kbd><var>HHHH</var--> <kbd>\u005cv</kbd><var>HHHHHH</var>)
* <p>This range matches the character.
* <li class="REGEX"><var>C<sub>1</sub></var><kbd>-</kbd><var>C<sub>2</sub></var>
* <p>This range matches a character which has a code point that is >= <var>C<sub>1</sub></var>'s code point and &lt;= <var>C<sub>2</sub></var>'s code point.
+ * <li class="REGEX">A POSIX character class: <Kbd>[:alpha:] [:alnum:] [:ascii:] [:cntrl:] [:digit:] [:graph:] [:lower:] [:print:] [:punct:] [:space:] [:upper:] [:xdigit:]</kbd>,
+ * and negative POSIX character classes in Perl like <kbd>[:^alpha:]</kbd>
* <p>...
* <li class="REGEX"><kbd>\d \D \s \S \w \W \p{</kbd><var>name</var><kbd>} \P{</kbd><var>name</var><kbd>}</kbd>
* <p>These expressions specifies the same ranges as the following expressions.
* </ul>
* <p class="REGEX">Enumerated ranges are merged (union operation).
* <kbd>[a-ec-z]</kbd> is equivalent to <kbd>[a-z]</kbd>
* <dt class="REGEX"><kbd>[^</kbd><var>R<sub>1</sub></var><var>R<sub>2</sub></var><var>...</var><var>R<sub>n</sub></var><kbd>]</kbd> (without a <a href="#COMMA_OPTION">"," option</a>)
* <dt class="REGEX"><kbd>[^</kbd><var>R<sub>1</sub></var><kbd>,</kbd><var>R<sub>2</sub></var><kbd>,</kbd><var>...</var><kbd>,</kbd><var>R<sub>n</sub></var><kbd>]</kbd> (with a <a href="#COMMA_OPTION">"," option</a>)
* <dd>Negative character class. It matches a character not in ranges.
* <dt class="REGEX"><kbd>(?[</kbd><var>ranges</var><kbd>]</kbd><var>op</var><kbd>[</kbd><var>ranges</var><kbd>]</kbd><var>op</var><kbd>[</kbd><var>ranges</var><kbd>]</kbd> ... <Kbd>)</kbd>
* (<var>op</var> is <kbd>-</kbd> or <kbd>+</kbd> or <kbd>&</kbd>.)
* <dd>Subtraction or union or intersection for character classes.
* <dd class="REGEX">For exmaple, <kbd>(?[A-Z]-[CF])</kbd> is equivalent to <kbd>[A-BD-EG-Z]</kbd>, and <kbd>(?[0x00-0x7f]-[K]&[\p{Lu}])</kbd> is equivalent to <kbd>[A-JL-Z]</kbd>.
* <dd>The result of this operations is a <u>positive character class</u>
* even if an expression includes any negative character classes.
* You have to take care on this in case-insensitive matching.
* For instance, <kbd>(?[^b])</kbd> is equivalent to <kbd>[\x00-ac-\x{10ffff}]</kbd>,
* which is equivalent to <kbd>[^b]</kbd> in case-sensitive matching.
* But, in case-insensitive matching, <kbd>(?[^b])</kbd> matches any character because
* it includes '<kbd>B</kbd>' and '<kbd>B</kbd>' matches '<kbd>b</kbd>'
* though <kbd>[^b]</kbd> is processed as <kbd>[^Bb]</kbd>.
* <dt class="REGEX"><kbd>[</kbd><var>R<sub>1</sub>R<sub>2</sub>...</var><kbd>-[</kbd><var>R<sub>n</sub>R<sub>n+1</sub>...</var><kbd>]]</kbd> (with an <a href="#X_OPTION">"X" option</a>)</dt>
* <dd>Character class subtraction for the XML Schema.
* You can use this syntax when you specify an <a href="#X_OPTION">"X" option</a>.
* <dt class="REGEX"><kbd>\d</kbd>
* <dd class="REGEX">Equivalent to <kbd>[0-9]</kbd>.
* <dd>When <a href="#U_OPTION">a "u" option</a> is set, it is equivalent to
* <span class="REGEX"><kbd>\p{Nd}</kbd></span>.
* <dt class="REGEX"><kbd>\D</kbd>
* <dd class="REGEX">Equivalent to <kbd>[^0-9]</kbd>
* <dd>When <a href="#U_OPTION">a "u" option</a> is set, it is equivalent to
* <span class="REGEX"><kbd>\P{Nd}</kbd></span>.
* <dt class="REGEX"><kbd>\s</kbd>
* <dd class="REGEX">Equivalent to <kbd>[ \f\n\r\t]</kbd>
* <dd>When <a href="#U_OPTION">a "u" option</a> is set, it is equivalent to
* <span class="REGEX"><kbd>[ \f\n\r\t\p{Z}]</kbd></span>.
* <dt class="REGEX"><kbd>\S</kbd>
* <dd class="REGEX">Equivalent to <kbd>[^ \f\n\r\t]</kbd>
* <dd>When <a href="#U_OPTION">a "u" option</a> is set, it is equivalent to
* <span class="REGEX"><kbd>[^ \f\n\r\t\p{Z}]</kbd></span>.
* <dt class="REGEX"><kbd>\w</kbd>
* <dd class="REGEX">Equivalent to <kbd>[a-zA-Z0-9_]</kbd>
* <dd>When <a href="#U_OPTION">a "u" option</a> is set, it is equivalent to
* <span class="REGEX"><kbd>[\p{Lu}\p{Ll}\p{Lo}\p{Nd}_]</kbd></span>.
* <dt class="REGEX"><kbd>\W</kbd>
* <dd class="REGEX">Equivalent to <kbd>[^a-zA-Z0-9_]</kbd>
* <dd>When <a href="#U_OPTION">a "u" option</a> is set, it is equivalent to
* <span class="REGEX"><kbd>[^\p{Lu}\p{Ll}\p{Lo}\p{Nd}_]</kbd></span>.
* <dt class="REGEX"><kbd>\p{</kbd><var>name</var><kbd>}</kbd>
* <dd>Matches one character in the specified General Category (the second field in <a href="ftp://ftp.unicode.org/Public/UNIDATA/UnicodeData.txt"><kbd>UnicodeData.txt</kbd></a>) or the specified <a href="ftp://ftp.unicode.org/Public/UNIDATA/Blocks.txt">Block</a>.
* The following names are available:
* <dl>
* <dt>Unicode General Categories:
* <dd><kbd>
* L, M, N, Z, C, P, S, Lu, Ll, Lt, Lm, Lo, Mn, Me, Mc, Nd, Nl, No, Zs, Zl, Zp,
* Cc, Cf, Cn, Co, Cs, Pd, Ps, Pe, Pc, Po, Sm, Sc, Sk, So,
* </kbd>
* <dd>(Currently the Cn category includes U+10000-U+10FFFF characters)
* <dt>Unicode Blocks:
* <dd><kbd>
* Basic Latin, Latin-1 Supplement, Latin Extended-A, Latin Extended-B,
* IPA Extensions, Spacing Modifier Letters, Combining Diacritical Marks, Greek,
* Cyrillic, Armenian, Hebrew, Arabic, Devanagari, Bengali, Gurmukhi, Gujarati,
* Oriya, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Thai, Lao, Tibetan, Georgian,
* Hangul Jamo, Latin Extended Additional, Greek Extended, General Punctuation,
* Superscripts and Subscripts, Currency Symbols, Combining Marks for Symbols,
* Letterlike Symbols, Number Forms, Arrows, Mathematical Operators,
* Miscellaneous Technical, Control Pictures, Optical Character Recognition,
* Enclosed Alphanumerics, Box Drawing, Block Elements, Geometric Shapes,
* Miscellaneous Symbols, Dingbats, CJK Symbols and Punctuation, Hiragana,
* Katakana, Bopomofo, Hangul Compatibility Jamo, Kanbun,
* Enclosed CJK Letters and Months, CJK Compatibility, CJK Unified Ideographs,
* Hangul Syllables, High Surrogates, High Private Use Surrogates, Low Surrogates,
* Private Use, CJK Compatibility Ideographs, Alphabetic Presentation Forms,
* Arabic Presentation Forms-A, Combining Half Marks, CJK Compatibility Forms,
* Small Form Variants, Arabic Presentation Forms-B, Specials,
* Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms
* </kbd>
* <dt>Others:
* <dd><kbd>ALL</kbd> (Equivalent to <kbd>[\u005cu0000-\u005cv10FFFF]</kbd>)
* <dd><kbd>ASSGINED</kbd> (<kbd>\p{ASSIGNED}</kbd> is equivalent to <kbd>\P{Cn}</kbd>)
* <dd><kbd>UNASSGINED</kbd>
* (<kbd>\p{UNASSIGNED}</kbd> is equivalent to <kbd>\p{Cn}</kbd>)
* </dl>
* <dt class="REGEX"><kbd>\P{</kbd><var>name</var><kbd>}</kbd>
* <dd>Matches one character not in the specified General Category or the specified Block.
