* Main UI stuff
* Authors:
* Lauris Kaplinski <lauris@kaplinski.com>
* Frank Felfe <innerspace@iname.com>
* Abhishek Sharma
* Kris De Gussem <Kris.DeGussem@gmail.com>
* Copyright (C) 2012 Kris De Gussem
* Copyright (C) 1999-2002 authors
* Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Ximian, Inc.
* Released under GNU GPL, read the file 'COPYING' for more information
//#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
//# include <config.h>
#include <gtkmm/menu.h>
class SPItem;
class SPObject;
class SPDesktop;
class SPViewWidget;
namespace Gtk {
class SeparatorMenuItem;
namespace Inkscape {
class Verb;
namespace UI {
namespace View {
class View;
} // namespace View
} // namespace UI
} // namespace Inkscape
* Create a new document window.
void sp_create_window (SPViewWidget *vw, bool editable);
* \param widget unused
void sp_ui_close_view (GtkWidget *widget);
void sp_ui_new_view (void);
* @todo TODO: not yet working. To be re-enabled (by adding to menu) once it works.
void sp_ui_new_view_preview (void);
* This function is called to exit the program, and iterates through all
* open document view windows, attempting to close each in turn. If the
* view has unsaved information, the user will be prompted to save,
* discard, or cancel.
* Returns FALSE if the user cancels the close_all operation, TRUE
* otherwise.
unsigned int sp_ui_close_all (void);
* Build the main tool bar.
* Currently the main tool bar is built as a dynamic XML menu using
* \c sp_ui_build_dyn_menus. This function builds the bar, and then
* pass it to get items attached to it.
* @param view View to build the bar for
GtkWidget *sp_ui_main_menubar (Inkscape::UI::View::View *view);
void sp_menu_append_recent_documents (GtkWidget *menu);
void sp_ui_dialog_title_string (Inkscape::Verb * verb, char* c);
Glib::ustring getLayoutPrefPath( Inkscape::UI::View::View *view );
void sp_ui_error_dialog (char const* message);
bool sp_ui_overwrite_file (char const* filename);
* Implements the Inkscape context menu.
* For the context menu implementation, the ContextMenu class stores the object
* that was selected in a private data member. This should be farely safe to do
* and a pointer to the SPItem as well as SPObject class are kept.
* All callbacks of the context menu entries are implemented as private
* functions.
* @todo add callbacks to destroy the context menu when it is closed (=key or mouse button pressed out of the scope of the context menu)
class ContextMenu : public Gtk::Menu
* The ContextMenu constructor contains all code to create and show the
* menu entries (aka child widgets).
* @param desktop pointer to the desktop the user is currently working on.
* @param item SPItem pointer to the object selected at the time the ContextMenu is created.
ContextMenu(SPDesktop *desktop, SPItem *item);
SPItem *_item; // pointer to the object selected at the time the ContextMenu is created
SPObject *_object; // pointer to the object selected at the time the ContextMenu is created
SPDesktop *_desktop; //pointer to the desktop the user was currently working on at the time the ContextMenu is created
int positionOfLastDialog;
Gtk::MenuItem MIGroup; //menu entry to enter a group
Gtk::MenuItem MIParent; //menu entry to leave a group
* auxiliary function that adds a separator line in the context menu
Gtk::SeparatorMenuItem* AddSeparator(void);
* c++ified version of sp_ui_menu_append_item.
* @see sp_ui_menu_append_item_from_verb and synchronize/drop that function when c++ifying other code in interface.cpp
void AppendItemFromVerb(Inkscape::Verb *verb);
* main function which is responsible for creating the context sensitive menu items,
* calls subfunctions below to create the menu entry widgets.
void MakeObjectMenu (void);
* creates menu entries for an SP_TYPE_ITEM object
void MakeItemMenu (void);
* creates menu entries for a grouped object
void MakeGroupMenu (void);
* creates menu entries for an anchor object
void MakeAnchorMenu (void);
* creates menu entries for a bitmap image object
void MakeImageMenu (void);
* creates menu entries for a shape object
void MakeShapeMenu (void);
* creates menu entries for a text object
void MakeTextMenu (void);
void EnterGroup(Gtk::MenuItem* mi);
void LeaveGroup(void);
//callbacks for the context menu entries of an SP_TYPE_ITEM object
void ItemProperties(void);
void ItemSelectThis(void);
void ItemMoveTo(void);
void SelectSameFillStroke(void);
void SelectSameFillColor(void);
void SelectSameStrokeColor(void);
void SelectSameStrokeStyle(void);
void SelectSameObjectType(void);
void ItemCreateLink(void);
void CreateGroupClip(void);
void SetMask(void);
void ReleaseMask(void);
void SetClip(void);
void ReleaseClip(void);
* callback, is executed on clicking the anchor "Group" and "Ungroup" menu entry
void ActivateUngroupPopSelection(void);
void ActivateUngroup(void);
void ActivateGroup(void);
void AnchorLinkProperties(void);
* placeholder for callback to be executed on clicking the anchor "Follow link" context menu entry
* @todo add code to follow link externally
void AnchorLinkFollow(void);
* callback, is executed on clicking the anchor "Link remove" menu entry
void AnchorLinkRemove(void);
* callback, opens the image properties dialog and is executed on clicking the context menu entry with similar name
void ImageProperties(void);
* callback, is executed on clicking the image "Edit Externally" menu entry
void ImageEdit(void);
* auxiliary function that loads the external image editor name from the settings.
Glib::ustring getImageEditorName();
* callback, is executed on clicking the "Embed Image" menu entry
void ImageEmbed(void);
* callback, is executed on clicking the "Trace Bitmap" menu entry
void ImageTraceBitmap(void);
* callback, is executed on clicking the "Trace Pixel Art" menu entry
void ImageTracePixelArt(void);
* callback, is executed on clicking the "Extract Image" menu entry
void ImageExtract(void);
* callback, is executed on clicking the "Fill and Stroke" menu entry
void FillSettings(void);
* callback, is executed on clicking the "Text and Font" menu entry
void TextSettings(void);
* callback, is executed on clicking the "Check spelling" menu entry
void SpellcheckSettings(void);
Local Variables:
c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +))
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