#include "helper-observer.h"
namespace Inkscape {
namespace XML {
// Very simple observer that just emits a signal if anything happens to a node
// Add this observer to the SPObject and remove it from any previous object
// XML Tree being used direcly in this function in the following code
// while it shouldn't be
if(_oldsel) {
if(o) {
if (o->getRepr()) {
_oldsel = o;
{ signal_changed()(); }
{ signal_changed()(); }
{ signal_changed()(); }
void SignalObserver::notifyContentChanged(XML::Node&, Util::ptr_shared<char>, Util::ptr_shared<char>)
void SignalObserver::notifyAttributeChanged(XML::Node&, GQuark, Util::ptr_shared<char>, Util::ptr_shared<char>)
{ signal_changed()(); }
return _signal_changed;
} //namespace XML
} //namespace Inkscape