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\author{till }
OOR / Ontohub API
Federation and general
General remark: Any ontology and any link can be optionally accompanied
by a version id.
Ontology ids are instance specific
Ontology Services
Not formalized in OORService
\ \ \ index OntologyVersion\ \ \ \ (ontology[id,vid])\ \ $\Rightarrow$
&find Ontology SymbolsAndSentences
&(ontology[id])&$\Rightarrow$ (list(symbol), list(sentence))
&find OntologyVersion SymbolsAndSentences
&(ontology[id,vid])&$\Rightarrow$ (list(symbol), list(sentence))
&get Ontology Prefix&(ontology[id])&$\Rightarrow$
&list Categories&()&$\Rightarrow$ (list
&find Category Ontologies&(category[id])&$\Rightarrow$
(list (ontology[id,name])
&list Groups&()&$\Rightarrow$ (list
&find Language Ontologies&(language[id])&$\Rightarrow$
(list (ontology[id,name])
&upload OntologyVersion&(ontology[id],file)&$\Rightarrow$
download OntologyVersion&(ontology[id,vid])&$\Rightarrow$
Formalized in OORService
\# not to be implemented in our system
&find Ontology&(name{}-fragment) &$\Rightarrow$
(list (ontology[id,name]))
&create Ontology&(ontology) &$\Rightarrow$
&index Ontology&(ontology[id]) &$\Rightarrow$
&update Ontology&(ontology) &$\Rightarrow$ ()
&delete Ontology&(ontology[id]) &$\Rightarrow$ ()
&get OntologyVersion
Metrics&(ontology[id,vid])&$\Rightarrow$ (metrics)
&update OntologyVersion
Metrics&(ontology[id,vid],metrics)&$\Rightarrow$ ()
\ extract OntologyVersion
Metrics&(ontology[id,vid])&$\Rightarrow$ (metrics)
&get OntologyVersion
File&(ontology[id,vid,sid])&$\Rightarrow$ (file)
&find Latest OntologyVersions
&find Latest ActiveOntologyVersions
&get AllNotes ForOnto&(ontology[id])&$\Rightarrow$
(list (note))
&get AllNotes ForOnto ByAuthor&(o[id],
author[id])&$\Rightarrow$ (list (note))
&get AllNotes ForConcept&(o[id],
concept[id])&$\Rightarrow$ (list (note))
&get AllNotes ForIndividual&(o[id],
indiv.[id])&$\Rightarrow$ (list (note))
&get AllNotes ForNote&(o[id],
note[id])&$\Rightarrow$ (list (note))
&create Note
&update Note
&archive Note
&delete Note
unarchive Note
&get Note Bean
&get RootNote
&archive Thread
unarchive Thread
&create Project
\ retrieve Project
&update Project
&delete Project
&create Review
\ retrieve Review
&update Review
&delete Review
&get Reviews ForOnto
&create Rating
&update Rating
&delete Rating
&get AllRatingTypes
\ retrieve RatingType
Finding Commands
&find OntologyOrView&$\Rightarrow$ find Ontology
&find LatestActiveOntologyVersions&$\Rightarrow$ find
&find LatestOntologyVersions&$\Rightarrow$ find
There is only one method (search), having the following parameters:
\item search string (with Boolean operators and wildcards, e.g.
{\textquotedbl}foo bar -baz{\textquotedbl} will expand to
{\textquotedbl}foo* AND bar* AND NOT baz*{\textquotedbl})
- limits the search to specific ontologies (default: all ontologies)
\item searchontologynames=[1/0] – search in the ontology names (default:
\item searchsymbolnames=[1/0] – search in the symbol names (default: 1)
\item isexactmatch=[1/0] – match the entire ontology resp. symbol name
(default: 0)
\item pagesize={\textless}pagesize{\textgreater} - the number of results
to display in a single request (default: all)
\item pagenum={\textless}pagenum{\textgreater} - the page number to
display (pages are calculated using {\textless}total
results{\textgreater}/{\textless}pagesize{\textgreater}) (default: 1)
\item maxnumhits={\textless}maxnumhits{\textgreater} - the maximum
number of top matching results to return (default: 1000)
\item symbolkinds={\textless}kind,kind,..{\textgreater} - limits the
results returned to these kinds, multitple kinds can be included in the
\item includedefinitions=\{true\} - if a search result is a hit for a
symbol, adding this parameter will include the definition in the search
result xml.
\item Synchronize two repositories (also non-git ones, like triple
Distributed Inference
Open question: should we use Hets development graph sessions, or only
send around updates to ontologies and links?
Here is the session based API:
\item POST /libraries/{\textless}coded-iri{\textgreater}/sessions -
create a new proof session for development graph
\item GET
- get proof state of session
\item GET /menus - Get development graph menu structure
\item GET
- Get info for node
\item GET
- Get theory of node
\item GET
- Get info for edge
\item PUT
- execute command for session
\item PUT
execute command for node in session
\item GET
- Get provers for node
\item GET
- Get logic translations for node
\item PUT
\&timeout={\textless}secs{\textgreater}\&include=true - Call prover
List of available Hets commands (which ones do we need here?)
