* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
* Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
* You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* See LICENSE.txt included in this distribution for the specific
* language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
* When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
* file and include the License file at LICENSE.txt.
* If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
* fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
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* Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Use is subject to license terms.
package org.opensolaris.opengrok.history;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.AfterClass;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.opensolaris.opengrok.util.TestRepository;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
* @author austvik
public class GitHistoryParserTest {
GitHistoryParser instance;
private static TestRepository repository = new TestRepository();
public GitHistoryParserTest() {
public static void setUpClass() throws Exception {
repository = new TestRepository();
public static void tearDownClass() throws Exception {
public void setUp() {
instance = new GitHistoryParser();
public void tearDown() {
instance = null;
* Test of parse method, of class GitHistoryParser.
public void parseEmpty() throws Exception {
History result = instance.parse("");
assertTrue("Should not contain any history entries", 0 == result.getHistoryEntries().size());
* Parse something that could come out from the Memcached repository
* @throws java.lang.Exception
public void parseALaMemcached() throws Exception {
String commitId1 = "1a23456789abcdef123456789abcderf123456789";
String commitId2 = "2a2323487092314kjsdafsad7829342kjhsdf3289";
String commitId3 = "3asdfq234242871934g2sadfsa327894234sa2389";
String author1 = "username <username@asfdsaf-23412-sadf-cxvdsfg3123-sfasdf>";
String author2 = "username2 <username2@as345af-23412-sadf-cxvdsfg3123-sfasdf>";
String date1 = "Sat Apr 1 15:12:51 2008 +0000";
String date2 = "Wed Mar 22 15:23:15 2006 +0000";
String output =
"commit " + commitId1 + "\n" +
"Author: " + author1 + "\n" +
"AuthorDate: " + date1 + "\n" +
"Commit: " + author1 + "\n" +
"CommitDate: " + date1 + "\n" +
"\n" +
" patch from somebody <user.name@example.com>:\n" +
" \n" +
" commit message.\n" +
" \n" +
" \n" +
" git-svn-id: http://host.example.com/svn/product/trunk/server@324-fdws-2342-fsdaf-gds-234\n" +
"\n" +
"commit " + commitId2 + "\n" +
"Author: " + author2 + "\n" +
"AuthorDate: " + date2 + "\n" +
"Commit: " + author2 + "\n" +
"CommitDate: " + date2 + "\n" +
"\n" +
" r123@branch: username | some date\n" +
" some comment\n" +
" \n" +
" \n" +
" git-svn-id: http://host.example.com/svn/product/trunk/server@324-fdws-2342-fsdaf-gds-234\n" +
"\n" +
"commit " + commitId3 + "\n" +
"Author: " + author1 + "\n" +
"AuthorDate: " + date1 + "\n" +
"Commit: " + author2 + "\n" +
"CommitDate: " + date2 + "\n" +
"\n" +
" some comment\n" +
" \n" +
" git-svn-id: http://host.example.com/svn/product/trunk/server@324-fdws-2342-fsdaf-gds-234\n";
History result = instance.parse(output);
assertTrue("Should contain three history entries", 3 == result.getHistoryEntries().size());
HistoryEntry e0 = result.getHistoryEntries().get(0);
assertEquals(commitId1, e0.getRevision());
assertEquals(author1, e0.getAuthor());
assertEquals(0, e0.getFiles().size());
HistoryEntry e1 = result.getHistoryEntries().get(1);
assertEquals(commitId2, e1.getRevision());
assertEquals(author2, e1.getAuthor());
assertEquals(0, e1.getFiles().size());
HistoryEntry e2 = result.getHistoryEntries().get(2);
assertEquals(commitId3, e2.getRevision());
assertEquals(author1, e2.getAuthor());
assertEquals(0, e2.getFiles().size());
* Parse something that could come out from the git repository
* @throws java.lang.Exception
public void parseALaGit() throws Exception {
String commitId1 = "1a23456789abcdef123456789abcderf123456789";
String commitId2 = "2a2323487092314kjsdafsad7829342kjhsdf3289";
String author1 = "username <username@example.com>";
String author2 = "username2 <username2@example.com>";
String date1 = "Sun Jan 13 01:12:05 2008 -0700";