* </dl>
* </li>
* <li>Selection and Quantifier
* <dl>
* <dt class="REGEX"><VAR>X</VAR><kbd>|</kbd><VAR>Y</VAR>
* <dd>...
* <dt class="REGEX"><VAR>X</VAR><kbd>*</KBD>
* <dd>Matches 0 or more <var>X</var>.
* <dt class="REGEX"><VAR>X</VAR><kbd>+</KBD>
* <dd>Matches 1 or more <var>X</var>.
* <dt class="REGEX"><VAR>X</VAR><kbd>?</KBD>
* <dd>Matches 0 or 1 <var>X</var>.
* <dt class="REGEX"><var>X</var><kbd>{</kbd><var>number</var><kbd>}</kbd>
* <dd>Matches <var>number</var> times.
* <dt class="REGEX"><var>X</var><kbd>{</kbd><var>min</var><kbd>,}</kbd>
* <dd>...
* <dt class="REGEX"><var>X</var><kbd>{</kbd><var>min</var><kbd>,</kbd><var>max</var><kbd>}</kbd>
* <dd>...
* <dt class="REGEX"><VAR>X</VAR><kbd>*?</kbd>
* <dt class="REGEX"><VAR>X</VAR><kbd>+?</kbd>
* <dt class="REGEX"><VAR>X</VAR><kbd>??</kbd>
* <dt class="REGEX"><var>X</var><kbd>{</kbd><var>min</var><kbd>,}?</kbd>
* <dt class="REGEX"><var>X</var><kbd>{</kbd><var>min</var><kbd>,</kbd><var>max</var><kbd>}?</kbd>
* <dd>Non-greedy matching.
* </dl>
* </li>
* <li>Grouping, Capturing, and Back-reference
* <dl>
* <dt class="REGEX"><KBD>(?:</kbd><VAR>X</VAR><kbd>)</KBD>
* <dd>Grouping. "<KBD>foo+</KBD>" matches "<KBD>foo</KBD>" or "<KBD>foooo</KBD>".
* If you want it matches "<KBD>foofoo</KBD>" or "<KBD>foofoofoo</KBD>",
* you have to write "<KBD>(?:foo)+</KBD>".
* <dt class="REGEX"><KBD>(</kbd><VAR>X</VAR><kbd>)</KBD>
* <dd>Grouping with capturing.
* It make a group and applications can know
* where in target text a group matched with methods of a <code>Match</code> instance
* after <code><a href="#matches(java.lang.String, com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.utils.regex.Match)">matches(String,Match)</a></code>.
* The 0th group means whole of this regular expression.
* The <VAR>N</VAR>th gorup is the inside of the <VAR>N</VAR>th left parenthesis.
* <p>For instance, a regular expression is
* "<FONT color=blue><KBD> *([^&lt;:]*) +&lt;([^&gt;]*)&gt; *</KBD></FONT>"
* and target text is
* "<FONT color=red><KBD>From: TAMURA Kent &lt;kent@trl.ibm.co.jp&gt;</KBD></FONT>":
* <ul>
* <li><code>Match.getCapturedText(0)</code>:
* "<FONT color=red><KBD> TAMURA Kent &lt;kent@trl.ibm.co.jp&gt;</KBD></FONT>"
* <li><code>Match.getCapturedText(1)</code>: "<FONT color=red><KBD>TAMURA Kent</KBD></FONT>"
* <li><code>Match.getCapturedText(2)</code>: "<FONT color=red><KBD>kent@trl.ibm.co.jp</KBD></FONT>"
* </ul>
* <dt class="REGEX"><kbd>\1 \2 \3 \4 \5 \6 \7 \8 \9</kbd>
* <dd>
* <dt class="REGEX"><kbd>(?></kbd><var>X</var><kbd>)</kbd>
* <dd>Independent expression group. ................
* <dt class="REGEX"><kbd>(?</kbd><var>options</var><kbd>:</kbd><var>X</var><kbd>)</kbd>
* <dt class="REGEX"><kbd>(?</kbd><var>options</var><kbd>-</kbd><var>options2</var><kbd>:</kbd><var>X</var><kbd>)</kbd>
* <dd>............................
* <dd>The <var>options</var> or the <var>options2</var> consists of 'i' 'm' 's' 'w'.
* Note that it can not contain 'u'.
* <dt class="REGEX"><kbd>(?</kbd><var>options</var><kbd>)</kbd>
* <dt class="REGEX"><kbd>(?</kbd><var>options</var><kbd>-</kbd><var>options2</var><kbd>)</kbd>
* <dd>......
* <dd>These expressions must be at the beginning of a group.
* </dl>
* </li>
* <li>Anchor
* <dl>
* <dt class="REGEX"><kbd>\A</kbd>
* <dd>Matches the beginnig of the text.
* <dt class="REGEX"><kbd>\Z</kbd>
* <dd>Matches the end of the text, or before an EOL character at the end of the text,
* or CARRIAGE RETURN + LINE FEED at the end of the text.
* <dt class="REGEX"><kbd>\z</kbd>
* <dd>Matches the end of the text.
* <dt class="REGEX"><kbd>^</kbd>
* <dd>Matches the beginning of the text. It is equivalent to <span class="REGEX"><Kbd>\A</kbd></span>.
* <dd>When <a href="#M_OPTION">a "m" option</a> is set,
* it matches the beginning of the text, or after one of EOL characters (
* <dt class="REGEX"><kbd>$</kbd>
* <dd>Matches the end of the text, or before an EOL character at the end of the text,
* or CARRIAGE RETURN + LINE FEED at the end of the text.
* <dd>When <a href="#M_OPTION">a "m" option</a> is set,
* it matches the end of the text, or before an EOL character.
* <dt class="REGEX"><kbd>\b</kbd>
* <dd>Matches word boundary.
* (See <a href="#W_OPTION">a "w" option</a>)
* <dt class="REGEX"><kbd>\B</kbd>
* <dd>Matches non word boundary.
* (See <a href="#W_OPTION">a "w" option</a>)
* <dt class="REGEX"><kbd>\&lt;</kbd>
* <dd>Matches the beginning of a word.
* (See <a href="#W_OPTION">a "w" option</a>)
* <dt class="REGEX"><kbd>\&gt;</kbd>
* <dd>Matches the end of a word.
* (See <a href="#W_OPTION">a "w" option</a>)
* </dl>
* </li>
* <li>Lookahead and lookbehind
* <dl>
* <dt class="REGEX"><kbd>(?=</kbd><var>X</var><kbd>)</kbd>
* <dd>Lookahead.
* <dt class="REGEX"><kbd>(?!</kbd><var>X</var><kbd>)</kbd>
* <dd>Negative lookahead.
* <dt class="REGEX"><kbd>(?&lt;=</kbd><var>X</var><kbd>)</kbd>
* <dd>Lookbehind.
* <dd>(Note for text capturing......)
* <dt class="REGEX"><kbd>(?&lt;!</kbd><var>X</var><kbd>)</kbd>
* <dd>Negative lookbehind.
* </dl>
* </li>
* <li>Misc.
* <dl>
* <dt class="REGEX"><kbd>(?(</Kbd><var>condition</var><Kbd>)</kbd><var>yes-pattern</var><kbd>|</kbd><var>no-pattern</var><kbd>)</kbd>,
* <dt class="REGEX"><kbd>(?(</kbd><var>condition</var><kbd>)</kbd><var>yes-pattern</var><kbd>)</kbd>
* <dd>......
