# This file stores localized messages for the Xerces JAXP Datatype API implementation.
# The messages are arranged in key and value tuples in a ListResourceBundle.
# @version $Id: DatatypeMessages.properties 3021 2011-03-01 00:12:28Z joehw $
BadMessageKey = The error message corresponding to the message key can not be found.
FormatFailed = An internal error occurred while formatting the following message:\n
FieldCannotBeNull={0} cannot be called with 'null' parameter.
UnknownField={0} called with an unknown field\:{1}
#There are two similar keys 'InvalidXMLGreogorianCalendarValue' . Suffix (year, month) has been added and are used as per the context.
InvalidXGCValue-milli=Year \= {0}, Month \= {1}, Day \= {2}, Hour \= {3}, Minute \= {4}, Second \= {5}, fractionalSecond \= {6}, Timezone \= {7} , is not a valid representation of an XML Gregorian Calendar value.
#There are two similar keys 'InvalidXMLGreogorianCalendarValue' . Suffix (year, month) has been added and are used as per the context.
InvalidXGCValue-fractional=Year \= {0}, Month \= {1}, Day \= {2}, Hour \= {3}, Minute \= {4}, Second \= {5}, fractionalSecond \= {6}, Timezone \= {7} , is not a valid representation of an XML Gregorian Calendar value.
InvalidXGCFields=Invalid set of fields set for XMLGregorianCalendar
InvalidFractional=Invalid value {0} for fractional second.
#XGC stands for XML Gregorian Calendar
InvalidXGCRepresentation="{0}" is not a valid representation of an XML Gregorian Calendar value.
InvalidFieldValue=Invalid value {0} for {1} field.
NegativeField= {0} field is negative
AllFieldsNull=All the fields (javax.xml.datatype.DatatypeConstants.Field) are null.
TooLarge={0} value "{1}" too large to be supported by this implementation