# File: Roles
# The purpose of this file is to define roles that may be referenced
# in the Access_list and the Permissions file. A special role,
# RAZOR_ADMIN, has certain "super user" type privileges.
# Refer to Chapter 8 of the manual for a description of controls
# supported via the file 'Access_list'. Refer to Chapter 8, the
# section entitled "Configuring the issues program", the subsection
# entitled "Issue STATEs (permissions)" for details regarding the
# use of the file 'Permissions'.
# The format of this file is role name (no spaces allowed in names)
# followed by one or more identifiers separated by spaces or commas.
# The identifiers may be any collection of user id, group id and
# other role id. When referencing a group id, the group name must
# be preceded by a '+' character. A role must be preceded by a '%'.
# When referencing other roles, the role must have been previously
# defined in the file.
# If the file $RAZOR_UNIVERSE_DIR/Tables/Roles exists, the defined
# roles will apply for all groups in the database. If the file
# $RAZOR_UNIVERSE/DOMAIN_01/<group>/Tables/Roles exists, it will
# take precedence over the $RAZOR_UNIVERSE_DIR/Tables/Roles file.
# "Razor Administrator/special user" role:
# The identifiers associated with RAZOR_ADMIN will be allowed to
# check-in or uncheck-out files that have been checked out by any
# other user.
# Define a role CM whose users are mark, joel, deb and anyone in the
# cmteam Unix group:
#CM mike, joe, ann, +cmteam
# Define a role SW whose members are filmer and pedone as well
# as all members of the CM role:
#SW sam, jack, %CM
# Define a role that has a large number of members:
#LEAD jones, smith, brown, martin
#LEAD phil, fred, steve, jane
#LEAD donna, mary
# These lists will be concatenated as follows:
#LEAD = jones, smith, brown, martin, phil, fred, steve, jane, donna, mary
RAZOR_ADMIN razoradm
CM pbray