# questions.
#ifdef __APPLE__
#define SYMBOL(s) _ ## s
#define SYMBOL(s) s
# compiler.
// Prototype: int SafeFetch32 (int * Adr, int ErrValue)
// Prototype: intptr_t SafeFetchN (intptr_t * Adr, intptr_t ErrValue)
# void* to,
jmp 7f
jnz 1b
jz 3f
# can't use it as a base register
3: testq $2,%r8 # check for trailing word
jz 4f
movw 8(%rax),%si # copy trailing word
movw %si,8(%rcx)
addq $2,%rcx
4: testq $1,%r8 # check for trailing byte
jz 5f
movb -1(%rdi,%r8,1),%al # copy trailing byte
movb %al,8(%rcx)
5: ret
.p2align 4,,15
6: movq -24(%rax,%rdx,8),%rsi
movq %rsi,-24(%rcx,%rdx,8)
movq -16(%rax,%rdx,8),%rsi
movq %rsi,-16(%rcx,%rdx,8)
movq -8(%rax,%rdx,8),%rsi
movq %rsi,-8(%rcx,%rdx,8)
movq (%rax,%rdx,8),%rsi
movq %rsi,(%rcx,%rdx,8)
7: addq $4,%rdx
jle 6b
subq $4,%rdx
jl 1b
jmp 2b
testq $1,%r8 # check for trailing byte
jz 1f
movb -1(%rdi,%r8,1),%cl # copy trailing byte
movb %cl,-1(%rsi,%r8,1)
subq $1,%r8 # adjust for possible trailing word
1: testq $2,%r8 # check for trailing word
jz 2f
movw -2(%rdi,%r8,1),%cx # copy trailing word
movw %cx,-2(%rsi,%r8,1)
2: testq $4,%r8 # check for trailing dword
jz 5f
movl (%rdi,%rdx,8),%ecx # copy trailing dword
movl %ecx,(%rsi,%rdx,8)
jmp 5f
.p2align 4,,15
3: movq -8(%rdi,%rdx,8),%rcx
movq %rcx,-8(%rsi,%rdx,8)
subq $1,%rdx
jnz 3b
.p2align 4,,15
4: movq 24(%rdi,%rdx,8),%rcx
movq %rcx,24(%rsi,%rdx,8)
movq 16(%rdi,%rdx,8),%rcx
movq %rcx,16(%rsi,%rdx,8)
movq 8(%rdi,%rdx,8),%rcx
movq %rcx,8(%rsi,%rdx,8)
movq (%rdi,%rdx,8),%rcx
movq %rcx,(%rsi,%rdx,8)
5: subq $4,%rdx
jge 4b
addq $4,%rdx
jg 3b
# Support for void Copy::arrayof_conjoint_jshorts(void* from,
# void* to,
# size_t count)
# Equivalent to
# conjoint_jshorts_atomic
# let the hardware handle it. The tow or four words within dwords
# or qwords that span cache line boundaries will still be loaded
# and stored atomically.
# rdi - from
# rsi - to
# rdx - count, treated as ssize_t
.p2align 4,,15
movq %rdx,%r8 # word count
shrq $2,%rdx # qword count
cmpq %rdi,%rsi
leaq -2(%rdi,%r8,2),%rax # from + wcount*2 - 2
jbe acs_CopyRight
cmpq %rax,%rsi
jbe acs_CopyLeft
leaq -8(%rdi,%rdx,8),%rax # from + qcount*8 - 8
leaq -8(%rsi,%rdx,8),%rcx # to + qcount*8 - 8
negq %rdx
jmp 6f
1: movq 8(%rax,%rdx,8),%rsi
movq %rsi,8(%rcx,%rdx,8)
addq $1,%rdx
jnz 1b
2: testq $2,%r8 # check for trailing dword
jz 3f
movl 8(%rax),%esi # copy trailing dword
movl %esi,8(%rcx)
addq $4,%rcx # original %rsi is trashed, so we
jz 4f
4: ret
jle 5b
jl 1b
jmp 2b
jz 1f
jz 4f
jmp 4f
jnz 2b
jge 3b
jg 2b
# Equivalent to
jmp 5f
jnz 1b
jz 3f
3: ret
jle 4b
jl 1b
jmp 2b
jz 3f
jmp 3f
jnz 1b
jge 2b
jg 1b
# Equivalent to
jmp 3f
jnz 1b
jle 2b
jl 1b
jnz 4b
jge 5b
jg 4b