#ifndef SEEN_SP_ITEM_H
#define SEEN_SP_ITEM_H
* @file
* Some things pertinent to all visible shapes: SPItem, SPItemView, SPItemCtx, SPItemClass, SPEvent.
* Authors:
* Lauris Kaplinski <lauris@kaplinski.com>
* bulia byak <buliabyak@users.sf.net>
* Johan Engelen <j.b.c.engelen@ewi.utwente.nl>
* Abhishek Sharma
* Copyright (C) 1999-2006 authors
* Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Ximian, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2004 Monash University
* Released under GNU GPL, read the file 'COPYING' for more information
#include <2geom/forward.h>
#include <2geom/affine.h>
#include <2geom/rect.h>
#include <vector>
#include "sp-object.h"
#include "snap-preferences.h"
#include "snap-candidate.h"
//class SPGuideConstraint;
#include "sp-guide-constraint.h"
class SPClipPathReference;
class SPMaskReference;
class SPAvoidRef;
class SPPattern;
struct SPPrintContext;
typedef unsigned int guint32;
namespace Inkscape {
class Drawing;
class DrawingItem;
class URIReference;
enum {
// TODO make a completely new function that transforms either the fill or
// stroke of any SPItem without adding an extra parameter to adjust_pattern.
enum PatternTransform {
* Event structure.
* @todo This is just placeholder. Plan:
* We do extensible event structure, that hold applicable (ui, non-ui)
* data pointers. So it is up to given object/arena implementation
* to process correct ones in meaningful way.
* Also, this probably goes to SPObject base class.
class SPEvent {
unsigned int type;
void* data;
class SPItemView {
SPItemView *next;
unsigned int flags;
unsigned int key;
Inkscape::DrawingItem *arenaitem;
/* flags */
#define SP_ITEM_SHOW_DISPLAY (1 << 0)
* Flag for referenced views (i.e. markers, clippaths, masks and patterns);
* currently unused, does the same as DISPLAY
#define SP_ITEM_REFERENCE_FLAGS (1 << 1)
* Contains transformations to document/viewport and the viewport size.
class SPItemCtx : public SPCtx {
/** Item to document transformation */
Geom::Affine i2doc;
/** Viewport size */
Geom::Rect viewport;
/** Item to viewport transformation */
Geom::Affine i2vp;
#define SP_ITEM(obj) (dynamic_cast<SPItem*>((SPObject*)obj))
#define SP_IS_ITEM(obj) (dynamic_cast<const SPItem*>((SPObject*)obj) != NULL)
* Base class for visual SVG elements.
* SPItem is an abstract base class for all graphic (visible) SVG nodes. It
* is a subclass of SPObject, with great deal of specific functionality.
class SPItem : public SPObject {
enum BBoxType {
// legacy behavior: includes crude stroke, markers; excludes long miters, blur margin; is known to be wrong for caps
// includes only the bare path bbox, no stroke, no nothing
// includes everything: correctly done stroke (with proper miters and caps), markers, filter margins (e.g. blur)
virtual ~SPItem();
unsigned int sensitive : 1;
unsigned int stop_paint: 1;
mutable unsigned bbox_valid : 1;
double transform_center_x;
double transform_center_y;
bool freeze_stroke_width;
Geom::Affine transform;
mutable Geom::OptRect doc_bbox;
Geom::Rect viewport; // Cache viewport information
SPClipPathReference *clip_ref;
SPMaskReference *mask_ref;
// Used for object-avoiding connectors
SPAvoidRef *avoidRef;
SPItemView *display;
std::vector<SPGuideConstraint> constraints;
sigc::signal<void, Geom::Affine const *, SPItem *> _transformed_signal;
bool isLocked() const;
void setLocked(bool lock);
bool isHidden() const;
void setHidden(bool hidden);
// Objects dialogue
bool isSensitive() const {
return sensitive;
bool isHighlightSet() const;
guint32 highlight_color() const;
void setHighlightColor(guint32 color);
void unsetHighlightColor();
bool isEvaluated() const;
void setEvaluated(bool visible);
void resetEvaluated();
bool isHidden(unsigned display_key) const;
* Returns something suitable for the `Hide' checkbox in the Object Properties dialog box.