* <dt class="REGEX"><kbd>(?#</kbd><var>comment</var><kbd>)</kbd>
* <dd>Comment. A comment string consists of characters except '<kbd>)</kbd>'.
* You can not write comments in character classes and before quantifiers.
* </dl>
* </li>
* </ul>
* <hr width="50%">
* <h3>BNF for the regular expression</h3>
* <pre>
* regex ::= ('(?' options ')')? term ('|' term)*
* term ::= factor+
* factor ::= anchors | atom (('*' | '+' | '?' | minmax ) '?'? )?
* | '(?#' [^)]* ')'
* minmax ::= '{' ([0-9]+ | [0-9]+ ',' | ',' [0-9]+ | [0-9]+ ',' [0-9]+) '}'
* atom ::= char | '.' | char-class | '(' regex ')' | '(?:' regex ')' | '\' [0-9]
* | '\w' | '\W' | '\d' | '\D' | '\s' | '\S' | category-block | '\X'
* | '(?>' regex ')' | '(?' options ':' regex ')'
* | '(?' ('(' [0-9] ')' | '(' anchors ')' | looks) term ('|' term)? ')'
* options ::= [imsw]* ('-' [imsw]+)?
* anchors ::= '^' | '$' | '\A' | '\Z' | '\z' | '\b' | '\B' | '\&lt;' | '\>'
* looks ::= '(?=' regex ')' | '(?!' regex ')'
* | '(?&lt;=' regex ')' | '(?&lt;!' regex ')'
* char ::= '\\' | '\' [efnrtv] | '\c' [@-_] | code-point | character-1
* category-block ::= '\' [pP] category-symbol-1
* | ('\p{' | '\P{') (category-symbol | block-name
* | other-properties) '}'
* category-symbol-1 ::= 'L' | 'M' | 'N' | 'Z' | 'C' | 'P' | 'S'
* category-symbol ::= category-symbol-1 | 'Lu' | 'Ll' | 'Lt' | 'Lm' | Lo'
* | 'Mn' | 'Me' | 'Mc' | 'Nd' | 'Nl' | 'No'
* | 'Zs' | 'Zl' | 'Zp' | 'Cc' | 'Cf' | 'Cn' | 'Co' | 'Cs'
* | 'Pd' | 'Ps' | 'Pe' | 'Pc' | 'Po'
* | 'Sm' | 'Sc' | 'Sk' | 'So'
* block-name ::= (See above)
* other-properties ::= 'ALL' | 'ASSIGNED' | 'UNASSIGNED'
* character-1 ::= (any character except meta-characters)
* char-class ::= '[' ranges ']'
* | '(?[' ranges ']' ([-+&] '[' ranges ']')? ')'
* ranges ::= '^'? (range <a href="#COMMA_OPTION">','?</a>)+
* range ::= '\d' | '\w' | '\s' | '\D' | '\W' | '\S' | category-block
* | range-char | range-char '-' range-char
* range-char ::= '\[' | '\]' | '\\' | '\' [,-efnrtv] | code-point | character-2
* code-point ::= '\x' hex-char hex-char
* | '\x{' hex-char+ '}'
* <!-- | '\u005c u' hex-char hex-char hex-char hex-char
* --> | '\v' hex-char hex-char hex-char hex-char hex-char hex-char
* hex-char ::= [0-9a-fA-F]
* character-2 ::= (any character except \[]-,)
* </pre>
* <hr width="50%">
* <h3>TODO</h3>
* <ul>
* <li><a href="http://www.unicode.org/unicode/reports/tr18/">Unicode Regular Expression Guidelines</a>
* <ul>
* <li>2.4 Canonical Equivalents
* <li>Level 3
* </ul>
* <li>Parsing performance
* </ul>
* <hr width="50%">
* @xerces.internal
* @author TAMURA Kent &lt;kent@trl.ibm.co.jp&gt;
* @version $Id: RegularExpression.java,v 1.9 2010/07/27 05:02:34 joehw Exp $
public class RegularExpression implements java.io.Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 6242499334195006401L;
static final boolean DEBUG = false;
* Compiles a token tree into an operation flow.
private synchronized void compile(Token tok) {
if (this.operations != null)
this.numberOfClosures = 0;
this.operations = this.compile(tok, null, false);
* Converts a token to an operation.
private Op compile(Token tok, Op next, boolean reverse) {
Op ret;
switch (tok.type) {
case Token.DOT:
ret = Op.createDot();
ret.next = next;
case Token.CHAR:
ret = Op.createChar(tok.getChar());
ret.next = next;
case Token.ANCHOR:
ret = Op.createAnchor(tok.getChar());
ret.next = next;
case Token.RANGE:
case Token.NRANGE:
ret = Op.createRange(tok);
ret.next = next;
case Token.CONCAT:
ret = next;
if (!reverse) {
for (int i = tok.size()-1; i >= 0; i --) {
ret = compile(tok.getChild(i), ret, false);
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < tok.size(); i ++) {
ret = compile(tok.getChild(i), ret, true);
case Token.UNION:
Op.UnionOp uni = Op.createUnion(tok.size());
for (int i = 0; i < tok.size(); i ++) {
uni.addElement(compile(tok.getChild(i), next, reverse));
ret = uni; // ret.next is null.
case Token.CLOSURE:
Token child = tok.getChild(0);
int min = tok.getMin();
int max = tok.getMax();
if (min >= 0 && min == max) { // {n}
ret = next;
for (int i = 0; i < min; i ++) {
ret = compile(child, ret, reverse);
if (min > 0 && max > 0)
max -= min;
if (max > 0) {
// X{2,6} -> XX(X(X(XX?)?)?)?
ret = next;
for (int i = 0; i < max; i ++) {
Op.ChildOp q = Op.createQuestion(tok.type == Token.NONGREEDYCLOSURE);
q.next = next;
q.setChild(compile(child, ret, reverse));
ret = q;
} else {
Op.ChildOp op;
if (tok.type == Token.NONGREEDYCLOSURE) {
op = Op.createNonGreedyClosure();
} else { // Token.CLOSURE
op = Op.createClosure(this.numberOfClosures++);
op.next = next;
op.setChild(compile(child, op, reverse));
ret = op;
if (min > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < min; i ++) {
ret = compile(child, ret, reverse);
case Token.EMPTY:
ret = next;
case Token.STRING:
ret = Op.createString(tok.getString());
ret.next = next;
ret = Op.createBackReference(tok.getReferenceNumber());
ret.next = next;
case Token.PAREN:
if (tok.getParenNumber() == 0) {
ret = compile(tok.getChild(0), next, reverse);
} else if (reverse) {
next = Op.createCapture(tok.getParenNumber(), next);
next = compile(tok.getChild(0), next, reverse);
ret = Op.createCapture(-tok.getParenNumber(), next);
} else {
next = Op.createCapture(-tok.getParenNumber(), next);
next = compile(tok.getChild(0), next, reverse);
ret = Op.createCapture(tok.getParenNumber(), next);
case Token.LOOKAHEAD:
ret = Op.createLook(Op.LOOKAHEAD, next, compile(tok.getChild(0), null, false));
ret = Op.createLook(Op.NEGATIVELOOKAHEAD, next, compile(tok.getChild(0), null, false));
case Token.LOOKBEHIND:
ret = Op.createLook(Op.LOOKBEHIND, next, compile(tok.getChild(0), null, true));
ret = Op.createLook(Op.NEGATIVELOOKBEHIND, next, compile(tok.getChild(0), null, true));
ret = Op.createIndependent(next, compile(tok.getChild(0), null, reverse));
ret = Op.createModifier(next, compile(tok.getChild(0), null, reverse),
case Token.CONDITION:
Token.ConditionToken ctok = (Token.ConditionToken)tok;
int ref = ctok.refNumber;
Op condition = ctok.condition == null ? null : compile(ctok.condition, null, reverse);
Op yes = compile(ctok.yes, next, reverse);
Op no = ctok.no == null ? null : compile(ctok.no, next, reverse);
ret = Op.createCondition(next, ref, condition, yes, no);
throw new RuntimeException("Unknown token type: "+tok.type);
} // switch (tok.type)
return ret;
* Checks whether the <var>target</var> text <strong>contains</strong> this pattern or not.
