# This file defines which report generation scripts will be attached to
# the issues 'Reports' pulldown menu. The format of this file is a
# tab-separated list of the label which will appear in the menu, the
# associated shell script to execute and an options field. The third
# field is optional.
# <label> <tab> <script_name> [<tab> <options>]
# The label may include imbedded spaces since it is separated from the
# script_name by a tab.
# The field "options" is a comma-separated list which may be any
# combination of the following strings: name, print. The "name"
# option modifies the method of invocation of the script (refer to
# the Razor manual, Chapter 9, "Writing report scripts for issues").
# The "print" option directs the resulting report to be automatically
# printed as defined via the user's print command (refer to the
# Razor manual, Chapter 3, "Printing issues").
# The special tag SEPARATOR may be used to add a separator between
# report entries.
Summarize those selected rz_issue_summarize name
Short summary of those selected rz_issue_summarize_short name
Titles for those selected rz_issue_display_titles name
Status of those selected rz_issue_status.rpt name
Priority vs. Impact Matrix rz_issue_tally name