<?xml version="1.0"?>
Copyright 2002-2004 The Apache Software Foundation or its licensors,
as applicable.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
| This is the Apache Cocoon command line configuration file.
| Here you give the command line interface details of where
| to find various aspects of your Cocoon installation.
| If you wish, you can also use this file to specify the URIs
| that you wish to generate.
| The current configuration information in this file is for
| building the Cocoon documentation. Therefore, all links here
| are relative to the build context dir, which, in the build.xml
| file, is set to ${build.context}
| Options:
| verbose: increase amount of information presented
| to standard output (default: false)
| follow-links: whether linked pages should also be
| generated (default: true)
| precompile-only: precompile sitemaps and XSP pages, but
| do not generate any pages (default: false)
| confirm-extensions: check the mime type for the generated page
| and adjust filename and links extensions
| to match the mime type
| (e.g. text/html->.html)
| Note: Whilst using an xconf file to configure the Cocoon
| Command Line gives access to more features, the use of
| command line parameters is more stable, as there are
| currently plans to improve the xconf format to allow
| greater flexibility. If you require a stable and
| consistent method for accessing the CLI, it is recommended
| that you use the command line parameters to configure
| the CLI. See documentation at:
| http://cocoon.apache.org/2.1/userdocs/offline/
| http://wiki.apache.org/cocoon/CommandLine
<cocoon verbose="true"
| The context directory is usually the webapp directory
| containing the sitemap.xmap file.
| The config file is the cocoon.xconf file.
| The work directory is used by Cocoon to store temporary
| files and cache files.
| The destination directory is where generated pages will
| be written (assuming the 'simple' mapper is used, see
| below)
| A checksum file can be used to store checksums for pages
| as they are generated. When the site is next generated,
| files will not be written if their checksum has not changed.
| This means that it will be easier to detect which files
| need to be uploaded to a server, using the timestamp.
<!-- <checksums-uri>build/work/checksums</checksums-uri>-->
| Broken link reporting options:
| Report into a text file, one link per line:
| <broken-links type="text" report="filename"/>
| Report into an XML file:
| <broken-links type="xml" report="filename"/>
| Ignore broken links (default):
| <broken-links type="none"/>
| Two attributes to this node specify whether a page should
| be generated when an error has occured. 'generate' specifies
| whether a page should be generated (default: true) and
| extension specifies an extension that should be appended
| to the generated page's filename (default: none)
| Using this, a quick scan through the destination directory
| will show broken links, by their filename extension.
<broken-links type="xml"
| Load classes at startup. This is necessary for generating
| from sites that use SQL databases and JDBC.
| The <load-class> element can be repeated if multiple classes
| are needed.
| Configures logging.
| The 'log-kit' parameter specifies the location of the log kit
| configuration file (usually called logkit.xconf.
| Logger specifies the logging category (for all logging prior
| to other Cocoon logging categories taking over)
| Available log levels are:
| DEBUG: prints all level of log messages.
| INFO: prints all level of log messages except DEBUG
| ones.
| WARN: prints all level of log messages except DEBUG
| and INFO ones.
| ERROR: prints all level of log messages except DEBUG,
| INFO and WARN ones.
| FATAL_ERROR: prints only log messages of this level
<!-- <logging log-kit="WEB-INF/logkit.xconf" logger="cli" level="ERROR" /> -->
| Specifies the filename to be appended to URIs that
| refer to a directory (i.e. end with a forward slash).
| Specifies a user agent string to the sitemap when
| generating the site.
| A generic term for a web browser is "user agent". Any
| user agent, when connecting to a web server, will provide
| a string to identify itself (e.g. as Internet Explorer or
| Mozilla). It is possible to have Cocoon serve different
| content depending upon the user agent string provided by
| the browser. If your site does this, then you may want to
| use this <user-agent> entry to provide a 'fake' user agent
| to Cocoon, so that it generates the correct version of your
| site.
| For most sites, this can be ignored.