* @return true if the target is matched to this regular expression.
public boolean matches(char[] target) {
return this.matches(target, 0, target .length , (Match)null);
* Checks whether the <var>target</var> text <strong>contains</strong> this pattern
* in specified range or not.
* @param start Start offset of the range.
* @param end End offset +1 of the range.
* @return true if the target is matched to this regular expression.
public boolean matches(char[] target, int start, int end) {
return this.matches(target, start, end, (Match)null);
* Checks whether the <var>target</var> text <strong>contains</strong> this pattern or not.
* @param match A Match instance for storing matching result.
* @return Offset of the start position in <VAR>target</VAR>; or -1 if not match.
public boolean matches(char[] target, Match match) {
return this.matches(target, 0, target .length , match);
* Checks whether the <var>target</var> text <strong>contains</strong> this pattern
* in specified range or not.
* @param start Start offset of the range.
* @param end End offset +1 of the range.
* @param match A Match instance for storing matching result.
* @return Offset of the start position in <VAR>target</VAR>; or -1 if not match.
public boolean matches(char[] target, int start, int end, Match match) {
synchronized (this) {
if (this.operations == null)
if (this.context == null)
this.context = new Context();
Context con = null;
synchronized (this.context) {
con = this.context.inuse ? new Context() : this.context;
con.reset(target, start, end, this.numberOfClosures);
if (match != null) {
} else if (this.hasBackReferences) {
match = new Match();
// Need not to call setSource() because
// a caller can not access this match instance.
con.match = match;
if (RegularExpression.isSet(this.options, XMLSCHEMA_MODE)) {
int matchEnd = this. match(con, this.operations, con.start, 1, this.options);
//System.err.println("DEBUG: matchEnd="+matchEnd);
if (matchEnd == con.limit) {
if (con.match != null) {
con.match.setBeginning(0, con.start);
con.match.setEnd(0, matchEnd);
return true;
return false;
* The pattern has only fixed string.
* The engine uses Boyer-Moore.
if (this.fixedStringOnly) {
//System.err.println("DEBUG: fixed-only: "+this.fixedString);
int o = this.fixedStringTable.matches(target, con.start, con.limit);
if (o >= 0) {
if (con.match != null) {
con.match.setBeginning(0, o);
con.match.setEnd(0, o+this.fixedString.length());
return true;
return false;
* The pattern contains a fixed string.
* The engine checks with Boyer-Moore whether the text contains the fixed string or not.
* If not, it return with false.
if (this.fixedString != null) {
int o = this.fixedStringTable.matches(target, con.start, con.limit);
if (o < 0) {
//System.err.println("Non-match in fixed-string search.");
return false;
int limit = con.limit-this.minlength;
int matchStart;
int matchEnd = -1;
* Checks whether the expression starts with ".*".
if (this.operations != null
&& this.operations.type == Op.CLOSURE && this.operations.getChild().type == Op.DOT) {
if (isSet(this.options, SINGLE_LINE)) {
matchStart = con.start;
matchEnd = this. match(con, this.operations, con.start, 1, this.options);
} else {
boolean previousIsEOL = true;
for (matchStart = con.start; matchStart <= limit; matchStart ++) {
int ch = target [ matchStart ] ;
if (isEOLChar(ch)) {
previousIsEOL = true;
} else {
if (previousIsEOL) {
if (0 <= (matchEnd = this. match(con, this.operations,
matchStart, 1, this.options)))
previousIsEOL = false;
* Optimization against the first character.
else if (this.firstChar != null) {
//System.err.println("DEBUG: with firstchar-matching: "+this.firstChar);
RangeToken range = this.firstChar;
for (matchStart = con.start; matchStart <= limit; matchStart ++) {
int ch = target [matchStart] ;
if (REUtil.isHighSurrogate(ch) && matchStart+1 < con.limit) {
ch = REUtil.composeFromSurrogates(ch, target[matchStart+1]);
if (!range.match(ch)) {
if (0 <= (matchEnd = this. match(con, this.operations,
matchStart, 1, this.options))) {
* Straightforward matching.
else {
for (matchStart = con.start; matchStart <= limit; matchStart ++) {
if (0 <= (matchEnd = this. match(con, this.operations, matchStart, 1, this.options)))
if (matchEnd >= 0) {
if (con.match != null) {
con.match.setBeginning(0, matchStart);
con.match.setEnd(0, matchEnd);
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Checks whether the <var>target</var> text <strong>contains</strong> this pattern or not.
* @return true if the target is matched to this regular expression.
public boolean matches(String target) {
return this.matches(target, 0, target .length() , (Match)null);
* Checks whether the <var>target</var> text <strong>contains</strong> this pattern
* in specified range or not.
* @param start Start offset of the range.
* @param end End offset +1 of the range.
* @return true if the target is matched to this regular expression.
public boolean matches(String target, int start, int end) {
return this.matches(target, start, end, (Match)null);
* Checks whether the <var>target</var> text <strong>contains</strong> this pattern or not.
* @param match A Match instance for storing matching result.
* @return Offset of the start position in <VAR>target</VAR>; or -1 if not match.
public boolean matches(String target, Match match) {
return this.matches(target, 0, target .length() , match);
* Checks whether the <var>target</var> text <strong>contains</strong> this pattern
* in specified range or not.
* @param start Start offset of the range.
* @param end End offset +1 of the range.
* @param match A Match instance for storing matching result.
* @return Offset of the start position in <VAR>target</VAR>; or -1 if not match.
public boolean matches(String target, int start, int end, Match match) {
synchronized (this) {
if (this.operations == null)
if (this.context == null)
this.context = new Context();
Context con = null;
synchronized (this.context) {
con = this.context.inuse ? new Context() : this.context;
con.reset(target, start, end, this.numberOfClosures);
if (match != null) {
} else if (this.hasBackReferences) {
match = new Match();
// Need not to call setSource() because
// a caller can not access this match instance.
con.match = match;
if (RegularExpression.isSet(this.options, XMLSCHEMA_MODE)) {
if (DEBUG) {
System.err.println("target string="+target);
int matchEnd = this. match(con, this.operations, con.start, 1, this.options);
if (DEBUG) {
if (matchEnd == con.limit) {
if (con.match != null) {
con.match.setBeginning(0, con.start);
con.match.setEnd(0, matchEnd);
return true;
return false;
* The pattern has only fixed string.
* The engine uses Boyer-Moore.
if (this.fixedStringOnly) {
//System.err.println("DEBUG: fixed-only: "+this.fixedString);
int o = this.fixedStringTable.matches(target, con.start, con.limit);
if (o >= 0) {
if (con.match != null) {
con.match.setBeginning(0, o);
con.match.setEnd(0, o+this.fixedString.length());
return true;
return false;
* The pattern contains a fixed string.
* The engine checks with Boyer-Moore whether the text contains the fixed string or not.
