/** @file
* Affine transform handles component
/* Authors:
* Krzysztof Kosiński <tweenk.pl@gmail.com>
* Jon A. Cruz <jon@joncruz.org>
* Copyright (C) 2009 Authors
* Released under GNU GPL, read the file 'COPYING' for more information
#include <math.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include "control-point.h"
#include <glib/gi18n.h>
#include <2geom/transforms.h>
#include "desktop.h"
#include "sp-namedview.h"
#include "display/sodipodi-ctrlrect.h"
#include "preferences.h"
#include "pure-transform.h"
#include "snap.h"
#include "snap-candidate.h"
#include "sp-namedview.h"
#include "ui/tool/commit-events.h"
#include "ui/tool/control-point-selection.h"
#include "ui/tool/selectable-control-point.h"
#include "ui/tool/event-utils.h"
#include "ui/tool/transform-handle-set.h"
#include "ui/tools/node-tool.h"
#include "ui/tool/node.h"
#include "seltrans.h"
// FIXME BRAIN DAMAGE WARNING: this is a global variable in select-context.cpp
// It should be moved to a header
extern GdkPixbuf *handles[];
GType sp_select_context_get_type();
namespace Inkscape {
namespace UI {
namespace {
SPAnchorType corner_to_anchor(unsigned c) {
switch (c % 4) {
case 0: return SP_ANCHOR_NE;
case 1: return SP_ANCHOR_NW;
case 2: return SP_ANCHOR_SW;
default: return SP_ANCHOR_SE;
SPAnchorType side_to_anchor(unsigned s) {
switch (s % 4) {
case 0: return SP_ANCHOR_N;
case 1: return SP_ANCHOR_W;
case 2: return SP_ANCHOR_S;
default: return SP_ANCHOR_E;
// TODO move those two functions into a common place
double snap_angle(double a) {
Inkscape::Preferences *prefs = Inkscape::Preferences::get();
int snaps = prefs->getIntLimited("/options/rotationsnapsperpi/value", 12, 1, 1000);
double unit_angle = M_PI / snaps;
return CLAMP(unit_angle * round(a / unit_angle), -M_PI, M_PI);
double snap_increment_degrees() {
Inkscape::Preferences *prefs = Inkscape::Preferences::get();
int snaps = prefs->getIntLimited("/options/rotationsnapsperpi/value", 12, 1, 1000);
return 180.0 / snaps;
} // anonymous namespace
ControlPoint::ColorSet TransformHandle::thandle_cset = {
{0x000000ff, 0x000000ff},
{0x00ff6600, 0x000000ff},
{0x00ff6600, 0x000000ff},
{0x000000ff, 0x000000ff},
{0x00ff6600, 0x000000ff},
{0x00ff6600, 0x000000ff}
TransformHandle::TransformHandle(TransformHandleSet &th, SPAnchorType anchor, Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf> pb) :
ControlPoint(th._desktop, Geom::Point(), anchor,
thandle_cset, th._transform_handle_group),
// TODO: This code is duplicated in seltrans.cpp; fix this!
void TransformHandle::getNextClosestPoint(bool reverse)
Inkscape::Preferences *prefs = Inkscape::Preferences::get();
if (prefs->getBool("/options/snapclosestonly/value", false)) {
if (!_all_snap_sources_sorted.empty()) {
if (reverse) { // Shift-tab will find a closer point
if (_all_snap_sources_iter == _all_snap_sources_sorted.begin()) {
_all_snap_sources_iter = _all_snap_sources_sorted.end();
} else { // Tab will find a point further away
if (_all_snap_sources_iter == _all_snap_sources_sorted.end()) {
_all_snap_sources_iter = _all_snap_sources_sorted.begin();
// Show the updated snap source now; otherwise it won't be shown until the selection is being moved again
SnapManager &m = _desktop->namedview->snap_manager;
bool TransformHandle::grabbed(GdkEventMotion *)
_origin = position();
// Collect the snap-candidates, one for each selected node. These will be stored in the _snap_points vector.