<user-agent>Cocoon Command Line Environment 2.1</user-agent>
| Specifies an accept string to the sitemap when generating
| the site.
| User agents can specify to an HTTP server what types of content
| (by mime-type) they are able to receive. E.g. a browser may be
| able to handle jpegs, but not pngs. The HTTP accept header
| allows the server to take the browser's capabilities into account,
| and only send back content that it can handle.
| For most sites, this can be ignored.
| Specifies which URIs should be included or excluded, according
| to wildcard patterns.
| These includes/excludes are only relevant when you are following
| links. A link URI must match an include pattern (if one is given)
| and not match an exclude pattern, if it is to be followed by
| Cocoon. It can be useful, for example, where there are links in
| your site to pages that are not generated by Cocoon, such as
| references to api-documentation.
| By default, all URIs are included. If both include and exclude
| patterns are specified, a URI is first checked against the
| include patterns, and then against the exclude patterns.
| Multiple patterns can be given, using muliple include or exclude
| nodes.
| The order of the elements is not significant, as only the first
| successful match of each category is used.
| Currently, only the complete source URI can be matched (including
| any URI prefix). Future plans include destination URI matching
| and regexp matching. If you have requirements for these, contact
| dev@cocoon.apache.org.
<exclude pattern="**/"/>
<exclude pattern="**apidocs**"/>
<exclude pattern="api/**"/>
<exclude pattern="**/api/contrib**"/>
<exclude pattern="**changes/Contrib-Changes.html"/>
<exclude pattern="**changes/Changes.html"/>
This is a workaround for FOR-284 "link rewriting broken when
linking to xml source views which contain site: links".
See the explanation there and in declare-broken-site-links.xsl
<exclude pattern="site:**"/>
<exclude pattern="ext:**"/>
<exclude pattern="**/site:**"/>
<exclude pattern="**/ext:**"/>
<!-- Exclude tokens used in URLs to ASF mirrors (interpreted by a CGI) -->
<exclude pattern="[preferred]/**"/>
<exclude pattern="[location]"/>
<!-- <include-links extension=".html"/>-->
| <uri> nodes specify the URIs that should be generated, and
| where required, what should be done with the generated pages.
| They describe the way the URI of the generated file is created
| from the source page's URI. There are three ways that a generated
| file URI can be created: append, replace and insert.
| The "type" attribute specifies one of (append|replace|insert):
| append:
| Append the generated page's URI to the end of the source URI:
| <uri type="append" src-prefix="documents/" src="index.html"
| dest="build/dest/"/>
| This means that
| (1) the "documents/index.html" page is generated
| (2) the file will be written to "build/dest/documents/index.html"
| replace:
| Completely ignore the generated page's URI - just
| use the destination URI:
| <uri type="replace" src-prefix="documents/" src="index.html"
| dest="build/dest/docs.html"/>
| This means that
| (1) the "documents/index.html" page is generated
| (2) the result is written to "build/dest/docs.html"
| (3) this works only for "single" pages - and not when links
| are followed
| insert:
| Insert generated page's URI into the destination
| URI at the point marked with a * (example uses fictional
| zip protocol)
| <uri type="insert" src-prefix="documents/" src="index.html"
| dest="zip://*.zip/page.html"/>
| This means that
| (1)
| In any of these scenarios, if the dest attribute is omitted,
| the value provided globally using the <dest-dir> node will
| be used instead.
<uri type="replace"
| <uri> nodes can be grouped together in a <uris> node. This
| enables a group of URIs to share properties. The following
| properties can be set for a group of URIs:
| * follow-links: should pages be crawled for links
| * confirm-extensions: should file extensions be checked
| for the correct mime type
| * src-prefix: all source URIs should be
| pre-pended with this prefix before
| generation. The prefix is not
| included when calculating the
| destination URI
| * dest: the base destination URI to be
| shared by all pages in this group
| * type: the method to be used to calculate
| the destination URI. See above
| section on <uri> node for details.
| Each <uris> node can have a name attribute. When a name
| attribute has been specified, the -n switch on the command
| line can be used to tell Cocoon to only process the URIs
| within this URI group. When no -n switch is given, all
| <uris> nodes are processed. Thus, one xconf file can be
| used to manage multiple sites.
<uris name="mirrors" follow-links="false">
<uri type="append" src="mirrors.html"/>
| File containing URIs (plain text, one per line).