* Copyright (c) 1998, 2007, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
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* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this
* particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
* by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
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* Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
* RMI-IIOP v1.0
* Copyright IBM Corp. 1998 1999 All Rights Reserved
package sun.rmi.rmic.iiop;
import sun.tools.java.Identifier;
public interface Constants extends sun.rmi.rmic.Constants {
// Identifiers for referenced classes:
public static final Identifier idReplyHandler =
public static final Identifier idStubBase =
public static final Identifier idTieBase =
public static final Identifier idTieInterface =
public static final Identifier idPOAServantType =
Identifier.lookup( "org.omg.PortableServer.Servant" ) ;
public static final Identifier idDelegate =
public static final Identifier idOutputStream =
public static final Identifier idExtOutputStream =
public static final Identifier idInputStream =
public static final Identifier idExtInputStream =
public static final Identifier idSystemException =
public static final Identifier idBadMethodException =
public static final Identifier idPortableUnknownException =
public static final Identifier idApplicationException =
public static final Identifier idRemarshalException =
public static final Identifier idJavaIoExternalizable =
public static final Identifier idCorbaObject =
public static final Identifier idCorbaORB =
public static final Identifier idClassDesc =
public static final Identifier idJavaIoIOException =
public static final Identifier idIDLEntity =
public static final Identifier idValueBase =
public static final Identifier idBoxedRMI =
public static final Identifier idBoxedIDL =
public static final Identifier idCorbaUserException =
// Identifiers for primitive types:
public static final Identifier idBoolean =
public static final Identifier idByte =
public static final Identifier idChar =
public static final Identifier idShort =
public static final Identifier idInt =
public static final Identifier idLong =
public static final Identifier idFloat =
public static final Identifier idDouble =
public static final Identifier idVoid =
// IndentingWriter constructor args:
public static final int INDENT_STEP = 4;
public static final int TAB_SIZE = Integer.MAX_VALUE; // No tabs.
// Type status codes:
public static final int STATUS_PENDING = 0;
public static final int STATUS_VALID = 1;
public static final int STATUS_INVALID = 2;
// Java Names:
public static final String NAME_SEPARATOR = ".";
public static final String SERIAL_VERSION_UID = "serialVersionUID";
// IDL Names:
public static final String[] IDL_KEYWORDS = {
public static final String EXCEPTION_SUFFIX = "Exception";
public static final String ERROR_SUFFIX = "Error";
public static final String EX_SUFFIX = "Ex";
public static final String IDL_REPOSITORY_ID_PREFIX = "IDL:";
public static final String IDL_REPOSITORY_ID_VERSION = ":1.0";
public static final String[] IDL_CORBA_MODULE = {"CORBA"};
public static final String[] IDL_SEQUENCE_MODULE = {"org","omg","boxedRMI"};
public static final String[] IDL_BOXEDIDL_MODULE = {"org","omg","boxedIDL"};
public static final String IDL_CLASS = "ClassDesc";
public static final String[] IDL_CLASS_MODULE = {"javax","rmi","CORBA"};
public static final String IDL_IDLENTITY = "IDLEntity";
public static final String IDL_SERIALIZABLE = "Serializable";
public static final String IDL_EXTERNALIZABLE = "Externalizable";
public static final String[] IDL_JAVA_IO_MODULE = {"java","io"};
public static final String[] IDL_ORG_OMG_CORBA_MODULE = {"org","omg","CORBA"};
public static final String[] IDL_ORG_OMG_CORBA_PORTABLE_MODULE = {"org","omg","CORBA","portable"};
