Checklist for releasing OpenGrok:
0) set proper version in build.xml , <property name="version" value="???"/>
1) build must be clean
ant -lib ../ext_lib/ clean
ant -lib ../ext_lib/
(defaults to jar currently)
2) check all tests, tests code coverage: junit, pmd, findbugs, checkstyle, emma, jdepend
(they should be ok, currently only checkstyle has 8 warnings, the rest is clean;
emma reports should be based according to what is set for the release, usually it's overall coverage above 80%)
(hudson can help here, see README.txt on setup)
3) produce proper distributions, check them before upload, always try to build on Solaris, since
gnu tar might create a non-standard compliant .tgz
ant -lib ../ext_lib/ dist
ant -lib ../ext_lib/ dist-src
ant -lib ../ext_lib/ package
the release is OK, once above is fullfilled to our satisfaction
4) tag the build used for release in the versioning system so we can get back to it