#ifndef SP_TREF_H
#define SP_TREF_H
/** \file
* SVG <tref> implementation, see sp-tref.cpp.
* This file was created based on skeleton.h
* Authors:
* Gail Banaszkiewicz <Gail.Banaszkiewicz@gmail.com>
* Copyright (C) 2007 Gail Banaszkiewicz
* Released under GNU GPL, read the file 'COPYING' for more information
#include "sp-item.h"
#include "sp-tref-reference.h"
#include "text-tag-attributes.h"
/* tref base class */
#define SP_TREF(obj) (dynamic_cast<SPTRef*>((SPObject*)obj))
#define SP_IS_TREF(obj) (dynamic_cast<const SPTRef*>((SPObject*)obj) != NULL)
class SPTRef : public SPItem {
virtual ~SPTRef();
// Attributes that are used in the same way they would be in a tspan
TextTagAttributes attributes;
// Text stored in the xlink:href attribute
char *href;
// URI reference to original object
SPTRefReference *uriOriginalRef;
// Shortcut pointer to the child of the tref (which is a copy
// of the character data stored at and/or below the node
// referenced by uriOriginalRef)
SPObject *stringChild;
// The sigc connections for various notifications
sigc::connection _delete_connection;
sigc::connection _changed_connection;
SPObject * getObjectReferredTo();
SPObject const *getObjectReferredTo() const;
virtual void build(SPDocument* doc, Inkscape::XML::Node* repr);
virtual void release();
virtual void set(unsigned int key, char const* value);
virtual void update(SPCtx* ctx, unsigned int flags);
virtual void modified(unsigned int flags);
virtual Inkscape::XML::Node* write(Inkscape::XML::Document* doc, Inkscape::XML::Node* repr, guint flags);
virtual Geom::OptRect bbox(Geom::Affine const &transform, SPItem::BBoxType type) const;
virtual const char* displayName() const;
virtual char* description() const;
void sp_tref_update_text(SPTRef *tref);
bool sp_tref_reference_allowed(SPTRef *tref, SPObject *possible_ref);
bool sp_tref_fully_contained(SPObject *start_item, Glib::ustring::iterator &start,
SPObject *end_item, Glib::ustring::iterator &end);
SPObject * sp_tref_convert_to_tspan(SPObject *item);
#endif /* !SP_TREF_H */
Local Variables:
c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +))
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