* Corresponds to setExplicitlyHidden.
bool isExplicitlyHidden() const;
* Sets the display CSS property to `hidden' if \a val is true,
* otherwise makes it unset.
void setExplicitlyHidden(bool val);
* Sets the transform_center_x and transform_center_y properties to retain the rotation center
void setCenter(Geom::Point const &object_centre);
void unsetCenter();
bool isCenterSet() const;
Geom::Point getCenter() const;
void scaleCenter(Geom::Scale const &sc);
bool isVisibleAndUnlocked() const;
bool isVisibleAndUnlocked(unsigned display_key) const;
Geom::Affine getRelativeTransform(SPObject const *obj) const;
void raiseOne();
void lowerOne();
void raiseToTop();
void lowerToBottom();
* Move this SPItem into or after another SPItem in the doc.
* @param target the SPItem to move into or after.
* @param intoafter move to after the target (false), move inside (sublayer) of the target (true).
void moveTo(SPItem *target, bool intoafter);
sigc::connection connectTransformed(sigc::slot<void, Geom::Affine const *, SPItem *> slot) {
return _transformed_signal.connect(slot);
* Get item's geometric bounding box in this item's coordinate system.
* The geometric bounding box includes only the path, disregarding all style attributes.
Geom::OptRect geometricBounds(Geom::Affine const &transform = Geom::identity()) const;
* Get item's visual bounding box in this item's coordinate system.
* The visual bounding box includes the stroke and the filter region.
Geom::OptRect visualBounds(Geom::Affine const &transform = Geom::identity()) const;
Geom::OptRect bounds(BBoxType type, Geom::Affine const &transform = Geom::identity()) const;
* Get item's geometric bbox in document coordinate system.
* Document coordinates are the default coordinates of the root element:
* the origin is at the top left, X grows to the right and Y grows downwards.
Geom::OptRect documentGeometricBounds() const;
* Get item's visual bbox in document coordinate system.
Geom::OptRect documentVisualBounds() const;
Geom::OptRect documentBounds(BBoxType type) const;
* Get item's geometric bbox in desktop coordinate system.
* Desktop coordinates should be user defined. Currently they are hardcoded:
* origin is at bottom left, X grows to the right and Y grows upwards.
Geom::OptRect desktopGeometricBounds() const;
* Get item's visual bbox in desktop coordinate system.
Geom::OptRect desktopVisualBounds() const;
Geom::OptRect desktopPreferredBounds() const;
Geom::OptRect desktopBounds(BBoxType type) const;
unsigned int pos_in_parent() const;
* Returns a string suitable for status bar, formatted in pango markup language.
* Must be freed by caller.
char *detailedDescription() const;
* Returns true if the item is filtered, false otherwise.
* Used with groups/lists to determine how many, or if any, are filtered.
bool isFiltered() const;
void invoke_print(SPPrintContext *ctx);
* Allocates unique integer keys.
* @param numkeys Number of keys required.
* @return First allocated key; hence if the returned key is n
* you can use n, n + 1, ..., n + (numkeys - 1)
static unsigned int display_key_new(unsigned int numkeys);
Inkscape::DrawingItem *invoke_show(Inkscape::Drawing &drawing, unsigned int key, unsigned int flags);
void invoke_hide(unsigned int key);
void getSnappoints(std::vector<Inkscape::SnapCandidatePoint> &p, Inkscape::SnapPreferences const *snapprefs=0) const;
void adjust_pattern(/* Geom::Affine const &premul, */ Geom::Affine const &postmul, bool set = false, PatternTransform = TRANSFORM_BOTH);
void adjust_gradient(/* Geom::Affine const &premul, */ Geom::Affine const &postmul, bool set = false);
void adjust_stroke(double ex);
* Recursively scale stroke width in \a item and its children by \a expansion.
void adjust_stroke_width_recursive(double ex);
void freeze_stroke_width_recursive(bool freeze);
* Recursively compensate pattern or gradient transform.
void adjust_paint_recursive(Geom::Affine advertized_transform, Geom::Affine t_ancestors, bool is_pattern);
void adjust_livepatheffect(Geom::Affine const &postmul, bool set = false);
* Set a new transform on an object.