String filename = "filename.c";
String output = "commit " + commitId1 + "\n" +
"Author: " + author1 + "\n" +
"AuthorDate: " + date1 + "\n" +
"Commit: " + author2 + "\n" +
"CommitDate: " + date1 + "\n" +
"\n" +
" Some heading\n" +
" \n" +
" First paragraph of text.\n" +
" \n" +
" Second paragraph\n" +
" of text.\n" +
" \n" +
" Signed-off-by: Somebody <username@example.com>\n" +
"\n" +
filename + "\n" +
"\n" +
"commit " + commitId2 + "\n" +
"Author: " + author2 + "\n" +
"AuthorDate: " + date1 + "\n" +
"Commit: " + author2 + "\n" +
"CommitDate: " + date1 + "\n" +
"\n" +
" Make \"--somethind\" do something.\n" +
" \n" +
" This is a full\n" +
" paragraph of text\n" +
" \n" +
" Signed-off-by: Somebody <username@example.com>\n" +
"\n" +
filename + "\n";
History result = instance.parse(output);
assertTrue("Should contain two history entries", 2 == result.getHistoryEntries().size());
HistoryEntry e0 = result.getHistoryEntries().get(0);
assertEquals(commitId1, e0.getRevision());
assertEquals(author1, e0.getAuthor());
assertEquals(1, e0.getFiles().size());
assertEquals("/" + filename, e0.getFiles().first());
assertTrue(e0.getMessage().contains("Some heading"));
HistoryEntry e1 = result.getHistoryEntries().get(1);
assertEquals(commitId2, e1.getRevision());
assertEquals(author2, e1.getAuthor());
assertEquals(1, e1.getFiles().size());
assertEquals("/" + filename, e1.getFiles().first());
assertTrue(e1.getMessage().contains("paragraph of text"));
* Parse something that could come out from the linux kernel repository
* @throws java.lang.Exception
public void parseALaLK() throws Exception {
String commitId1 = "1a23456789abcdef123456789abcderf123456789";
String commitId2 = "2a2323487092314kjsdafsad7829342kjhsdf3289";
String author1 = "username <username@example.com>";
String author2 = "username2 <username2@example.com>";
String committer = "committer <committer@example.com>";
String date1 = "Sun Jan 13 01:12:05 2008 -0700";
String date2 = "Mon Jan 14 01:12:05 2008 -0800";
String filename1 = "directory/filename.c";
String filename2 = "directory/filename.h";
String output = "commit " + commitId1 + "\n" +
"Author: " + author1 + "\n" +
"AuthorDate: " + date1 + "\n" +
"Commit: " + committer + "\n" +
"CommitDate: " + date2 + "\n" +
"\n" +
" Subject: subject title\n" +
" \n" +
" sdj fasodjfads jfa.kdsmf asdknf sadlfkm sad fma\n" +
" dpojfv adsjv a,s.kdnvlø aok åpwaiorjf aldjfg ladijfg adkgf\n" +
" jsdkgfj sadhkjfgs dlkjfg dksjgfh.\n" +
" \n" +
" djkhfgv ksadhg kdajhg ,dsn \n" +
" x,nv ,xmcnvkadsjfnv,. zxmcnv edfhsgdksgf.\n" +
" Dsdn ,dn ,dsng .,xcmnvefjhgiorfhgdskhg fdsg dfh sdf\n" +
" skdjfas djskdjf ksadjhfn sa.,df .\n" +
" \n" +
" Zkjd flsdj flksadj fødsakjf asd jfsadijfosdhva.\n" +
" \n" +
" [user@example.com: something or another]\n" +
" Signed-off-by: First Last <username@example.com>\n" +
" Cc: Firstr Last <username@example.com>\n" +
" Signed-off-by: First Last <username3@example.com>\n" +
" Signed-off-by: Pinguin <pingu@example.com>\n" +
"\n" +
filename1 + "\n" +
"\n" +
"commit " + commitId2 + "\n" +
"Author: " + author2 + "\n" +
"AuthorDate: " + date1 + "\n" +
"Commit: " + committer + "\n" +
"CommitDate: " + date2 + "\n" +
"\n" +
" [PATCH] Subject heading.\n" +
" \n" +
" Some description of what is to come:\n" +
" \n" +
" * item 1\n" +
" * item 2\n" +
" * ...\n" +
" * item n\n" +
" \n" +
" Signed-off-by: User <user@example.com>\n" +
" Cc: \"First.Last\" <user2@example.com>\n" +
" Signed-off-by: First Last <username3@example.com>\n" +
" Signed-off-by: Pinguin <pingu@example.com>\n" +
"\n" +
filename1 + "\n" +
filename2 + "\n";
History result = instance.parse(output);
assertTrue("Should contain two history entries", 2 == result.getHistoryEntries().size());
HistoryEntry e0 = result.getHistoryEntries().get(0);
assertEquals(commitId1, e0.getRevision());
assertEquals(author1, e0.getAuthor());
assertEquals(1, e0.getFiles().size());
assertEquals("/" + filename1, e0.getFiles().first());
assertTrue(e0.getMessage().contains("subject title"));
HistoryEntry e1 = result.getHistoryEntries().get(1);
assertEquals(commitId2, e1.getRevision());
assertEquals(author2, e1.getAuthor());
assertEquals(2, e1.getFiles().size());
assertEquals("/" + filename1, e1.getFiles().first());
assertEquals("/" + filename2, e1.getFiles().last());