* If not, it return with false.
if (this.fixedString != null) {
int o = this.fixedStringTable.matches(target, con.start, con.limit);
if (o < 0) {
//System.err.println("Non-match in fixed-string search.");
return false;
int limit = con.limit-this.minlength;
int matchStart;
int matchEnd = -1;
* Checks whether the expression starts with ".*".
if (this.operations != null
&& this.operations.type == Op.CLOSURE && this.operations.getChild().type == Op.DOT) {
if (isSet(this.options, SINGLE_LINE)) {
matchStart = con.start;
matchEnd = this.match(con, this.operations, con.start, 1, this.options);
} else {
boolean previousIsEOL = true;
for (matchStart = con.start; matchStart <= limit; matchStart ++) {
int ch = target .charAt( matchStart ) ;
if (isEOLChar(ch)) {
previousIsEOL = true;
} else {
if (previousIsEOL) {
if (0 <= (matchEnd = this.match(con, this.operations,
matchStart, 1, this.options)))
previousIsEOL = false;
* Optimization against the first character.
else if (this.firstChar != null) {
//System.err.println("DEBUG: with firstchar-matching: "+this.firstChar);
RangeToken range = this.firstChar;
for (matchStart = con.start; matchStart <= limit; matchStart ++) {
int ch = target .charAt( matchStart ) ;
if (REUtil.isHighSurrogate(ch) && matchStart+1 < con.limit) {
ch = REUtil.composeFromSurrogates(ch, target.charAt(matchStart+1));
if (!range.match(ch)) {
if (0 <= (matchEnd = this.match(con, this.operations,
matchStart, 1, this.options))) {
* Straightforward matching.
else {
for (matchStart = con.start; matchStart <= limit; matchStart ++) {
if (0 <= (matchEnd = this.match(con, this.operations, matchStart, 1, this.options)))
if (matchEnd >= 0) {
if (con.match != null) {
con.match.setBeginning(0, matchStart);
con.match.setEnd(0, matchEnd);
return true;
} else {
return false;
* @return -1 when not match; offset of the end of matched string when match.
private int match(Context con, Op op, int offset, int dx, int opts) {
final ExpressionTarget target = con.target;
final Stack opStack = new Stack();
final IntStack dataStack = new IntStack();
final boolean isSetIgnoreCase = isSet(opts, IGNORE_CASE);
int retValue = -1;
boolean returned = false;
for (;;) {
if (op == null || offset > con.limit || offset < con.start) {
if (op == null) {
retValue = isSet(opts, XMLSCHEMA_MODE) && offset != con.limit ? -1 : offset;
else {
retValue = -1;
returned = true;
else {
retValue = -1;
// dx value is either 1 or -1
switch (op.type) {
case Op.CHAR:
final int o1 = (dx > 0) ? offset : offset -1;
if (o1 >= con.limit || o1 < 0 || !matchChar(op.getData(), target.charAt(o1), isSetIgnoreCase)) {
returned = true;
offset += dx;
op = op.next;
case Op.DOT:
int o1 = (dx > 0) ? offset : offset - 1;
if (o1 >= con.limit || o1 < 0) {
returned = true;
if (isSet(opts, SINGLE_LINE)) {
if (REUtil.isHighSurrogate(target.charAt(o1)) && o1+dx >= 0 && o1+dx < con.limit) {
o1 += dx;
else {
int ch = target.charAt(o1);
if (REUtil.isHighSurrogate(ch) && o1+dx >= 0 && o1+dx < con.limit) {
o1 += dx;
ch = REUtil.composeFromSurrogates(ch, target.charAt(o1));
if (isEOLChar(ch)) {
returned = true;
offset = (dx > 0) ? o1 + 1 : o1;
op = op.next;
case Op.RANGE:
case Op.NRANGE:
int o1 = (dx > 0) ? offset : offset -1;
if (o1 >= con.limit || o1 < 0) {
returned = true;
int ch = target.charAt(offset);
if (REUtil.isHighSurrogate(ch) && o1+dx < con.limit && o1+dx >=0) {
o1 += dx;
ch = REUtil.composeFromSurrogates(ch, target.charAt(o1));
final RangeToken tok = op.getToken();
if (!tok.match(ch)) {
returned = true;
offset = (dx > 0) ? o1+1 : o1;
op = op.next;
case Op.ANCHOR:
if (!matchAnchor(target, op, con, offset, opts)) {
returned = true;
op = op.next;
int refno = op.getData();
if (refno <= 0 || refno >= this.nofparen) {
throw new RuntimeException("Internal Error: Reference number must be more than zero: "+refno);
if (con.match.getBeginning(refno) < 0 || con.match.getEnd(refno) < 0) {
returned = true;
int o2 = con.match.getBeginning(refno);
int literallen = con.match.getEnd(refno)-o2;
if (dx > 0) {
if (!target.regionMatches(isSetIgnoreCase, offset, con.limit, o2, literallen)) {
returned = true;
offset += literallen;
else {
if (!target.regionMatches(isSetIgnoreCase, offset-literallen, con.limit, o2, literallen)) {
returned = true;
offset -= literallen;
op = op.next;
case Op.STRING:
String literal = op.getString();
int literallen = literal.length();
if (dx > 0) {
if (!target.regionMatches(isSetIgnoreCase, offset, con.limit, literal, literallen)) {
returned = true;
offset += literallen;
else {
if (!target.regionMatches(isSetIgnoreCase, offset-literallen, con.limit, literal, literallen)) {
returned = true;
offset -= literallen;
op = op.next;
case Op.CLOSURE:
// Saves current position to avoid zero-width repeats.
final int id = op.getData();
if (con.closureContexts[id].contains(offset)) {
returned = true;
// fall through
op = op.getChild();
op = op.next;
case Op.UNION:
if (op.size() == 0) {
returned = true;
else {
op = op.elementAt(0);
case Op.CAPTURE:
final int refno = op.getData();
if (con.match != null) {
if (refno > 0) {
con.match.setBeginning(refno, offset);
else {
final int index = -refno;
con.match.setEnd(index, offset);
op = op.next;
dx = (op.type == Op.LOOKAHEAD || op.type == Op.NEGATIVELOOKAHEAD) ? 1 : -1;
op = op.getChild();
op = op.getChild();
int localopts = opts;
localopts |= op.getData();
localopts &= ~op.getData2();
opts = localopts;
op = op.getChild();
Op.ConditionOp cop = (Op.ConditionOp)op;
if (cop.refNumber > 0) {
if (cop.refNumber >= this.nofparen) {
throw new RuntimeException("Internal Error: Reference number must be more than zero: "+cop.refNumber);
if (con.match.getBeginning(cop.refNumber) >= 0
&& con.match.getEnd(cop.refNumber) >= 0) {
op = cop.yes;
else if (cop.no != null) {
op = cop.no;
else {
op = cop.next;
else {
op = cop.condition;
throw new RuntimeException("Unknown operation type: " + op.type);
// handle recursive operations
while (returned) {
// exhausted all the operations
if (opStack.isEmpty()) {
return retValue;
op = (Op) opStack.pop();
offset = dataStack.pop();
switch (op.type) {
case Op.CLOSURE:
if (retValue < 0) {
op = op.next;
returned = false;
if (retValue < 0) {
op = op.getChild();
returned = false;
case Op.UNION:
int unionIndex = dataStack.pop();
if (DEBUG) {
System.err.println("UNION: "+unionIndex+", ret="+retValue);
if (retValue < 0) {
if (++unionIndex < op.size()) {
op = op.elementAt(unionIndex);
returned = false;
else {
retValue = -1;
case Op.CAPTURE:
final int refno = op.getData();
final int saved = dataStack.pop();
if (retValue < 0) {
if (refno > 0) {
con.match.setBeginning(refno, saved);
else {
con.match.setEnd(-refno, saved);
dx = dataStack.pop();
if (0 <= retValue) {
op = op.next;
returned = false;
retValue = -1;
dx = dataStack.pop();
if (0 > retValue) {
op = op.next;
returned = false;
retValue = -1;
opts = dataStack.pop();
// fall through
if (retValue >= 0) {
offset = retValue;
op = op.next;
returned = false;
final Op.ConditionOp cop = (Op.ConditionOp)op;
if (0 <= retValue) {
op = cop.yes;
else if (cop.no != null) {
op = cop.no;
else {
op = cop.next;
returned = false;
private boolean matchChar(int ch, int other, boolean ignoreCase) {
return (ignoreCase) ? matchIgnoreCase(ch, other) : ch == other;
boolean matchAnchor(ExpressionTarget target, Op op, Context con, int offset, int opts) {
boolean go = false;
switch (op.getData()) {
case '^':
if (isSet(opts, MULTIPLE_LINES)) {
if (!(offset == con.start
|| offset > con.start && offset < con.limit && isEOLChar(target.charAt(offset-1))))
return false;
} else {
if (offset != con.start)
return false;
case '@': // Internal use only.