Inkscape::UI::Tools::NodeTool *nt = INK_NODE_TOOL(_th._desktop->event_context);
//ControlPointSelection *selection = nt->_selected_nodes.get();
ControlPointSelection* selection = nt->_selected_nodes;
Inkscape::Preferences *prefs = Inkscape::Preferences::get();
if (prefs->getBool("/options/snapclosestonly/value", false)) {
// Find the closest snap source candidate
_all_snap_sources_sorted = _snap_points;
// Calculate and store the distance to the reference point for each snap candidate point
for(std::vector<Inkscape::SnapCandidatePoint>::iterator i = _all_snap_sources_sorted.begin(); i != _all_snap_sources_sorted.end(); ++i) {
(*i).setDistance(Geom::L2((*i).getPoint() - _origin));
// Sort them ascending, using the distance calculated above as the single criteria
std::sort(_all_snap_sources_sorted.begin(), _all_snap_sources_sorted.end());
// Now get the closest snap source
if (!_all_snap_sources_sorted.empty()) {
_all_snap_sources_iter = _all_snap_sources_sorted.begin();
return false;
void TransformHandle::dragged(Geom::Point &new_pos, GdkEventMotion *event)
Geom::Affine t = computeTransform(new_pos, event);
// protect against degeneracies
if (t.isSingular()) return;
Geom::Affine incr = _last_transform.inverse() * t;
if (incr.isSingular()) return;
_last_transform = t;
void TransformHandle::ungrabbed(GdkEventButton *)
class ScaleHandle : public TransformHandle {
ScaleHandle(TransformHandleSet &th, SPAnchorType anchor, Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf> pb)
: TransformHandle(th, anchor, pb)
virtual Glib::ustring _getTip(unsigned state) const {
if (state_held_control(state)) {
if (state_held_shift(state)) {
return C_("Transform handle tip",
"<b>Shift+Ctrl</b>: scale uniformly about the rotation center");
return C_("Transform handle tip", "<b>Ctrl:</b> scale uniformly");
if (state_held_shift(state)) {
if (state_held_alt(state)) {
return C_("Transform handle tip",
"<b>Shift+Alt</b>: scale using an integer ratio about the rotation center");
return C_("Transform handle tip", "<b>Shift</b>: scale from the rotation center");
if (state_held_alt(state)) {
return C_("Transform handle tip", "<b>Alt</b>: scale using an integer ratio");
return C_("Transform handle tip", "<b>Scale handle</b>: drag to scale the selection");
virtual Glib::ustring _getDragTip(GdkEventMotion */*event*/) const {
return format_tip(C_("Transform handle tip",
"Scale by %.2f%% x %.2f%%"), _last_scale_x * 100, _last_scale_y * 100);
virtual bool _hasDragTips() const { return true; }
static double _last_scale_x, _last_scale_y;
double ScaleHandle::_last_scale_x = 1.0;
double ScaleHandle::_last_scale_y = 1.0;
* Corner scaling handle for node transforms.
class ScaleCornerHandle : public ScaleHandle {
ScaleCornerHandle(TransformHandleSet &th, unsigned corner) :
ScaleHandle(th, corner_to_anchor(corner), _corner_to_pixbuf(corner)),
virtual void startTransform() {
_sc_center = _th.rotationCenter();
_sc_opposite = _th.bounds().corner(_corner + 2);
_last_scale_x = _last_scale_y = 1.0;
virtual Geom::Affine computeTransform(Geom::Point const &new_pos, GdkEventMotion *event) {
Geom::Point scc = held_shift(*event) ? _sc_center : _sc_opposite;
Geom::Point vold = _origin - scc, vnew = new_pos - scc;
// avoid exploding the selection
if (Geom::are_near(vold[Geom::X], 0) || Geom::are_near(vold[Geom::Y], 0))
return Geom::identity();
Geom::Scale scale = Geom::Scale(vnew[Geom::X] / vold[Geom::X], vnew[Geom::Y] / vold[Geom::Y]);
if (held_alt(*event)) {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
if (fabs(scale[i]) >= 1.0) {
scale[i] = round(scale[i]);
} else {
scale[i] = 1.0 / round(1.0 / MIN(scale[i],10));
} else {
SnapManager &m = _th._desktop->namedview->snap_manager;
m.setupIgnoreSelection(_th._desktop, true, &_unselected_points);
Inkscape::PureScale *ptr;
if (held_control(*event)) {
scale[0] = scale[1] = std::min(scale[0], scale[1]);
ptr = new Inkscape::PureScaleConstrained(Geom::Scale(scale[0], scale[1]), scc);
} else {
ptr = new Inkscape::PureScale(Geom::Scale(scale[0], scale[1]), scc, false);
m.snapTransformed(_snap_points, _origin, (*ptr));
if (ptr->best_snapped_point.getSnapped()) {
scale = ptr->getScaleSnapped();
delete ptr;
_last_scale_x = scale[0];
_last_scale_y = scale[1];
Geom::Affine t = Geom::Translate(-scc)
* Geom::Scale(scale[0], scale[1])
* Geom::Translate(scc);
return t;
virtual CommitEvent getCommitEvent() {
return _last_transform.isUniformScale()
static Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf> _corner_to_pixbuf(unsigned c) {
switch (c % 2) {
case 0:
return Glib::wrap(handles[1], true);
return Glib::wrap(handles[0], true);
Geom::Point _sc_center;
Geom::Point _sc_opposite;
unsigned _corner;
* Side scaling handle for node transforms.
