* Helper methods for resolving URI References
* Authors:
* Lauris Kaplinski <lauris@kaplinski.com>
* Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Lauris Kaplinski
* Copyright (C) 2001 Ximian, Inc.
* Released under GNU GPL, read the file 'COPYING' for more information
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <string>
#include "document.h"
#include "sp-object.h"
#include "uri.h"
#include "uri-references.h"
#include "extract-uri.h"
#include "sp-tag-use.h"
#include <glibmm/miscutils.h>
namespace Inkscape {
/* FIXME !!! attach to owner's destroy signal to clean up in case */
* The main ideas here are:
* (1) "If we are inside a clone, then we can accept if and only if our "original thing" can accept the reference"
* (this caused problems when there are clones because a change in ids triggers signals for the object hrefing this id,
*but also its cloned reprs
* (descendants of <use> referencing an ancestor of the href'ing object)). The way it is done here is *atrocious*, but i
*could not find a better way.
* FIXME: find a better and safer way to find the "original object" of anyone with the flag ->cloned
* (2) Once we have an (potential owner) object, it can accept a href to obj, iff the graph of objects where directed
*edges are
* either parent->child relations , *** or href'ing to href'ed *** relations, stays acyclic.
* We can go either from owner and up in the tree, or from obj and down, in either case this will be in the worst case
*linear in the number of objects.
* There are no easy objects allowing to do the second proposition, while "hrefList" is a "list of objects href'ing us",
*so we'll take this.
* Then we keep a set of already visited elements, and do a DFS on this graph. if we find obj, then BOOM.
// we go back following hrefList and parent to find if the object already references ourselves indirectly
if (!owner)
return true;
int position = 0;
c = c->next;
else {
g_warning("cloned object with no known type\n");
return false;
// once we have the "original" object (hopefully) we look at who is referencing it
return false;
if (!dynamic_cast<SPObject *>(e))
if (e == obj) {
return false;
return true;
// Attempt to get the document that contains the URI
if (_owner) {
} else if (_owner_document) {
// createChildDoc() assumes that the referenced file is an SVG.
// PNG and JPG files are allowed (in the case of feImage).
bool skip = false;
skip = true;
// The path contains references to separate document files to load.
} else {
if (!document) {
throw UnsupportedURIException();
/* FIXME !!! real xpointer support should be delegated to document */
/* for now this handles the minimal xpointer form that SVG 1.0
* requires of us
/* FIXME !!! this is wasteful */
/* FIXME: It looks as though this is including "))" in the id. I suggest moving
the strlen calculation and validity testing to before strdup, and copying just
the id without the "))". -- pjrm */
throw MalformedURIException();
} else {
throw UnsupportedURIException();
} else {
/* FIXME !!! validate id as an NCName somewhere */
delete _uri;
delete _uri;
if (_obj) {
if (old_obj) {
/* release the old object _after_ the signal emission */
/* If an object is deleted, current semantics require that we release
* it on its "release" signal, rather than later, when its ID is actually
* unregistered from the document.
} /* namespace Inkscape */
if (trimmed) {
return ref;
return ref;
Local Variables:
c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +))
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