// The @ always matches line beginnings.
if (!(offset == con.start
|| offset > con.start && isEOLChar(target.charAt(offset-1))))
return false;
case '$':
if (isSet(opts, MULTIPLE_LINES)) {
if (!(offset == con.limit
|| offset < con.limit && isEOLChar(target.charAt(offset))))
return false;
} else {
if (!(offset == con.limit
|| offset+1 == con.limit && isEOLChar(target.charAt(offset))
|| offset+2 == con.limit && target.charAt(offset) == CARRIAGE_RETURN
&& target.charAt(offset+1) == LINE_FEED))
return false;
case 'A':
if (offset != con.start) return false;
case 'Z':
if (!(offset == con.limit
|| offset+1 == con.limit && isEOLChar(target.charAt(offset))
|| offset+2 == con.limit && target.charAt(offset) == CARRIAGE_RETURN
&& target.charAt(offset+1) == LINE_FEED))
return false;
case 'z':
if (offset != con.limit) return false;
case 'b':
if (con.length == 0)
return false;
int after = getWordType(target, con.start, con.limit, offset, opts);
if (after == WT_IGNORE) return false;
int before = getPreviousWordType(target, con.start, con.limit, offset, opts);
if (after == before) return false;
case 'B':
if (con.length == 0)
go = true;
else {
int after = getWordType(target, con.start, con.limit, offset, opts);
go = after == WT_IGNORE
|| after == getPreviousWordType(target, con.start, con.limit, offset, opts);
if (!go) return false;
case '<':
if (con.length == 0 || offset == con.limit) return false;
if (getWordType(target, con.start, con.limit, offset, opts) != WT_LETTER
|| getPreviousWordType(target, con.start, con.limit, offset, opts) != WT_OTHER)
return false;
case '>':
if (con.length == 0 || offset == con.start) return false;
if (getWordType(target, con.start, con.limit, offset, opts) != WT_OTHER
|| getPreviousWordType(target, con.start, con.limit, offset, opts) != WT_LETTER)
return false;
} // switch anchor type
return true;
private static final int getPreviousWordType(ExpressionTarget target, int begin, int end,
int offset, int opts) {
int ret = getWordType(target, begin, end, --offset, opts);
while (ret == WT_IGNORE)
ret = getWordType(target, begin, end, --offset, opts);
return ret;
private static final int getWordType(ExpressionTarget target, int begin, int end,
int offset, int opts) {
if (offset < begin || offset >= end) return WT_OTHER;
return getWordType0(target.charAt(offset) , opts);
* Checks whether the <var>target</var> text <strong>contains</strong> this pattern or not.
* @return true if the target is matched to this regular expression.
public boolean matches(CharacterIterator target) {
return this.matches(target, (Match)null);
* Checks whether the <var>target</var> text <strong>contains</strong> this pattern or not.
* @param match A Match instance for storing matching result.
* @return Offset of the start position in <VAR>target</VAR>; or -1 if not match.
public boolean matches(CharacterIterator target, Match match) {
int start = target.getBeginIndex();
int end = target.getEndIndex();
synchronized (this) {
if (this.operations == null)
if (this.context == null)
this.context = new Context();
Context con = null;
synchronized (this.context) {
con = this.context.inuse ? new Context() : this.context;
con.reset(target, start, end, this.numberOfClosures);
if (match != null) {
} else if (this.hasBackReferences) {
match = new Match();
// Need not to call setSource() because
// a caller can not access this match instance.
con.match = match;
if (RegularExpression.isSet(this.options, XMLSCHEMA_MODE)) {
int matchEnd = this.match(con, this.operations, con.start, 1, this.options);
//System.err.println("DEBUG: matchEnd="+matchEnd);
if (matchEnd == con.limit) {
if (con.match != null) {
con.match.setBeginning(0, con.start);
con.match.setEnd(0, matchEnd);
return true;
return false;
* The pattern has only fixed string.
* The engine uses Boyer-Moore.
if (this.fixedStringOnly) {
//System.err.println("DEBUG: fixed-only: "+this.fixedString);
int o = this.fixedStringTable.matches(target, con.start, con.limit);
if (o >= 0) {
if (con.match != null) {
con.match.setBeginning(0, o);
con.match.setEnd(0, o+this.fixedString.length());
return true;
return false;
* The pattern contains a fixed string.
* The engine checks with Boyer-Moore whether the text contains the fixed string or not.
* If not, it return with false.
if (this.fixedString != null) {
int o = this.fixedStringTable.matches(target, con.start, con.limit);
if (o < 0) {
//System.err.println("Non-match in fixed-string search.");
return false;
int limit = con.limit-this.minlength;
int matchStart;
int matchEnd = -1;
* Checks whether the expression starts with ".*".
if (this.operations != null
&& this.operations.type == Op.CLOSURE && this.operations.getChild().type == Op.DOT) {
if (isSet(this.options, SINGLE_LINE)) {
matchStart = con.start;
matchEnd = this.match(con, this.operations, con.start, 1, this.options);
} else {
boolean previousIsEOL = true;
for (matchStart = con.start; matchStart <= limit; matchStart ++) {
int ch = target .setIndex( matchStart ) ;
if (isEOLChar(ch)) {
previousIsEOL = true;
} else {
if (previousIsEOL) {
if (0 <= (matchEnd = this.match(con, this.operations,
matchStart, 1, this.options)))
previousIsEOL = false;
* Optimization against the first character.
else if (this.firstChar != null) {
//System.err.println("DEBUG: with firstchar-matching: "+this.firstChar);
RangeToken range = this.firstChar;
for (matchStart = con.start; matchStart <= limit; matchStart ++) {
int ch = target .setIndex( matchStart ) ;
if (REUtil.isHighSurrogate(ch) && matchStart+1 < con.limit) {
ch = REUtil.composeFromSurrogates(ch, target.setIndex(matchStart+1));
if (!range.match(ch)) {
if (0 <= (matchEnd = this.match(con, this.operations,
matchStart, 1, this.options))) {
* Straightforward matching.
else {
for (matchStart = con.start; matchStart <= limit; matchStart ++) {
if (0 <= (matchEnd = this. match(con, this.operations, matchStart, 1, this.options)))
if (matchEnd >= 0) {
if (con.match != null) {
con.match.setBeginning(0, matchStart);
con.match.setEnd(0, matchEnd);
return true;
} else {
return false;
// ================================================================
* A regular expression.
* @serial
String regex;
* @serial
int options;
* The number of parenthesis in the regular expression.
* @serial
int nofparen;
* Internal representation of the regular expression.
