* Copyright (c) 1997, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
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* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
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* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
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#include "libadt/port.hpp"
#include "memory/allocation.hpp"
// Sets - An Abstract Data Type
class SparseSet;
class VectorSet;
class ListSet;
class CoSet;
class ostream;
class SetI_;
// These sets can grow or shrink, based on the initial size and the largest
// element currently in them. Basically, they allow a bunch of bits to be
// grouped together, tested, set & cleared, intersected, etc. The basic
// Set class is an abstract class, and cannot be constructed. Instead,
// one of VectorSet, SparseSet, or ListSet is created. Each variation has
// different asymptotic running times for different operations, and different
// constants of proportionality as well.
// {n = number of elements, N = largest element}
// VectorSet SparseSet ListSet
// Create O(N) O(1) O(1)
// Clear O(N) O(1) O(1)
// Insert O(1) O(1) O(log n)
// Delete O(1) O(1) O(log n)
// Member O(1) O(1) O(log n)
// Size O(N) O(1) O(1)
// Copy O(N) O(n) O(n)
// Union O(N) O(n) O(n log n)
// Intersect O(N) O(n) O(n log n)
// Difference O(N) O(n) O(n log n)
// Equal O(N) O(n) O(n log n)
// ChooseMember O(N) O(1) O(1)
// Sort O(1) O(n log n) O(1)
// Forall O(N) O(n) O(n)
// Complement O(1) O(1) O(1)
// TIME: N/32 n 8*n Accesses
// SPACE: N/8 4*N+4*n 8*n Bytes
// Create: Make an empty set
// Clear: Remove all the elements of a Set
// Insert: Insert an element into a Set; duplicates are ignored
// Delete: Removes an element from a Set
// Member: Tests for membership in a Set
// Size: Returns the number of members of a Set
// Copy: Copy or assign one Set to another
// Union: Union 2 sets together
// Intersect: Intersect 2 sets together
// Difference: Compute A & !B; remove from set A those elements in set B
// Equal: Test for equality between 2 sets
// ChooseMember Pick a random member
// Sort: If no other operation changes the set membership, a following
// Forall will iterate the members in ascending order.
// Forall: Iterate over the elements of a Set. Operations that modify
// the set membership during iteration work, but the iterator may
// skip any member or duplicate any member.
// Complement: Only supported in the Co-Set variations. It adds a small
// constant-time test to every Set operation.
// If you "cast away" the specific set variation you are using, and then do
// operations on the basic "Set" object you will pay a virtual function call
// to get back the specific set variation. On the other hand, using the
// generic Set means you can change underlying implementations by just
// changing the initial declaration. Examples:
// void foo(VectorSet vs1, VectorSet vs2) { vs1 |= vs2; }
// "foo" must be called with a VectorSet. The vector set union operation
// is called directly.
// void foo(Set vs1, Set vs2) { vs1 |= vs2; }
// "foo" may be called with *any* kind of sets; suppose it is called with
// VectorSets. Two virtual function calls are used to figure out the that vs1
// and vs2 are VectorSets. In addition, if vs2 is not a VectorSet then a
// temporary VectorSet copy of vs2 will be made before the union proceeds.
// VectorSets have a small constant. Time and space are proportional to the
// largest element. Fine for dense sets and largest element < 10,000.
// SparseSets have a medium constant. Time is proportional to the number of
// elements, space is proportional to the largest element.
// Fine (but big) with the largest element < 100,000.
// ListSets have a big constant. Time *and space* are proportional to the
// number of elements. They work well for a few elements of *any* size
// (i.e. sets of pointers)!
class Set : public ResourceObj {
// Creates a new, empty set.