class ScaleSideHandle : public ScaleHandle {
ScaleSideHandle(TransformHandleSet &th, unsigned side)
: ScaleHandle(th, side_to_anchor(side), _side_to_pixbuf(side))
, _side(side)
virtual void startTransform() {
_sc_center = _th.rotationCenter();
Geom::Rect b = _th.bounds();
_sc_opposite = Geom::middle_point(b.corner(_side + 2), b.corner(_side + 3));
_last_scale_x = _last_scale_y = 1.0;
virtual Geom::Affine computeTransform(Geom::Point const &new_pos, GdkEventMotion *event) {
Geom::Point scc = held_shift(*event) ? _sc_center : _sc_opposite;
Geom::Point vs;
Geom::Dim2 d1 = static_cast<Geom::Dim2>((_side + 1) % 2);
Geom::Dim2 d2 = static_cast<Geom::Dim2>(_side % 2);
// avoid exploding the selection
if (Geom::are_near(scc[d1], _origin[d1]))
return Geom::identity();
vs[d1] = (new_pos - scc)[d1] / (_origin - scc)[d1];
if (held_alt(*event)) {
if (fabs(vs[d1]) >= 1.0) {
vs[d1] = round(vs[d1]);
} else {
vs[d1] = 1.0 / round(1.0 / MIN(vs[d1],10));
vs[d2] = 1.0;
} else {
SnapManager &m = _th._desktop->namedview->snap_manager;
m.setupIgnoreSelection(_th._desktop, true, &_unselected_points);
bool uniform = held_control(*event);
Inkscape::PureStretchConstrained psc = Inkscape::PureStretchConstrained(vs[d1], scc, d1, uniform);
m.snapTransformed(_snap_points, _origin, psc);
if (psc.best_snapped_point.getSnapped()) {
Geom::Point result = psc.getStretchSnapped().vector(); //best_snapped_point.getTransformation();
vs[d1] = result[d1];
vs[d2] = result[d2];
} else {
// on ctrl, apply uniform scaling instead of stretching
// Preserve aspect ratio, but never flip in the dimension not being edited (by using fabs())
vs[d2] = uniform ? fabs(vs[d1]) : 1.0;
_last_scale_x = vs[Geom::X];
_last_scale_y = vs[Geom::Y];
Geom::Affine t = Geom::Translate(-scc)
* Geom::Scale(vs)
* Geom::Translate(scc);
return t;
virtual CommitEvent getCommitEvent() {
return _last_transform.isUniformScale()
static Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf> _side_to_pixbuf(unsigned c) {
switch (c % 2) {
case 0: return Glib::wrap(handles[3], true);
default: return Glib::wrap(handles[2], true);
Geom::Point _sc_center;
Geom::Point _sc_opposite;
unsigned _side;
* Rotation handle for node transforms.