* @serial
Token tokentree;
boolean hasBackReferences = false;
transient int minlength;
transient Op operations = null;
transient int numberOfClosures;
transient Context context = null;
transient RangeToken firstChar = null;
transient String fixedString = null;
transient int fixedStringOptions;
transient BMPattern fixedStringTable = null;
transient boolean fixedStringOnly = false;
static abstract class ExpressionTarget {
abstract char charAt(int index);
abstract boolean regionMatches(boolean ignoreCase, int offset, int limit, String part, int partlen);
abstract boolean regionMatches(boolean ignoreCase, int offset, int limit, int offset2, int partlen);
static final class StringTarget extends ExpressionTarget {
private String target;
StringTarget(String target) {
this.target = target;
final void resetTarget(String target) {
this.target = target;
final char charAt(int index) {
return target.charAt(index);
final boolean regionMatches(boolean ignoreCase, int offset, int limit,
String part, int partlen) {
if (limit-offset < partlen) {
return false;
return (ignoreCase) ? target.regionMatches(true, offset, part, 0, partlen) : target.regionMatches(offset, part, 0, partlen);
final boolean regionMatches(boolean ignoreCase, int offset, int limit,
int offset2, int partlen) {
if (limit-offset < partlen) {
return false;
return (ignoreCase) ? target.regionMatches(true, offset, target, offset2, partlen)
: target.regionMatches(offset, target, offset2, partlen);
static final class CharArrayTarget extends ExpressionTarget {
char[] target;
CharArrayTarget(char[] target) {
this.target = target;
final void resetTarget(char[] target) {
this.target = target;
char charAt(int index) {
return target[index];
final boolean regionMatches(boolean ignoreCase, int offset, int limit,
String part, int partlen) {
if (offset < 0 || limit-offset < partlen) {
return false;
return (ignoreCase) ? regionMatchesIgnoreCase(offset, limit, part, partlen)
: regionMatches(offset, limit, part, partlen);
private final boolean regionMatches(int offset, int limit, String part, int partlen) {
int i = 0;
while (partlen-- > 0) {
if (target[offset++] != part.charAt(i++)) {
return false;
return true;
private final boolean regionMatchesIgnoreCase(int offset, int limit, String part, int partlen) {
int i = 0;
while (partlen-- > 0) {
final char ch1 = target[offset++] ;
final char ch2 = part.charAt(i++);
if (ch1 == ch2) {
final char uch1 = Character.toUpperCase(ch1);
final char uch2 = Character.toUpperCase(ch2);
if (uch1 == uch2) {
if (Character.toLowerCase(uch1) != Character.toLowerCase(uch2)) {
return false;
return true;
final boolean regionMatches(boolean ignoreCase, int offset, int limit, int offset2, int partlen) {
if (offset < 0 || limit-offset < partlen) {
return false;
return (ignoreCase) ? regionMatchesIgnoreCase(offset, limit, offset2, partlen)
: regionMatches(offset, limit, offset2, partlen);
private final boolean regionMatches(int offset, int limit, int offset2, int partlen) {
int i = offset2;
while (partlen-- > 0) {
if ( target [ offset++ ] != target [ i++ ] )
return false;
return true;
private final boolean regionMatchesIgnoreCase(int offset, int limit, int offset2, int partlen) {
int i = offset2;
while (partlen-- > 0) {
final char ch1 = target[offset++] ;
final char ch2 = target[i++] ;
if (ch1 == ch2) {
final char uch1 = Character.toUpperCase(ch1);
final char uch2 = Character.toUpperCase(ch2);
if (uch1 == uch2) {
if (Character.toLowerCase(uch1) != Character.toLowerCase(uch2)) {
return false;
return true;
static final class CharacterIteratorTarget extends ExpressionTarget {
CharacterIterator target;
CharacterIteratorTarget(CharacterIterator target) {
this.target = target;
final void resetTarget(CharacterIterator target) {
this.target = target;
final char charAt(int index) {
return target.setIndex(index);
final boolean regionMatches(boolean ignoreCase, int offset, int limit,
String part, int partlen) {
if (offset < 0 || limit-offset < partlen) {
return false;
return (ignoreCase) ? regionMatchesIgnoreCase(offset, limit, part, partlen)
: regionMatches(offset, limit, part, partlen);
private final boolean regionMatches(int offset, int limit, String part, int partlen) {
int i = 0;
while (partlen-- > 0) {
if (target.setIndex(offset++) != part.charAt(i++)) {
return false;
return true;
private final boolean regionMatchesIgnoreCase(int offset, int limit, String part, int partlen) {
int i = 0;
while (partlen-- > 0) {
final char ch1 = target.setIndex(offset++) ;
final char ch2 = part.charAt(i++);
if (ch1 == ch2) {
final char uch1 = Character.toUpperCase(ch1);
final char uch2 = Character.toUpperCase(ch2);
if (uch1 == uch2) {
if (Character.toLowerCase(uch1) != Character.toLowerCase(uch2)) {
return false;
return true;
final boolean regionMatches(boolean ignoreCase, int offset, int limit, int offset2, int partlen) {
if (offset < 0 || limit-offset < partlen) {
return false;
return (ignoreCase) ? regionMatchesIgnoreCase(offset, limit, offset2, partlen)
: regionMatches(offset, limit, offset2, partlen);
private final boolean regionMatches(int offset, int limit, int offset2, int partlen) {
int i = offset2;
while (partlen-- > 0) {
if (target.setIndex(offset++) != target.setIndex(i++)) {
return false;
return true;
private final boolean regionMatchesIgnoreCase(int offset, int limit, int offset2, int partlen) {
int i = offset2;
while (partlen-- > 0) {
final char ch1 = target.setIndex(offset++) ;
final char ch2 = target.setIndex(i++) ;
if (ch1 == ch2) {
final char uch1 = Character.toUpperCase(ch1);
final char uch2 = Character.toUpperCase(ch2);
if (uch1 == uch2) {
if (Character.toLowerCase(uch1) != Character.toLowerCase(uch2)) {
return false;
return true;
static final class ClosureContext {
int[] offsets = new int[4];
int currentIndex = 0;
boolean contains(int offset) {
for (int i=0; i<currentIndex;++i) {
if (offsets[i] == offset) {
return true;
return false;
void reset() {
currentIndex = 0;
void addOffset(int offset) {
// We do not check for duplicates, caller is responsible for that
if (currentIndex == offsets.length) {
offsets = expandOffsets();
offsets[currentIndex++] = offset;
private int[] expandOffsets() {
final int len = offsets.length;
final int newLen = len << 1;
int[] newOffsets = new int[newLen];
System.arraycopy(offsets, 0, newOffsets, 0, currentIndex);
return newOffsets;
static final class Context {
int start;
int limit;
int length;
Match match;
boolean inuse = false;
ClosureContext[] closureContexts;
private StringTarget stringTarget;
private CharArrayTarget charArrayTarget;
private CharacterIteratorTarget characterIteratorTarget;
ExpressionTarget target;
Context() {
private void resetCommon(int nofclosures) {
this.length = this.limit-this.start;
this.match = null;
if (this.closureContexts == null || this.closureContexts.length != nofclosures) {
this.closureContexts = new ClosureContext[nofclosures];
for (int i = 0; i < nofclosures; i ++) {
if (this.closureContexts[i] == null) {
this.closureContexts[i] = new ClosureContext();
else {
void reset(CharacterIterator target, int start, int limit, int nofclosures) {
if (characterIteratorTarget == null) {
characterIteratorTarget = new CharacterIteratorTarget(target);
else {
this.target = characterIteratorTarget;
this.start = start;
this.limit = limit;
void reset(String target, int start, int limit, int nofclosures) {
if (stringTarget == null) {
stringTarget = new StringTarget(target);
else {
this.target = stringTarget;
this.start = start;
this.limit = limit;
void reset(char[] target, int start, int limit, int nofclosures) {
if (charArrayTarget == null) {
charArrayTarget = new CharArrayTarget(target);
else {
this.target = charArrayTarget;
this.start = start;
this.limit = limit;
synchronized void setInUse(boolean inUse) {
this.inuse = inUse;
* Prepares for matching. This method is called just before starting matching.
void prepare() {
if (Op.COUNT) Op.nofinstances = 0;
if (this.operations.type == Op.CLOSURE && this.operations.getChild().type == Op.DOT) { // .*
Op anchor = Op.createAnchor(isSet(this.options, SINGLE_LINE) ? 'A' : '@');
anchor.next = this.operations;
this.operations = anchor;
if (Op.COUNT) System.err.println("DEBUG: The number of operations: "+Op.nofinstances);
this.minlength = this.tokentree.getMinLength();
this.firstChar = null;
&& !isSet(this.options, XMLSCHEMA_MODE)) {
RangeToken firstChar = Token.createRange();
int fresult = this.tokentree.analyzeFirstCharacter(firstChar, this.options);
if (fresult == Token.FC_TERMINAL) {
this.firstChar = firstChar;
if (DEBUG)
System.err.println("DEBUG: Use the first character optimization: "+firstChar);
if (this.operations != null
&& (this.operations.type == Op.STRING || this.operations.type == Op.CHAR)
&& this.operations.next == null) {
if (DEBUG)
System.err.print(" *** Only fixed string! *** ");
this.fixedStringOnly = true;
if (this.operations.type == Op.STRING)
this.fixedString = this.operations.getString();
else if (this.operations.getData() >= 0x10000) { // Op.CHAR
this.fixedString = REUtil.decomposeToSurrogates(this.operations.getData());
} else {
char[] ac = new char[1];
ac[0] = (char)this.operations.getData();
this.fixedString = new String(ac);
this.fixedStringOptions = this.options;
this.fixedStringTable = new BMPattern(this.fixedString, 256,
isSet(this.fixedStringOptions, IGNORE_CASE));
} else if (!isSet(this.options, PROHIBIT_FIXED_STRING_OPTIMIZATION)
&& !isSet(this.options, XMLSCHEMA_MODE)) {
Token.FixedStringContainer container = new Token.FixedStringContainer();
this.tokentree.findFixedString(container, this.options);
this.fixedString = container.token == null ? null : container.token.getString();
this.fixedStringOptions = container.options;
if (this.fixedString != null && this.fixedString.length() < 2)
this.fixedString = null;
// This pattern has a fixed string of which length is more than one.
if (this.fixedString != null) {
this.fixedStringTable = new BMPattern(this.fixedString, 256,
isSet(this.fixedStringOptions, IGNORE_CASE));
if (DEBUG) {
System.err.println("DEBUG: The longest fixed string: "+this.fixedString.length()
+"/" //+this.fixedString
System.err.print("String: ");
* An option.