public static final String IDL_JAVA_LANG_OBJECT = "_Object";
public static final String[] IDL_JAVA_LANG_MODULE = {"java","lang"};
public static final String IDL_JAVA_RMI_REMOTE = "Remote";
public static final String[] IDL_JAVA_RMI_MODULE = {"java","rmi"};
public static final String IDL_SEQUENCE = "seq";
public static final String IDL_CONSTRUCTOR = "create";
public static final String IDL_NAME_SEPARATOR = "::";
public static final String IDL_BOOLEAN = "boolean";
public static final String IDL_BYTE = "octet";
public static final String IDL_CHAR = "wchar";
public static final String IDL_SHORT = "short";
public static final String IDL_INT = "long";
public static final String IDL_LONG = "long long";
public static final String IDL_FLOAT = "float";
public static final String IDL_DOUBLE = "double";
public static final String IDL_VOID = "void";
public static final String IDL_STRING = "WStringValue";
public static final String IDL_CONSTANT_STRING = "wstring";
public static final String IDL_CORBA_OBJECT = "Object";
public static final String IDL_ANY = "any";
// File names:
public static final String SOURCE_FILE_EXTENSION = ".java";
public static final String IDL_FILE_EXTENSION = ".idl";
// Type Codes:
public static final int TYPE_VOID = 0x00000001; // In PrimitiveType
public static final int TYPE_BOOLEAN = 0x00000002; // In PrimitiveType
public static final int TYPE_BYTE = 0x00000004; // In PrimitiveType
public static final int TYPE_CHAR = 0x00000008; // In PrimitiveType
public static final int TYPE_SHORT = 0x00000010; // In PrimitiveType
public static final int TYPE_INT = 0x00000020; // In PrimitiveType
public static final int TYPE_LONG = 0x00000040; // In PrimitiveType
public static final int TYPE_FLOAT = 0x00000080; // In PrimitiveType
public static final int TYPE_DOUBLE = 0x00000100; // In PrimitiveType
public static final int TYPE_STRING = 0x00000200; // In SpecialClassType (String)
public static final int TYPE_ANY = 0x00000400; // In SpecialInterfaceType (Serializable,Externalizable)
public static final int TYPE_CORBA_OBJECT = 0x00000800; // In SpecialInterfaceType (CORBA.Object,Remote)
public static final int TYPE_REMOTE = 0x00001000; // In RemoteType
public static final int TYPE_ABSTRACT = 0x00002000; // In AbstractType
public static final int TYPE_NC_INTERFACE = 0x00004000; // In NCInterfaceType
public static final int TYPE_VALUE = 0x00008000; // In ValueType
public static final int TYPE_IMPLEMENTATION = 0x00010000; // In ImplementationType
public static final int TYPE_NC_CLASS = 0x00020000; // In NCClassType
public static final int TYPE_ARRAY = 0x00040000; // In ArrayType
public static final int TYPE_JAVA_RMI_REMOTE = 0x00080000; // In SpecialInterfaceType
// Type code masks:
public static final int TYPE_NONE = 0x00000000;
public static final int TYPE_ALL = 0xFFFFFFFF;
public static final int TYPE_MASK = 0x00FFFFFF;
public static final int TM_MASK = 0xFF000000;
// Type code modifiers:
public static final int TM_PRIMITIVE = 0x01000000;
public static final int TM_COMPOUND = 0x02000000;
public static final int TM_CLASS = 0x04000000;
public static final int TM_INTERFACE = 0x08000000;
public static final int TM_SPECIAL_CLASS = 0x10000000;
public static final int TM_SPECIAL_INTERFACE= 0x20000000;
public static final int TM_NON_CONFORMING = 0x40000000;
public static final int TM_INNER = 0x80000000;
// Attribute kinds...
public static final int ATTRIBUTE_NONE = 0; // Not an attribute.
public static final int ATTRIBUTE_IS = 1; // read-only, had "is" prefix.
public static final int ATTRIBUTE_GET = 2; // read-only, had "get" prefix.
public static final int ATTRIBUTE_IS_RW = 3; // read-write, had "is" prefix.
public static final int ATTRIBUTE_GET_RW = 4; // read-write, had "get" prefix.
public static final int ATTRIBUTE_SET = 5; // had "set" prefix.
public static final String[] ATTRIBUTE_WIRE_PREFIX = {