Set(Arena *arena) : _set_arena(arena) {};
// Creates a new set from an existing set
Set(const Set &) {};
// Set assignment; deep-copy guts
virtual Set &operator =(const Set &s)=0;
virtual Set &clone(void) const=0;
// Virtual destructor
virtual ~Set() {};
// Add member to set
virtual Set &operator <<=(uint elem)=0;
// virtual Set operator << (uint elem);
// Delete member from set
virtual Set &operator >>=(uint elem)=0;
// virtual Set operator >> (uint elem);
// Membership test. Result is Zero (absent)/ Non-Zero (present)
virtual int operator [](uint elem) const=0;
// Intersect sets
virtual Set &operator &=(const Set &s)=0;
// virtual Set operator & (const Set &s) const;
// Union sets
virtual Set &operator |=(const Set &s)=0;
// virtual Set operator | (const Set &s) const;
// Difference sets
virtual Set &operator -=(const Set &s)=0;
// virtual Set operator - (const Set &s) const;
// Tests for equality. Result is Zero (false)/ Non-Zero (true)
virtual int operator ==(const Set &s) const=0;
int operator !=(const Set &s) const { return !(*this == s); }
virtual int disjoint(const Set &s) const=0;
// Tests for strict subset. Result is Zero (false)/ Non-Zero (true)
virtual int operator < (const Set &s) const=0;
int operator > (const Set &s) const { return s < *this; }
// Tests for subset. Result is Zero (false)/ Non-Zero (true)
virtual int operator <=(const Set &s) const=0;
int operator >=(const Set &s) const { return s <= *this; }
// Return any member of the Set. Undefined if the Set is empty.
virtual uint getelem(void) const=0;
// Clear all the elements in the Set
virtual void Clear(void)=0;
// Return the number of members in the Set
virtual uint Size(void) const=0;
// If an iterator follows a "Sort()" without any Set-modifying operations
// inbetween then the iterator will visit the elements in ascending order.
virtual void Sort(void)=0;
// Convert a set to printable string in an allocated buffer.
// The caller must deallocate the string.
virtual char *setstr(void) const;
// Print the Set on "stdout". Can be conveniently called in the debugger
void print() const;
// Parse text from the string into the Set. Return length parsed.
virtual int parse(const char *s);
// Convert a generic Set to a specific Set
/* Removed for MCC BUG
virtual operator const SparseSet* (void) const;
virtual operator const VectorSet* (void) const;
virtual operator const ListSet * (void) const;
virtual operator const CoSet * (void) const; */
virtual const SparseSet *asSparseSet(void) const;
virtual const VectorSet *asVectorSet(void) const;
virtual const ListSet *asListSet (void) const;
virtual const CoSet *asCoSet (void) const;
// Hash the set. Sets of different types but identical elements will NOT
// hash the same. Same set type, same elements WILL hash the same.
virtual int hash() const = 0;
friend class SetI;
friend class CoSet;
virtual class SetI_ *iterate(uint&) const=0;
// Need storeage for the set
Arena *_set_arena;
typedef Set&((*Set_Constructor)(Arena *arena));
extern Set &ListSet_Construct(Arena *arena);
extern Set &VectorSet_Construct(Arena *arena);
extern Set &SparseSet_Construct(Arena *arena);
// Loop thru all elements of the set, setting "elem" to the element numbers
// in random order. Inserted or deleted elements during this operation may
// or may not be iterated over; untouched elements will be affected once.
// Usage: for( SetI i(s); i.test(); i++ ) { body = i.elem; } ...OR...
// for( i.reset(s); i.test(); i++ ) { body = i.elem; }
class SetI_ : public ResourceObj {
friend class SetI;
virtual ~SetI_();
virtual uint next(void)=0;
virtual int test(void)=0;
class SetI {
SetI_ *impl;
uint elem; // The publically accessible element
SetI( const Set *s ) { impl = s->iterate(elem); }
~SetI() { delete impl; }
void reset( const Set *s ) { delete impl; impl = s->iterate(elem); }
void operator ++(void) { elem = impl->next(); }
int test(void) { return impl->test(); }