* If you specify this option, <span class="REGEX"><kbd>(</kbd><var>X</var><kbd>)</kbd></span>
* captures matched text, and <span class="REGEX"><kbd>(:?</kbd><var>X</var><kbd>)</kbd></span>
* does not capture.
* @see #RegularExpression(java.lang.String,int)
* @see #setPattern(java.lang.String,int)
static final int MARK_PARENS = 1<<0;
* "i"
static final int IGNORE_CASE = 1<<1;
* "s"
static final int SINGLE_LINE = 1<<2;
* "m"
static final int MULTIPLE_LINES = 1<<3;
* "x"
static final int EXTENDED_COMMENT = 1<<4;
* This option redefines <span class="REGEX"><kbd>\d \D \w \W \s \S</kbd></span>.
* @see #RegularExpression(java.lang.String,int)
* @see #setPattern(java.lang.String,int)
static final int USE_UNICODE_CATEGORY = 1<<5; // "u"
* An option.
* This enables to process locale-independent word boundary for <span class="REGEX"><kbd>\b \B \&lt; \></kbd></span>.
* <p>By default, the engine considers a position between a word character
* (<span class="REGEX"><Kbd>\w</kbd></span>) and a non word character
* is a word boundary.
* <p>By this option, the engine checks word boundaries with the method of
* 'Unicode Regular Expression Guidelines' Revision 4.
* @see #RegularExpression(java.lang.String,int)
* @see #setPattern(java.lang.String,int)
static final int UNICODE_WORD_BOUNDARY = 1<<6; // "w"
* "H"
* "F"
* "X". XML Schema mode.
static final int XMLSCHEMA_MODE = 1<<9;
* ",".
static final int SPECIAL_COMMA = 1<<10;
private static final boolean isSet(int options, int flag) {
return (options & flag) == flag;
* Creates a new RegularExpression instance.
* @param regex A regular expression
* @exception org.apache.xerces.utils.regex.ParseException <VAR>regex</VAR> is not conforming to the syntax.
public RegularExpression(String regex) throws ParseException {
this(regex, null);
* Creates a new RegularExpression instance with options.
* @param regex A regular expression
* @param options A String consisted of "i" "m" "s" "u" "w" "," "X"
* @exception org.apache.xerces.utils.regex.ParseException <VAR>regex</VAR> is not conforming to the syntax.
public RegularExpression(String regex, String options) throws ParseException {
this.setPattern(regex, options);
* Creates a new RegularExpression instance with options.
* @param regex A regular expression
* @param options A String consisted of "i" "m" "s" "u" "w" "," "X"
* @exception org.apache.xerces.utils.regex.ParseException <VAR>regex</VAR> is not conforming to the syntax.
public RegularExpression(String regex, String options, Locale locale) throws ParseException {
this.setPattern(regex, options, locale);
RegularExpression(String regex, Token tok, int parens, boolean hasBackReferences, int options) {
this.regex = regex;
this.tokentree = tok;
this.nofparen = parens;
this.options = options;
this.hasBackReferences = hasBackReferences;
public void setPattern(String newPattern) throws ParseException {
this.setPattern(newPattern, Locale.getDefault());
public void setPattern(String newPattern, Locale locale) throws ParseException {
this.setPattern(newPattern, this.options, locale);
private void setPattern(String newPattern, int options, Locale locale) throws ParseException {
this.regex = newPattern;
this.options = options;
RegexParser rp = RegularExpression.isSet(this.options, RegularExpression.XMLSCHEMA_MODE)
? new ParserForXMLSchema(locale) : new RegexParser(locale);
this.tokentree = rp.parse(this.regex, this.options);
this.nofparen = rp.parennumber;
this.hasBackReferences = rp.hasBackReferences;
this.operations = null;
this.context = null;
public void setPattern(String newPattern, String options) throws ParseException {
this.setPattern(newPattern, options, Locale.getDefault());
public void setPattern(String newPattern, String options, Locale locale) throws ParseException {
this.setPattern(newPattern, REUtil.parseOptions(options), locale);
public String getPattern() {
return this.regex;
* Represents this instence in String.
public String toString() {
return this.tokentree.toString(this.options);
* Returns a option string.
* The order of letters in it may be different from a string specified
* in a constructor or <code>setPattern()</code>.
* @see #RegularExpression(java.lang.String,java.lang.String)
* @see #setPattern(java.lang.String,java.lang.String)
public String getOptions() {
return REUtil.createOptionString(this.options);
* Return true if patterns are the same and the options are equivalent.
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (obj == null) return false;
if (!(obj instanceof RegularExpression))
return false;
RegularExpression r = (RegularExpression)obj;
return this.regex.equals(r.regex) && this.options == r.options;
boolean equals(String pattern, int options) {
return this.regex.equals(pattern) && this.options == options;
public int hashCode() {
return (this.regex+"/"+this.getOptions()).hashCode();
* Return the number of regular expression groups.
* This method returns 1 when the regular expression has no capturing-parenthesis.
public int getNumberOfGroups() {
return this.nofparen;
// ================================================================
private static final int WT_IGNORE = 0;
private static final int WT_LETTER = 1;
private static final int WT_OTHER = 2;
private static final int getWordType0(char ch, int opts) {
if (!isSet(opts, UNICODE_WORD_BOUNDARY)) {
if (isSet(opts, USE_UNICODE_CATEGORY)) {
return (Token.getRange("IsWord", true).match(ch)) ? WT_LETTER : WT_OTHER;
return isWordChar(ch) ? WT_LETTER : WT_OTHER;
switch (Character.getType(ch)) {
case Character.UPPERCASE_LETTER: // L
case Character.LOWERCASE_LETTER: // L
case Character.TITLECASE_LETTER: // L
case Character.MODIFIER_LETTER: // L
case Character.OTHER_LETTER: // L
case Character.LETTER_NUMBER: // N
case Character.DECIMAL_DIGIT_NUMBER: // N
case Character.OTHER_NUMBER: // N
case Character.COMBINING_SPACING_MARK: // Mc
return WT_LETTER;
case Character.FORMAT: // Cf
case Character.NON_SPACING_MARK: // Mn
case Character.ENCLOSING_MARK: // Mc
return WT_IGNORE;
case Character.CONTROL: // Cc
switch (ch) {
case '\t':
case '\n':
case '\u000B':
case '\f':
case '\r':
return WT_OTHER;
return WT_IGNORE;
return WT_OTHER;
// ================================================================
static final int LINE_FEED = 0x000A;
static final int CARRIAGE_RETURN = 0x000D;
static final int LINE_SEPARATOR = 0x2028;
static final int PARAGRAPH_SEPARATOR = 0x2029;
private static final boolean isEOLChar(int ch) {
return ch == LINE_FEED || ch == CARRIAGE_RETURN || ch == LINE_SEPARATOR
private static final boolean isWordChar(int ch) { // Legacy word characters
if (ch == '_') return true;
if (ch < '0') return false;
if (ch > 'z') return false;
if (ch <= '9') return true;
if (ch < 'A') return false;
if (ch <= 'Z') return true;
if (ch < 'a') return false;
return true;
private static final boolean matchIgnoreCase(int chardata, int ch) {
if (chardata == ch) return true;
if (chardata > 0xffff || ch > 0xffff) return false;
char uch1 = Character.toUpperCase((char)chardata);
char uch2 = Character.toUpperCase((char)ch);
if (uch1 == uch2) return true;
return Character.toLowerCase(uch1) == Character.toLowerCase(uch2);