dg-all auto
automatic tactic - needed
dg-all glob-decomp &Apply rule
global-decomposition - to start with, auto should suffice
dg-all global-subsume &Apply rule global-subsumption
- to start with, auto should suffice
dg-all loc-decomp &Apply rule
local-decomposition - to start with, auto should suffice
dg-all local-infer &Apply rule
local-inference - to start with, auto should suffice
dg-all comp &prove
composed edges - to start with, auto should suffice
dg-all comp-new &create composed
proven edges - to start with, auto should suffice
dg-all cons
&Apply rule
conservativity - to start with, auto should suffice
dg-all hide-thm &Apply rule
hide-theorem-shift - to start with, auto should suffice
dg-all thm-hide &Apply rule
theorem-hide-shift - to start with, auto should suffice
compute-colimit &compute colimit -
not needed, since this is called by static analysis of “combine”
compute-normal-form &Compute normal forms for nodes
with incoming hiding links \ {}- needed for proving in presence of
&triangle-cons -
- not needed in DOL
flattening importing &Flatten all theories
and delete all importing links \ {}- needed for interfacing to standard
theorem provers
flattening disjoint-union &Create intersection nodes and
ensure only disjoint unions \ {}- needed for interfacing to some (but
not many) theorem provers
flattening renaming &Flatten out renaming
\ {}- needed for interfacing to some (but not many) theorem provers
flattening hiding &Delete all
hiding links \ {}- needed for interfacing to some (but not many)
theorem provers
flattening heterogeneity &Flatten out heterogeneity -
needed for interfacing to some (but not many) theorem provers
qualify-all-names &Qualify and
disambiguate all signature names
last change - not needed
last change - not needed
&Read HetCASL file - not needed
dg basic
&Select node - needed
\ Choose translation - needed
&Choose prover - needed
set goals
&Set goal - needed
selected prover to selected goals - needed
check-consistency &check
consistency - needed
drop-translations &Drops
any selected comorphism - needed
&{\textless}ConsChecker{\textgreater} Choose
consistency checker - needed
conservativity-check &{\textless}Edges{\textgreater}
&Choose conservativity checker - needed
set time-limit &{\textless}Number{\textgreater}
&Set the time-limit for the next proof - needed
set axioms
&Set the axioms used for the next proof - needed
set include-theorems true &Include proven
theorems - needed
set include-theorems false &Do not include
proven theorems - needed
Nodes - not needed
Edges - not needed
show-undo-history &Show
Undo-History - not needed
show-redo-history &Show
Redo-History - not needed
show-proven-goals-current &Show Proven
Goals of selected node - needed
show-unproven-goals-current &Show Unproven Goals of
selected node - needed
show-all-axioms-current &Show All
Axioms of selected node - needed
show-all-goals-current &Show All
Goals of selected node - needed
show-computed-theory-current &Show Computed Theory of
selected node - needed
show-taxonomy-current &Show
Taxonomy of selected node - not needed
show-concept-current &Show
Concept of selected node - not needed
show-node-info-current &Show
Node-Info of selected node - needed
show-node-info &{\textless}Nodes{\textgreater}
&Show Node-Info - needed
show-computed-theory &{\textless}Nodes{\textgreater}
&Show Computed Theory - needed
show-all-goals &{\textless}Nodes{\textgreater}
&Show All Goals - needed
show-proven-goals &{\textless}Nodes{\textgreater}
&Show Proven Goals - needed
show-unproven-goals &{\textless}Nodes{\textgreater}
&Show Unproven Goals - needed
show-all-axioms &{\textless}Nodes{\textgreater}
&Show All Axioms - needed
show-taxonomy &{\textless}Nodes{\textgreater}
&Show Taxonomy - not needed
show-concept &{\textless}Nodes{\textgreater}
&Show Concept - not needed
show-edge-info &{\textless}Edges{\textgreater}
&Show Edge-Info - needed
current node - ???
&Add a
view - ???
all available commands - see DG menus?
- not needed
Here is an API for sending around updates:
\item prove link. Input: IRI of link. Output: list of new links and/or
proof goals for simple ontologies that will prove the link
Evaluation and other services
OOPS! and similar services
we propose the following abstraction from the OOPS! API:
input: ontology\footnote{\ OOPS! has more inputs, but we let the list of
pitfalls empty, and the output format be XML.}
output: list of response elements of the following form:
type (for OOPS: pitfall, warning, suggestion)
code (an integer)
list of involved symbols\footnote{\ OOPS! outputs structured XML
elements that may contain multiple n{}-ary relations between symbols
(e.g. oops:MightBeEquivalentProperty and
oops:MightBeEquivalentAttribute). We prefer to have only one such
relation per response element.}
Annotator Service
This service it specific to bio ontologies. How to generalise it to
other domains? It seems that some (more static) list of service types
and (more dynamically growing) list of actual services (conforming to
these service types) would be useful. This of course also includes
services like OOPS!
Ontology Recommender
Interesting challenge to generalise this to ontologies written in
arbitrary languages...
Resource Index Service
could be adapted for Ontohub, if {\textquotedbl}concept{\textquotedbl}
is replaced by {\textquotedbl}symbol{\textquotedbl}
Notes Service (Term Proposals and Comments)
Logic-specific services
OWL specific services involving the class hierarchy
These services could also be used for other languages if there is a
suitable projection to OWL.
Remaining stuff from OOR
&find AllOntologyOrViewVersionsByVirtualId\#
&find LatestAutoPulledOntologyVersions\#
&find LatestActiveOntologyOrViewVersion\#
&find LatestActiveOntologyViewVersions\#
&find LatestOntologyOrViewVersion\#
& find LatestOntologyViewVersions\#