class RotateHandle : public TransformHandle {
RotateHandle(TransformHandleSet &th, unsigned corner)
: TransformHandle(th, corner_to_anchor(corner), _corner_to_pixbuf(corner))
, _corner(corner)
virtual void startTransform() {
_rot_center = _th.rotationCenter();
_rot_opposite = _th.bounds().corner(_corner + 2);
_last_angle = 0;
virtual Geom::Affine computeTransform(Geom::Point const &new_pos, GdkEventMotion *event)
Geom::Point rotc = held_shift(*event) ? _rot_opposite : _rot_center;
double angle = Geom::angle_between(_origin - rotc, new_pos - rotc);
if (held_control(*event)) {
angle = snap_angle(angle);
} else {
SnapManager &m = _th._desktop->namedview->snap_manager;
m.setupIgnoreSelection(_th._desktop, true, &_unselected_points);
Inkscape::PureRotateConstrained prc = Inkscape::PureRotateConstrained(angle, rotc);
m.snapTransformed(_snap_points, _origin, prc);
if (prc.best_snapped_point.getSnapped()) {
angle = prc.getAngleSnapped(); //best_snapped_point.getTransformation()[0];
_last_angle = angle;
Geom::Affine t = Geom::Translate(-rotc)
* Geom::Rotate(angle)
* Geom::Translate(rotc);
return t;
virtual CommitEvent getCommitEvent() { return COMMIT_MOUSE_ROTATE; }
virtual Glib::ustring _getTip(unsigned state) const {
if (state_held_shift(state)) {
if (state_held_control(state)) {
return format_tip(C_("Transform handle tip",
"<b>Shift+Ctrl</b>: rotate around the opposite corner and snap "
"angle to %f° increments"), snap_increment_degrees());
return C_("Transform handle tip", "<b>Shift</b>: rotate around the opposite corner");
if (state_held_control(state)) {
return format_tip(C_("Transform handle tip",
"<b>Ctrl</b>: snap angle to %f° increments"), snap_increment_degrees());
return C_("Transform handle tip", "<b>Rotation handle</b>: drag to rotate "
"the selection around the rotation center");
virtual Glib::ustring _getDragTip(GdkEventMotion */*event*/) const {
return format_tip(C_("Transform handle tip", "Rotate by %.2f°"),
_last_angle * 180.0 / M_PI);
virtual bool _hasDragTips() const { return true; }
static Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf> _corner_to_pixbuf(unsigned c) {
switch (c % 4) {
case 0: return Glib::wrap(handles[7], true);
case 1: return Glib::wrap(handles[6], true);
case 2: return Glib::wrap(handles[5], true);
default: return Glib::wrap(handles[4], true);
Geom::Point _rot_center;
Geom::Point _rot_opposite;
unsigned _corner;
static double _last_angle;
double RotateHandle::_last_angle = 0;
class SkewHandle : public TransformHandle {
SkewHandle(TransformHandleSet &th, unsigned side)
: TransformHandle(th, side_to_anchor(side), _side_to_pixbuf(side))
, _side(side)
virtual void startTransform() {
_skew_center = _th.rotationCenter();
Geom::Rect b = _th.bounds();
_skew_opposite = Geom::middle_point(b.corner(_side + 2), b.corner(_side + 3));
_last_angle = 0;
_last_horizontal = _side % 2;
virtual Geom::Affine computeTransform(Geom::Point const &new_pos, GdkEventMotion *event)
Geom::Point scc = held_shift(*event) ? _skew_center : _skew_opposite;
Geom::Dim2 d1 = static_cast<Geom::Dim2>((_side + 1) % 2);
Geom::Dim2 d2 = static_cast<Geom::Dim2>(_side % 2);
Geom::Point const initial_delta = _origin - scc;
if (fabs(initial_delta[d1]) < 1e-15) {
return Geom::Affine();
// Calculate the scale factors, which can be either visual or geometric
// depending on which type of bbox is currently being used (see preferences -> selector tool)
Geom::Scale scale = calcScaleFactors(_origin, new_pos, scc, false);
Geom::Scale skew = calcScaleFactors(_origin, new_pos, scc, true);
scale[d2] = 1;
skew[d2] = 1;
// Skew handles allow scaling up to integer multiples of the original size
// in the second direction; prevent explosions
if (fabs(scale[d1]) < 1) {
// Prevent shrinking of the selected object, while allowing mirroring
scale[d1] = copysign(1.0, scale[d1]);
} else {
// Allow expanding of the selected object by integer multiples
scale[d1] = floor(scale[d1] + 0.5);
double angle = atan(skew[d1] / scale[d1]);
if (held_control(*event)) {
angle = snap_angle(angle);