* Compensate for stroke scaling and gradient/pattern fill transform, if
* necessary. Call the object's set_transform method if transforms are
* stored optimized. Send _transformed_signal. Invoke _write method so that
* the repr is updated with the new transform.
void doWriteTransform(Inkscape::XML::Node *repr, Geom::Affine const &transform, Geom::Affine const *adv = NULL, bool compensate = true);
* Sets item private transform (not propagated to repr), without compensating stroke widths,
* gradients, patterns as sp_item_write_transform does.
void set_item_transform(Geom::Affine const &transform_matrix);
int emitEvent (SPEvent &event);
* Return the arenaitem corresponding to the given item in the display
* with the given key
Inkscape::DrawingItem *get_arenaitem(unsigned int key);
* Returns the accumulated transformation of the item and all its ancestors, including root's viewport.
* @pre (item != NULL) and SP_IS_ITEM(item).
Geom::Affine i2doc_affine() const;
* Returns the transformation from item to desktop coords
Geom::Affine i2dt_affine() const;
void set_i2d_affine(Geom::Affine const &transform);
* should rather be named "sp_item_d2i_affine" to match "sp_item_i2d_affine" (or vice versa).
Geom::Affine dt2i_affine() const;
char *_highlightColor;
enum EvaluatedStatus
StatusUnknown, StatusCalculated, StatusSet
mutable bool _is_evaluated;
mutable EvaluatedStatus _evaluated_status;
static SPItemView *sp_item_view_new_prepend(SPItemView *list, SPItem *item, unsigned flags, unsigned key, Inkscape::DrawingItem *arenaitem);
static void clip_ref_changed(SPObject *old_clip, SPObject *clip, SPItem *item);
static void mask_ref_changed(SPObject *old_clip, SPObject *clip, SPItem *item);
static void fill_ps_ref_changed(SPObject *old_clip, SPObject *clip, SPItem *item);
static void stroke_ps_ref_changed(SPObject *old_clip, SPObject *clip, SPItem *item);
virtual void build(SPDocument *document, Inkscape::XML::Node *repr);
virtual void release();
virtual void set(unsigned int key, char const* value);
virtual void update(SPCtx *ctx, unsigned int flags);
virtual void modified(unsigned int flags);
virtual Inkscape::XML::Node* write(Inkscape::XML::Document *xml_doc, Inkscape::XML::Node *repr, unsigned int flags);
virtual Geom::OptRect bbox(Geom::Affine const &transform, SPItem::BBoxType type) const;
virtual void print(SPPrintContext *ctx);
virtual const char* displayName() const;
virtual char* description() const;
virtual Inkscape::DrawingItem* show(Inkscape::Drawing &drawing, unsigned int key, unsigned int flags);
virtual void hide(unsigned int key);
virtual void snappoints(std::vector<Inkscape::SnapCandidatePoint> &p, Inkscape::SnapPreferences const *snapprefs) const;
virtual Geom::Affine set_transform(Geom::Affine const &transform);
virtual void convert_to_guides() const;
virtual int event(SPEvent *event);
// Utility
* @pre \a ancestor really is an ancestor (\>=) of \a object, or NULL.
* ("Ancestor (\>=)" here includes as far as \a object itself.)
Geom::Affine i2anc_affine(SPObject const *item, SPObject const *ancestor);
Geom::Affine i2i_affine(SPObject const *src, SPObject const *dest);
/* fixme: - these are evil, but OK */
int sp_item_repr_compare_position(SPItem const *first, SPItem const *second);
SPItem *sp_item_first_item_child (SPObject *obj);
SPItem const *sp_item_first_item_child (SPObject const *obj);
#endif // SEEN_SP_ITEM_H
Local Variables:
c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +))
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