%h1 Upload file to repository
= simple_form_for resource, url: repository_files_path(repository), html: { class: 'form-horizontal', multipart: true } do |f|
= field_set_tag 'File upload' do
= f.input :file_upload_type, collection: %w(local remote), label: "File upload type", as: :radio, checked: 'local'
= f.input :temp_file, as: :file, label: "File", wrapper_html: {id: 'group-file_upload_local'}
= f.input :remote_file_iri, as: :string, label: 'remote location', wrapper_html: {id: 'group-file_upload_remote', style: 'display: none'}
= f.input :target_directory, placeholder: "leave this blank if you want to use the root directory"
= f.input :target_filename, placeholder: "leave this blank if you do not want to change the filename"
= field_set_tag 'Commit information' do
= f.input :message, as: :text, input_html: { rows: 5 }
= f.submit 'Upload File', class: 'btn btn-primary'