skew[d1] = tan(angle) * scale[d1];
} else {
SnapManager &m = _th._desktop->namedview->snap_manager;
m.setupIgnoreSelection(_th._desktop, true, &_unselected_points);
Inkscape::PureSkewConstrained psc = Inkscape::PureSkewConstrained(skew[d1], scale[d1], scc, d2);
m.snapTransformed(_snap_points, _origin, psc);
if (psc.best_snapped_point.getSnapped()) {
skew[d1] = psc.getSkewSnapped(); //best_snapped_point.getTransformation()[0];
_last_angle = angle;
// Update the handle position
Geom::Point new_new_pos;
new_new_pos[d2] = initial_delta[d1] * skew[d1] + _origin[d2];
new_new_pos[d1] = initial_delta[d1] * scale[d1] + scc[d1];
// Calculate the relative affine
Geom::Affine relative_affine = Geom::identity();
relative_affine[2*d1 + d1] = (new_new_pos[d1] - scc[d1]) / initial_delta[d1];
relative_affine[2*d1 + (d2)] = (new_new_pos[d2] - _origin[d2]) / initial_delta[d1];
relative_affine[2*(d2) + (d1)] = 0;
relative_affine[2*(d2) + (d2)] = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
if (fabs(relative_affine[3*i]) < 1e-15) {
relative_affine[3*i] = 1e-15;
Geom::Affine t = Geom::Translate(-scc)
* relative_affine
* Geom::Translate(scc);
return t;
virtual CommitEvent getCommitEvent() {
return (_side % 2)
virtual Glib::ustring _getTip(unsigned state) const {
if (state_held_shift(state)) {
if (state_held_control(state)) {
return format_tip(C_("Transform handle tip",
"<b>Shift+Ctrl</b>: skew about the rotation center with snapping "
"to %f° increments"), snap_increment_degrees());
return C_("Transform handle tip", "<b>Shift</b>: skew about the rotation center");
if (state_held_control(state)) {
return format_tip(C_("Transform handle tip",
"<b>Ctrl</b>: snap skew angle to %f° increments"), snap_increment_degrees());
return C_("Transform handle tip",
"<b>Skew handle</b>: drag to skew (shear) selection about "
"the opposite handle");
virtual Glib::ustring _getDragTip(GdkEventMotion */*event*/) const {
if (_last_horizontal) {
return format_tip(C_("Transform handle tip", "Skew horizontally by %.2f°"),
_last_angle * 360.0);
} else {
return format_tip(C_("Transform handle tip", "Skew vertically by %.2f°"),
_last_angle * 360.0);
virtual bool _hasDragTips() const { return true; }
static Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf> _side_to_pixbuf(unsigned s) {
switch (s % 4) {
case 0: return Glib::wrap(handles[10], true);
case 1: return Glib::wrap(handles[9], true);
case 2: return Glib::wrap(handles[8], true);
default: return Glib::wrap(handles[11], true);
Geom::Point _skew_center;
Geom::Point _skew_opposite;
unsigned _side;
static bool _last_horizontal;
static double _last_angle;
bool SkewHandle::_last_horizontal = false;
double SkewHandle::_last_angle = 0;
class RotationCenter : public ControlPoint {
RotationCenter(TransformHandleSet &th) :
ControlPoint(th._desktop, Geom::Point(), SP_ANCHOR_CENTER,
_center_cset, th._transform_handle_group),
virtual void dragged(Geom::Point &new_pos, GdkEventMotion *event) {
SnapManager &sm = _th._desktop->namedview->snap_manager;
bool snap = !held_shift(*event) && sm.someSnapperMightSnap();
if (held_control(*event)) {
// constrain to axes
Geom::Point origin = _last_drag_origin();
std::vector<Inkscape::Snapper::SnapConstraint> constraints;
constraints.push_back(Inkscape::Snapper::SnapConstraint(origin, Geom::Point(1, 0)));
constraints.push_back(Inkscape::Snapper::SnapConstraint(origin, Geom::Point(0, 1)));
new_pos = sm.multipleConstrainedSnaps(Inkscape::SnapCandidatePoint(new_pos,
SNAPSOURCE_ROTATION_CENTER), constraints, held_shift(*event)).getPoint();
} else if (snap) {
sm.freeSnapReturnByRef(new_pos, SNAPSOURCE_ROTATION_CENTER);
virtual Glib::ustring _getTip(unsigned /*state*/) const {
return C_("Transform handle tip",
"<b>Rotation center</b>: drag to change the origin of transforms");
static Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf> _get_pixbuf() {
return Glib::wrap(handles[12], true);
static ColorSet _center_cset;
TransformHandleSet &_th;
ControlPoint::ColorSet RotationCenter::_center_cset = {
{0x00000000, 0x000000ff},
