* @file
* Paint bucket aux toolbar
/* Authors:
* MenTaLguY <mental@rydia.net>
* Lauris Kaplinski <lauris@kaplinski.com>
* bulia byak <buliabyak@users.sf.net>
* Frank Felfe <innerspace@iname.com>
* John Cliff <simarilius@yahoo.com>
* David Turner <novalis@gnu.org>
* Josh Andler <scislac@scislac.com>
* Jon A. Cruz <jon@joncruz.org>
* Maximilian Albert <maximilian.albert@gmail.com>
* Tavmjong Bah <tavmjong@free.fr>
* Abhishek Sharma
* Kris De Gussem <Kris.DeGussem@gmail.com>
* Copyright (C) 2004 David Turner
* Copyright (C) 2003 MenTaLguY
* Copyright (C) 1999-2011 authors
* Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Ximian, Inc.
* Released under GNU GPL, read the file 'COPYING' for more information
# include "config.h"
#include <glibmm/i18n.h>
#include "paintbucket-toolbar.h"
#include "desktop.h"
#include "document-undo.h"
#include "widgets/ege-adjustment-action.h"
#include "widgets/ege-select-one-action.h"
#include "preferences.h"
#include "toolbox.h"
#include "ui/icon-names.h"
#include "ui/tools/flood-tool.h"
#include "ui/uxmanager.h"
#include "ui/widget/unit-tracker.h"
#include "util/units.h"
using Inkscape::UI::Widget::UnitTracker;
using Inkscape::UI::UXManager;
using Inkscape::DocumentUndo;
using Inkscape::UI::ToolboxFactory;
using Inkscape::UI::PrefPusher;
using Inkscape::Util::unit_table;
//## Paintbucket ##
static void paintbucket_channels_changed(EgeSelectOneAction* act, GObject* /*tbl*/)
gint channels = ege_select_one_action_get_active( act );
//flood_channels_set_channels( channels );
static void paintbucket_threshold_changed(GtkAdjustment *adj, GObject * /*tbl*/)
Inkscape::Preferences *prefs = Inkscape::Preferences::get();
prefs->setInt("/tools/paintbucket/threshold", (gint)gtk_adjustment_get_value(adj));
static void paintbucket_autogap_changed(EgeSelectOneAction* act, GObject * /*tbl*/)
Inkscape::Preferences *prefs = Inkscape::Preferences::get();
prefs->setBool("/tools/paintbucket/autogap", ege_select_one_action_get_active( act ));
static void paintbucket_offset_changed(GtkAdjustment *adj, GObject *tbl)
UnitTracker* tracker = static_cast<UnitTracker*>(g_object_get_data( tbl, "tracker" ));
Unit const *unit = tracker->getActiveUnit();
Inkscape::Preferences *prefs = Inkscape::Preferences::get();
// Don't adjust the offset value because we're saving the
// unit and it'll be correctly handled on load.
prefs->setDouble("/tools/paintbucket/offset", (gdouble)gtk_adjustment_get_value(adj));
g_return_if_fail(unit != NULL);
prefs->setString("/tools/paintbucket/offsetunits", unit->abbr);
static void paintbucket_defaults(GtkWidget *, GObject *tbl)
// FIXME: make defaults settable via Inkscape Options
struct KeyValue {
char const *key;
double value;
} const key_values[] = {
{"threshold", 15},
{"offset", 0.0}
for (unsigned i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS(key_values); ++i) {
KeyValue const &kv = key_values[i];
GtkAdjustment* adj = static_cast<GtkAdjustment *>(g_object_get_data(tbl, kv.key));
if ( adj ) {
gtk_adjustment_set_value(adj, kv.value);
EgeSelectOneAction* channels_action = EGE_SELECT_ONE_ACTION( g_object_get_data (tbl, "channels_action" ) );
ege_select_one_action_set_active( channels_action, Inkscape::UI::Tools::FLOOD_CHANNELS_RGB );
EgeSelectOneAction* autogap_action = EGE_SELECT_ONE_ACTION( g_object_get_data (tbl, "autogap_action" ) );
ege_select_one_action_set_active( autogap_action, 0 );
void sp_paintbucket_toolbox_prep(SPDesktop *desktop, GtkActionGroup* mainActions, GObject* holder)
EgeAdjustmentAction* eact = 0;
Inkscape::Preferences *prefs = Inkscape::Preferences::get();
GtkListStore* model = gtk_list_store_new( 2, G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_INT );
gint count = 0;
const std::vector<Glib::ustring>& channel_list = Inkscape::UI::Tools::FloodTool::channel_list;
