# ------------------------------------------------------
# File: Options
# Options file template: "@(#) 1.5 03/06/12 08:18:15 Options"
# ------------------------------------------------------
# Options provide a mechanism for different types of control
# on operations within the Razor tools. The format of the
# entries are:
# <option> <TAB> <setting>
# where:
# <option> is any of the options listed below
# <setting> is any one of the listed settings
# for a given option
# All settings are included for each option. The uncommented
# setting is the default value.
# The file 'Options' may exist at the universe level
# ($RAZOR_UNIVERSE_DIR/Tables) and/or the group level. The
# options at the group level have the highest priority.
# FileCheckIn - file control (versions)
# Options for handling unchanged files upon file control
# checkin. Only one setting is valid. The default
# setting is AllowNoChange.
# setting:
# AllowNoChange - file will be checked in regardless of
# whether it has actually been changed
# WarnIfNoChange - if a file has not been changed, the
# user will be given an opportunity
# to decide whether or not to complete
# the checkin
# MustChange - a file must have been changed in order
# to be checked in
#FileCheckIn AllowNoChange
#FileCheckIn WarnIfNoChange
FileCheckIn MustChange
# IssueText1 - issues
# IssueText2 - issues
# Options for controlling the modes of accessing the two
# text areas on issue form. Only one setting is valid
# per text area. The default setting is Writeable.
# setting:
# Writeable - users may enter data anywhere in
# the specified text area
# Readonly - users may only view the specified
# text area
# AppendOnly - users may only append data in the
# specified text area
#IssueText1 Writeable
IssueText1 AppendOnly
#IssueText1 Readonly
#IssueText2 Writeable
IssueText2 AppendOnly
#IssueText2 Readonly
# makeBackupOnRemoveAttach - issues
# Option specifying the behaviour when a given issue's file attachment(s) is
# removed. By default, a backup copy of the file attachment will be preserved.
# The backup copy will be named as follows:
# $RAZOR_UNIVERSE_DIR/DOMAIN_01/<issue group>/Attachments/<issue name>/rz.<timestamp>.<attachment name>
# setting:
# TRUE - Each time a file attachment is removed by the user a backup copy
# of the file attachment will be created by the Razor server.
# FALSE - When a file attachment is removed by the user a backup copy
# of the file attachment will NOT be created by the Razor server.
makeBackupOnRemoveAttach TRUE
#makeBackupOnRemoveAttach FALSE
# copyFileAttachForIssuesBeforeScripts - issues
# Option specifying the behaviour when the 'Before' scripts associated with
# the issue_create.apply and issue_modify.apply buttons are executed. By
# default, only a proposed change log listing the file attachments being
# added and/or removed will be made available for use bythe before scripts.
# The default behaviour may be changed so that temporary copies of all proposed
# file attachments being added to the issue are made available for use by
# the before scripts.
# setting:
# TRUE - Temporary copies of all file attachments being added will be made
# available for use by the before scripts.
# FALSE - Only a proposed change log listing the file attachments being
# added and/or removed will be made available for use by the before
# scripts.
copyFileAttachForIssuesBeforeScripts FALSE
#copyFileAttachForIssuesBeforeScripts TRUE