{0x00000000, 0xff0000b0},
{0x00000000, 0xff0000b0},
{0x00000000, 0x000000ff},
{0x00000000, 0xff0000b0},
{0x00000000, 0xff0000b0}
TransformHandleSet::TransformHandleSet(SPDesktop *d, SPCanvasGroup *th_group)
: Manipulator(d)
, _active(0)
, _transform_handle_group(th_group)
, _mode(MODE_SCALE)
, _in_transform(false)
, _visible(true)
_trans_outline = static_cast<CtrlRect*>(sp_canvas_item_new(_desktop->getControls(),
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
_scale_corners[i] = new ScaleCornerHandle(*this, i);
_scale_sides[i] = new ScaleSideHandle(*this, i);
_rot_corners[i] = new RotateHandle(*this, i);
_skew_sides[i] = new SkewHandle(*this, i);
_center = new RotationCenter(*this);
// when transforming, update rotation center position
signal_transform.connect(sigc::mem_fun(*_center, &RotationCenter::transform));
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 17; ++i) {
delete _handles[i];
void TransformHandleSet::setMode(Mode m)
_mode = m;
Geom::Rect TransformHandleSet::bounds() const
return Geom::Rect(*_scale_corners[0], *_scale_corners[2]);
ControlPoint const &TransformHandleSet::rotationCenter() const
return *_center;
ControlPoint &TransformHandleSet::rotationCenter()
return *_center;
void TransformHandleSet::setVisible(bool v)
if (_visible != v) {
_visible = v;
void TransformHandleSet::setBounds(Geom::Rect const &r, bool preserve_center)
if (_in_transform) {
} else {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
_scale_sides[i]->move(Geom::middle_point(r.corner(i), r.corner(i+1)));
_skew_sides[i]->move(Geom::middle_point(r.corner(i), r.corner(i+1)));
if (!preserve_center) _center->move(r.midpoint());
if (_visible) _updateVisibility(true);
bool TransformHandleSet::event(Inkscape::UI::Tools::ToolBase *, GdkEvent*)
return false;
void TransformHandleSet::_emitTransform(Geom::Affine const &t)
void TransformHandleSet::_setActiveHandle(ControlPoint *th)
_active = th;
if (_in_transform)
throw std::logic_error("Transform initiated when another transform in progress");
_in_transform = true;
// hide all handles except the active one
void TransformHandleSet::_clearActiveHandle()
// This can only be called from handles, so they had to be visible before _setActiveHandle
_active = 0;
_in_transform = false;
void TransformHandleSet::_updateVisibility(bool v)
if (v) {
Geom::Rect b = bounds();
Geom::Point handle_size(
gdk_pixbuf_get_width(handles[0]) / _desktop->current_zoom(),
gdk_pixbuf_get_height(handles[0]) / _desktop->current_zoom());
Geom::Point bp = b.dimensions();
// do not scale when the bounding rectangle has zero width or height
bool show_scale = (_mode == MODE_SCALE) && !Geom::are_near(b.minExtent(), 0);
// do not rotate if the bounding rectangle is degenerate
bool show_rotate = (_mode == MODE_ROTATE_SKEW) && !Geom::are_near(b.maxExtent(), 0);
bool show_scale_side[2], show_skew[2];
// show sides if:
// a) there is enough space between corner handles, or
// b) corner handles are not shown, but side handles make sense
// this affects horizontal and vertical scale handles; skew handles never
// make sense if rotate handles are not shown
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
Geom::Dim2 d = static_cast<Geom::Dim2>(i);
Geom::Dim2 otherd = static_cast<Geom::Dim2>((i+1)%2);
show_scale_side[i] = (_mode == MODE_SCALE);
show_scale_side[i] &= (show_scale ? bp[d] >= handle_size[d]
: !Geom::are_near(bp[otherd], 0));
show_skew[i] = (show_rotate && bp[d] >= handle_size[d]
&& !Geom::are_near(bp[otherd], 0));
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
// show rotation center if there is enough space (?)
_center->setVisible(show_rotate /*&& bp[Geom::X] > handle_size[Geom::X]
&& bp[Geom::Y] > handle_size[Geom::Y]*/);
} else {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 17; ++i) {
if (_handles[i] != _active)
} // namespace UI
} // namespace Inkscape
Local Variables:
c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +))
// vim: filetype=cpp:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:fileencoding=utf-8:textwidth=99 :