for (std::vector<Glib::ustring>::const_iterator iterator = channel_list.begin();
iterator != channel_list.end(); ++iterator ) {
GtkTreeIter iter;
gtk_list_store_append( model, &iter );
gtk_list_store_set( model, &iter, 0, (*iterator).c_str(), 1, count, -1 );
EgeSelectOneAction* act1 = ege_select_one_action_new( "ChannelsAction", _("Fill by"), (""), NULL, GTK_TREE_MODEL(model) );
g_object_set( act1, "short_label", _("Fill by:"), NULL );
ege_select_one_action_set_appearance( act1, "compact" );
ege_select_one_action_set_active( act1, prefs->getInt("/tools/paintbucket/channels", 0) );
g_signal_connect( G_OBJECT(act1), "changed", G_CALLBACK(paintbucket_channels_changed), holder );
gtk_action_group_add_action( mainActions, GTK_ACTION(act1) );
g_object_set_data( holder, "channels_action", act1 );
// Spacing spinbox
eact = create_adjustment_action(
_("Fill Threshold"), _("Threshold:"),
_("The maximum allowed difference between the clicked pixel and the neighboring pixels to be counted in the fill"),
"/tools/paintbucket/threshold", 5, GTK_WIDGET(desktop->canvas), holder, TRUE,
"inkscape:paintbucket-threshold", 0, 100.0, 1.0, 10.0,
0, 0, 0,
paintbucket_threshold_changed, NULL /*unit tracker*/, 1, 0 );
ege_adjustment_action_set_appearance( eact, TOOLBAR_SLIDER_HINT );
gtk_action_group_add_action( mainActions, GTK_ACTION(eact) );
// Create the units menu.
UnitTracker* tracker = new UnitTracker(Inkscape::Util::UNIT_TYPE_LINEAR);
Glib::ustring stored_unit = prefs->getString("/tools/paintbucket/offsetunits");
if (!stored_unit.empty()) {
Unit const *u = unit_table.getUnit(stored_unit);
g_object_set_data( holder, "tracker", tracker );
GtkAction* act = tracker->createAction( "PaintbucketUnitsAction", _("Units"), ("") );
gtk_action_group_add_action( mainActions, act );
// Offset spinbox
eact = create_adjustment_action(
_("Grow/shrink by"), _("Grow/shrink by:"),
_("The amount to grow (positive) or shrink (negative) the created fill path"),
"/tools/paintbucket/offset", 0, GTK_WIDGET(desktop->canvas), holder, TRUE,
"inkscape:paintbucket-offset", -1e4, 1e4, 0.1, 0.5,
0, 0, 0,
paintbucket_offset_changed, tracker, 1, 2);
tracker->addAdjustment( ege_adjustment_action_get_adjustment(eact) );
gtk_action_group_add_action( mainActions, GTK_ACTION(eact) );
/* Auto Gap */
GtkListStore* model = gtk_list_store_new( 2, G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_INT );
gint count = 0;
const std::vector<Glib::ustring>& gap_list = Inkscape::UI::Tools::FloodTool::gap_list;
for (std::vector<Glib::ustring>::const_iterator iterator = gap_list.begin();
iterator != gap_list.end(); ++iterator ) {
GtkTreeIter iter;
gtk_list_store_append( model, &iter );
gtk_list_store_set( model, &iter, 0, (*iterator).c_str(), 1, count, -1 );
EgeSelectOneAction* act2 = ege_select_one_action_new( "AutoGapAction", _("Close gaps"), (""), NULL, GTK_TREE_MODEL(model) );
g_object_set( act2, "short_label", _("Close gaps:"), NULL );
ege_select_one_action_set_appearance( act2, "compact" );
ege_select_one_action_set_active( act2, prefs->getBool("/tools/paintbucket/autogap") );
g_signal_connect( G_OBJECT(act2), "changed", G_CALLBACK(paintbucket_autogap_changed), holder );
gtk_action_group_add_action( mainActions, GTK_ACTION(act2) );
g_object_set_data( holder, "autogap_action", act2 );
/* Reset */
GtkAction* act = gtk_action_new( "PaintbucketResetAction",
_("Reset paint bucket parameters to defaults (use Inkscape Preferences > Tools to change defaults)"),
g_signal_connect_after( G_OBJECT(act), "activate", G_CALLBACK(paintbucket_defaults), holder );
gtk_action_group_add_action( mainActions, act );
gtk_action_set_sensitive( act, TRUE );
Local Variables:
c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +))
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